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When the effects of oxytocin are required by the body it will be produced only in the amount that is required.

Once Oxytocin is sorted through the hypothalamus, it is

then shipped to the pituitary gland which is just directly

inferior and still a part of the same portion of the brain.

Here is where the neurons will soon release Oxytocin

into the bloodstream, shortly creating those feelings of

comfort and bonding we love so much.

How does it work during reproduction? ▼

Image describing the locations of the Hypothalamus and
The biggest purpose for Oxytocin includes the many Pituitary portions of the brain.
Wikimedia Foundation. (2022, August 20). Oxytocin.
roles it plays in relation to childbirth and reproduction. Wikipedia. Retrieved September 26, 2022, from https://
The moment that Oxytocin is released in its highest

concentration is at the moment a females uterine lining tears, or her water breaks, prompting the start of

childbirth. Oxytocin is one of the first signals the body sends to begin the process of physically being able to

push out the infant. Oxytocin’s major function is to send messages to all the muscles inside the uterus to begin

contracting. Without this important hormone being secreted, complications during childbirth could arise, and

lead to medical emergencies like a C-section. Oxytocin is the main chemical driving force in the body that

knows how literally, eject the child. Once the child is born, an intense amount of this hormone is released into

the mothers bloodstream, one of the reasons being for lactation purposes. Oxytocin is one of the chemical

messages that tells your mammary glands to start producing milk. That is one of the reasons why milk

production begins to dwindle down overtime, Oxytocin is not being released in the same amounts as the body

was receiving it at the time of childbirth. The bond between mother and child begins the moment that child is

born. As mentioned before, this bond is created because this hormone is released into the bloodstream not only in

the mother, but the offspring as well. That safe, inviting, caring, forgiving, and always loving motherly energy is

a feeling that we are all born with, because of Oxytocin.

Why is this Important/Summary?▼

This is important to study because people are unaware of just how important this hormone is, and all the

functions that this hormone is responsible for. Sometimes

we can not have an explanation to why cells act the way that

they do, sometimes they do not act accordingly. Most of the

people with low Oxytocin levels are born with the

deficiency issues. According to the Society for

Endocrinology some deficiencies are linked to people with

autism and autistic spectrum disorders. There are many

ways you can naturally improve your Oxytocin levels and

that could even be just by simply communicating to

someone else. Having a nice conversation or even a hug

could improve these hormones levels drastically. Oxytocin

is released during sex, exercise, or even listening to music.

This hormone is necessary for childbirth, lactation, EndocrineWeb: Hormone Health Information and
Expert Advice. (n.d.). Retrieved September 27,
2022, from
interpersonal bonds, chemical messaging, and so much

more. It is not impossible to live without it, just more

difficult for people interested in having children or who might be on the spectrum.


“Hormone of love": A new function of oxytocin discovered. (n.d.). Retrieved September 27, 2022, f


Wikimedia Foundation. (2022, August 20). Oxytocin. Wikipedia. Retrieved September 26, 2022,


EndocrineWeb: Hormone Health Information and Expert Advice. (n.d.). Retrieved September 27,

2022, from

Argiolas, A., & Gessa, G. L. (2005, October 18). Central functions of oxytocin. Neuroscience &

Biobehavioral Reviews. Retrieved September 26, 2022, from


Magon, N., & Kalra, S. (2011, September). The orgasmic history of oxytocin: Love, Lust, and Labor.

Indian journal of endocrinology and metabolism. Retrieved September 26, 2022, from

Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (n.d.). Oxytocin. Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved September 26,

2022, from

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