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Block Planning

Table of Contents

1 MASTER DATA......................................................................................................................................2
1.1 DEFINE CHARACTERISTIC..................................................................................................................2
1.1.1 Define Characteristic Values....................................................................................................4
1.2 DEFINE CLASS.....................................................................................................................................5
1.3 ASSIGN CLASS TO RESOURCE.............................................................................................................8
1.4 ASSIGN CHARACTERISTIC VALUES TO PPM.....................................................................................10
2 CREATE & MAINTAIN BLOCK PLAN..........................................................................................13
2.1 DEFINE BLOCKS................................................................................................................................15
2.2 CREATE A REFERENCE CYCLE..........................................................................................................17
2.3 INSERT A REFERENCE CYCLE............................................................................................................19
2.4 MAINTAIN THE BLOCKS....................................................................................................................21
2.4.1 Consume the following Block..................................................................................................21
2.4.2 Shift the Following Blocks.....................................................................................................22

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Author: Jason Lyftogt Printed: 24.08.2001 10:42
Block Planning

1 Master Data
This section covers the set-up of all master data required to support Block Planning

1.1 Define Characteristic

Characteristic – One characteristic should be created for each Block-Planning scenario. Eg, for
Cold Sauces, one characteristic is created: ZMY_SC_BOTTLES

Role: S15_0126 MPS/DPS/MRP Master Data Administrator

Menu: Maintain APO Master Data > Other Master Data > Characteristics

Process Steps

 Open the Characteristics screen

 Enter name for Characteristic
o Start with ZMY_…….

 Press the Create Icon

o This will bring up the “Create Characteristic” screen. (next page)

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Block Planning

 In the “Basic Data” tab, maintain the following values:

o Description
 Format:
o Data type: “Character format”
o No. of chars: “16” (any number up to 30 for character format)
 Value Assignment:
o Single-value: on

Press “Value” to enter the Value tab and define the Characteristic Values.

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Block Planning

1.1.1 Define Characteristic Values

Characteristic Values – The Characteristic Values will become the blocks, or a group of
characteristic values can be grouped into one block. So Characteristic values should be created
for each planning “block”

Process Steps

 Enter the following details:

o Char. Value: Up to 16 (or 30)-character name for characteristic value. Eg – “LG_TOM”
o Description: Description for the characteristic value

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Block Planning

 When finished, press “Save” to save the Characteristic and values.

1.2 Define Class

Class – If Block-Planning will be used at a factory; one class must be created for the factory. Note
– if two or more production scenarios use Block-Planning at that factory, they can use the same

Role: S15_0126 MPS/DPS/MRP Master Data Administrator

Menu: Maintain APO Master Data > Other Master Data > Class

Process Steps

 Open the Classes screen

 Enter name for Class
o Start with ZMY_…….
 Name the Class after the Factory – eg the Class below is for PJ Factory.

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Block Planning

 Press the “Create” icon

o This will bring up the “Create Class” screen (next page)

 In the “Classes” tab, maintain the following value:

o Description

 Press the “Char” to enter Char tab.

 In the “Char” tab, assign the Characteristic to the Class. (next page)

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Block Planning

Press “Save” to save the Class.

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Block Planning

1.3 Assign Class to Resource

The class defined above must be assigned to the Resource to be Block Planned.

Process Steps

 In the “Change Resource” screen, select the Model Independent Resource to be Block
o The class can only be assigned to a model independent resource.

Model independent

 Press “Change Resource” to enter the Resource (next page)

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Block Planning

 In the tab “Charact.”

o Assign the class that was defined earlier.

Assign Class

 Save Resource

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Block Planning

1.4 Assign Characteristic Values to PPM

Characteristic Propagation – Assigning the characteristic values to the PPM is called characteristic
propagation. This step ensures that orders created on a PPM can only be scheduled in a block with the
same characteristic value.
 Characteristic Values must be assigned to all Activities of the PPM
o This is required because it is the Activity that is scheduled on a Resource.
 EG – A PPM with characteristic value: LG_TOM, can only be scheduled in a block that with
characteristic value: LG_TOM.

Process Steps
 Open the PPM
 Activate Characteristic Propagation:
o Menu path: Plan > Characteristic propagation > Use
 This will bring up the “Characteristic Propagation” screen (next page)

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Block Planning

 Click on the Activities Tab

o This will display the activities for the PPM
 Enter the Class in the “Classification” column for each activity

Activities tab

Enter Class

 Double click on the “Downtime” activitiy

 Press the “Std Evaluations” icon:

o This will display the popup window: “Default Valuations for Activity” (see below)

 Enter the appropriate Characteristic Value.

 Press the “Green Tick”

 Repeat this Process for the “Runtime” activity, such that both activities have been assigned the same
standard Characteristic value.
o Note – You must double click on the activity before assigning the characteristic value.

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Block Planning

 Press the “Consistency Check” icon

o This performs a check on the Characteristic Propagation data to ensure no errors have been
o The window below should appear.
 NOTE – These messages are warning messages only, and will not cause problems for
Block Planning
o If there are Error messages (red squares), address these as required, as block planning will not
work if there are errors in the Characteristic Propagation.

 Press the Green Tick to aknowdge the message

 From the Characteristic Propagation screen, press the Green back arrow icon to return to the main PPM
 Save and Activate the PPM.

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Author: Jason Lyftogt Printed: 24.08.2001 10:42
Block Planning

2 Create & Maintain Block Plan

This section will cover building a block plan on a block planned Resource, and maintaining the block plan.

Process Steps

 Open the Resource Master for the block planned Resource.

o NOTE – The block plan should be created in version 000, as this will be copied into the MPS
planning version.

 Press “Change Resource”

o This will display the resource details (next page)

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Author: Jason Lyftogt Printed: 24.08.2001 10:42
Block Planning

 Press the “Block plng” icon

o This will open the “Maintain Block” screen (next page)

Maintain Blocks

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Author: Jason Lyftogt Printed: 24.08.2001 10:42
Block Planning

2.1 Define Blocks

Process Steps

 Select the “Basic Definition” tab

 Define the blocks required for the Resource:

o Enter a block number
o Enter a description
 EG – below the block number 10 has description: “Small – Tomato”

 Assign Characteristic Values to each block:

o Double click on a block – this will open the “Requests” tab (see next page)

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Block Planning

 Assign a Characteristic Value to the block.

o NOTE – more than one Characteristic Value can be assigned to a block – see diagram below.
This will allow orders with different Characteristic Values to be scheduled in the same block.
 EG – Assign Characteristic Values Large-Tomato & Large-Chili to the same block, both
Large-Tomato and Large-Chili orders will be scheduled in that block.

Assign multiple
Values to a block

 Repeat this for all blocks so that each block has one or more Characteristic Values assigned to it.

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Author: Jason Lyftogt Printed: 24.08.2001 10:42
Block Planning

2.2 Create a Reference Cycle

This is a predefined sequence of blocks, its can be inserted into the plan and repeated as required.

Process Steps

 From the “Maintain Blocks” screem, select the “Ref. Cycles” tab

 NOTE - If there is an existing Reference cycle, press the “Change Rules” icon at
the top of the screen to allow changes.

Create Reference

 Press the “Create Reference Cycle” icon .

o This will bring up the window below.

 Enter a description for the Reference cycle.

o Note – many Reference cycles can be created and stored for use later, so ensure the name
accurately describes the cycle.

 Press the Green Tick.

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Block Planning

 Create the Reference Cycle:

o Sequence: Enter sequence of cycle, eg 10, 20, 30…etc
o Days: Enter the length of the block in whole days
 If less than one day, leave this field blank
o Time: Enter the number of hours to be added to the whole days.
 EG – Block lasts 2.5 days, enter: Days – 2, Time 12:00:00 hours
o Number: Enter number of Block (from Basic Definition screen)

 Many Reference cycles can be created.

 To display an existing Reference Cycle

o Select the Reference cycle using the Refderence Cycle drop down icon

o Press the “Detail” icon

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Block Planning

2.3 Insert a Reference Cycle

Create a Block Plan by inserting the Reference cycle into the Resource.

Process Steps

 From the “Maintain Blocks” screen, select the “Intervals” tab

 Select the “Reference Cycle” icon
o This will bring up the window “Insert Reference cycle as of” (next page)

Reference cycle

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Block Planning

 Select the Reference cycle to insert

 Enter the start date and time for the Reference cycle to start

 Enter the number of times the Reference cycle should be repeated.

Select Reference cycle

Start date and time

Number of times to
repeat Reference cycle

 Press the Green tick

o This will populate the Reference Cycle into the Block Plan – see below:

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Block Planning

2.4 Maintain the Blocks

Manual change the start or end dates of the blocks. Blocks can be extended to consume the following block,
or shift some or all of the following blocks forward.

2.4.1 Consume the following Block

This method of block maintenance could be used to extend the length of a flavour run, but not change the
overall dates of the size run.

Process Steps

 Manually change the end date or time of a block.

o The start date of the following block will change to meet the new finish date of the changed
o The end date and time of the following block will not change.

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Author: Jason Lyftogt Printed: 24.08.2001 10:42
Block Planning

2.4.2 Shift the Following Blocks

This method of block maintenance could be used if there is a machine shut of 2 days, and some or all of the
remaining blocks need to be shifted by 2 days.

Process Steps

 Select all blocks to be moved – including the block to be extended.

o EG – all Large blocks will be moved forward by one hour, the block Large-Tomato will be
increased by one hour.

 Press the “Move” icon

o This will display the window: “Postpone by” - as below

 Specify the number of days and hours the blocks should be shifted by.

 Select direction to shift blocks:

o Shift forwards – set the indicator “Forwards”: On
o Shift backwards - set the indicator “Forwards”: Off

 Press the Green tick to shift the block – see the example below:

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Author: Jason Lyftogt Printed: 24.08.2001 10:42

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