Practical-Research-1-ICT VIRGO

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Social media has a big impact in the youth. TikTok is one of the application that the
students use nowadays. TikTok is interactive, with creative challenges and dances people make
for others to recreate and have fun with. And it provides steady enjoyable content. Overall,
TikTok is a great app to help stay entertained, especially during the stress of the pandemic. It is
prominent in a social participation ,life style,different kind of attitude and behavior of the users
will might be affect the viewer's .This app may trigger the student that have a anxiety and
depression. Watching daily TikTok for the entire day can affect the memory lost of the student
and the concentration of it in doing their homework. It creates the addictive platform that every
student is hook their attention and their concentration to do their work.

Despite the many benefits of TikTok however, there are negative effects to take into
consideration as well. Most people scroll through the for you page looking at videos perfectly
catered to their tastes through the TikTok algorithm. The app is designed to be addictive, with
an unlimited stream of videos at around 30 seconds each, making it hard to get bored. It’s
incredibly easy to fall down the TikTok hole and suddenly reemerge hours later having lost an
entire day. While the application can be used to spread positivity, it can also be used as a
platform for bullying. Some people use the app to criticize other people’s videos, while some
users create videos deriding others. Somehow, in the blink of an eye, TikTok has dominated
social media and established a strong presence in youth culture. With so much controversy over
the effect of TikTok on the youth, it’s worth it to look closer at some of the psychological effects
that the network has on its users.This reflects the largely negative impact of TikTok and social
media in general, especially as many students are exposed to a new standard which may not be
healthy for their physical and mental health. Not only is the level of eating disorders, depression
and anxiety in teenagers increasing as a result of these videos, but many students, especially
young girls, have turned to making hypersexualized videos to gain followers and praise.

Although it’s possible to debate the positive and negative effects TikTok has on students
, there’s no doubt it has definitely reshaped the world of social media as we know it. With this in
mind, it’s also incredibly important for users to regulate their TikTok usage and maintain a
healthy balance with the real world.
Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to know the effects of Tik-Tok application on Grade 11 ICT students. It attemps
to answer the following questions;

1. What are the negative effects of Tik-Tok to the psychological thinking of Grade 11 ICT

2. What are the positive effects of Ti-Tok application to the psychological thinking of Grade 11
ICT students?

3. Is there any significant relationships between using Tik-Tok and the psychological thinking of
Grade 11 ICT students?

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This general intent of this study is to know the effect of Tik-Tok application in the student of
Grade 11 ICT student of Northhills College of Asia with focus on the effect to the psychological
thinking of the student. This study is limits its coverage on the Grade 11 ICT students only.

This study will mainly identify the different factors that affect the students. This was conducted
at Northhills College of Asia from year 2022-2023
Definition of Terms

Algorithm- a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem solving

operations, by a computer.

Psychological thinking- cognitive behaviour in which ideas, image, mental representations and
other such as hypothetical elements of thoughts are experienced or manipulated.

Deriding- the expression of contempt or ridicule.

Anxiety- is a feeling of fear, dread, and uneasiness. It might cause you to sweat, feel restless
and tense, and have a rapid heartbeat. It can be a normal reaction to stress. For example, you
might feel anxious when faced with a difficult problem at work, before taking a test, or before
making an important decision.

Hypersexualized- involves the attribution by the media of a sexual character to a product or

behaviour that has nothing intrinsically sexual about it.

Prominent- Important or famous

Reemerge- come into sight or prominence once more.

Reshaped- shape or form (something) differently or again

Dominated- have a commanding influence on; exercise control over.

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