Rubric Assessment Group 4

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Group 4:

 Dhea Farahdilla Suseno (200210401045)

 Agung Julian Pradana (200210401086)
 Patricia Priscillia Panderama Napitupulu (20021040103)
 Qorina Khadijah (200210401132)

Topic: Effects of Online Learning

Product Assessment: Essay. The students are asks to make an essay with the topic “Effects of
Online Learning”.

Performance Assessment: Debate. The students are divided into several groups and ask to do
debate with the topic “Effects of Online Learning”.

Rubric of Product Assessment (Essay):

Aspect Score Description

4 There is one clear, well-focused topic. The main
ideas are clear and are well supported by detailed
and accurate information.
3 There is one clear, well-focused topic. The main
Focus & Details ideas are clear but are not well supported by
detailed information.
2 There is one topic. The main ideas are somewhat
1 The topic and main ideas are not clear.
4 The introduction is inviting, states the main topic,
and provides an overview of the paper. Information
is relevant and presented in a logical order. The
conclusion is strong.
3 The introduction states the main topic and provides
an overview of the paper. A conclusion is included.
2 The introduction states the main topic. A
conclusion is included.
1 There is no clear introduction, structure, or
Voice 4 The author’s purpose of writing is very clear, and
there is strong evidence of attention to the
audience. The author’s extensive knowledge and/or
experience with the topic is/are evident.
3 The author’s purpose of writing is somewhat clear,
and there is some evidence of attention to the
audience. The author’s knowledge and/or
experience with the topic is/are evident.
2 The author’s purpose of writing is somewhat clear,
and there is evidence of attention to the audience.
The author’s knowledge and/or experience with the
topic is/are limited.
1 The author’s purpose of writing is unclear.
4 The author uses vivid words and phrases. The
choice and placement of words seem accurate,
natural, and not forced.
3 The author uses vivid words and phrases. The
choice and placement of words are inaccurate at
Word Choice times and/or seem overdone.
2 The author uses words that communicate clearly,
but the writing lacks variety.
1 The writer uses a limited vocabulary. Jargon or
clichés may be present and detract from the
4 All sentences are well constructed and have varied
structures and lengths. The author makes no errors
in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling.
3 Most sentences are well constructed and have
varied structures and lengths. The author makes a
few errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling,
Sentence structure, but they do not interfere with understanding.
Grammar, Mechanics, & 2 Most sentences are well constructed, but they have
Spelling a similar structure and/or length. The author makes
several errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or
spelling that interfere with understanding.
1 Sentences sound awkward, are distractingly
repetitive, or are difficult to understand. The author
makes numerous errors in grammar, mechanics,
and/or spelling that interfere with understanding.
No Aspect Description Score
0 1 2 3 4
(Very poor) (Poor) (Fair) (Good) (Excellent)
1. Preparation Necessity that -Students - One or few -All students -All students -All students
must be prepared come very of the come in time come before come before
to get ready for late. students the debate the debate
debating comes late. -All students start start and
-All Students Dressed well prepared
Dressed -One or few - All students already
Inappropriat of the -Organized Dressed well
ely. students Materials and suited -All students
dressed and Dressed well
- Inappropriat presentation -Organized suited, and
Unorganized ely. Materials formally
data, and
evidence, -Some presentation -All students
and moments of for debating well
presentation disorganizati prepared the
on data, text/book/m
evidence, aterial and
and presentation
presentation for debating
2. Understand The extent to Students Students not Students Students Students
ing of topic which have no idea really clear seemed to understood clearly
participants about the about understand topic in understood
understand the topic debate topic main points depth topic in
topic to be about the depth and
discussed topic presented
of the topic
3. Argument An exchange of The debate Less than Arguments Most All
diverging or has no half given are arguments arguments
opposite view, to arguments to arguments quite clear presented to presented to
determine the support the put forward support support
level of truth of preposition in debate in preposition propositions
the statement(s) favor are complex are complex

4. Evidence Statistics, Few or no Some of the The debate is All All

examples, facts, relevant relevant sufficiently supporting supporting
& testimony. supporting evidence supported by material material
Validity about the evidence given it is relevant provided provided
statement(s) relevance is evidence with each with each
somewhat point point
questionable discussed in discussed in
the debate the debate.
It has proved
and research
has been
done in it
5. Rebuttal Contradiction No effective Few effective Effective All Effective Every
against opponent counter- counter- counter- counter- arguments
argument argument is argument is argument is argument is that given by
made and made and made and it made and t the
does not directly is quite directly opponent is
directly address the directly address most directly
address the some address the the addresses
opponent’s opponent’s opponent’s opponent’s and provide
argument argument argument argument relevant
evidences to
refute the
6. Teamwork Team -Arguments - Each -Each -Each -Each
cohesiveness in were member of member of member of member of
debating repetitive or the team the team the team the team
contradictor presented a presented presented an presented a
y among different different by argument different
teammates argument complement that built on argument
with minimal ary previous but it is still
-no repetition arguments argument related and
Communicati there are no
on between -Few - -Well repetition
teammates communicati Communicati Communicati and
on between on between on between overlapping
teammates teammates teammates arguments

ons and
each other’s
7. Ability to Fluently of -Students -Students on - Students -Students -Students
Speak students in use wrong average use use correctly use well use correctly
speaking, using grammar wrong grammar grammar grammar
correct grammar and wrong grammar and and well and
and correct pronunciatio and wrong pronunciatio pronunciatio pronunciatio
pronunciation n pronunciatio n n n,
and n improvemen improvemen
Delivering the -students do -Students t t, and
Information not using -Students use english academic
English in use a few in delivering -Students speaking
delivering other the use well
statement language in statement english in -students
delivering delivering Students use
-the Voice is statement -the Voice is the english
difficult to clear statement accent like a
hear -the Voice is native
quite difficult -Using eye -the Voice is speaker in
to hear contact. clear and delivering
body heard most the
gesture. of the time statement

-using good -the Voice is

intonation, clear and
eye contact. heard most
body of the time
-using good

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