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NHOM CHUYEN DE 7 CUM DONG TU'- TUAN9 r (Tie ngay 2/8/2021 dén ngay 8/8/2021) Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh Facebook: Mrstranganh87 CUM DONG TU NGAY 2/8/2021 (Cum dong tir voi “GIVE”) LLY thuyét 1. give away: trao tang, phan phat; tiét 16 2. give back: tra lai 3. give in: nhan nhwrong, dau hang; ban giao 4. give off: téa ra, nha ra, thai ra; tao ra 5. give out: can kiét; phan phat 6. give over: théi di (bao ai dimg lam gi) 7. give up: tir bd, bd cude IL Bai tap 1. The authorities have shown no signs of. to the kidnappers’ demands. A.giving in B. giving off C giving up D. giving away 2. She doesn't easily. A.giveover B. give out C.give up D. give in 3. The fire doesn't seem to be much heat, A.giving back B. giving off C.giving away D. giving over 4. [picked it up and gave it to him, Ain B.out C.back D. away 5.He most of his money to charity. ‘A.gave away B.gave off C. gave in D. gave over a 6. Please give your work__ before Monday. A.back Boff Cup 7. Chris! You're hurting me. A.Give away B. Give over C.Give out 8. After a month their food supplies. A.gave out B. gave away C.gave up 9. The shop is a sample to every customer. A.giving in B. giving out C giving back 10. It's time you__ pretending you're still a teenager. A.gave off B. gave over C.gave up 11. After ten minutes trying to get the answer I A.gave away B. gave back C.gave up 12. The forest fire__ thick black smoke. A.gave off B. gave up C.gavein 13. complaining! A.Give away B. Give over C.Give out 14, His voice gave him, Ain Bup Cout 15, The teacher the exam papers. A.gave out B. gave back C.gave up CUM DONG TU NGAY 3/8/2021 (Cum d6ng tir voi “PUT”) LLY thuyét 1. put about: truyén b4, din dai digu gi khong ding sy that D.in D. Give back D. gave in D. giving away D. gavein D. gave over D. gave out D. Give back D.away D. gave off 2, put across: truyén dat thong diép, y kign.... cia minh khién cho ngudi khac c6 thé hiéu dugc. 3. put aside: gat/dep sang mot bén; tiét kiém thai gian hodc tién bac cho muc dich dc biét 4, put away: d3t/cat cdi gi vao diing vi tri; an nhiéu cdi gi; dé danh, tiét kiém tién dé tiéu sau hoc cho muc dich dic biét 5, put back: li lai; tra thir gi vé ding vj trf; can tré, ngan can 6. put sth before: dat cai gi lén truréc(coi cai gi quan trong hon céi gi) 7. put by: it kigm, dé danh tin cho mét myc dich nao dé (= put aside/put away) 8. put down: tré mt phan trong tong s6; 43 IL Bai tap xuéng; git ing vat vi n6 bi 6m hoac da gia 1, We put some money every month for our retirement. A.back B.aside C.across D. about 2.He__a whole box of chocolates in one evening, A. putaway B, put about C. put back D. put before 3. The meeting has been__to next week. A.put by B. put across C. put back D. putaside 4, Will you put the books __when you've finished with them? A.before B. back C. down D, about 5. The hurricane the completion of the projects. A. put down B. putby . put about D. put back 6.I'm putting part of my wages every week to buy a bike. Aby B. before across D. back 7. She put $1000 on an apartment this afternoon, A.before B. back C.down D. away 8 She's not very good at putting her views, A.about B.across C.away D. before 9, Boys! Put your toys now. A.down B.across C. away D.by 10. Someone's been putting it__that you plan to resign. A.about B.across Caway D. before 11, Put that knife before you hurt somebody! A.back B.aside C.about D. down 12, Our children were very sad when they knew that we had to have our cat A. put back B, put before . putaway D. put down 13. I'd never put my work. my family. Aby B. before C. put about D. put across 14, Parents should start early to put something, for their children - for college, etc. Aaway B.about C. before D. down 15. They decided to their differences. A put before B. put back C. put aside D. put about CUM DONG TU NGAY 4/8/2021 (Cum déng tir voi “PUT”) L Ly thuyét 1. put down to: cho rng cdi gi xay ra 1a do cai gi, quy cho, gan cho 2. put up: dimg chan nghi lai & dau; gan cai gi vao; dung lén, xay dung put sb up: cho ai dé & nh 3. put forth/forward: dé nghi/goi y mot y kién, ¥ tng dé moi ngudi thao ludn/xem xét; 4. put up with: chju dung 5. put in for: 48 nghi c: 6. put off: lam ai hét hing thit v6i ai/cdi gi; tr1 hodn; lam phién ai khi ho dang tap trung lam gi a6 7. put on: mac quan 4o; bat, lim cai gi hoat dng; tng can; cung cap mot cai gi dé dac bigt IL Bai tap 1, Don'tbe by how it looks—it tastes delicious. A.puton B. put off, C. put up D. put out 2.1'm a job at the hospital. A.puttingin for B. putting up with C. putting down to. putting through to 3.We some new pictures in the living room. A. put off B. puton C. put down D. put up 4, Hurry up! Put your coat. A.up B. before C.about D.on 5, Sally is putting me __for the weekend. Aaside Baway C.back D.up 6.I'mnot going to their smoking any longer. 4 A. put in for B, put up with C.putdownto —_—D. put through to 7. She looks like she's _weight. A. put off B, puton C. put down D. put up 8, Don't put me when I'm trying to concentrate. A.away B.aside Coff D.by ‘9, What do you put her success, 2 A.down to B.up with C.in for D. through to 10. The city is extra buses during the summer. A. putting about _B, putting across C.puttingdown —_D. putting on 11. We ata small hotel for the night. A. put forth B. puton C. put down D, putup 12. They're planning to put a hotel where the museum used to be. A.away B. about Cup D. by 13, The proposals that you have deserve serious consideration, A.putforward —_B. putdown to € putin for D. put up with 14, He was science by bad teaching. A, put back B. putoff, C. put before D. put out 15, We've had to our wedding until September. A. put down B. put forward C. put off D. putaway CUM DONG TU NGAY 5/8/2021 (Cum dong tr v6i “PUT") LLy thuyet 1. put out: dap tat; dat cai gi & noi n6 6 thé duro chit § va sir dung; lm phién hoae gay réc ri cho ai; phat song chuong trinh, xuat ban sach, bao... 2. put through: két néi dién thoai voi ai 3. put together: tap hop lai; két hgp lai 4. put on: mac quan 4o; bat, lam cai gi hoat dng; tng can; cung cap mot cai gi dé dac biét; chui trong; dia, gia vor IL Bai tap 1. Do you mind if | put some music_? A.on Boff through 2. can’t tell whether he’s really upset or if he’s just putting it A.across Boon Cup 3. T hope our arriving late didn't put them. Aaside B. through Cout 4, Could you put me the manager, please? A.up with, B.in for C. through to 5. After his first band failed, he second orchestra. A.puttogether _B, put back C. putaside 6. Police have. a description of the man they wish to question. A. put off B, put down . puton 7.1 weight when I went away to college. A.putthrough ——_B, put back . puton 8.Ican't going to the dentist any longer. A. put off B. put back . put down 9. She ‘too much makeup. A. put forth B.putforward ——_C. puton 10, Firefighters soon put the fire. A.back Baway Cout 11. He's so moody - I don’t know why she him, D. out D.away D. by, D. down to D. put away D. put out D. put together D. putaside D. put together D. down A.puts up with —_B, puts in for C. puts down to D. puts through to 12. It's an interesting idea and I thought he put it__well. Avacross Boon Cup D.away 13. The school puts a lot of emphasis _music and art. A.away Boon Coff D.out 14, None of the ideas that I have been accepted. A.putforward —_B. put forth C. put across D. both A and B are correct 15, Have you clean towels for the guests? A. put out B. put back put about D. putaside CUM DONG TU NGAY 6/8/2021 (Cum dong tir voi “CATCH”) 1. Ly thuyét 1. catch on: thinh hanh, phé bién; hiéu 2. catch out: bat durgc ai dang lam gi sai; lira, bay; dat ai dé vao tinh thé khé khan 3. catch up: dudi kip, bat kip ai/cdi gl; lam bu dé kip cong viée da 16; trd chuyén; thao ludn catch up with sb: dudi kip, theo kip ai 4. catch up on: cung cp cho ai dé tin tic hod théng tin méi nhat v8 cdi gi: dainh thém thoi gian dé lam digu gi d6 b6i vi ban da kh6ng lam diéu d6 hic trweéec; tim hiéu v8 nhitng diéu da xdy ra IL. Bai tap Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition. 1. I suspected he wasn't telling me the truth, and one day I caught him when I found some letters he'd written. 2. After missing a term through illness, he had to work hard to catch up the others. 3, Can someone catch me up the latest developments? 4, He was off school for a while and is finding it hard to catch__. 5. A lot of people were caught by the sudden change in the weather. 6. He invented a new game, but it never really caught___. 7. [have a lot of work to catch up 8.Go on ahead. I'll catch up you. 9, She's staying late at the office to catch up. some reports. 10. By the time coffee came, R.J. and Angelo had caught. alittle bit. 11. We were teasing Jim, but he was slow to catch thatwe were joking 12. The examiner will try to catch you. so stay calmand think carefully before you speak. 13. | wonder if the game will ever catch with young people. 14, We spent the evening catching up each other's news. 15. Online trading has been slow to catch in this part of the country. REVISION 4 1. Students were leaflets to everyone on the street. A. putting down to B. giving out C. turning up D. catching out 2, We will carry on fighting to the end. We will never : A. put up B. turn out C. catch up on D. give in 3. This isn’tyour money and you must A. putup “with B. give - back C. catch ~ out D. turn ~ away 4. All assignments must be to your teacher by Friday. A.given in B. putin for C. come into D. caught out 5. The wood a sweet, perfumed smell as it burned. A. put up with B. caught on C. gave off D.turned back 6. After he was fired, he it that he was fed up with working for such a large company. a A. put - about B. gave - up C.came - into D. caught - up 7.She the saucepan on the stove. A.gave- in B. put - back C. turned - on D. came - around 8, He was trying to aserious point. A.give back B. put across C. turn down D. put by 9. You must your pride and apologise to him. A, putaside B.turn off C. give out D. catch on 10. He his toys every night. A. put-away B. give - off C. come - on D.catch - on 11. The meeting has been to next Thursday. A.come down with B. given back C. put back D. turned on 12. She at least £30 a week for food. A.give - over B. put - aside C.come between D. turn - down 13, This fire could the opening date by several weeks, A.give in B.turnon C. put back D. come around 14, I didn’t want to get in endless petty arguments. A.caught up B. turned out C. put together D. gave in 15. We're some money for expenses. A.giving - off B, putting - away C. coming- on D. catching - on 16, At the moment our technology is more advanced, but other countries are with us. A.turning out B. putting together C. giving in D. catching up qt my daughter __ everything and everyone else—she is my entire world. A. put — before B. give - off C. turn - off D. catch - on 18. A: "There's way too much foo B: "Well, let's some and we can have it for dinner this weekend." A.give - over B. put - by C. turn - off D. come - away 19, those heavy bags for a minute. A.Put- down B. Give - out C. Come - over D. Catch - on 20. We had to have the dog . A.given out B. come over C. caught on D. put down. 21. They're several new office blocks in the centre of town. A. coming off B. putting up D. catching on 22, [really like my job, for the most part, but I do have to alot of tedious busywork. A. put up with B. come down with C. give out D. catch on 23, The shops have started to Christmas decorations. A.come off B.givein C. put up D. catch on 24, Ifyou haven't been watching the news for the last few days, you have a lot to A.catch up on B. come around C.turn on D. put down. 25. Ifyou haven't done any biology homework in weeks, you better spend this weekend it-it’s due on Tuesday! A.catching up on B, coming around C. turning on D. putting down 26.1'm for a position in the company's office in California A.giving over B. putting in . turning off D. catching out 27. The match has been until tomorrow because of bad weather. A. put off B. turned on C.given off D. caught on 28. | was having difficulty reading, which I the poor light. A. put down to B.came off C. gave up D. caught on 29, Don't let the restaurant's décor you__- the food is really good. A.give - back B, put - off ‘atch - on D. turn - over 30.1 was hoping Kenny could ___ me. for a few days. A.put—up B. come - off C. catch - on D. give - out 31. They. a number of suggestions. A.come about B. put forward C. catch out D. turn away 32. He took off his uniform and a sweater and trousers. A.puton B.caught on. C. gave off D. came up to 33. She some music while they ate. A.came up to B. put on C. caught on D. gave in 34.It___me. when you watch me all the time. A.gives - back B. catches - on C. puts - off D. turns - over 10 35. Ro: five kilos since she quit smoking, A.puton B. given over 36. We are currently asales and mark A. putting together B. coming down with C. catching on 37. The idea of glasses being a fashion item has been slow to A. put through, B. give off C. catch on 38. 0h, ___compllaining, we're nearly there. A.putup B. come over C. give over 39, Eventually I and accepted the job on their terms. A. put down, B. came down with C. gave in 40. He as little information as possible. A.took off B. gave away C. putback 41. The CEO was finally and his embezzlement scandal exposed. A. caught out B. turned to put up with 42, Darren has decided to football at the end of this season. A.give up B. put out turn on 43.1__ most of my books when I left college, A. gave - away B. put - about C. caught - on 44, The test is designed to____you__with trick questions. A.come - into B.turn - back C. catch - out 45. The rescue services are still trying to the fires. A. put out B. give away C. catch on 46. The girls helped her to__the cups and plates. A.catch on B. come off C. put out 47. BAIS extra flights to cover the Christmas rush, A. coming at B. turning away C. putting on 48. If you miss a lot of classes, it’s very difficult to A.puton B. catch up C.turn out 49, Mary can’t come to dinner tonight. She hopes it won't you a D. caught on D. giving back D. turn into D. catch up on D. caught on D. came back D. come into D. catch on D. broke - off D. put through D. come up D.turn away D. catching on D. come over A.catch - on B. come - off C. put - out D. turn - on. 50. Could you me to Eddie? A.catch - on B. put - through C. come - off D. turn - over 2

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