Joulleum Sylwin Mapanao - LIT 10 Lesson 4

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Lesson 4: Early Settlers in Mindanao

Learning Outcomes At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

● identify the culture of the early settlers of Mindanao;

● trace the roots from present generation to the past;
● appreciate the culture of the south through creation


Labelled as the “promise land”, Mindanao is an island with rich natural resources.
These natural resources contributed in the country in many ways, such as economic, tourist
attractions, and culture and arts. Tribes were forced to settle here after they were pushed
away in the plains. In total, there are 31 lumads in Mindanao. From this number, there are 13
Muslim groups or Moros. T’boli is probably the group with most number.

Contrary to popular belief, Mindanao is not a place where the citizens are all
Muslims, even before. During the Spanish period, this island in the south was feared by the
colonizers not because of religious differences, but because most people here are pirates
who raid artilleries, trading galleons, and other basic necessities. This was their way of
showing protest against the Westerns.

At the present, Mindanawons learned to live harmoniously regardless of ethnicity.

They learned to accept that not all lumads are pirates and not all Moros are terrorists.
However, stories of the past have been slowly forgotten. The elders in the community might
have not passed them down successfully or the younger generations are just not interested
on them.

Be reminded that it is the Mindanawons’ responsibility to keep the culture alive as

before since it is the right way to give back to the ancestors who have done their best to
preserve their way of life. This culture could not be found anywhere, but here. Be grounded
with your identity as it helped you form who you are right now.

Answer the questions below in 3-5 sentences only.

1. In the story How the World was Made, different characters were introduced which
symbolize how the Mindanawons live their life and value what they have. How is the
story affecting in the aspect of spirituality of the modern citizens of Mindanao?

- They believe in the creation of God. The story affects the aspect of spirituality of the
modern citizens of Mindanao by means of demolishing their tradition and faith. They
believe only that God made the world most specifically the Roman Catholic and

2. In the line “Pandaguan did not die. After lying on the ground for thirty days he
regained his strength, but his body was blackened from the lightning, and all his
descendants ever since that day have been black. His first son, Arion, was taken
north, but as he had been born before his father's punishment he did not lose his
color, and all his people therefore are white. Libo and Saman were carried south,
where the hot sun scorched their bodies and caused all their descendants to be of a
brown color. A son of Saman and a daughter of Sicalac were carried east, where the
land at first was so lacking in food that they were compelled to eat clay. On this
account their children and their children's children have always been yellow in color.”,
how did it portray the differences of culture of the Whites, the Blacks, the Yellows,
and the other races?

- It portrays the discrimination based on skin color. The lines had a deep
meaning based on different stories with different races. It believes that
someone with a lighter skin color is considered more beautiful or valuable.

3. In The Children of the Limokon, why do the Mandayans consider the limokon as their

- The man who is lonely wants to have a companion. He traveled up the

stream, until finally he found a woman, and he was happy because he could
have a companion. They were married and have children, who are the
Mandaya still living along the Mayo River

4. For the Bagobos in the story Origin, what is/are considered the most important
thing/s to have?

- The most important thing to have first is shelter where in the story of Bagobo
they are suffering to find a good place to live in. Second is water, because as
we reflect in the story they go to another place just to find water. Lastly is
food, as we relate to the story of them experiencing hunger that’s why they
moved to other places.
5. What similarities do the stories have?

- The story has a lot of similarities. With regards to culture, origin or creation.
And most especially the stories showed their different beliefs.

6. After reading all of them, what can you say about Mindanao’s culture as reflected in
the stories?

- It's incredible how diverse Mindanao's culture is in terms of ethnic groups'

origins. The culture of Mindanao had many tales to tell. I admired Mindanao's
culture because each tribe has its own customs and beliefs, even if some of
them are in harmony.

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