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Name: Ariane M.

sutacio Score: ___________

Religion and Ethics 1

Module 4: The Baptism and Temptations of Jesus
Instruction: Answer the following questions in three to five sentences. (20 points).

1. If you are baptized, what is your mode of baptism and its significance to
In our local parish in Sta. Barbara, I was baptized as a Catholic by pouring. It
was held when I was a newborn, in my first six months of life. The ceremony was
very straightforward, and from what my mother told me, only a maximum of 20
people—from our closest family members to my parents' closest friends—were
2. What would make you decide to follow Jesus to the waters of baptism?
Being baptized was not my choice, rather it was something that we Catholics
had to do. We believed that after a certain number of months, one should go
through the aforementioned ceremony for heavenly guidance and protection.
Despite the fact that this was our sacred ceremony, I chose to follow Jesus and
believe in his commands. My life beliefs were created as a result of this, which in
the long run built me as a person, and as a response, I maintained my faith.
3. Among the temptations of Jesus, which temptation are you facing today?
Among those temptations, what am facing would be half of them. As a person
existing in an environment open to doing almost all things, I have this space
where I would be freely tempted to do what my flesh would demand me to. Some
temptations would be gluttony from the food I eat, where sometimes I would
really love to fill myself. Also, the temptation of being lazy from doing random
household chores every weekend due to having a house helper during
weekdays. Lastly, being lustful, as a teenager as I am, sexual things are now as
available as ever, and as a person who loves to explore, I tend to be curious from
time to time about what kind of feeling this really gives us.
4. How do you overcome these temptations?
In dealing with these temptations, I usually give myself future visions of the
reasons for the actions I would be taking. Questioning myself if satisfying myself
from time to time would be worth unbalancing my capacity to function as a
person? Will my desire to eat a lot be good for me or will it just lead to my body
being unhealthy? That’s why if I have already reached my maximum ideal weight
for a normal BMI, I'll stop and cut off my diet. In dealing with laziness, I tend to
think of the causes for the people inside our house, and submitting myself to it
will just lead to having an unordered place, which would tend to make me more
unproductive in doing other things.

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