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Decentralization and Local Governance Goal formulation- the development of programs of

government with a view of attracting popular
Local Autonomy- Refers to self-governing support.
Decentralization- It is the transfer of power and Interest articulation and aggregation- the task of
authority from a central institution. combining and harmonizing different demands and
expressing them into coherent policy formulation.
Forms of Decentralization
Socialization and mobilization- the formation of a
Devolution- It is the transfer of power and authority
national agenda and the creation of public discourse
from the national government to the local
to raise political awareness.
government unit.
Deconcentration- It is the transfer of power, Composition of the local government
authority, or responsibility or the discretion to plan, Province- intermediate unit is providing
decide and manage from central to local levels. supervision to the municipalities and component
Debureaucratization- It is the transfer of some cities.
public functions and responsibilities (NGOs). Cities and Municipalities- basic units of the local
government delivering services for the people who
Devolved functions to LGUs
live together in a community.
1. Community-based forestry
Barangay- sub-municipal unit, which provides for
2. Field health and hospital services
face-to-face interaction among the people.
3. School building programs
4. Telecommunications Views of Suffrage:
5. Social welfare services
6. Tourism A mere privilege- suffrage is not a natural right but
7. Public works merely a privilege to be given or withheld by the
8. Housing law.
9. Agricultural extension A political right- suffrage enables a citizen to
10. Other like investment support participate in the process of government.
Devolved Regulatory Powers Theories on Suffrage
1. Reclassification of agricultural lands The Natural right Theory- This theory claims that
2. Enforcement of environmental laws the right to vote is a natural and inherited right of
3. Inspection of food products and quarantine every citizen.
4. Enforcement of national building code
5. Operation of tricycle The Legal Theory- According to this theory,
6. Processing and approval of subdivision suffrage is not a natural right, but a political right
plans granted by the law of the state.
7. Establishment of cockpits
The Ethical Theory- It’s considered the right to
List of functions in political parties vote as a means of self-expression of the individual
in political affairs.
Representation- the capacity to respond and to
articulate the views of both members and voters. The Tribal Theory- In this theory suffrage was
extended only to the citizen class.
Elite formulation and recruitment- the ability to
mold the political elite tasked to govern the body The Feudal Theory- This theory claims that the
politic. right to vote depends on the particulars social status.
Types of Vote Initiative- is a method in which people directly
proposed and enact laws.
One man One voter- Under this provision every
other is entitled to one and only one voter. Recall- a method by which an elective local official
may be removed from office during his tenure.
Single Transferable Voter- In this system, which
is designed for the multimember constituency, the Judicial Department
voter possesses only one vote.
Supreme Court- This is the highest court in the
Plural Voting- According to this system, several land.
qualifications are prescribed for the right to vote
such as payment of property tax and education. Judicial Power- The power to apply the laws to
contests or disputes concerning legally recognized
Open Ballot- Under this system, voters raise their rights.
hands to support a candidate.
Scope of Judicial power
Secret Ballot- In this system, the casts his vote for
a candidate, without the knowledge of another Adjudicating Power- The power to settle legal
person. disputes.

Party System- It is referred to as the interactions of Power of Judicial Review- Refers to the power of
parties with each other. the supreme court to interpret and make judgments
with respect to the law.
Classification of Party System
Incidental Powers- This powers necessary for the
The two-party system- This is the system wherein discharge of the judicial function.
the major political parties alternate with each other
in the exercise of political power. Three kinds of courts in the country

The multi-party system- More than two political 1. Supreme Court- The highest court in the land.
parties fight in an election, and no single party gets 2. Regular Court- Appellate Court, Regional Trial
the major control of power. Court, etc.
1. Leftist party- It is the reform-minded party 3. Quasi-Judicial Bodies- NLRC, SEC, etc
which seeks to change the existing
conditions of the country. Powers of the Supreme Court
2. Rightist party- It is a conservative group Certiorari- a writ issued by a superior court
which aims to maintain the status quo in the requiring a lower court or a board of officers.
3. Center party- It adopted policies which are Prohibition- a written order by which a superior
a mixture of both left and right tendencies. court commands a lower court.
The one-party system- Only one political party Mandamus- an order issued by a high court
holds power either because it towers above the commanding a lower court or a corporation board.
others or because it suppresses all other groups.
Quo warranto- an action by the government to
Types of Suffrage recover an office or franchise from an individual.
Election- means by which people choose their
Plebiscite- is the vote of the people expressing their
choice for or against a proposed law submitted to
Referendum- is the submission of a law passed by
the legislative body to the people for their
ratification or rejection.

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