1st Nungay Merged

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Design of Reheat Regenerative Steam Power Plant

61000 kw Capacity

Design a Steam Turbine for a 61000 KW 61 MW with a high pressure

( 30500 KW ) and a low pressure ( 30500 KW ) turbine
The schematic diagram showing the different acessories and auxilliaries of
the plan shown in figure
1 Boiler 9 Deaerator
2 Furnace 10 High Pressure Heater
3 Superheater 11 Condenser
4 Economizer 12 Heat Exchanger
5 Air-Preheater 13 Cooling Tower
6 Reheater 14 Piping
7 Stack 15 Transformer
8 Low Pressure Heater 16 Variable Loading

Data Gathering
Draw a sketch showing the steam turbine flow diagram with necessary
extraction or mass balance. Assume necessary pressure, temperature, or any
values needed to be plot in the Equivalent MOLLIER Analysis of Turbine

Given Output = 61 MW = 61000 kw

Mass Balance Checking in Turbine
Analyze the Turbine mass balance for each point of entry and exit.

Turbine Mass Balance

PT = Pt1 + Pt2
Where PT = Total power output of turbines
Pt1 = Total power output of high pressure turbine
Pt2 = Total power output of low pressure turbine
PT = 30500 + 30500 = 61000 kw
Equivalent Mollier Chart Analysis of Turbine

Plot the assumed value in MOLLIER chart

P1 = P2 = 7.8 MPa t2 = 480 o

P3 = 7.4 MPa

P4 = P5 = 5.6 MPa t5 = 450 o


P6 = 2.6 MPa
P7 = 2 MPa
P8 = 0.02 MPa Note: Below saturation curve
or pressure . From 0.010 to 0.019 Mpa
Solve for the Turbine Efficiency
From page 386 (equation 11-13)) Power Plant Engineering by Morse
Stage Efficiency
ηs = 0.94 x Blade Efficiency - 2 to 5%

used: 2.50 % rotation and leakage allowance

used: Blade Efficiency = 93 %
From page 386, Figure 11-19 Relation between velocity ratio and
blade efficiency Power Plant Engineering by Morse.
Choose an appropriate type of turbine as follows; Let use reaction turbine letter D
Velocity ratio of (0.6 to 0.9) used 70 % Note: Plot the value

Solving for stage efficiency:

ηs = 0.94 x Blade Efficiency - 2 to 5%
ηs = 0.94 0.93 - 0.025 = 0.84920

actual work h a - h' b ha = initial condition

ηs = = hb = final ideal condition
ideal work ha - hb
h'b = final actual condition
Solving for h'b

h'b = ha - ηs ha - hb
At Point 1 from Steam Table Saturated Steam ( From Table 2 )
hg at P1 = P2 = 7.8 MPa t 1= 293.3 C
h1 = 2760.90 kg = hv Vf1 = 0.00137760 m3/kg

At Point 2 From Superheated Steam Table 3

h2 at P2 = 7.8 MPa t2 = 480 C
3351.00 kJ 6.6729 kJ
h2 = kg S2 = kg - K

Vf2 = 0.04146 m3/kg

At Point 3
P3 = 7.4 MPa S3 = S2 = 6.6729 kJ
kg - K

S h t Vf
6.6693 3331.40 by interpolation 470 0.04312
6.6729 h3 3334.09 kJ kg
6.7026 3356.30 480 0.04388
t sat at 0
At Point 3' 7.4 Mpa = 289.67 C
h sat at 7.4 Mpa = 1287.28 kJ
Table 2 V f at 7.4 Mpa = 0.00136440 m3/kg

h'3 = h2 - ηs h2 - h3 to 2nd checking

h'3 = 3351.00 - 0.8492 3351.00 - 3334.09
h'3 = 3336.64 kJ
h S t C
3331.40 6.6693 by interpolation 470
3336.64 S'3 6.6763 kJ kg - K to HPH
3356.30 6.7026 480

At Point 4
P4 = 5.6 MPa S4 = S'3 = 6.6763 kJ
kg - K
S h t Vf
6.6540 3234.50 by interpolation 420 0.05316
6.6763 h4 3250.03 kJ kg
6.6892 3259.00 430 0.05416
At Point 4'
h'4 = h'3 - ηs h'3 - h4
h'4 = 3336.64 - 0.8492 3336.64 - 3250.03
h'4 = 3263.09 kJ
At Point 5
h5 at P5 = 5.6 MPa t5 = 450 o
3307.60 kJ 6.7903 kJ
h5 = kg S5 = kg - K
Vf5 = 0.05710 m3/kg
At Point 6
P6 = 2.6 MPa S6 = S5 = 6.7903 kJ
kg - K

S h t Vf
6.7821 3101.00 by interpolation 340 0.10327
6.7903 h6 3107.65 kJ kg
6.8106 3124.10 350 0.10532

At Point 6'
h'6 = h5 - ηs h5 - h6
h'6 = 3307.60 - 0.8492 3307.60 - 3107.65
h'6 = 3137.80 kJ
h S Vf
3124.10 6.8196 by interpolation 0.10532
3137.80 S'6 6.8414 kJ
kg - K
3147.00 6.8561 0.107.35

At Point 7
P7 = 2 MPa S7 = S'6 = 6.8414 kJ
kg - K

S h Vf
6.8063 3046.60 by interpolation 0.12814
6.8414 h7 3067.28 kJ kg
6.8452 3069.50 0.13079

At Point 7' t 13 = t sat at 2 Mpa = 212.42 C
h sat at 2 Mpa = 908.79 kJ
Table 2 V f at 2 Mpa = 0.00117670 m3/kg

h'7η s = h'6 - h'6 - h7 to 2nd checking

h'7 = 3137.80 - 0.8492 3137.80 - 3067.28
h'7 = 3077.92 kJ
h S t
3069.50 6.8452 by interpolation 320
3077.92 S'7 6.8593 kJ to LPH
kg - K
3092.10 6.8831 330
At Point 8 From Steam Table 2 Sat Pressure

P8 = 0.02 MPa t 8 = 60.06 0

C Sf8 = 0.8320 kJ
kg - K

hf8 = 251.40 kJ
kg Sfg8 = 7.0766 kJ
kg - K
hfg8 = 2358.30 kJ
kg S8 = S'7 = 6.8593 kJ
kg - K

Vf8 = 0.00101720 + 0.904 ( 7.6480 ) = 6.9150 m3/kg

from Table 2
Solving for Steam Quality at point 8; X8 from equation ( )
S 8 = S f + X8 S f g

S8 - S f
X8 = ×100%
S fg

6.8593 - 0.8320
X8 = ×100%
X8 = 0.8517
X8 = 85.17 %
h8 = hf8 + X8 hfg8
h8 = 251.40 + 0.8517 2358.30
h8 = 2260.02 kJ

h'8 = h'7 - ηs h'7 - h8

h'8 = 3077.92 - 0.8492 3077.92 - 2260.02
h'8 = 2383.36 kJ

The steam quality, X'8

2383.36 - 251.40
X8' = ×100%
X8' = 0.9040 = 90.40 %
2nd Checking
Gino I. Nungay Assume
0.055 rating
η g = 0.98 × rating
kw 1 load = 85 %
3 load
Gen 1 ηg
= 0.98 - x 0.85
ηg = 0.98 - 0.01760 x 0.85
ηg = 0.9650 = 96.504 %

ηt1 and ηt2 = turbine efficiency = 90 % Assumed

ηg1 = generator 1 efficiency = 96.504 %

Gen 2 ηg
= 0.98 - x 0.85

ηg = 0.98 - 0.01760 x 0.85

ηg = 0.9650 = 96.504 %

ηg2 = generator efficiency = 96.504 %

High Pressure Turbine Low Pressure Turbine

KW 1 KW 1
Pt1 = Pt2 = ηg2
ηt1 ηg1 ηt2

30500 30500
Pt1 = Pt2 =
0.9 0.9650 0.9 0.9650
Pt1 = 35116.67 kw Pt2 = 35116.67 kw

PT = Pt1 + Pt2
PT = 35116.67 + 35116.67
PT = 70233.34 kw

Assume: X3 = 0.05 WS 5 %
X6 = 0.06 WS 6 %
X7 = 0.08 WS 8 %
From Mass and Energy Balance of Figure 1
P t1 = W S (h2 - h '3 ) + (W S -X 3 ) (h'3 - h'4 )

Pt 2 = (WS - X3 )(h5 - h' 6 ) + ( W S - X3 - X6 ) (h'6 - h' 7 ) + (WS - X3 - X6 - X7 )(h'7 - h' 8 )

W S (h2 - h ' 3 ) = 1 WS 3351 - 3336.64
= 14.36 Ws
(W S -X 3 ) (h' 3 - h' 4 ) = 0.95 Ws 3336.64 - 3263.09
= 69.8725 Ws

(WS - X3 )(h5 - h' 6 ) = 0.95 Ws 3307.6 - 3137.80

= 161.31 Ws
(W S - X3 - X6 ) (h'6 - h' 7 ) = 0.89 Ws 3137.80 - 3077.92
= 53.2932 Ws

(WS - X3 - X6 - X7 )(h'7 - h' 8 ) = 0.81 Ws 3077.92 - 2383.36

= 562.5936 Ws
P t1 = W S (h2 - h '3 ) + (W S -X 3 ) (h'3 - h'4 )

Pt1 = 14.36 WS + 69.8725 WS = 84.2325 WS

Pt 2 = (WS - X3 )(h5 - h' 6 ) + ( W S - X3 - X6 ) (h'6 - h' 7 ) + (WS - X3 - X6 - X7 )(h'7 - h' 8 )

Pt2 = 161.31 WS + 53.2932 WS + 562.5936 WS

Pt2 = 777.1168 WS

But PT = Pt1 + Pt2

Then PT = 84.2325 WS + 777.1168 WS

Therefore PT = 861.35 WS
70233.34 kw = 861.35 WS
WS = 81.54 kg/s

% Extraction

X3 + X6 + X7
x100% ≤20%

0.05 + 0.06 + 0.08 x 100% = 19 %

Determining Temperatures of Extraction

From figure /8-11 page 225 Power Plant Engineering by Morse

Pgage = 7.8 - 0.101325 = 7.698675 Mpa
= 78.4873553 kg/cm2

From the figure the intersection of 78.487 kg/cm2 and

3 extractions 194.66 C = t12 = maximum boiler feed
water temperature
t12 = 194.66 C 194.66 - 60.06
Δt =
t11 = 149.79 C 3
t10 = 104.93 C
t9 = t8 = 60.06 O
C Δt = 44.87 O

From Steam Table 2 at 0.02 Mpa

From Steam Tables

h14 = 908.79 kJ/kg hf at P7 = 2 MPa

h13 = 1287.28 kJ/kg hf at P3 = 7.4 MPa
h12 = 828.95 kJ/kg hf at t12 = 194.66 C
h11 = 631.31 kJ/kg hf at t11 = 149.79 C
h10 = 439.84 kJ/kg hf at t10 = 104.93 C
h9 = 251.40 kJ/kg hf at t9 = 60.06 C
627.88 149 C 0.79
h f 11 0
4.32 149.79 C 1
632.2 150 C

h 11 = 631.307 /Kg
hf at t 10
435.92 104 C 0.93
h f 10 0
4.23 104.93 C 1
440.15 105 C

h 10 = 439.840 /Kg

Vf at t 12 O
= 194.66 C
V f 11 = 3
0.0014829 m /kg
Vf t Vf t
0 0
0.0010894 149 C 0.79 0.0010467 104 C 0.93
v f 11 0 v f 11 0
0.00 149.79 C 1 0.00 104.93 C 1
0 0
0.0010905 150 C 0.0010475 105 C
3 3
V f 11 = 0.001090 m /kg Vf 10 = 0.001047 m /kg
Vf t Vf t
0 0
0.0011168 172 C 0.23 0.0010305 82 C 0.49
v f 11 0 v f 11 0
0.00 172.227 C 1 0.00 82.4933 C 1
0 0
0.0011181 173 C 0.0010311 83 C
3 3
V f 11 = 0.001117 m /kg Vf 10 = 0.0010308 m /kg
Combustion of Fuel in a Furnace
(Computations based on Wet Basis)

Given: Coal from California, Bituminous (on page Steam Power Plant by Gebhardt)

Fuel Number 17 Bituminous

Ultimate Analysis Excess Air
Ash S H C N O e = 10 %
0.0711 0.0095 0.0524 0.7800 0.0123 0.0747 1.00

Oxygen Theoretically Required

Computing for the oxygen required for each element
For Carbon
C + O2 → CO 2
12C + (16  2)O2 → (12 + 16  2)CO 2
12C + 32O2  → (44CO2 ) 1 
12  12 

C + 2.67 O2 → 3.67 CO 2

This means that per kg of coal needs 2.67 kg of O 2

For Hydrogen
H + O2 → H2 O

4H + O2 → 2H2 O

4  (1)H + (16  2)O2 → 2(2 + 16 )H2O

4H + 32O 2 → 36H2 O

1 1
 4H + 32O 2  → 36 H2O 
  4
H + 8O2 → 9H2 O
Therefore, per kg of coal needs 8 kg of O 2
For Sulfur
S + O 2 → SO 2

32S + 32 O 2 ¨ 32 S O 2

32S + (2x16)O2 → 32 + 2x16 SO2

 1   1 
 32S + 32O2  → 64SO2  
 32   32 
S + O 2 → 2SO 2

Per kg of coal required 1 kg of O2

Elements N2 and Ash can be ignored because they are inert in combustion while O 2
decreases the oxygen required.
Tabulating the oxygen required for each element
Elements Percent Oxygen required per kg of element Total
C 0.7800 x 2.67 + 2.0800
H 0.0524 x 8.00 + 0.4192
S 0.0095 x 1.00 + 0.0095
O2 0.0747 - 0.0747

Weight of Air Theoretically Required

Air at sea level is principally composed of 23.2% Oxygen and 76.8% Nitrogen by
weight. Therefore to compute the weight of air theoretically required, divide the
weight of oxygen theoretically required by 0.232
2.4340 kg of oxygen theoretically required
kg coal
Wta =

Wta =
10.4914 kg of air theoretica lly required
kg coal

The amount of N2 in air required is Wta − W to by weight

Wnitrogen in ta = 10.4914 - 2.4340 to reheater

Wnitrogen in ta = 8.0574 kg nitrogen

kg coal

Weight of the Products of Combustion

Fuel Constituents + Oxygen

C 0.7800 + 2.0800 CO2 2.8600
H 0.0524 + 0.4192 H2O 0.4716
O2 0.0747
N2 0.0123 0.0123
S 0.0095 + 0.0095 SO2 0.0190
Nitrogen present in W ta and Coal N2 8.0574
kg flue gas per kg coal 11.4203
Ash Content 0.0711
Total kgFlue Gas per kg coal 11.4914
Volume of Flue Gas
From Avogadro’s Law which states that under same conditions of pressure
and temperature, 1 mol of any gas will occupy the same volume. At sea level (14.7 psia, 0 oC)
a mol of any gas will occupy 10.2 m 3.
PV = nRT
Using ratio and proportion:
P2 V2 m R T
= 2 2 2
P1 V1 m1R1 T1

R kJ mol
R= R = 8.314 same for any gas
n kg K
Substituting to the equation and substituting the conditions
m2 T2 P2 = P1 = 101.3 kPa
P2 V2 n2
P1 V1
T1 m1 = 1 kg n1 = 1 mol

m2 V1 T2
V2 = V1 = 10.2 m3 T1 = 0 o C = 273 K
n2 T1
10.2m2 T2 equation 2-1
V2 =
273n 2

T2 is the absolute temperature of flue gas from 3rd Checking, t gD
T2 = 441.07 + 273 = 714 K
Tabulation of Volume of Products
Products Weight Calculation using 2-1 Volume
10.20 2.8600 714
CO2 2.8600 44 1.7342
273 44
10.20 0.4716 714.073
H2O 0.4716 18 0.6990
273 18
Total N2 including 10.20 8.0697 714.073
8.0697 28 7.6892
Nitrogen in the fuel 273 28
10.20 0.019 714.073
SO2 0.0190 64 0.0079
273 64
Total 10.13

Air Actually Required using Excess Air

raf = Wta(1+ e%) Assume e = 10 %

raf = 10.4914 1.10

raf = 11.5405 kgair
Weight of the Products of Combustion
rgf = Wproduct of combustion + Wta(Excess Air)
rgf = 11.4914 + 10.4914 0.10
kgflue gas
rgf = 12.5405 kgfuel

Volume of the Products of Combustion

10.2mairTair mair = Wta (Excess Air)

Vair =
273nair = 10.4914 0.10
= 1.0491
Tair = 714 K
nair = 29

10.20 1.0491 714

Vair =
273 29
Vair = 0.9652 m3
kg coal

Vproducts of combustion = 10.1303 + 0.9652

Vproducts = 11.0955 m3
of combustion
kg coal

Solving for Gravimetric Analysis of the Product of Combustion

Products of Combustion kgproduct per kg coal %
CO2 2.8600 22.9361 %
%H2O 0.4716 3.7821 %
%SO2 0.0190 0.1524 %
%N2 8.0697 64.7158 %
%Excess Air 1.0491 8.4137 %
Total 12.4694 100.0000 %
To check, if Ash Content is added to the total Product of Combustion
WeightGravimetric Analysis + Ash Content = (rgf) Weightproduct of combustion

12.4694 + 0.0711 = 12.5405

12.5405 = 12.5405
Molecular Weight of Product of Combustion

MW = %CO2 44 + %H2O 18 + %SO2 64 + %N2 28 + %Excess Air 29

MW = 0.2294 44 + 0.0378 18 + 0.0015 64 + 0.6472 28 + 0.0841 29
MW = 10.092 + 0.681 + 0.098 + 18.120 + 2.440
MW = 31.431 moles

Gas Constant of Product of Combustion

Rg =
Rg =
Rg = 0.2645 kJ/kg-OC

Solving for Density of Product of Combustion

ρg =
Rg TgD

ρg =
0.265 714.073
ρg = 0.5364 kg/m3
Heating Value of Fuel
Using Dulong's Formula
HHV = 14600 C + 63000 H + 3450 S
HHV = 14600 0.7800 + 63000 0.0524 - + 3450 0.0095
HHV = 11388.00 + 2712.94 + 32.78
HHV = 14133.71 BTU/lb
HHV = 32878.90 kJ/kg
3rd Checking
General Energy Balance Gino I. Nungay
1 Fuel Qf
W s+ Wm

h1 = hg at P1

12 h1 = 2760.90 kJ/kg
Wa W s+ Wm
at t12 = 194.66C
Furnace h12 = hf
W f
h12 = 828.95 kJ/kg
Ash Pit

Fuel Supplied Wf

WS + Wm h1 - h12
Wf = ηB Qh
ηB = Boiler Efficiency (50 to 90%) used 86 %
Qh = Heating Value of Fuel = 32878.90 kJ/kg
See Combustion of fuel ( HHV )
Wm = Make-up Water used 0.02 WS
1.02 81.54 2760.90 - 828.95
Wf =
0.86 32878.90205

Wf = 5.691 kg/s

Qf = Wf x Qh
Qf = 5.691 x 32878.90

Qf = 187113.82 kJ/s Energy - in

2 Air Qair
Wa = Wf rair-fuel
Wa = 5.691 11.5405

Wa = 65.677 kgair/s
Properties of Air Philippine Condition
tdb1 = 32 C = t18 h18 = 62 kJ/kg entry in the system
twb = 21 C SH16 = 0.0112 kgwv/kgda
tdb2 = 40 o = t17 h17 = 70 kJ/kg

Qa = W a h18
Qa = 65.677 62
Qa = 4071.974 kJ/s Energy - in

3 Make-up Water Qm (Economizer)

Wm = 0.02 WS = 0.02 81.54 = 1.6308 kg/s

hW = hf at 20 o = 83.96 kJ/kg from Steam Table

Qm = W m hW
Qm = 1.6308 83.96
Qm = 136.92 kJ/s Energy - in
Energy In kJ/s %
1 Fuel 187113.82 97.800 %
2 Air 4071.974 2.128 %
3 Make-up Water 136.92 0.072 %
191322.714 100.000 %
B. General Heat Balance (Energy Out)
1 Output = 61.00 MW = 61000.00 kw E -out

2 Condenser Qcond
Ws - X3 - X 6 - X 7

8' 20

9 X

Ws - X 3 - X 6 - X 7

Qcond = ( WS - X 3 - X 6 - X 7 ) (h'8 -h9 )

= 1 - 0.05 - 0.06 - 0.08 81.54 2383.36 - 251.40

Allowable heat used for cooling condenser is 40% of total heat input by the system
0.40 Q T = Q COND

0.40 140810.41 = 1.00 WS - X 2131.96

0.40 140810.41
X = 1.00 81.54
X = 55.12

Qcond = 1.00 81.54 - 55.12 2131.96

Wa D
= 56326.38 kJ/s Energy - out 18
17 C
16 W m
3 Flue Gas Q fg
Economizer 15 Wm
2 Ws
From PPE by Morse p. 310
Fig. 10-13 Heat Absorption of water Ws

wall. 815 0C - 13700C Boiler

used 1100 C Grate
Ash Pit
t gB
a Superheater QS Wg

2 Ws

Ws 1
QS = WS h2 - h1
t gA

QS = 81.54 3351.00 - 2760.90 Wg

QS = 48116.754 kJ/s

rgas-fuel rgf = 12.5405 from combustion

Wg = Wf rgf

Wg = 5.691 12.5405 = 71.368 kgflue gas/s

Cg = specific heat of flue gas

kcal kJ
Cg = 0.25 x4.19
kg - K kcal

Cg = 1.05
kg - K

QS = Qg = Wg Cg tgA - tgB

48116.754 = 71.368 1.05 1100 - tgB

t gC
tgB = 457.899 C Wg

b Economizer Qm C
16 W m

Economizer 15 Wm
Qm = Wm h15 - h16 B

h16 = hf at 20 CO t gB

= 83.96 kJ/kg Wg
h15 = hf at 100 C Steam Table 1
= 419.04 kJ/kg Wm = 1.6308 kg/s
Qm = Qg
1.6308 419.04 - 83.96 = 71.368 1.05 457.899 - tgC
tgC = 450.607 C
Qm = 1.6308 419.04 - 83.96
Qm = 546.45 kJ/s

b Air-Preheater Qair
t gD

Wa D
17 C
t gC


t17 = 40.00 C h17 = 70.00 kJ/kg
t18 = 32.00 C h18 = 62.00 kJ/kg

Qa = Qg
Wa h17 - h18 = 71.368 1.05 450.607 - tgD

65.677 70.00 - 62.00 = 74.936 448.10 - tgD

tgD = 473.088 C
Qa = 525.416 kJ/s

Qfg = Wg Cg tgD - tdb tdb = 32.00 OC

dry bulb temperature
= 71.368 1.05 473.088 - 32.00

Qfg = 33053.547 kJ/s Energy - out

4 Blowdown Q blowdown

Qbd = Wm h1
Qbd = 1.6308 2760.90
Qbd = 4502.476 kJ/s Energy - out

5 Refuse Q refuse

Qref = W ref Qh
Ash 0.0711
W ref = =
0.80 0.80
W ref = 0.0889
Qref = 0.0889 32878.90

Qref = 2922.11 kJ/s Energy - out

6 Losses Qloss
Qloss = QT Energy -in - Q1 to 5
= 191322.714 - 187113.82
Qloss = 4208.894 kJ/s Energy - out

TABULATION : General Heat Balance

Energy Out kJ/s Limit %

1 Output 61000.00 20.00% ≤ 37.65
2 Condenser 56326.38 40.00% ≥ 34.77
3 Flue Gas 33053.55 30.00% ≥ 20.40
4 Blowdown 4502.48 30.00% ≥ 2.78
5 Refuse 2922.11 30.00% ≥ 1.80
6 Losses 4208.89 10.00% ≥ 2.59
162013.31 100.00

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