Lesson Plan Gr. 9 Wk2

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Abu Dhabi International (Pvt)

Lesson Plan
STEPPS for inspirational teaching

Teacher: Christiaan Kilian Grade: 9 Date:

Topic: Health & Fitness Subject: PE Period:

Formative Assessment:
Learning Objectives: (How will I assess what students already know and/or whether
(What will students learn by the end of this lesson?) they have made progress through the lesson? Grouping decisions
should be based on formative assessments.)
- Students will demonstrate a better understanding of
how to use the different body weight exercises
- They will demonstrate a higher level of understanding
of the major difference between faulty technique and
correct technique.
- Students will exhibit responsible personal and social
behaviour that respects themself and others while Q&A
performing exercises
- Students will display a higher understanding of rules & Assess technique application
regulations of a safe exercise environment, the
importance of showing integrity & taking care of
classmates that are struggling
- Develop personal SMART goals to improve one's
performance in physical education.

Higher Order Thinking Questions: (What questions will I ask to encourage in depth reasoning and meaningful learning?)
What is the best way to elevate your overall fitness in a short space of time?
Which type of fitness is most beneficial, isolation exercises or functional training?
Which type of fitness is more important if any? Why is it more important?

Learner Attribute Focus: What are the

Key Concepts: (Including concepts that may be My Identity: (Identify values that
AIS Learner Attributes that are central to
difficult for students) will be emphasized)
the learning outcomes of this unit.
Responsible: Learners act
How can I prevent myself from
responsibly towards themselves, suffering from some of the
others, and the environment. common health problems in the
Determined: Learners are UAE?
determined to develop and grow
despite challenges they may face. Ask students what they can do
Rules, Respect
Knowledgeable: Learners to improve their own general
demonstrate a strong knowledge well-being?
base allowing them to construct
If they are a part of a
new ideas and engage in both
sports/fitness club in the UAE?
academic and societal
Assignments: (Assignments must be differentiated to support different group of students make progress?)

Calculate their BMI

Design own workout program

Abu Dhabi International (Pvt)

Planned Time Learning Activities Nature of Activity

(min) & Resources [i.e., whole-class, individual,
pair, group, focusing event,
formative assessment, next
steps, differentiation
(enrichment, intervention for
support, SEN)]
Beginning Take attendance of students
Check students’ uniform Whole class
(+-7 min) Explain lesson objectives
Middle Discuss school rules & procedures. Whole class

Perform individual body weight exercises both on and off the floor. One Individual work
(+-28 min) group will be on the greenfield where ground exercises can be
performed (push-ups, sit-ups, crunches, mountain climbers, bear crawls
etc.) in a more advanced way e.g. diamond push-ups, roman twist
crunches etc.

The other group will be in the playground area where only standing
exercises will be performed ( squats, lunges, crouching burpees etc.) at a
more advanced level e.g. deep squats with medicine ball, twisting
lunges etc.

Set personal goals and aim to improve one’s performance in physical


Closure Recap lesson objectives

Introduce next lesson activity/objectives

(+-5 min)

Reflection & Evaluation: ✓ Comments

Did all students (including SEN) make better than expected
progress as measured against learning objectives?

Did I explicitly and effectively address student

misconceptions and incorrect responses to rectify errors?

Was my lesson creative, imaginative and inspiring? Did I stir

students’ interest in the lesson?

Did I challenge students’ thinking, engage them in higher

order reasoning, meaningful learning, and rich dialogue?

Were all students engaged during the lesson in challenging

activities and knew their next steps?

Did I use differentiated strategies that match individual

student needs and set high expectations for all?

Did I use time efficiently and creatively?

Abu Dhabi International (Pvt)

Did I use resources, including learning technologies,

effectively and creatively?

What changes did I, or would I, make to my plan and why?

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