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Leslie Bruce

University Hall Room 526

800 N. State College Boulevard

Fullerton, CA 92831

Dear Dr. Bruce

By the end of this fall semester, I can say this course made a scientific change in my

life and writing skills. During the class, you focused on teaching us six main objectives

to improve our skills as scientific writers by supporting us with group work and

independent work assignments to reach our goals. In this cover letter, I will show you

proof of what I have gained in skills throughout the semester. These documents are

clustering scholar notebooks, conference prep sheet #1, the extended definition,

Graphics, and annotated bibliography.

The first document records my thoughts in the scholar notebook by creating a

clustering map of the topic containing five questions: what, why, when, where, and how.

The goal of this assignment is to generate brainstorming, organize our thought

structurally, and address all the aspects of the topic. And my document proves that I

have learned how to organize, focus, and communicate one’s thoughts clearly and
effectively to address a rhetorical situation by applying the activity and finding out what I

will cover in my extended definition paper.

The second document is conference prep sheet #1. The assignment’s purpose is to

work as a team by making a plan for our group project. We break the whole project into

individual tasks. My document proves that we worked together to answer all the

document questions and plan how to organize our website. The extended definition

proves how each one worked on the specific section to complete the other.

The third document is an extended definition. This document aims to know your

audience, choose a word central to your field, choose the writing format formally or not

formally, and learn how to make an ethical citation. My extended definition proves that I

have learned to pick my audience depending on the topic. Furthermore, the document

type will identify what format I can use to reach the audience and give credit to the

writer by mentioning my resources.

The fourth document is about creating ethics graphics. This document aims to

design an effective figure by focusing on the most critical information, using visual

contrast and keeping the figure simple. My graphic proves that I chose the essential

information and organized it simply using visual contrast to make ethics graphic.

The fifth document is annotated bibliography. This assignment aims to choose a

topic as a group, collect peer-review research related to the topic, and use our skills to
summarize and synthesize the research on a website. My annotated bibliography

proves that I learned to paraphrase without changing the sentence's meaning. I learned

to choose the right words to give the same sense and give credit to the person who

wrote the research paper by citing my information. I learned how to build a website

containing all the information about the topic. I have learned how to organize my

website by creating ethics graphs and figures, making my website easy to follow.

All and all, I have accomplished my objective goals throughout the semester and

gained new skills that made me more confident as a scientific reader. English 363 is one

of the few classes I took that showed me how to present my skills professionally and

effectively in my class and later on in my career life. Thank you, guys, for reading my

cover later, and I hope you enjoyed it.


Eriny Habashi

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