Geo 5

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Formative Assessment

Given below is a list of activities for Formative Assessment. A wide variety of activities
have been given keeping in mind the fact that the students in a classroom have multiple
intelligences. You could use them to assess the understanding of the students either at
the end of the chapter, or at the end of each section.
• Map work: Ask the students to look into an atlas to complete the activity.
• Chart work: The students can either draw or paste the weather report on a chart and
write the summary to complete the activity.
• Role play: Complete the activity on page 42.
• Scrap book: The students can show the clothes, food, houses and occupation of the
people of different states in India.
• Peer and self-assessment: Use the fill in the blanks, true and false and MCQs on pages
43 and 44 for peer and self-assessment.

The HOTS question can be discussed in class.

Life skills
Ask the students to complete the activity and display their work in class. They have to
explain how their instrument works.

Value-based question
Ask the students to discuss the answers for the value-based question.
Follow-up • Find out the different weather instruments used for measuring changes in the weather.

Answer key for the exercises in the lesson

Exercises for Summative Assessment 2. It is daily 2. It is the aggregate

I. Fill in the blanks. average record of atmospheric
1. Temperature, atmospheric pressure, of atmospheric temperature,
humidity and rainfall control weather and temperature, atmospheric
climate. atmospheric pressure, and rainfall
pressure, and rainfall over a very large area
2. Sunlight strikes the ground obliquely at
over a small area on and over a long time
higher latitudes.
a daily basis. period.
3. Conduction is the passing of energy from
3. Weather changes 3. Climate does not
one body to another through direct contact.
every day. usually change much.
4. The Earth radiates energy in the form of
4. Described as hot, 4. Described as
infrared rays.
cold, sunny, cloudy, equable, extreme,
II. Distinguish between the following terms. windy, calm, wet, tropical, temperate,
1. Weather and climate dry, etc. etc.
Weather Climate 2. Heat and temperature
1. Weather is the 1. Climate is the average Heat is a form of energy while temperature
general atmospheric weather conditions indicates the hotness or coldness of a
condition of a place of a place over a long substance.
in one day. period of time.
3. Convection and advection The Earth’s atmosphere does not get heated
When air comes in contact with the heated directly by the heat of the Sun. Since the
surface of the Earth, it gets heated too. atmosphere is largely made up of gases,
Heated air, being lighter than cold air, starts most of the solar radiation passes through
to rise. Cold air being heavier, settles down, it to the Earth. The Earth being solid gets
taking the place of rising warm air. The warm heated. The Earth, in turn, causes the
air on reaching a certain height becomes cold atmosphere to be heated. The heating of the
and heavy once more and starts sinking. The atmosphere takes place through convection,
vertical transfer of heat through rising warm conduction, radiation and advection. The
air and sinking cold air is called convection. vertical transfer of heat through rising warm
Advection is the transfer of heat from one air and sinking cold air is called convection
region to the other. When warm winds mix and the currents of moving air formed thus
with the cooler winds, heat energy is passed are called convection currents. Massive
on from the warmer winds to the cooler convection currents are formed over the
winds through the process of advection. Earth, which transfer heat from the Earth
Advection usually involves the large-scale to the upper parts of the atmosphere.
horizontal transfer of energy. Conduction is the passing of energy from
one body to another when they are in direct
4. Latitude and altitude
contact, through collisions between the
Lines of latitude are imaginary lines that run molecules of the two bodies. Conduction is
east-to-west on the surface of the Earth. one of the ways that energy is transferred
Latitude is an angular measure in degrees from the Earth’s surface to the air. Thus,
of a place north or south of the equator. It heat is passed from the warmer Earth to the
ranges from 0° at the equator (low latitude) cooler air. Radiation is energy transmitted
to 90º at the poles. The Sun’s rays strikes the from one body to another in the form of rays
surface of the earth at different angles from or waves. The Earth absorbs heat from the
the equator (0º) to the poles (90º). While the Sun; it then gives off this heat in the form
equatorial regions get the vertical rays of the of infrared rays, which are absorbed by
Sun, the polar regions get the slanting rays the atmosphere and heat it up. Advection
of the Sun. This makes the equatorial regions is the transfer of heat from one region to
warmer than the polar regions. Altitude the other. When warm winds mix with the
refers to height (vertical distance) of a place cooler winds, heat energy is passed from the
from the mean sea level. The higher the warmer winds to the cooler winds through
altitude lower will be the temperature. In the process of advection. Advection usually
the troposphere the temperature decreases involves the large-scale horizontal transfer of
at the rate of 1° C for every 160 m ascent. energy.
The lapse rate is responsible for people in
2. What is the effect of latitude on
the plains choosing to go to the hills during
summer as it is cooler.
The Sun’s rays strikes the surface of the earth
III. True or false?
at different angles from the equator (0º) to
1. Incoming solar radiation is absorbed fully by the poles (90º). While the Equatorial regions
the atmosphere. (F) get the vertical rays of the Sun (intensely
2. Dense air lets more heat escape than thin air. heats smaller area), the Polar Regions get the
(F) oblique rays of the Sun (heat is distributed
3. Prevailing winds always blow from hot to over larger area). So, the heating provided
cold regions. (T) by the same amount of sunlight is more in
4. Urban centres trap heat. (T) the equatorial region and much lesser in the
higher latitudes. Hence, the temperature
IV. Answer the following questions. decreases sharply towards the poles.
1. How is the Earth’s atmosphere heated? 3. How does the altitude of a place affect its
Discuss in detail. temperature?

The temperature of a place decreases with onto land after passing over cold currents
an increase in altitude. The temperature lower the temperature of that coastal region.
decreases at the rate of 1ºC for every 160 m 5. What are Prevailing Winds? How are they
ascent. This happens because air is densest formed?
near the ground and thins rapidly with
Prevailing winds are planetary winds that are
height. The denser the air, the more is the
caused by the formation of giant convection
heat that is trapped. The thinner the air, the
cells over the Earth. Prevailing winds blow
more is the heat that escapes. So more the
from the hot regions of the Earth, like the
altitude of a place, the colder it will be.
tropics, to the cold areas of the Earth, like
4. How does the sea regulate the temperature the temperate or polar regions, and from the
of coastal regions? Add a note on ocean cold areas back to the hotter regions. Winds
currents. from warm regions increase the temperature
During daytime, along the coastal belts the of the cold places they blow into, and winds
land will get heated faster and the oceans from cold regions reduce the temperature of
take long to heat up, but once heated take the hot places they blow into.
longer to cool down. So, when the coastal
areas heat up, winds from the sea cool it, Multiple Choice Questions
and when the coastal areas cool down, heat 1. c & d 2.b 3.c 4.b 5.c
is transferred from the still warm oceans to
the land. Ocean currents are rivers of hot Value-based question
or cold water that flow within the oceans. • Being dedicated
Winds that blow over hot ocean currents
• Being determined
get heated and carry that heat onto the land
they blow over, raising the temperature of • Being helpful and compassionate
the coast there. Similarly, winds that blow • Being courageous in the face of threat to
one’s life
Answer key for the worksheet
I. 1. energy 2. Advection 3. Colder 4. Rises; and cool down. So when the coastal areas
settles down 5. decreases 6. convection heat up during day time winds from the
II. 1. e; 2. d; 3. a; 4. b; 5. c sea cool it and when the coastal areas cool
down at night the heat is transferred from
III. 1. d; 2. a; 3. b; 4. c; 5. b; 6. b
the still warm oceans to the land, warming
IV. 1. True 2. False 3. False it. Places in the interior are far removed
V. 1. Coastal areas experience the moderating from the moderating influence of sea so
effect of the sea. Land gets heated faster they experience very hot summers and cold
than the sea but also cools down faster. winters.
The oceans take a longer time to heat up
2. Planetary winds blow from hot regions to into and the winds from cold regions reduce
the cold areas of the Earth and back again. the temperature of the hot places they blow
The winds from the warm regions increase into.
the temperature of the cold places they blow


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