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Archfey of the Feywilds

Fey are capricious, mischievous, and often dangerous beings, Vacant Thrones. When a lord or lady dies, the court does not
but despite their chaotic reputations, they do follow a certain remain leaderless for long. Ambitious beings among the fey
set of rules. These rules-widely misunderstood by outsiders- always hunger for more power and covet the station of their
are codified and enforced by a cadre of lofty fey nobility. superiors. After a traditional month or year of mourning,
Befitting any courtly structure, the fey bow to lords and vicious power struggles winnow the weak and pave the way
ladies: eldritch creatures of immense power who rule the for the most cunning or the strongest to take the court’s
courts. vacant throne.
Heads of State. The fey lords and ladies are beings of high Lords and ladies of the fey courts are timeless creatures,
station and prodigious personal power. Each rules over at inured to many of the world’s threats. A universal exception
least a great city if not an entire nation. No matter the scope to this is weapons of cold-wrought iron. This metal undoes
of a fey noble’s rule, in his or eyes, a fey ruler’s word is law, the very fabric of a fey creature’s life as it blights their ageless
and so shall the rest of the world see it! Outsiders may not flesh. A cold iron weapon is treated as magical when used
understand the edicts and interdicts of a fey noble, but that’s against any fey creature, and is the only weapon with any
no protection against the harsh penalties that await any who hope of harming the most powerful fey lords and ladies.
break them, knowingly or otherwise. Cold iron weapons, however, are difficult for an
Circles of Power. Each fey noble is supreme in his or her unexperienced smith to forge.
own bailiwick, and the rulers maintain a rigid hierarchy The skill and material required to produce such a weapon
among themselves. The Queen of Night and Magic is doubles its price or adds 100 gp to the cost, whichever is
undeniably the most powerful of all fey nobles, and she rules more. Finding a smith with the skill to make a durable
cyclically with her embittered husband, the Moonlit King. weapon without the aid of fire is always difficult. And finding
Together, the Summer and Winter monarchs rule over the one with the courage to anger the fey courts may be even
entire shadow fey race. The River King is next in power, and harder.
he rules over the river elves. The Snow Queen rules among The following list contains a variety of archfey of the
the ice, snow, and plundering reavers of the far north, as Feywilds, though is not exhaustive. Each archfey provides the
wells as commanding the obedience of the fraughashar and Archfey Magic feature to their followers, such as when acting
ice maidens. The Bear King, the weakest politically, rules a as a group patron. You gain this feature and can use it as
northerly city-state where werebears are common and mead described as long as that fey remains your patron.
flows like water.
The odd man out is the Lord of the Hunt. Though he is
associated with both the shadow fey and the light elves, no
one is certain of his true identity or how he fits into the
political structure of fey nobility. Because he seldom
concerns himself with politics, few have felt any need to press
the question.
Other fey courts and rulers certainly exist, though their
rulers are more esoteric than those described here.
Aurusel, the Great Gardener
A fey with a love of gardening seeing it as a balance between
civilization and wilds. However, in his quest to build the
greatest garden, he would cause his downfall. Procuring
plants and animals from across the planes, he accidentally
brought lycans to the Feywilds from Faunel in the Beastlands,
that led to the humans of Brokenstone Vale's curse.
The Vale's humans and fey fought in a terrible war which
eventually led back to Aurusel's garden. He offered a lone
eladrin woman protection his garden one day however, who
revealed herseld to be the Queen of Air and Darkness,
destroying his garden. Now his garden lays in the Shadowfell,
Aurusel killing any who enter it.
Archfey Magic You can cast the Mold Earth cantrip.
Additionally, you can cast the Find Familiar spell once per
long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Baba Yaga, the Witch Mother
The stars keep her secrets, the stone her memory – Nightmare and Nurturer. Those who’ve bargained with
Grandmother, Grandmother! Her kindness akin to treachery. Baba Yaga successfully claim she is a fair and honest person
Baba Yaga is the lord of all hags and the most powerful with a fondness for animals and wild things. She actively
sorceress in any realm. Often with long white hair, warts seeks strong adventurers to pursue dangerous quests for her,
upon her face, and a frame that changes from thin to plump usually to acquire either a great secret or a powerful artifact.
on her whim, Baba Yaga is as unpredictable as she looks. However, she is also a pitiless murderer, who slips through
She will often devour her followers as much as she is willing the shadows in the moonlight to feed on sleeping innocents
to share secrets with them. Those that do make bargains with her wretched iron teeth. She holds grudges and does
with Baba Yaga will find that the promises she asks are much not forget the smallest slight.
more dangerous than any other fey. Baba Yaga can be found Master of Many. She collects servants as she does trinkets
in any realm, travelling through them in her magical mortar and takes great pleasure in adding to her soul horde. The
and pestle. Three Horsemen draw their power from her and do her
Not just an Archfey, Baba Yaga is a renowned witch and bidding. At various times, she has held the soul of Koschei
appears as a stooped, old woman with an impossibly long and forced him to perform legendary feats on her behalf. The
nose and wild white hair. Her milky yellow eyes stare, Old Witch is known to appear in several places at once.
unblinking, at no fixed spot. She has no teeth, instead Some scholars believe Baba Yaga is actually three identical
wearing a set of sentient, magical, iron dentures. Her teeth sisters, each with her own personality and preoccupations.
are often off pursuing their own agenda, and the two bicker Scholar. The dentures are scholars of the arcane and are
constantly. She wears frayed burlap robes and, occasionally, a often found exploring ruins, especially ancient sites of magic.
black silk scarf over her escaping locks. Her skin has a bark- They see themselves as intellectually superior to their owner
like quality, and she smells of lightning and pine. While and chastise Baba Yaga for her use of baser forms of magic.
perfectly able to walk, the witch is most often seen flying Willful. The iron teeth are usually content sitting firmly in
about the world in her enormous mortar and pestle, the latter Baba Yaga’s mouth, assisting the witch. However, should she
of which she uses as a rudder in flight. anger the dentures, either by ignoring their request to visit
Collector of Secrets. Few planes or places are free from some forgotten tower or scolding them too much for
Baba Yaga’s madness and meddling. She desires knowledge insolence, the dentures may abandon her for a while. They
above all things and greatly enjoys knowing the secrets of may work against her if the two are particularly at odds.
others. Many queens and kings have been extorted by the Old Archfey Magic. You gain proficiency in Alchemist's Tools.
Witch, who records their secrets on parchment stored in a Additionally, you learn one cantrip from the Wizard spell list.
chest made from a giant emerald. She has a weakness for Charisma is your spellcasting ability for it.
enchanted baubles, and her home, a wooden hut that travels
on huge chicken legs and whose interior defies natural law, is
stuffed full of magical bric-a-brac.
Baba Yaga Cronespeech. Creatures with Intelligence 3 or lower
obey Baba Yaga unquestioningly. Her utterances are
Medium fey, chaotic neutral
often captured as engravings on nearby stone and
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) wood surfaces. These magical reproductions of her
Hit Points 399 (47d8 + 188) words are made in the Common tongue and fade after
Speed 40 ft., fly 30 ft. (in mortar and pestle) several days.
Mortar and Pestle. Baba Yaga flies in a large mortar and
pestle, which is immune to damage and can’t be the
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA target of spells or effects. It provides the witch partial
14 (+2) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 22 (+6) 19 (+5) cover from ranged attacks. Baba Yaga doesn’t provoke
an opportunity attack when she flies out of an enemy’s
Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing, and reach. If Baba Yaga is knocked prone, stunned, or
slashing from nonmagical attacks incapacitated while flying in the mortar, it will gently
Damage Immunities necrotic set her on the ground and disappear for 1 hour. The
Condition Immunities frightened, poisoned, pestle remains with the witch.
Saving Throws CON +10, WIS +12, CHA +11 Magic Resistance. Oberon has advantage on saving
Skills Arcana +15, Nature +15, Perception +12, throws against spells and other magical effects.
Persuasion +11
Senses Blindsight 60 ft., truesight 120 ft., Passive Magic Weapons. Oberon’s weapon attacks are magical.
Perception 22 Speak with Beasts & Plants. Oberon can communicate
Languages Common, Tagalog, Draconic with beasts and plants as if they shared a language.
Challenge 20 (25,000 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +5 Actions
Multiattack. Baba Yaga makes two pestle slap attacks
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the Bakunawa fails a and one bite attack, or three pestle slap attacks.
saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Pestle Slap. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10
Innate Spellcasting. Baba Yaga's innate spellcasting ft., one target. Hit: 31 (6d8+4) bludgeoning damage.
ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 20, +12 to hit with The target must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution
spell attacks). Baba Yaga can innately cast the following
saving throw or have disadvantage on concentration
spells, requiring no material components: checks until the end of its next turn.
At will: Druidcraft, eldritch blast (2d10), message, Bite (if iron teeth are equipped). Melee Weapon Attack:
minor illusion, spare the dying

+10 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 37 (6d10+4)

5/day each: command, disguise self, hideous laughter
piercing damage and the target must succeed on a DC
4/day each: blindness/deafness, darkness, enthrall
20 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of Baba Yaga
3/day each: entangle, clairvoyance, counterspell, until the end of its next turn.
lightning bolt

2/day each: banishment, blight, polymorph

Breath of the Bone Mother (Recharge 5-6). Calling on her
1/day each: barkskin, pass without trace, animate elemental powers and her mastery of crone-magic,
objects, insect plague Baba Yaga exhales a great wind in a 40-foot cone that
smells of fetid mires and sausages. Creatures caught in
Grandmother’s Teeth. The iron teeth of Baba Yaga are that area must make a DC 18 Constitution saving
sentient, magical, and airborne dentures that throw. On a failure, a target takes 45 (10d8) necrotic
sometimes work at cross-purposes to the Old Witch. If damage and is affected by the bestow curse spell for 1
the teeth and Baba Yaga are getting along, the teeth
minute. On a success, a target takes half the necrotic
reside inside her mouth, providing her with a bite damage but is not cursed. In addition, a creature
attack and access to its spell list. Baba Yaga can cast a
damaged by the wind releases a stinking cloud (DC 18
spell from the teeth’s innate spell list as a bonus Constitution saving throw against the cloud’s poison)
action, using her spellcasting ability. Spells cast in this centered on it at the beginning of its next turn. The
way are removed from the teeth’s spells per day total. If
cloud dissipates after 1d4 rounds.
the witch and her teeth are not getting along, the teeth
will fly around casting its spells as it wishes (often to
the benefit of Baba Yaga’s enemies).
Dance of the Time Taunter (1/day). When Baba Yaga’s
Cronesight. Baba Yaga has advantage on Wisdom turn ends, she can take an additional turn. A creature
(Perception) checks that rely on sight. As an action,
able to see Baba Yaga dance through time has its
she can observe a target and magically know its current understanding of the universe challenged and must
emotional state. If the target fails a DC 19 Charisma succeed on a DC 18 Intelligence saving throw or be
saving throw, she also knows the creature’s alignment
stunned until the end of its next turn. A set of iron
and discovers a hidden secret about the target. dentures flap through the air, screeching in a voice like
metal scraping on metal.
Legendary Actions The Iron Teeth of Baba
Baba Yaga can take 3 legendary actions, choosing Yaga
from the options below. Only one legendary action Tiny fey, chaotic neutral
option can be used at a time and only at the end of
another creature's turn. Baba Yaga regains spent Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
legendary actions at the start of its turn. Hit Points 67 (15d6+15)
Speed 0 ft., fly 40 ft. in ball stance
At Will Spell. Baba Yaga casts one at will spell from
her list or from her iron teeth’s list if it is equipped.
Pestle Slap. Baba Yaga makes one pestle slap attack.
12 (+1) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
Breath of the Bone Mother (Costs 2 Actions). Baba
Yaga uses Breath of the Bone Mother, if it is
available. Damage Resistances lightning
Skills Arcana +6, History +6
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Infernal,
Baba Yaga's Mortar and Pestle Sylvan
Large Vehicle, legendary (requires attunement) Challenge 2 (450 XP)
A giant's mortar and pestle enchanted by the archhag Baba
Yaga to act as a flying vehicle when not in her hut and the Innate Spellcasting. The teeth's innate spellcasting
image of her flying through the wilderness cackling to ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit
herself was a sight to behold. Any creature besides Baba with spell attacks). It can innately cast the following
Yaga who attempts to attune to the item must first make a spells, requiring no material components:
DC17 constitution saving throw or take 10d6 slashing
damage as writhing thorn covered vines emerge from the At will: detect magic, mending, ray of frost, true

item. 3/day each: entangle, counterspell, lightning bolt

When attuned you can ride in the Mortar, using the pestle as 2/day each: grease, magic missile, shield

an ore, the Mortar has a flying speed of 240feet. The Pestle 1/day each: acid arrow, blur, heat metal, insect
also counts as a +3 quarterstaff and no other weapons can plague
be used when riding in the vehicle. When taken 100feet
away from one another both items lose their magic. Actions
Weird Sisters. When riding the Mortar and Pestle and
provided that Baba Yaga's font of power is active you can Pinch. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
use an action to summon a coven of green hags complete one target. Hit: 11 (3d4+4) piercing damage.
with their cauldron. The hags appear in a spot you chose
within 100feet from you (see page 177 of the monster
manual for hag covens and statistics). The Hags' cauldron
appears in a twirl of vines and the three hags climb out
from it. The hags are under your control and obey your
commands until they are killed or 24 hours have passed in
ether case they return to whatever lair they came from.
Spell Turning. You gain advantage on saving throws against
any spell. In addition, if you rolls a 20 for the save, you can
use your reaction to deflect the spell with the pestle. The
spell has no effect on you (even if you are still in the area of
effect)and instead targets the caster, using the slot level,
spell save DC, attack bonus, and spell casting ability of the
Random Properties. Baba Yaga's Mortar and Pestle has the
following random properties:
• 1 minor beneficial property
• 1 major beneficial property
• 1 minor detrimental property
• 1 major detrimental property
Destroying Baba Yaga's Mortar and Pestle. Baba Yaga's
pestle and mortar can't be destroyed by means other than a
wish spell. However if both the pestle and Mortar are kept
apart from each other for more than 100 years, the magical
enchantment on them fades and it becomes a non-magical
object that can be destroyed by normal means.
Baba Yaga
Medium humanoid, lawful evil Spellcasting. Baba Yaga is a 20th-level spellcaster that uses
Armor Class 20 (Intelligence)
Hit Points 262 (25d8+150) Intelligence as her spellcasting ability (spell save DC 22; +14
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (in mortar and pestle) to hit with spell attacks). Baba Yaga has the following spells
16 (+3)​
17 (+3)​
22 (+6)​
24 prepared and access to all class spell lists:
Cantrips: eldritch
19 (+4)​
21 (+5)​ blast, mending, minor illusion, prestidigitation, thaumaturgy,
Skills Arcana +14, Deception +12, Insight +11, Intimidation vicious mockery
1st-level (4 slots): charm person, cure
+12, Perception +11, Persuasion +12, Stealth +10, Survival wounds, faerie fire, feather fall, hideous laughter, hunter’s
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing mark, magic missile
2nd-level (4 slots): blindness/deafness,
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
Condition Immunities mirror image, suggestion, web
3rd-level (3 slots): bestow
charmed, disease, frightened, madness, petrified, poisoned curse, dispel magic, fireball, haste, lightning bolt, protection
Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect magic and see invisibility, from energy
4th-level (3 slots): confusion, dominate beast,
passive Perception 21
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, greater invisibility, polymorph
5th-level (3 slots): dominate
Common, Draconic, Giant, Infernal, Primordial, Sylvan person, geas, legend lore, scrying
6th-level (2 slots): chain
Challenge 24 (62,000 XP) lightning, disintegrate, eyebite, heal
7th-level (2 slots): finger
Agonizing Cackle. Baba Yaga can use a bonus action to of death, symbol, teleport
8th-level (1 slots): clone, control
cackle wildly, focusing her ire on a creature able to hear her weather, feeblemind
9th-level (1 slots): foresight, time stop,
that she can see within 60 feet. The target makes a DC 22 weird, wish​
Constitution saving throw or is racked with intense pain and Sorcery Points (17/Day). Baba Yaga can use sorcery points
stunned. At the end of each of its turns, the target makes a to gain additional spell slots, or sacrifice spell slots to gain
new saving throw to resist the effect. On a success, the additional sorcery points.
condition ends. A creature targeted by Baba Yaga’s agonizing Creating Spell Slots & Sorcery Points. As a bonus action
cackle becomes immune to it for 24 hours after resisting its on her turn, Baba Yaga can expend one spell slot and either
effects. gain a number of sorcerer points equal to the slot’s level or
Dancing Hut. Baba Yaga lives and travels in a chicken- create a spell slot by expending sorcery points (1st-level—2
legged hut. points, 2nd-level—3 points, 3rd-level—5 points, 4th-level—6
Child Scent. Baba Yaga has advantage on Wisdom points, 5th-level—7 points).
Metamagic: Distant Spell. When
(Perception) checks that rely on smell, but only with respect Baba Yaga casts a that has a range of 5 feet or greater, she
to humanoid children and immature animals. can spend 1 sorcery point to double the range of the spell.
Contingency (1/Day). When Baba Yaga is attacked, she is When Baba Yaga casts a spell that has a range of touch, she
affected by mislead. can spend 1 sorcery point to make the range of the spell 30
Elongating Limbs. Baba Yaga has a natural reach of 15 feet.
Metamagic: Quickened Spell. When Baba Yaga casts a
feet. spell that has a casting time of 1 action, she can spend 2
Fell Magician. While she is conscious, Baba Yaga's AC sorcery points to change the casting time to 1 bonus action
equals 10 + her Dexterity modifier + her Intelligence for this casting.
Metamagic: Subtle Spell. When Baba Yaga
modifier. casts a spell, she can spend 1 sorcery point to cast it without
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Baba Yaga fails a saving any somatic or verbal components.
Metamatic: Twinned
throw, she can choose to succeed instead. Spell. When Baba Yaga casts a spell that targets only one
Lifegiver (1/Day). Baba Yaga can use an action to touch a creature and doesn’t have a range of self, she can spend a
dead creature and bring it back to life. number of sorcery points equal to the spell’s level to target a
Long-Lived. Baba Yaga has greatly expanded her lifespan second creature in range with the same spell (1 sorcery point
with complex arcane rituals. She adds +3 to any ability check if the spell is a cantrip). To be eligible for Twinned Spell, a
she makes that doesn’t already include her proficiency bonus. spell must be incapable of targeting more than one creature
Magic Items. Baba Yaga has a magic broom (see below), a at the spell’s current level.
portable hole disguised as a wicker basket, a gem of seeing, a ACTIONS
hat of disguise, a ring of free action, a gigantic mortar and Broom. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 15 ft., one
pestle (which functions as a carpet of flying), and any other target. Hit: 4 (1d4+6) magical bludgeoning damage.
magic item the GM deems fit. Death Curse. Baba Yaga uses an action to point at a living
Magic Resistance. Baba Yaga has advantage on saving creature she can see within 30 feet. The target makes a DC
throws against spells and other magical effects. 22 Wisdom saving throw at the start of each of its turns. On a
Regeneration. Baba Yaga regains 15 hit points at the start failure it gains one level of exhaustion. The creature
of her turn. She dies only if she starts her turn with 0 hit continues making saving throws until it has 2 successes or
points. dies. A creature targeted by Baba Yaga’s Death Curse
Scar. Baba Yaga can use a bonus action to touch a creature becomes immune to it for 24 hours after resisting its effects.
and horribly scar it. The creature makes a DC 22 Charisma Baba Yaga’s Broom
Weapon (club), artifact (requires
saving throw. On a failure it is permanently scarred. These attunement)
This artifact has the statistics of a +3 weapon
scars are visible through disguises, when the creature and dancing sword (on a critical hit the target is blinded for 1
shapechanges, and even when the creature is brought back to round), and while attuned to it you can innately cast pass
life. Baba Yaga knows the scarred creature’s location and can without trace and nondetection at will. In addition, you can
target it with her spells as long as it is within range, use a bonus action to knock the broom against a lock, door,
regardless of whether or not she can see it. Baba Yaga may lid, shackles, chains, or the like to open them. Once you have
have up to 7 creatures scarred at a time and can use a bonus used this feature 3 times, you require a long rest before you
action to remove permanent scars from a creature. can do so again.
Bear King
Dressed in hunting leathers with a thick bearskin cloak
around his shoulders, the bearded king sits upon a throne
carved from a whole tree trunk. A crown of holly leaves
wreathes his head, and a blackened maul rests near his hand.
An ornate clay pot filled with honey hangs at his hip at all
Abuzz with Bees. The country’s chief product and export,
thanks to the Bear King’s insatiable appetite for sweets, is
The Bear King’s hive-keepers harvest rich, blossom-sweet
honey from the hives of giant bees they tend. The land’s
brewers use the honey to create the finest mead, and the
most potent brews are infused with fey glamour.
The Bear King and his court of bear jarls, witches, and
oracles spend most of their time hunting in the hills, feasting,
brawling, and drinking mead. Old Honey Paws maintains his
rulership over this court by besting all rivals in a yearly series
of challenges.
The challenges are open to anyone, but the Bear King has
defeated all comers since he rose to the throne.
Cernunnos, Lord of the Wild Hunt
Astride a midnight horse sits a shirtless elven huntsman. His
broad chest is thickly muscled and sports tattooed knot work.
Great stag antlers crest the huntsman’s head, curving
above his rich brown hair. The pale green glow that shines
from his eyes obscures the elf ‘s strong features, and a
massive spear twined with glowing green vines drives
forward in his clenched fist.
The baying of shadow hounds; thundering hoof beats; a
brassy horn note; the Wild Hunt is coming, and pity its
quarry. The Lord of the Hunt is an enigma among the fey
nobles. His true identity beyond assumed name, title, and
position as master of the Wild Hunt is rarely known, but he
has some connection to the Black Prince of the shadow fey-
while also answering to elvish druids and consorting with
powerful blood hags and dryads.
Cernunnos is the horned lord of the hunt. Often hunting
with Oberon in Beastlands, h is Oberon’s hunt master,
leading the Wild Hunt, a group of hunters made of divine
beings and other archfey, most notably, the Beastlords.
The Beastlords include the Cat King, the Sovereign Elk,
the Monkey King, and the Lord of Bats, who aid in the hunt
and protect their people in the Feywilds. The Cat King rules
over Tabaxi in the Feywilds and house cats, the Sovereign Elk
is a patron of the wood elves and allows them to use elks as
mounts, the Monkey King is a trickster who often pulls
pranks on the gods of the Material Plane, while the Lord of
Bats is a patron to dhampir seeking refuge in the Feywilds.
Cernunnos counts himself among the Beastlords, the
sovereign of satyrs and centaurs and many half-animal folk.
The Wild Hunt. The court of Cernunnos is the Wild Hunt
itself, a group of huntsmen, revelers, intelligent hounds, and
poor souls they sweep up in their frenzy. His home, if he has
any permanent dwelling, is as mysterious as his true identity.
He and his Hunt move between the plane of shadow and the
most ancient forests, so if he has a hidden seat of power, it is
somewhere in one of those two places.
Archfey Magic. You can cast the Druidcraft cantrip.
Additionally, you can cast the Hunter's Mark spell once per
long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Lord Cernunnos Actions
Medium fey, lawful neutral
Multiattack. Cernunnos makes three melee attacks or
three ranged attacks.
Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
Hit Points 229 (27d8 + 108) Bone Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
Speed 40 ft. reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 17 (3d8+4) slashing
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Huntsman’s Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack:
+11 to hit, reach 10 ft. or range 60/120 ft., one target.
21 (+5) 18 (+4) 19 (+4) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) Hit: 12 (2d6+5) piercing damage or 14 (2d8+5)
piercing damage if used two-handed, + 7 (2d6) poison
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a
slashing from nonmagical attacks DC 19 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. As
Damage Immunities cold, poison a bonus action, Cernunnos can cause his spear to
Condition Immunities exhaustion, charmed, frightened, magically appear in his hand, even if it is destroyed.
Saving Throws Str +11, Wis +10, Cha +8 Howling Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 to hit,
Skills Athletics +11, Perception +10, Survival +10 range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit 13 (2d8+4) piercing
Senses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft. passive damage + 7 (2d6) poison damage.
Perception 20
Languages Common, Tagalog, Draconic, Elvish, Sylvan Reactions
Challenge 18 (20,000 XP) Parry. Cernunnos adds 3 to his AC against one attack
Proficiency Bonus +5 that would hit him. To do so, he must see the attacker
and must be wielding a melee weapon.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Cernunnos fails a saving
throw, he can choose to succeed instead. Legendary Actions
Innate Spellcasting. Cernunnos's innate spellcasting Cernunnos can take 3 legendary actions, choosing
ability is Charisma (spell save DC 16). Cernunnos can from the options below. Only one legendary action
innately cast the following spells, requiring no material option can be used at a time and only at the end of
components: another creature's turn. Cernunnos regains spent
legendary actions at the start of its turn.
At will: Druidcraft, hunter’s mark, phantom steed

3/day each: entangle, commune with nature, conjure Strike. Cernunnos makes a huntsman’s spear attack or a
howling longbow attack.
1/day each: conjure fey (conjured creatures vanish if
the Lord of the Hunt’s concentration is broken), Tenacious Stride. Cernunnos moves half his speed, or
Shillelagh half the speed of any steed he rides.
Expert Rider. While Cernunnos is mounted, any attack Call the Hunt (Costs 2 Actions). Cernunnos blows his
directed at his steed targets the rider instead. The hunting horn and chooses one creature he can see
steed uses Cernunnos’s saving throws. If the mount within 60 feet. If the creature can hear the horn, it
succeeds on a saving throw against a damaging effect, must succeed on a DC 16 Charisma saving throw
it takes no damage. against this magic or be charmed by the Lord of the
Hunt for 8 hours. A charmed creature joins the wild
Magic Resistance. Cernunnos has advantage on saving hunt and follows the verbal instructions of Cernunnos,
throws against spells and other magical effects. treating all former allies as enemies. If a charmed
Magic Weapons. Cernunnos’s weapon attacks are creature damages or is damaged by a former ally, it can
magical. repeat the saving throw at the end of its turn, ending
the effect on itself on a success. Once a creature
Speak with Beasts & Plants. Cernunnos can successfully saves or the effect ends for it, it is
communicate with beasts and plants as if they shared a immune to Call the Hunt for the next 24 hours.
Delceth, the Lighthouse Keeper
Delceth is the lord of the light and savior of sailors. Always
found in Tallest Lighthouse located in the Feywilds, Delceth
is an older humanoid man who glows with light and uses the
Tallest Lighthouse to illuminate the path for lost sailors and
bring hope to those who have found themselves stranded at
sea. It’s said the light from the Tallest Lighthouse can
illuminate any lighthouse in all of the Forgotten Realms.
Archfey Magic. As a bonus action, you can shed bright
light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10
feet. You can dismiss this light as a bonus action.
Elias & Siobhan Alastai, Twin Lords of the Water
Elias & Siobhan are the twin lords who rule the sea fey. Both Siobhan, Mistress of The Deep
have hair that of seaweed and skin of deep dark blue and rule Siobhan is the more melancholy of the two siblings. She
over their kingdom in the seas and oceans of the Feywilds rules the deep oceans and rarely leaves her underwater city,
with a cheerful smile on top their kelpie mounts. Many preferring to let Elias act as their ambassador to the Court of
consider them the archfey of twins in addition to their rule Stars when necessary. She considers herself the guardian of
over the vast and whimsical waters of the Feywilds. the ocean and all the deep places beneath it. Like the ocean
Various sea creatures can be found in their palace under waters she roams, Siobhan is slow to anger, but when she
the waves along with some secluded archfey, such as does, her wrath drowns entire lands. She can summon
Scamander of the River Scamander and Sarula Iliene, the hurricanes, waterspouts, and tidal waves when her interests
Nixie Queen. From here, these archfey watch over the are threatened. Although Tiandra, Oran, and the Prince of
domains and people. Frost are considered the most powerful of the archfey, none
Archfey Magic. You can cast the Shape Water cantrip. of them has yet tested Siobhan at her full strength.
Additionally, you can cast Create or Destroy Water spell once
per long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these
Elias, the River King
This powerfully-muscled elf lord wears a cloak of foam-
trimmed dark blue and a vest of woven green reeds and
willow branches.
His crown shines like the sun on a lake, and his flowing
hair curls and moves even when there is no wind. An orb of
blue light that ripples like water circles his hand.
Elias is a lean elf noble with whipcord muscles and flowing
grace, He rules over all the river elves. His court resides just
beyond the river’s reflection, in a realm of fey glamour and
silty water.
A Fickle Friend. Elias is a stern ruler with a great love for
his people and a quick temper for those who threaten his
domain. As much a force of nature as he is a monarch, the
River King is known to sometimes forget promises that were
made in sincerity, so dealing with him can be perilous at the
best of times. “The river may change its course when it wills”
is the usual expression among his court when he has had a
sudden change of heart.
Elias the River King Actions
Medium fey, chaotic neutral
Multiattack. King Elias makes three attacks with his
longsword and/or flood blast, in any combination.
Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
Hit Points 152 (16d8+80) Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10
Speed 30 ft., swim 40 ft. ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8+5) slashing damage or 10
(1d10+5) slashing damage if used with two hands,
plus 10 (3d6) lightning damage.
Flood Blast. Ranged Spell Attack: +8 to hit, reach 125
21 (+5) 17 (+3) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) ft., one target. Hit 18 (4d8) bludgeoning damage. A
target creature must succeed on a DC 16 Strength
Damage Resistances fire, cold, thunder; bludgeoning, saving throw or be knocked prone and shifted up to 60
piercing, and slashing damage from weapons that feet at King Elias’ choosing.
aren’t cold iron
Damage Immunities Lightning Grasping Whirlpool (Recharge 5–6). King Elias magically
Condition Immunities exhaustion creates a swirling vortex of water centered on a point
Saving Throws Dex +8, Con +10, Wis +6 he can see within 60 feet. The vortex fills a cylinder
Skills Intimidation +8, Nature +7, Perception +6, with a 10-foot radius and 15 feet high. Creatures in the
Stealth +8 area must make a successful DC 16 Strength saving
Senses Blindsight 10 ft., Darkvision 60 ft., Passive throw or take 11 (2d10) bludgeoning damage and be
Perception 16 restrained and unable to breathe.

Languages Aquan, Common, Elemental, Elvish, Giant On a successful save, the creature is pushed to the
Challenge 16 (15,000 XP) edge of the area. A restrained creature can escape from
Proficiency Bonus +5 the whirlpool by using an action to make a successful
DC 16 Strength check. A creature that’s in the
whirlpool at the end of its turn takes 11 (2d10)
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If King Elias fails a saving
bludgeoning damage in addition to any effects from
throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
being unable to breathe. Creatures with a swim speed
Innate Spellcasting. King Elias's innate spellcasting have advantage on the saving throw and the Strength
ability is Charisma (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with check to escape. The whirlpool lasts for 1 minute or
spell attacks). King Elias can innately cast the following until the River King uses this ability again.
spells, requiring no material components:
At will: create or destroy water, shocking grasp, water
Blade Current. When a creature within King Elias’s
3/day each: entangle, freedom of movement, control melee reach stands up from prone, King Elias can make
a longsword attack on that creature with advantage.
1/day each: chain lightning
Guardians of the Depths. Adapted to even the most Legendary Actions
extreme ocean depths, King Elias has resistance to cold King Elias can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
damage, and ignores any of the drawbacks caused by a the options below. Only one legendary action option
deep, underwater environment. can be used at a time and only at the end of another
Amphibious. King Elias can breathe air and water. creature's turn. King Elias regains spent legendary
actions at the start of its turn.
Magic Resistance. King Elias has advantage on saving
throws against spells and other magical effects. Longsword. King Elias makes a longsword attack.
Magic Weapons. King Elias’ weapon attacks are magical Flow. King Elias moves half his speed without
and do an extra 10 (3d6) lightning damage (included provoking opportunity attacks.
below). Ripple (Costs 2 Actions). King Elias magically ripples like
Speak with Beasts & Plants. King Elias can communicate sunlight on the surface of water. Until the start of his
with beasts and plants as if they shared a language. next turn, all attacks against him have disadvantage.

Siobhan, Mistress of The Heightened Spell (3/day). Siobhan picks one target of
her spell, that target has disadvantage to save on the
Deep spell.
Medium fey, chaotic neutral Amphibious. Siobhan can breathe air and water.
Armor Class 13 (Natural Armor) Dampen Elements. When Siobhan or a creature within
Hit Points 71 (11d8+22) 30 feet of the caster takes acid, cold, fire, lightning, or
Speed 30 ft., swim 40 ft., fly 60 ft. thunder damage, they can use their reaction to grant
resistance to to the creature against that instance of
Magic Resistance. Siobhan has advantage on saving
11(+0) 16 (+3) 15(+2) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 10(+0) throws against spells and other magical effects.
Magic Weapons. Siobhan’s weapon attacks are magical.
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities poisoned Speak with Beasts & Plants. Siobhan can communicate
Skills History +4, Deception +8, Perception +6 with beasts and plants as if they shared a language.
Senses passive Perception 12
Languages Aquan, Common, Primordial Actions
Challenge 11 (7,200 XP) Multiattack. Siobhan makes two attacks with her water
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Siobhan fails a saving
throw, it can choose to succeed instead. Burst of Water. Ranged Spell Attack: +8 to hit, range 60
ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d8) cold damage.
Spellcasting. Siobhan is a 10th-level spellcaster. Her
Water Claw. Melee Spell Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 16, +8 to
one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) cold damage.
hit with spell attacks). Siobhan knows the following
Royal Trident. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to
Cantrips (at will): acid splash, control water, create or hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 8
destroy water, shape water, true strike, tidal wave, wall (1d8+4) piercing damage, or 11 (1d10+4) piercing
of water
damage if used two-handed.
1st level (4 slots): Bigby's hand, hold person,
telekinesis (water only), shield
Legendary Actions
2nd level (3 slots): control weather, watery sphere, Siobhan can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
alter self
the options below. Only one legendary action can be
3rd level (3 slots): tidal wave, wall of water, water
used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s
breathing, water walk
turn. Siobhan regains spent legendary actions at the
4th level (3 slots): hold monster, major image, ice start of her turn.
storm, watery sphere

5th level (2 slots): simulacrum, tsunami Strike. Siobhan makes an attack with her Trident or
Guardians of the Depths. Adapted to even the most casts a spell.
extreme ocean depths, Siobhan has resistance to cold Swift Repositioning. Siobhan can move up to half of her
damage, and ignores any of the drawbacks caused by a movement speed without provoking attacks of
deep, underwater environment. opportunity.
Fathaghn, the Dryad Queen
Within a great forest is the Mother Tree, the sacred oak of the
dryads. To protect it, the archfey and queen of the dryads
created the Maze of Fathaghn. Full of tricking paths, the
dryads assault intruders and lead adventurers deep into the
woods so they may get lost, or worst.
Fathaghn herself rarely leaves the maze, tending to the
Mother tree. She often sends delegates out to enact her will
on her behalf.
Archfey Magic. You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival)
checks to navigate forests and mazes. Additionally, you can
cast the Thorn Whip cantrip. Wisdom is your spellscasting
ability for it.
Great Gark, the Goblin King
An ugly and terrible hobgoblin, Great Gark rules over the
goblins of Nachtur. A powerful sorcerer in his own right, he
uses his magic to unite the goblinoids of the Feywild under
his reign and punish those who refuse his rule. Despite this,
Great Gark and Nachtur are a minor threat to the eladrin,
though rumors spread of Great Gark allying with the
fomorians and the Queen of Air and Darkness.
Those who find themselves in Nachtur are given two
choices, work for Great Gark or become a slave to the
goblins. Many choose the former.
Archfey Magic. You have advantage on Charisma
(Persuasion) checks made to interact with goblinoids.
Hysram, the Prince of Fools
Hysram is an ancient and powerful satyr who revels in
trickery and guile. Presenting himself as a fool, this is merely
a guise Hysram uses to hide his intelligence that he uses to
bring anarchy and destroy civilization in the Feywilds. He
wishes to see fomorians and even the elves purged from the
lands and returned to nature, of which his friend Oberon
doesn’t realize.
Archfey Magic. You gain advantage on saving throws
against Charm effects. Additionally, you can cast the Vicious
Mockery cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for it.
Jack Frost
“You don't want me. You're all hard work and deadlines! I'm... snowballs and fun times.”
Known to the Norse as Jokul Frosti, the being called Jack
Frost is equal part fey, elemental, and spirit. Believed to
possess artistic virtuosity, Jack is said to sneak into towns late
at night and make elegant frost designs on the windows and
over the winter leaves and grass.
As the manifestation of winter, Jack Frost is capable of
manipulating ice and snow. This light-hearted aspect of Old
Man Winter and personification of all things freezing cold is
the spirit of mischief and chaos personified. Jack is both the
Spirit of Fun and Winter, but is a surprisingly powerful and a
cunning trickster. His task is to make children have fun, while
bringing joy and fun times with Winter and snow days,
thereby making them happy and bolstering their faith.
As the Spirit of Fun, Jack can bewitch others with feelings
of fun, joy, and laughter with his snowballs or even his
snowflakes. Jack Frost has a special kinship among the world
of leaves. He can command the leaves of any tree or plant
(other than Mandrake) and use them as spies to keep watch.
They can change color, fly and even return to their tree if he
tells them. They speak to Jack as though he were one of them
and revere the spirit as a king.
Archfey Magic. You can cast the spell 'Investiture of Ice' at
will twice per long rest.
Jack Frost I Refuse Banishment! When Jack Frost is reduced to half
his normal hit point total, he gains a second initiative
Medium Fey, Chaotic Good
count. This second turn may use any of his normal
Armor Class 15 (leather armor) combat Actions and Reactions but the number of
Hit Points 114 (12d10 + 48) Legendary Actions remains the same across the entire
Speed 50 ft., climb 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (Hover) round.
Winter’s Mater. Once per turn, Jack Frost deals an extra
35 (10d6) damage when he hits a target with a
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA weapon attack and has advantage on the attack roll, or
20 (+5) 24(+7) 23 (+6) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) when the target is within 5 feet of an ally of Jack's that
isn’t incapacitated and Jack Frost doesn’t have
Damage Vulnerabilities fire disadvantage on the attack roll. Jack Frost considers
Damage Immunities cold, poison; bludgeoning, creatures encased in his Ice as allies for the purposes
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks of this trait.
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, grappled,
paralyzed, poisoned Actions
Senses darkvision 120 ft., truesight 30 ft., passive Multiattack. Jack Frost makes two attacks in any
Perception 19 combination he likes, he may also cast a spell.
Languages Sylvan, Common, Elvish, Primordial,
telepathy 120 ft. Ice Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 5ft.,
Challenge 20 (25,000 XP) one target. Hit: 13 (4d8+4) slashing damage.
Staff of Black Ice. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit,
Legendary Resistance (3/day). If Jack Frost fails a saving reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d6+3) piercing damage
throw, he can choose to succeed instead. + 17 (3d6+7) cold damage + 17 (3d6+7) poison
damage. On a critical hit, the weapon does an
Innate Spellcasting. Jack Frost is a 12th-level spellcaster.
additional 60 cold damage and the target is dazed on a
His innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save
failed DC 21 Constitution saving throw. Dazed
DC 17, +8 to hit with spell attacks). He can innately
creatures hit again become stunned (save ends).
cast the following spells, requiring no material
components: Freezing Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit vs
Constitution, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d6+7)
at will: eldritch blast, chill touch, detect magic, fog
cold damage + 5 (1d10) ongoing cold damage. Any
cloud, light, frostbite, ray of frost, magic missile,
creature affected by the ongoing cold damage may
Vicious Mockery, Friends

make a save at the beginning of their turn to shake it

5/day: ice knife, endure elements (cold only), chill
off, further failed saves have secondary effects:

metal (as heat metal, but does cold damage), freezing

• First failed saving throw: The target is immobilised.

sphere, snilloc's snowball storm, fear, fog cloud, misty

• Second failed saving throw: The target is stunned and

takes an additional 5 (1d10) ongoing cold damage.

3/day: tidal wave, sleet storm, storm sphere, hold

• Third failed saving throw: The target is encased in ice
monster, dominate person, greater invisibility,
and grants Jack Frost a flanking bonus (see winter’s
foresight, bestow curse

master). A character can continue to save vs DC 21

2/day: maelstrom, conjure elemental, glibness, power
Constitution to break out at the start of their turn. Any
word stun, compulsion
application of magical heat grants the encased creature
1/day: ice storm, circle of death, finger of death, cone
advantage on the save.
of cold, feeblemind, power word kill
Ice Crown. Ranged Weapon Attack: +15 to hit vs
Winter Step. Jack Frost can move across and climb icy
Constitution, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 13
surfaces without needing to make an ability check.
(2d8+4) piercing damage + 7 (2d6) cold damage. The
Additionally, difficult terrain composed of ice or snow
target’s speed is reduced by 10 feet until the end of its
doesn’t cost extra movement. He can walk on vertical
next turn.
and horizontal surfaces that are covered by ice or
snow. Snowball. Ranged Spell Attack: +14 to hit, range
30/150 ft., one target. Hit 8 (1d8+3) bludgeoning
Speak with Beasts & Plants. Jack Frost can communicate
damage + 4 (1d4+2) radiant damage.
with beasts and plants as if they shared a language.
Fey Presence (Recharge 5-6). Each creature within 30
Magic Resistance. Jack Frost has advantage on saving
feet of Jack Frost that can see him must succeed on a
throws against spells and other magical effects.
DC 22 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened or
Magic Weapons. Jack Frost’s weapon attacks are charmed by Jack (his choice) for 1 minute. An affected
magical. creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each
Cold Eyes. Jack Frost can see perfectly in snowy of its turns, ending the effect on a success.
conditions, including driving blizzards, and is immune
to snow blindness.
Snowblind. One target that Jack Frost can see within
Reactions 100 feet must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving
Frozen Shards. When Jack Frost is hit by a melee attack, throw or be blinded by swirling snow until the end of
she can strike his attacker with shards from his icy its next turn.
crown. The attacker takes 11 (2d10) piercing damage Summon Fey (Costs 3 Actions). Jack Frost summons fey
and 11 (2d10) cold damage, or half damage with a creatures with a combined hit point total of no more
successful DC 21 Dexterity saving throw. He may then
than 100. These creatures can appear anywhere within
vanish in a puff of mist to turning invisible until the 120 feet of Jack Frost and are invisible until they move
start of his next turn or until he attacks or casts a spell,
or take an action.
and teleports up to 60 feet away.
Dark Delirium (2 Actions, 1/Day). Jack Frost chooses up
Legendary Actions to three creatures that he can see within 120 feet of
him. Each target must succeed on a DC 22 Wisdom
Jack Frost can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from saving throw or be plunged into an illusory realm for 1
the options below. Only one legendary action option minute or until the target takes any damage. Until this
can be used at a time and only at the end of another illusion ends, each target thinks it is lost in a misty
creature's turn. Jack Frost regains spent legendary realm, the appearance of which usually entails blizzards
actions at the start of his own turn. and other actic weather. The creature can see and hear
only itself, Jack, and the illusion. The target can repeat
Move. Jack Frost may take a move action. its save at the beginning of each of its turns, ending
Freezing Touch. Jack Frost makes a freezing touch the effect on a success. After the effects end, or after
attack. succeeding on its saving throw, a creature is immune
to the effects of Dark Delirium for 24 hours.
Spellsinger (Variable). Jack Frost may use cast a cantrip
(1 action) or use a 3/day spell (2 actions) or a 1/day
spell (3 actions).
Lady of the White Well Lurue, the Unicorn Queen
The Lady of the White Well is the daughter of Sehanine, Lurue is the lord of talking beasts, mainly unicorns and
banished by Corellon to be bound to the pool of water she pegasi, and daughter of the previous unicorn lord,
was born in for eternity for Sehanine’s infidelity. Skin and Eachthighern. Skin and hair as light as moonlight, Lurue
light as silver and hair as white as clouds, the Lady of the promotes exploration and adventure, bringing her to the
White Well is an elf who yearns for love. As such, those who attention of many romantics who seek to exemplify her
interest her gain boons and those she falls in love with earn values in addition to the talking beasts she commands.
her blade so they may become her champion and free her The beastlord, Malar, is currently hunting for her and she
from her banishment by becoming her true love, yet all have spends much of her time avoiding him and fighting him off so
died in their attempts and thus she waits. she may maintain her freedom.
Archfey Magic. You gain proficiency in all simple and Archfey Magic.
You can cast the Spare the Dying cantrip.
martial weapons. Additionally, once per long rest, as a bonus Additionally, once per long rest you can the cast Cure
action, your weapon attacks deal an additional d4 radiant Wounds spell. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these
damage for 1 minute. spells.
King Oberon, the Green Lord
Oberon is the king of the Seelie Court and lord of the green
fey. Earning his title primarily due to his marriage to Titania,
Oberon is still much beloved by the Seelie Court. He is the
king of nature, wild places, and animals. This charming,
handsome fey is taller than most fey, but he has no wings.
Oberon mainly spends his time in the Beastlands hunting
its animals with Cernunnos and other archfey and even
deities who join him, Hysram, his closest ally, declaring his
wises while he’s away.
Down to Earth. Unlike Titania, Oberon is very relatable
and is revered by all good and neutral fey. He spends a great
deal of time away from his throne with the common fey.
Court Rival. There is some drama in the Seelie Court, the
Oak Lord is attempting to take the place of Oberon.
Constant Companions. Oberon is usually accompanied by
the royal stag and his loyal owl. The king often uses the
scrying spell to see through the eyes of his owl familiar.
Archfey Magic. You gain proficiency with all ranged
weapons. Additionally, once per long rest, as a bonus action,
you gain advantage on a number of weapon attacks you make
equal to your proficiency bonus.
King Oberon Speak with Beasts & Plants. Oberon can communicate
with beasts and plants as if they shared a language.
medium Fey, chaotic neutral

Armor Class 17 (natural armour) Actions

Hit Points 262 (25d8+150) Multiattack. Oberon can use his Dark Delirium or Fey
Speed 35 ft., fly 50 ft. Presence, if available. He can then make three attacks
with his sword.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA +3 Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach
20 (+5) 24(+7) 23 (+6) 21 (+5) 24 (+7) 26(+8) 5 ft., one target. Hit 13 (1d10+8) slashing damage +
11 (2d10) radiant damage and reduces the target’s hit
point maximum by the same amount. The target must
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
finish a short or long rest to regain these hit points.
from nonmagical attacks
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened Ancient Yew Wand. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit,
Saving Throws Dex +13, Int +12, Wis +14, Cha +14 reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (104+6) piercing damage
Skills Animal Handling +14, Arcana -12, Deception and the target is charmed or frightened by Oberon (his
+12, History +12, Nature -12, Perception +14, choice) until the end of its next turn.
Persuasion +14, Sleight of Hand +13, Stealth +13 Diamond Wand. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit,
Senses darkvision 120 ft., truesight 30 ft., passive reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: 12 (1d10+7) piercing
Perception 24 damage + 24 (7d6) radiant damage.
Languages Sylvan, Common, Elvish, Primordial,
telepathy 120 ft. Summon Unicorns (1/day). Oberon can summon 1d4
Challenge 20 (25,000 XP) unicorns. They appear in unoccupied spaces within 60
feet of him.
Legendary Resistance (3/day). If Oberon fails a saving Glibness. Oberon can replace any number he rolls for a
throw, he can choose to succeed instead. Charisma check with 15. Additionally, any magic that
would determine if he is telling the truth indicates that
Innate Spellcasting. Oberon's innate spellcasting ability he is truthful.
is Charisma (spell save DC 22, +15 to hit with spell
attacks). Oberon can innately cast the following spells, Fey Presence (Recharge 5-6). Each creature within 30
requiring no verbal components and using his Ancient feet of Oberon that can see him must succeed on a DC
Yew Wand as the material components: 22 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened or charmed
by Oberon (his choice) for 1 minute. An affected
At will: alter self, animal friendship, animal messenger,
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each
beast sense, calm emotions, charm monster, commune of its turns, ending the effect on a success.
with nature, detect magic, disguise self, entangle,
enthrall, faerie fire, greater invisibility, magic missile, Dark Delirium (Recharges after a short or Long Rest).
major image, misty step, pass without trace, Oberon chooses up to three creatures that he can see
phantasmal force, sleep, speak with animals, Tasha's within 120 feet of him. Each target must succeed on a
hideous laughter, tree stride
DC 22 Wisdom saving throw or be plunged into an
3/day each: blink, detect thoughts, divination, illusory realm for 1 minute or until the target takes any
dominate beast, geas, hex, plant growth, polymorph, damage. Until this illusion ends, each target thinks it is
power word kill, protection from energy, scrying, lost in a misty realm of Oberon's creation and can see
and hear only itself, Oberon, any other creatures
2/day: create food and water, heroes feast, purify food affected by Dark Delirium, and the illusory realm. The
and water, confusion, transport via plants, polymorph, target can repeat its save at the beginning of each of its
telekinesis, fog cloud, hypnotic pattern, invisibility, turns, ending the effect on a success. After the effects
mirror image, modify memory
end, or after succeeding on its saving throw, a creature
1/day each: dominate person, dream, find familiar, is immune to the effects of Dark Delirium for 24 hours.
goodberry, mass suggestion, modify memory, true
polymorph (self only) Legendary Actions
Wards Against Magic. Oberon has advantage on saving Oberon can take 3 legendaty actions, choosing from
throws against and resistance to damage from spells the options below. Only one legendary action option
and other magical effects, unless on the previous turn can be used at a time and only at the end of another
Oberon was subjected to the effects of an anti-fey creature's turn. Oberon regains spent legendary actions
spell. at the start of her own turn.
Regeneration. Oberon regains 10 hit points at the start Fey Trickery. Oberon casts one of his at will spells.
of each of his turns. If Oberon is subjected to the
effects of an anti-fey spell, this trait does not function Quickness of Tongue and Fingers. Oberon makes an
at the start of Oberon's next turn. Oberon dies only if ability check.
he starts his turn with 0 hit points and doesn't Summon Fey (Costs 3 Actions). Oberon summons fey
regenerate. creatures with a combined hit point total of no more
Magic Resistance. Oberon has advantage on saving than 100. These creatures can appear anywhere within
throws against spells and other magical effects. 120 feet of Oberon and are invisible until they move or
take an action.
Magic Weapons. Oberon’s weapon attacks are magical.
The Prince of Frost
The Prince of Frost, the strongest among the winter fey and
son of Tiandra. With skin as cold as ice and a heart that lacks
any warmth. He was not always the Prince of Frost but once
the Sun Prince. To be married to one of the Daughters of
Delight, Sharaea, she instead fled to the material realm and
married a mortal hero with whom she fought against the
forces of darkness.
The Sun Prince grew bitter that she refused to marry him
and after Sharaea made a bargain with the Raven Queen to
send her and her lover’s souls to the future, the Sun Prince’s
realm twisted and he became the Prince of Frost, turning the
rest of the Daughters of Delight into the terrible Sisters of
Archfey Magic. You gain resistance to cold damage.
The Prince of Frost Magic Resistance. The Prince of Frost has advantage on
saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Medium Fey, Neutral Evil
Magic Weapons. The Prince of Frost’s weapon attacks
Armor Class 15 (leather armor) are magical.
Hit Points 114 (12d10 + 48)
Speed 50 ft., climb 30 ft. Cold Eyes. The Prince of Frost can see perfectly in
snowy conditions, including driving blizzards, and is
immune to snow blindness.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA I Refuse Banishment! When The Prince of Frost is
20 (+5) 24(+7) 23 (+6) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) reduced to half his normal hit point total, he gains a
second initiative count. This second turn may use any
Damage Vulnerabilities fire of his normal combat Actions and Reactions but the
Damage Immunities cold, poison; bludgeoning, number of Legendary Actions remains the same across
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks the entire round.
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, grappled, Winter’s Mater. Once per turn, The Prince of Frost deals
paralyzed, poisoned an extra 35 (10d6) damage when he hits a target with
Senses darkvision 120 ft., truesight 30 ft., passive a weapon attack and has advantage on the attack roll,
Perception 19 or when the target is within 5 feet of an ally of The
Languages Sylvan, Common, Elvish, Primordial, Prince of Frost that isn’t incapacitated and The Prince
telepathy 120 ft. of Frost doesn’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.
Challenge 20 (25,000 XP) The Prince of Frost considers creatures encased in his
Ice as allies for the purposes of this trait.
Legendary Resistance (3/day). If The Prince of Frost fails
a saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead. Actions
Innate Spellcasting. The Prince of Frost is a 12th-level Multiattack. The Prince of Frost makes two attacks in
spellcaster. His innate spellcasting ability is Charisma any combination he likes, he may also cast a spell.
(spell save DC 17, +8 to hit with spell attacks). v can Ice Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 5ft.,
innately cast the following spells, requiring no material one target. Hit: 13 (4d8+4) slashing damage.
Blade of Black Ice. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit,
at will: eldritch blast, chill touch, detect magic, fog reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d6+3) piercing damage
cloud, light, frostbite, vicious mockery, ray of frost, + 17 (3d6+7) cold damage + 17 (3d6+7) poison
magic missile

damage. On a critical hit, the weapon does an

5/day: ice knife, endure elements (cold only), chill additional 60 cold damage and the target is dazed on a
metal (as heat metal, but does cold damage), freezing failed DC 21 Constitution saving throw. Dazed
sphere, snilloc's snowball storm, fear, fog cloud, misty creatures hit again become stunned (save ends).

3/day: tidal wave, sleet storm, storm sphere, hold Freezing Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit vs
monster, dominate person, greater invisibility, Constitution, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d6+7)
foresight, bestow curse
cold damage + 5 (1d10) ongoing cold damage. Any
2/day: maelstrom, conjure elemental, glibness, power creature affected by the ongoing cold damage may
word stun, compulsion make a save at the beginning of their turn to shake it
1/day: ice storm, circle of death, finger of death, cone off, further failed saves have secondary effects:

of cold, feeblemind, power word kill • First failed saving throw: The target is immobilised.

• Second failed saving throw: The target is stunned and

Chilling Presence. Cold air surrounds The Prince of takes an additional 5 (1d10) ongoing cold damage.

Frost. Small non-magical flames are extinguished in her

• Third failed saving throw: The target is encased in ice
presence and water begins to freeze. Unprotected and grants The Prince of Frost a flanking bonus (see
characters spending more than 10 minutes within 15 winter’s master). A character can continue to save vs
feet of her must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution
DC 21 Constitution to break out at the start of their
saving throw or suffer as if exposed to severe cold. turn. Any application of magical heat grants the
Spells that grant protection from cold damage are
encased creature advantage on the save.
targeted by an automatic dispel magic effect.
Ice Crown. Ranged Weapon Attack: +15 to hit vs
Winter Step. The Prince of Frost can move across and Constitution, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 13
climb icy surfaces without needing to make an ability (2d8+4) piercing damage + 7 (2d6) cold damage. The
check. Additionally, difficult terrain composed of ice or target’s speed is reduced by 10 feet until the end of its
snow doesn’t cost extra movement. He can walk on next turn.
vertical and horizontal surfaces that are covered by ice
or snow. Wardancer (Recharge 5-6). The Prince of Frost may
teleport up to 40 feet and make a sword of black ice
Speak with Beasts & Plants. The Prince of Frost can attack against all adjacent creatures. These attacks
communicate with beasts and plants as if they shared a score a critical on a 16+.
Kiss of the Frozen Heart. The Prince of Frost may kiss a Move. The Prince of Frost may take a move action.
willing individual, freezing the target’s heart. The target
Freezing Touch. The Prince of Frost makes a freezing
falls under the sway of a "dominate person" spell, his touch attack.
or her alignment shifts to LE, and he or she gains
immunity to cold. The Prince of Frost can have up to Spellsinger (Variable). The Prince of Frost may use cast a
three such servants at once. The effect can be broken cantrip (1 action) or use a 3/day spell (2 actions) or a
by dispel magic (DC 17), greater restoration, or the kiss 1/day spell (3 actions).
of someone who loves the target. Snowblind. One target that The Prince of Frost can see
Fey Presence (Recharge 5-6). Each creature within 30 within 100 feet must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution
feet of The Prince of Frost that can see him must saving throw or be blinded by swirling snow until the
succeed on a DC 22 Wisdom saving throw or be end of its next turn.
frightened or charmed by The Prince of Frost (his Summon Fey (Costs 3 Actions). The Prince of Frost
choice) for 1 minute. An affected creature can repeat summons fey creatures with a combined hit point total
the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending of no more than 100. These creatures can appear
the effect on a success. anywhere within 120 feet of The Prince of Frost and
are invisible until they move or take an action.
Reactions Dark Delirium (2 Actions, 1/Day). The Prince of Frost
Frozen Shards. When The Prince of Frost is hit by a chooses up to three creatures that he can see within
melee attack, she can strike her attacker with shards 120 feet of him. Each target must succeed on a DC 22
from her icy crown. The attacker takes 11 (2d10) Wisdom saving throw or be plunged into an illusory
piercing damage and 11 (2d10) cold damage, or half realm for 1 minute or until the target takes any
damage with a successful DC 21 Dexterity saving damage. Until this illusion ends, each target thinks it is
throw. She may then vanish in a puff of mist to turning lost in a misty realm, the appearance of which usually
invisible until the start of her next turn or until she entails blizzards and other actic weather. The creature
attacks or casts a spell, and teleports up to 60 feet can see and hear only itself, The Prince of Frost, and
away. the illusion. The target can repeat its save at the
beginning of each of its turns, ending the effect on a
Legendary Actions success. After the effects end, or after succeeding on
its saving throw, a creature is immune to the effects of
The Prince of Frost can take 3 legendary actions, Dark Delirium for 24 hours.
choosing from the options below. Only one legendary
action option can be used at a time and only at the end
of another creature's turn. The Prince of Frost regains
spent legendary actions at the start of her own turn.
Psilofyr, the Carrion King
Psilofyr rules over all of the Feydark and the myconids. Not
one, but many, Psilofyr could manifest anywhere he pleased
as a fungal form. Well known for his philosophy of renewal
via decomposition and his hospitality. Though his mind
became frayed the more versions of himself he created, they
all mostly held the same values of regrowth and helping
those with peaceful intentions. However, sometimes versions
of him would become corrupted and seek to do the exact
opposite of his desires and it isn’t uncommon for him to
request to destroy these rogue Psilofyrs.
Archfey Magic. You can speak with plants as per the
Speak with Plants spell. Additionally, you gain advantage on
Charisma (Persuasion) checks to interact with fungus and
Maiden of the Moon
The Maiden of the Moon is a mysterious figure dedicated to
hunting down evil lycanthropes. Thought to be a
manifestation of Selune, the Maiden is shrouded in mystery.
All that is known is that if evil lyncathropes overstep their
bounds, they will be banished by her. Those who follow her
are often master lycanthrope hunters and wield silver
weapons and other armaments to slay them in the Maiden’s
The lycanthropes of Brokenstone Vale are suspected to be
under her protection however. The magic that permeates the
vale that allows them to control their transformation, a
blessing from her.
Archfey Magic. Your weapon attacks count as silver for the
purposes of vulnerabilities and bypassing resistances.
The Maiden of the Moon Moon Bolt. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, range
150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 22 (4d10) radiant
Medium Fey, neutral good
damage. If the target is a creature in a form other than
Armor Class 17 (half plate) its natural form, it takes an additional 22 (4d10)
Hit Points 170 (20d8 + 80) radiant damage and must succeed on a DC 19
Speed 50 ft., swim 50 ft., fly 50 ft. Charisma saving throw or revert to its natural form.
When the moon bolt hits a target, moonlight glows in a
10-foot radius from that point, creating dim light. The
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA light is stationary and lasts until the end of the Moonlit
King’s next turn.
16 (+3) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 20 (+5)
Diamond Lance. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit,
Damage Resistances acid; bludgeoning, piercing, and reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: 12 (1d10+7) piercing
slashing from weapons that aren’t made of cold iron. damage + 24 (7d6) radiant damage.
Damage Immunities cold, fire, poison Summon Devil (1/day). The Maiden of the Moon
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, poisoned, magically summons a lunar devil. The summoned devil
Saving Throws Con +10, Wis +10, Cha +11 appears in an unoccupied space within 60 feet of its
Skills Arcana +11, Perception +12, Stealth +5 summoner, acts as an ally of its summoner, and can’t
Senses Blindsight 30 ft., Darkvision 120 ft., Passive summon other devils. It remains for 10 minutes, until
Perception 20 its summoner dies, or until its summoner dismisses it
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, as an action.
Elvish, Infernal, Sylvan, Umbral; telepathy 100 ft.
Challenge 17 (18,000 XP) Fearful Shadows (Recharge 5-6). The Maiden of the
Proficiency Bonus +5 Moon magically animates the shadows of all foes
within 60 feet of herself. The animated shadows attack
the creatures who cast them. All affected creatures in
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If The Maiden of the
the area take 35 (10d6) necrotic damage, or half
Moon fails a saving throw, she can choose to succeed
damage with a successful DC 19 Dexterity saving
throw. A creature that fails the saving throw also loses
Innate Spellcasting. The Maiden of the Moon's innate 1d4 points from its Strength score. A creature reduced
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 19, +11 to 0 Strength is unconscious until it regains at least 1
to hit with spell attacks). The Maiden of the Moon can point of Strength. Strength lost to fearful shadows
innately cast the following spells, requiring no material returns when the creature finishes a short or long rest.
At will: Druidcraft, continual flame, detect evil and
good, invisibility (self only), moonbeam, zone of truth
Shadow Slip. The Maiden of the Moon takes on the
3/day each: entangle, goodberry, blight, dispel evil and quality of her manifest delusions when she is targeted
good, dispel magic
by an attacker she can see. She becomes nearly
1/day each: barkskin, pass without trace, Shillelagh, insubstantial, so that the attack roll is made with
demiplane, heal disadvantage. If the attack hits, The Maiden of the
Moon takes half damage.
Control Moonlight. As a bonus action, the Maiden of the
Moon can cause all areas of moonlight within 100 feet
to move up to 10 feet. Legendary Actions
Magic Resistance. The Maiden of the Moon has The Maiden of the Moon can take 3 legendary actions,
advantage on saving throws against spells and other choosing from the options below. Only one legendary
magical effects. action option can be used at a time and only at the end
of another creature's turn. The Maiden of the Moon
Magic Weapons. The Maiden of the Moon’s weapon regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
attacks are magical, and deal an extra 7 (2d6) radiant
damage (included below). Staff. The Maiden of the Moon makes a crystal staff
Speak with Beasts & Plants. The Maiden of the Moon
can communicate with beasts and plants as if they Lightwalking. The Maiden of the Moon teleports from
shared a language. one area of moonlight to another within 100 feet.
Aura of Madness (Costs 2 Actions). While she is
Actions standing in an area of moonlight, The Maiden of the
Multiattack. The Maiden of the Moon makes three Moon can spread a tranquil madness to other creatures
attacks with either her crystal staff or her moon bolt. within 30 feet. A creature other than a fiend that starts
its turn in the aura or enters it for the first time on a
Crystal Staff. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 turn (including when the aura is created) must succeed
ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3) bludgeoning damage + 7 on a DC 19 Charisma saving throw or be confused (as
(2d6) radiant damage. A target that is struck by the if affected by the confusion spell) until the start of its
staff two or more times in one turn must make a next turn. The aura lasts until the start of The Maiden of
successful DC 17 Constitution saving throw or be the Moon’s next turn.
stunned until the end of its next turn.
Nathair Sgiathach, Patron of Faerie Dragon &
Nathair Sgiathach is the lord of faerie dragons and
pseudodragons, one of the few dragon deities who loves the
Feywilds. A tiny dragon with gossamer butterfly wings, he is
always seen with the biggest smile any dragon can muster.
Though a lord in the Seelie Court, he is so sarcastic and
frivolous about all matters that not even the fey couldn’t
tolerate it many a time. As such, he spends much of his time
eating apple pie and pulling pranks, his favorite being to
make the bottom of humanoids glow red.
Archfey Magic. Once per short or long rest, as a bonus
action a creature within 30 feet of you has disadvantage on
the next saving throw against an Enchantment or Illusion
Nathair Sgiathach Magic Resistance. Nathair has advantage on saving
throws against spells and other magical effects.
tiny dragon/fey, Chaotic Good
Magic Weapons. Nathair’s weapon attacks are magical.
Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Hit Points 250 (20d20+40) Speak with Beasts & Plants. Nathair can communicate
Speed 35 ft., climb 15 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) with beasts and plants as if they shared a language.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Multiattack. Nathair makes two attacks, one with its
15 (+2) 18 (+4) 21 (+5) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) 20 (+5) bite and one with its claws.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Damage Vulnerabilities psychic target. Hit 10 (2d10+3) piercing damage + 4 (1d8)
Damage Resistances Fire, Lightning force damage, and the target must succeed a DC 12
Damage Immunities Necrotic; bludgeoning, piercing, constitution saving throw or take 2d6 radiant damage.
and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Condition Immunities Charmed, frightened, paralyzed, Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5ft., one
petrified target. Hit: 6 (2d6+1) Slashing damage.
Saving Throws Dex +4, Int +8, Wis +6 Tail Sting. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft,
Skills Acrobatics +1, Arcana +12, Deception +15, one target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3) bludgeoning damage + 7
History +12, Perception +9, Perception +1, Stealth (1d8+2) piercing damage, and the target must succeed
+1 on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or suffer under
Senses blindsight 60 ft., Truesight 120 ft, passive the effect of the confusion spell until Nathair's next
Perception 19 turn and become poisoned for 1 hour. If the saving
Languages Common, Draconic, Sylvan, telepathy 100 throw fails by 5 or more, the target falls unconscious
feet for the same duration, or until it takes damage or
Challenge 22 (41,000 XP) another creature uses an action to shake it awake.
Legendary Resistance (3/day). If Nathair fails a saving Radiation Breath (Recharge 5–6). Nathair exhales blazing
throw, he can choose to succeed instead. radiant energy in a 15ft cone, each creature in that area
must succeed a DC 17 dexterity saving throw or take
Spellcasting. Nathair is a 18th-level spellcaster. His 17 (3d10) radiant damage & 26 (4d12) fire damage
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 20, +12 on a failed save or half as much on a successful one.
to hit with spell attacks). Nathair has the following Euphoria Breath (Recharge 5–6). Nathair exhales a puff
spells prepared:
of euphoria gas at one creature within 5 feet of it. The
Cantrips (at will): dancing lights, mage hand, Acid target must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw,
Splash, Friends, Ray of Frost, Eldritch Blast, Fire Bolt, or for 1 minute, the target can’t take reactions and
True Strike
must roll a d6 at the start of each of its turns to
1st Level (5 slots): Catapult, Chaos Bolt, Color Spray, determine its behavior during the turn:
False Life, Magic Missile, Hex, Chromatic Orb
Level (4 slots): suggestion, Heat Metal, Pyrotechnics, Euphoria Breath Results
Hold Person, Shatter, Blindness/Deafness, Mirror D6 Result

1– The target takes no action or bonus action and

3rd Level (3 slots): major image, Call Lightning, Dispel 4 uses all of its movement to move in a random
Magic, Lightning Bolt, Vampiric Touch, Slow
4th (3 slots): polymorph, Greater Invisibility,
Hallucinatory Terrain
5– The target doesn’t move, and the only thing it can
5th (3 slots): Cloudkill, Dominate Person
6 do on its turn is make a DC 17 Wisdom saving
6th (2 slots): Chain Lightning, Eyebite
throw, ending the effect on itself on a success.
7th (2 slots): Prismatic Spray, Finger of Death

8th (1 slot): Power Word Stun, Earthquake

Legendary Actions
9th (1 slot): Power Word Kill
Nathair can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
Keen Senses. Nathair has advantage on Wisdom the options below. Only one legendary action option
(Perception) checks that rely on sight, hearing, or can be used at a time and only at the end of another
smell. creature's turn. Nathair regains spent legendary actions
Limited Telepathy. Nathair can magically communicate at the start of his own turn.
telepathically with any creature within 100 feet of it
Beguile. Nathair casts charm person.
that can understand a language.
Cantrip. Nathair casts a cantrip.
Superior Invisibility. As a bonus action, Nathair can
magically turn invisible until its concentration ends (as Conjure Fey (Costs 2 Actions). Nathair can summon
if concentrating on a spell). Any equipment Nathair other Sylvan creatures to fight alongside him in combat
wears or carries is invisible with it. or to aid in any myriad of tasks. The creatures he can
summon include Blink Dogs, Satyrs, Green and Sea
Amplification Aura. Allies’ spells cast within 30 feet of
Hags, Faerie Dragons, Pixies, Sprites and Dryads. These
the pseudodragon have their saving throw DC
summons have the same Charisma and Dexterity as
increased by 1.
Nathair, while all other stats remain the same.
Relkath of the Infinite Branches
Once an elven deity to the Yiur, Relkath is an ancient treant
who sprouts forest wherever he treads. When the elves of
Yiurwood lives, he was their fickle protector. Drow and trolls
continued to attack however, and human colonization pushed
them further out of their territory, with the final blow being a
great plague that wiped the elves out.
After the era of the Spellplague, Relkath became an
archfey to the fey of the Moonshae Isles, continuing to
spreads his woods.
Archfey Magic. Once per long rest, you may enchant a
plant seed and plant it into the ground, letting it grow for 30
days. It magically transforms into an awakened plant with the
statistics of an awakened shrub at the end of that time.
The awakened plant is friendly to you. Absent of
commands from you, it does nothing.
Reynard, the Trinket Lord
Reynard was once a gnome on the run from slavers and
through fortune became a minor archfey. While trying to hide
from the slavers, he found the Cave of Lost Things, a place
where all lost things end up. The powers there turned him
into a foxlike humanoid and he was able to use his magic to
lead his trackers to be lost forever. Now he collects all the
trinkets mortals and outsiders lose in his Cave of Lost Things
and offers them to others via bargains, or to those who are
enslaved so they may free themselves like he did.
Archfey Magic. As an action you can transform into an
Arctic Fox as per the druid Wild Shape ability, except the
duration is infinite. This form can have any fur color you like.
Sarath Thar, the Omenseeker
Sarath Thar, also known as the Witch of Fates, is a selkie
finder of new horizons who sails the seas on her longboat.
Appearing as a human with long mahogany locks and skins
wrinkled with time, Sarath Thar searches for new knowledge
and tells heroes of fabled prophecies to encourage others to
create new stories for her and fulfill her fabled destinies.
When not traveling, she stays with her husband, Delceth, in
his lighthouse or attends fey courts to advise them.
Archfey Magic. You can cast the Guidance cantrip.
Additionally, once per long rest you can cast the Guiding Bolt
spell. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Sarath Thar the Token of Favor. As an action, Sarath Thar can cut a lock
of her hair and twist it into a token for a creature she
Omenseeker chooses. As long as that creature carries the token, it
Large fey, true neutral gains the magic resistance trait (see below).

Sarath Thar can revoke her favor at any time as a bonus

Armor Class 18 (natural armor) action. When that happens, the creature loses the
Hit Points 123 (13d10 + 52) benefit of the token and, if she wishes, the creature
Speed 40 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover) also has disadvantage on saving throws against spells
and other magical effects for 24 hours.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Magic Resistance. Sarath Thar has advantage on saving
throws against spells and other magical effects.
22 (+6) 10 (+0) 19 (+4) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 22 (+6)
Magic Weapons. Sarath Thar’s weapon attacks are
Damage Resistances fire, cold; bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing damage from weapons that aren’t cold Speak with Beasts & Plants. Sarath Thar can
iron communicate with beasts and plants as if they shared a
Damage Immunities radiant language.
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, frightened,
Saving Throws Dex +6, Wis +10, Cha +12 Actions
Skills Arcana +9, Deception +12, History +9, Insight Multiattack. Sarath Thar makes two attacks, or makes
+10, Perception +10 one attack and casts a spell.
Senses truesight 60 ft., passive Perception 19
Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Elvish, Sylvan, Moonsilver Ring. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit,
Umbral reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d8+6) bludgeoning
Challenge 17 (18,000 XP) damage + 10 (3d6) radiant damage. The moonsilver
Proficiency Bonus +5 ring is a magical weapon.
Blast. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Sarath Thar fails a target. Hit 11 (1d10+6) force damage. A creature hit
saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead. by a blast must succeed on a DC 19 Strength saving
Innate Spellcasting. Sarath Thar's innate spellcasting throw or be pushed 10 feet directly away from her.
ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14). Sarath Thar can
innately cast the following spells, requiring no material Legendary Actions
components: Sarath Thar can take 3 legendary actions, choosing
At will: faerie fire, hex, misty step, silent image, from the options below. Only one legendary action
option can be used at a time and only at the end of
3/day each: chain lightning, counterspell, dispel magic, another creature's turn. Sarath Thar regains spent
hypnotic pattern, teleportation circle
legendary actions at the start of its turn.
2/day each: bestow curse, feeblemind, mass Attack. Sarath Thar makes one attack.
suggestion, flesh to stone

1/day each: power word kill, sleep (9th level), true Teleport. Sarath Thar magically teleports to an
polymorph unoccupied space she can see within 40 feet.
Absorb the Weave. When Sarath Thar counters or Spell (2 actions). Sarath Thar casts a spell.
dispels a spell, she heals damage equal to twice the
spell level.
Selephra, the Bramble Queen
Selephra is a wicked and devious archfey nearly forgotten.
Appearing as a magnificent and leaf green skinned elf,
Selephra is ancient and is only remembered due to her love
to torture and maim mortals. Her will is enforced in the
Glade of Sullen Vines by her Brides of the Forest who appear
as beautiful huldra, humanoid fey with cow and fox tails and
a back made of bark.
Archfey Magic. Once on each of your turns when you hit a
creature with an attack, you can reduce that creature's speed
by 5 feet until your next turn.
Titania, The Queen of Faeries
Titania is the Queen of Faeries, also known to some as the
Lady of Summer or the Queen of the Seelie Court, among
many other such titles. Ruling the Seelie Court with her
partner, King Oberon, she is a powerful and well beloved
archfey who protects and cares for all the faerie races, even
those turned to evil whom she ever seeks to bring back into
the fold of her creation. She and Oberon live in a massive
forest complex known as the Tree Castle. It is located in the
Great Tree and is home to her numerous minions.
Titania is revered by all facries, but brownies, pookas,
pixies, and sprites have a special reverance for her and hold
her as their patron deity. With hair of golden-red and skin the
color of honey, her smile can ripen fruit and her fury can
cause wildfires, but she is often much more benevolent and
the heart of the Seelie Court. If there is a meeting among the
courts, she’ll be there as one of the Feywilds greatest
strategists and rulers.
Titania's creed is that of mercy and goodness, and it is
virtually impossible to drive her to anger unless the being
giving offense is direly evil If this is So, woe betide the
creature rousing the ire of the Faerie Queen.
Along with King Oberon, and their children, Damh and
Verenastra, she directs the Seelie Court, a large
confederation of archefey sworn to guard the Feywild. They
are allied with the Seldatine, and stand united in opposition
to the Queen of Air and Darkness, who leads the Unseelie
Titania's avatar appears to be a beautiful faerie female,
with gossamer wings, pale skin, and penetrating blue-gray
eyes. Her hair is long and crimson as the summer leaves, and
she carries with her a slender staff, topped with a pure white
diamond within which glimmers her insignia, a fragmented
blue star.
Rumored Family. It is said that Titania has some intimate
connection with the hag goddess Cegilune, who is rumored
to be her sister, or perhaps, her other half. Some believe that
if either Cegilune or Titania were to be destroyed, both would
Good Queen. Her sister became corrupted by darkness
and was banished from the court. Titania still has hope the
Queen of Darkness can return one day. She is an eternal
optimistic and refuses to let thoughts cloud her vision.
Loyal Leader. Titania is loyal to her friends and allies,
especially Oberon. Even though the Oak Lord pursues her,
she ignores his romantic gestures.
Archfey Magic. You gain resistance to fire damage.
Queen Titania, The Aura of Protection. The white diamond at the tip of
Titania's staff grants protection to those she chooses.
Queen of Faeries Titania and all allies within 30 feet of her gain
medium Fey, neutral good Protection from Evil and Bless while within the radius
of her staff.
Armor Class 19 (natural armour) Alluring Gaze. Any creature that lays eyes on Titania
Hit Points 304 (32d10+128) must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 23) or become
Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft. stunned by her unnatural beauty. The creature can take
no actions against Titania for 1 minute. They can repeat
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA the saving throw at the end of each of their turns. An
unaeffected creature can avert its eyes to avoid the
12 (+1) 25 (+7) 15 (+2) 25 (+7) 25 (+7) 30 (+10) saving throw at the start of its turn. If it does so, it can't
see Titania until the start of its next turn, when it can
Damage Resistances acid; cold; lightning avert its eyes again. If it looks at Titania in the
Damage Immunities fire; poison; radiant; bludgeoning, meantime, it must immediately make the save.
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Illumination. Titania sheds bright light in a 30-foot
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet.
paralyzed, poisoned
Saving Throws DEX +13, WIS +13, CHA +14 Speak with Beasts & Plants. Titania can communicate
Skills Deception +15, Intimidation +15, Perception with beasts and plants as if they shared a language.
+12 Magic Resistance. Titania has advantage on saving
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 24 throws against spells and other magical effects.
Languages all, telepathy 120 ft.
Challenge 23 (50,000 XP) Magic Weapons. Titania’s weapon attacks are magical.

Innate Spellcasting. Titania's innate spellcasting ability is Actions

Charisma (spell save DC 23, +15 to hit with spell Multiattack. Titania makes two attacks with her dagger
attacks). Titania can innately cast the following spells, and one with her staff.
requiring no material components:
Staff of the Summer Queen. Melee Weapon Attack: +14
At will: charm person, commune with nature, detect to hit, reach 15ft., one target. Hit 18 (2d8+9)
magic, detect poison and disease, dispel magic, fire bludgeoning damage + 7 (2d6) force damage.
bolt (17th level), entangle, speak with animals, speak
Dagger of the White Stag. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to
with plants, tasha’s hideous laughter, dancing lights,
hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d6+9) piercing
faerie fire, light, message

damage + 7 (3d4) radiant damage.

3/day each: animate objects, banishment, charm
person, counterspell, confusion, detect magic, detect White Diamond Wand. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to
thoughts, dimension door, dispel magic, confusion, hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: 12 (1d10+7) piercing
conjure woodland beings (8th level), insect plague
damage + 24 (7d6) radiant damage.
2/day: create food and water, heroes feast, purify food
Summon Faeries (1/day). Titania can use an action to
and water, confusion, transport via plants, polymorph, summon 1d12 spring or summer faeries. They appear
telekinesis, fog cloud, hypnotic pattern, invisibility, in unoccupied spaces within 30 feet of her.
mirror image, modify memory

1/day each: dominate monster, mass suggestion, geas Gem of Brilliance. Titania can command her staff to
(9th level), true polymorph, project image control cause effects identical to those of a Gem of Brightness.
weather, heal, mirage arcane, wish
Legendary Resistance (3/day). If Titania fails a saving
Legendary Actions
throw, she can choose to succeed instead. Titania can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
options below. Only one legendary action option can
Token of Favor. As an action, Titania can cut a lock of
be used at a time and only at the end of another
her copper hair and twist it into a token for a creature creature's turn. Titania regains spent legendary actions
she chooses. As long as that creature carries the token, at the start of her own turn.
it gains the magic resistance trait (see below).

Titania can revoke her favor at any time as a bonus Beguile. Titania casts charm person.
action. When that happens, the creature loses the
benefit of the token and, if she wishes, the creature Summer's Kiss. Titania casts fire bolt (17th level).
also has disadvantage on saving throws against spells Mass Entanglement (Costs 2 Actions). Titania chooses a
and other magical effects for 24 hours. point on the ground which she can see within 100
feet. Every creature within a 15 foot radius of that
point is subjected to an entangle spell.
Medium humanoid (eladrin elf), bard (fey) 20
Armor Majestic Power (1/Long Rest). Titania can use a bonus
Class 18 (mage armor)
Hit Points 130 (20d8+40)
Speed 30 action to unleash fey power for 1 minute. For the duration, on
10 (+0)​
20 (+5)​
14 (+2)​
10 each of her turns she can cast command as a bonus action.
8 (-1)​
20 (+5)​
Saving Throws Dex +11, Cha +11
Skills These castings do not use spell slots. In addition, while this
Arcana +12, Deception +17, History +6, Nature +12, feature is active any creature that is charmed by Titania
Perception +5, Persuasion +17; three musical instruments automatically fails its saving throw against her command
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15 spells.
Languages Common, Elvish
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP) Song of Rest. At the end of a short rest, if Titania or any
Background: Noble - Queen. Due to her position as a ruler, friendly creatures who can hear her performance regain hit
Titania is treated with a measure of respect wherever she points by spending one or more Hit Dice, each of those
goes. She is treated as royalty (or as closely as possible) by creatures regains an extra 1d12 hit points.
most peasants and traders, and as an equal when meeting Sovereignty (1/Short Rest). Titania can use this feature to
other authority figures (who make time in their schedule to cast sanctuary on herself. When a creature fails its saving
see her if requested to do so). throw against the spell, for the next minute Titania has
Bardic Inspiration 1d12 (5/Short Rest). As a bonus action advantage on Charisma checks she makes against the
on her turn, Titania can choose one other creature within 60 creature, and during her next turn it has disadvantage on
feet who can hear her. That creature gains one Bardic saving throws against her spells.
Inspiration die, a d12. Once within the next 10 minutes, the Spellcasting. Titania is a 20th-level spellcaster that uses
creature can roll the die and add the number rolled to one Charisma as her spellcasting ability (spell save DC 19; +11 to
ability check, attack roll, or saving throw it makes. The hit with spell attacks). She has the following spells prepared
creature can wait until after it rolls the d20 before deciding to from the bard’s spell list:
Cantrips: light, minor illusion, true
use the Bardic Inspiration die, but must decide before the strike, vicious mockery​
1st-level (4 slots): charm person, cure
GM says whether the roll succeeds or fails. When Titania wounds, disguise self, mage armor, sleep, thunderwave​
rolls initiative and has no uses of Bardic Inspiration left, she level (3 slots): invisibility, suggestion​
3rd-level (3 slots): major
regains one use.
In addition, Titania can use a bonus action image, sending​
4th-level (3 slots): confusion, conjure
to expend one use of Bardic Inspiration, choosing up to 5 ally woodland beings, polymorph​
5th-level (3 slots): hold monster,
creatures she can see within 60 feet. These creatures each scrying​
6th-level (2 slots): conjure fey, irresistible dance, mass
gain 2d12 temporary hit points and, if they so choose, can use suggestion​
7th-level (2 slots): forcecage, teleport​
8th-level (1
their reaction to move up to their speed without provoking slot): glibness, power word stun​
9th-level (1 slot): foresight,
opportunity attacks as long as they move towards Titania by true polymorph
using the safest and shortest route.
Captivate (1/Short Rest). When Titania performs a recital
for at least 10 minutes, at the end of the performance she can
choose 5 humanoids that are within 60 feet and who
observed the entire performance. A targeted creature makes
a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or is charmed by Titania for 1
hour, until taking damage, or until she attacks it or it
witnesses her attacking one of its allies. While charmed these
targets idolize Titania, hinder her opponents, and speak her
praises--they do everything to help her short of engaging in
violence unless they were already predisposed to do so.
Creatures that successfully save against this feature do not
realize that Titania attempted to charm them.
Countercharm. As an action, Titania can start a
performance that lasts until the end of her next turn. During
that time, Titania and any friendly creatures within 30 feet of
her have advantage on saving throws against being frightened
or charmed. A creature must be able to hear her to gain this
benefit. The performance ends early if she is incapacitated or
silenced or if Titania voluntarily ends it (no action required).
Feat: Fortune Points (3/Long Rest). Titania can spend one
fortune point to reroll an attack roll, ability check, or saving
throw, or to force an attacker to reroll an attack made against
Fey Ancestry. Titania has advantage on saving throws
against being charmed, and magic can't put her to sleep.
Fey Step (1/Short Rest). Titania can use a bonus action to
teleport herself or a willing creature she touches up to 30 feet
to an unoccupied space she can see.
Jack of All Trades. Titania adds +3 to any ability check she
makes that doesn’t already include her proficiency bonus.
The Raven Queen
The Raven Queen, also commonly known as the Matron of
Ravens, the Matron of Death, and the Duskmaven, is the
goddess of death, fate, and winter; she's also considered the
goddess of twilight, inevitability and the passage of time,
presiding over the transition between life and death.
Originally a mortal woman in Ages long forgotten, she
ascended to godhood after having overthrown destroyed the
previous god of death. After her ascension, her true name has
long been lost. Her devotees seek her favor to guide them in
death and prevent the curse of undeath from falling on them.
Zealous in her duties, The Raven Queen now collects
memories of pain, grief, and death to help mortal souls
become purified by facing their grief.
Because of her hatred of undeath, she and the Demon
Prince of Undeath, Orcus, are fierce enemies. The
Duskmeadow District of Vasselheim is devoted to worshiping
her and is also where her temple, Raven's Crest, is located.
Archfey Magic. You gain an Animal Mask. As long as
someone wears the mask, they gain advantage on Charisma
(Intimidation) checks made against creatures without the
undead trait. Additionally, they can cast the Toll the Dead
cantrip. Charisma is their spellcasting ability for it.
The Raven Queen Speak with Beasts & Plants. The Raven Queen can
communicate with beasts and plants as if they shared a
Large celestial/fey, true neutral
Armor Class 15 (18 with mage armor)
Hit Points 180 (24d8 + 72) Actions
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) Multiattack. The Raven Queen makes three attacks with
her rapier or with star strike.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
12 (+1) 20 (+5) 17 (+3) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 26 (+8) one target. Hit: 9 (1d8+5) piercing damage + 10 (3d6)
cold damage.
Damage Resistances fire, lightning Star Strike. Ranged Spell Attack: +14 to hit, range
Damage Immunities cold; bludgeoning, piercing, and 120/500 ft., one target. Hit 9 (2d8) fire damage + 9
slashing from weapons that aren’t made of cold iron (2d8) radiant damage.
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, Teleport. The Raven Queen teleports to an unoccupied
Saving Throws Con +10, Wis +11 space up to 60 feet away.
Skills Arcana +12, Deception +15, Intimidation +15,
Perception +12, Stealth +12 Unravel. The Raven Queen targets a creature, object, or
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 21 magical effect that she can see. For every spell
Languages Celestial, Common, Elvish, Sylvan, Umbral; affecting the target, the Raven Queen makes a
telepathy 120 ft. Charisma check; the DC equals 10 + the spell’s level.
Challenge 21 (33,000 XP) On a success, the spell is dispelled.
Proficiency Bonus +5 Shadow Rift (Recharge 5–6). The Raven Queen creates a
shadowy rift in a 20-foot sphere. Any creature within
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If The Raven Queen fails a the rift takes 72 (16d8) cold damage, or half damage
saving throw, she can choose to succeed instead. with a successful DC 23 Constitution saving throw.
Creatures that fail the saving throw are also restrained
Spellcasting. The Raven Queen is a 18th-level by icy wisps of shadow. A restrained creature repeats
spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell the saving throw at the end of its turn, ending the
save DC 23, +15 to hit with spell attacks). The Raven
restrained condition on a success.
Queen has the following spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): Druidcraft, Thorn Whip, poison spray, Reactions
blade ward, chill touch, dancing lights, mage hand,
Sudden Fraying. When the Raven Queen is targeted by a
prestidigitation, ray of frost
spell or included in a spell’s area, she can use her
1st level (4 slots): charm person, mage armor, magic
Unravel ability on it. The Raven Queen does not need
missile, shield, snare
to see a spell to target it with this reaction, but she
2nd level (3 slots): darkness, mirror image, spike must be able to see at least some portion of an area or

object affected by the spell.

3rd level (3 slots): blink, fear, Stinking Cloud

4th level (3 slots): confusion, greater invisibility

5th level (3 slots): cone of cold, teleportation circle

Legendary Actions
6th level (1 slot): circle of death
The Raven Queen can take 3 legendary actions,
7th level (1 slot): plane shift, prismatic spray
choosing from the options below. Only one legendary
8th level (1 slot): dominate monster
action option can be used at a time and only at the end
9th level (1 slot): meteor swarm
of another creature's turn. The Raven Queen regains
Shadowborn. When in lighting other than bright light, spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
The Raven Queen has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) Cantrip. The Raven Queen casts a cantrip.
checks made to hide, and she can hide even while
being observed. Swirling Stars. The Raven Queen makes one star strike
attack. Having a foe within 5 feet of the Raven Queen
Magic Resistance. The Raven Queen has advantage on doesn’t cause this attack to be made with
saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Magic Weapons. The Raven Queen’s weapon attacks are
Teleport. The Raven Queen uses her Teleport ability.
Spell (Costs 2 Actions). The Raven Queen casts a spell.
The Rose King
The Rose King was the self-proclaimed son of Corellon
Larethian and a powerful Archfey in his own right. He ruled a
city of Eladrin that today is little more than ruins with no
name. He was romantic and idealistic, much beloved by his
The Rose King, believed to be dead by his own people, was
rendered comatose from receiving dozens of doses of drow
poison during wartimes and was ultimately sold to Cegilune,
who had her own plan for him. Upon an altar in the Feydark,
beneath the great forest of the Feywild, the Rose King was
sacrificed, his blood fueling the ritual of the Long Night and
giving the Queen of Air and Darkness her reign of terror.
Archfey Magic. You can cast the spell Entangle at will,
with the spell taking the form of a rosebush. Additionally,
once per long rest you can the cast spell Cure Wounds as you
take the time to stop and smell the roses. Charisma is your
spellcasting ability for these spells.
The King of Roses Magic Resistance. The King of Roses has advantage on
saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
large Fey, Chaotic good
Magic Weapons. The King of Roses’s weapon attacks
Armor Class 24 (Natural Armor) are magical.
Hit Points 577 (35d10 + 367)
Speed 40 ft., fly 30 ft. Actions
Multiattack. The King of Roses makes five attacks with
20 (+5) 18 (+4) 23 (+6) 15 (+2) 26 (+8) 26 (+8) Alba Rose Staff. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach
15ft., one target. Hit 18 (2d8+9) bludgeoning damage
Damage Resistances Fire; Cold; Lightning + 7 (2d6) force damage.
Damage Immunities Radiant; Poison; bludgeoning, Grandiflora Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to
piercing, & slashing from weapons not made of cold hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 26 (3d10+10)
iron piercing damage + 7 (3d4) radiant damage.
Condition Immunities Charmed, Blinded, Stunned
Saving Throws STR +10, DEX +10, CON +12, WIS +16, Thorn Whip. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach
CHA +16 15 ft, one target. Hit: 23 (2d12+10) piercing damage
Skills Deception +15, Intimidation +15, Perception + 24 (7d6) radiant damage.
+12 Summon Rose Blights (2/day). The King of Roses can
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 24 use an action to summon 1d12 Rose Blights. They
Languages Sylvan, Elvish, Druidic, telepathy 120 ft. appear in unoccupied spaces within 30 feet of him.
Challenge 26 (90,000 XP) These use the statblock of Needle Blights with double
the amount of health and an alignment of chaotic
Innate Spellcasting. The King of Roses's innate good.
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 24, +16
to hit with spell attacks). The King of Roses can Warlock Patron (1/Day). The King of Roses grants power
innately cast the following spells, requiring no material to creatures that enter a pact with it and can summon
components: those creatures to defend it. When the King of Roses
uses this ability, 1d8 Warlocks of the Archfey appear
At will: charm person, commune with nature, detect within 30' of the King of Roses. The King of Roses
magic, detect poison and disease, dispel magic, fire chooses where each appears.
bolt (17th level), entangle, speak with animals, speak
with plants, tasha’s hideous laughter, dancing lights, Legendary Actions
faerie fire, light, message
The King of Roses can take 3 legendary actions,
3/day each: animate objects, banishment, charm choosing from the options below. Only one legendary
person, counterspell, confusion, detect magic, detect action option can be used at a time and only at the end
thoughts, dimension door, dispel magic, confusion, of another creature's turn. The King of Roses regains
conjure woodland beings (8th level), insect plague
spent legendary actions at the start of his own turn.
2/day: create food and water, heroes feast, purify food
and water, confusion, transport via plants, polymorph, Spell. The King of Roses casts a spell.
telekinesis, fog cloud, hypnotic pattern, invisibility,
mirror image, modify memory
Overpowering Aroma. The King of Roses produces an
1/day each: dominate monster, mass suggestion, geas overpowering burst of fragrance which affects up to
five creatures it can see. Affected creatures must
(9th level), true polymorph, project image control
weather, heal, mirage arcane, wish succeed on a DC 18 Constitution save or be Stunned
until the end of their next turn.
Legendary Resistance (3/day). If The King of Roses fails a
saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead. Amerin's Perfume (Costs 2 Actions). The King of Roses
'gracefully allows' a target creature it can see within 15'
Chosen of Amerin. If the King of Roses drops to 0 hit to 'sample' its legendary perfume. The target must
points or dies outside of the Feywild, he instead succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom Saving throw or be
returns to the Feywild and is restored to life after 1d12 Charmed by the King of Roses for 1 minute. The King
days. of Roses chooses which actions the charmed creature
One With the Feywild. The King of Roses cannot be takes on its turns but cannot command a suicidal act.
Charmed and cannot be put to sleep by magic. The charmed creature can repeat the saving throw at
the end of each of its turns. On a successful save, the
Speak with Beasts & Plants. The King of Roses can creature becomes immune to Amerin's Perfume
communicate with beasts and plants as if they shared a permanently. (And is forever disgusted by the smell of
language. roses.).
The Queen of Air and Darkness
Leading the evil Unseelie Court is the powerful Queen of
Darkness. She is also the queen of magic and murder. Some
know her as the Queen of Bats. This ruthless arch fey rules
over the two divisions of the Unseelie Court: the Winter
Court and the Autumn Court. She is a hateful, spiteful
monster who seeks to destroy the Seelie Court.
Having no visible form except via powerful magic, the
Queen was once Tiandra’s sister. Long ago, a group of
dwarves mined a beautiful black diamond in the Feywilds and
went to the Summer Court to present it to Tiandra, off
swimming that day, the Queen accepted it instead. The black
diamond twisted and corrupted her and she soon fled in a
chariot of smoke and fire and became the ruler of all evil fey
known as the Unseelie Court.
Evil Minions. As the leader of the Unseelie Court, the
queen has numerous minions at her disposal. Six hellhounds
always accompany this evil fey. Other dark fey, undead, and
evil elves fill her court.
Powerful Mount. At times the queen rides a nightmare, or
a black unicorn.
Archfey Magic. You can cast the Ray of Frost cantrip.
Additionally, once per long rest you can cast the Frost
Fingers spell. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these
The Queen of Air and Magic Resistance. The Queen of Air and Darkness has
advantage on saving throws against spells and other
Darkness magical effects.
Large Fey, chaotic evil Magic Weapons. The Queen of Air and Darkness’s
weapon attacks are magical.
Armor Class 19 (natural armour)
Hit Points 378 (48d6+90) Speak with Beasts & Plants. The Queen of Air and
Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft. Darkness can communicate with beasts and plants as if
they shared a language.


14 (+2) 22 (+6) 24 (+6) 24 (+6) 25 (+7) 26 (+8) Multiattack. The Queen of Air and Darkness makes
three attacks with her rapier or Shadow Strike.
Damage Resistances Cold, Force, Necrotic
The Queen's Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit,
Damage Immunities lightning, poison; bludgeoning,
piercing, & slashing from nonmagical attacks reach 5 ft., one target. Hit . 9 (1d8+5) piercing damage
+ 10 (3d6) necrotic damage.
Condition Immunities Charmed, Paralyzed , poisoned
Saving Throws DEX +15, WIS +15, CHA+15 Shadow Strike. Ranged Spell Attack: +14 to hit, reach
Skills Arcana +13, Deception +15, Intimidation +14, 50/120 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d8) cold damage + 9
Perception +15, Persuasion +15, Stealth +15 (2d8) necrotic damage.
Senses blindsight 60 ft., truesight 120 ft., passive
Black Diamond Wand. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to
Perception 25 hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: 12 (1d10+7) piercing
Languages Sylvan, Elvish, Goblin, Common, Primordial,
damage + 24 (7d6) necrotic damage.
telepathy 120 ft.
Challenge 25 (75,000 XP) Summon Swarms of Bats (2/day). As a bonus action, the
queen can summon 1d6 giant bats. They appear in
Legendary Resistance (3/day). If The Queen of Air and unoccupied spaces within 60 feet of the queen.
Darkness fails a saving throw, she can choose to Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
succeed instead. target. Hit 23 (4d8+5) slashing damage and the
target’s hit point maximum is also reduced by the
Spellcasting. The Queen of Air and Darkness is a 18th-
same amount. The target must finish a Short or Long
level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Wisdom
rest to regain these hit points.
(spell save DC 23, +15 to hit with spell attacks). The
Queen of Air and Darkness has the following spells Lightning Breath (Recharge 5-6). The queen exhales
prepared: lightning in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that area
must make a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw, taking 72
Cantrips (at will): Druidcraft, Thorn Whip, Chill Touch,
(16d8) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as
Dancing Lights, Mage Hand, Thaumaturgy, Thunderclap
much damage on a successful one.
1st level (4 slots): charm person, Arms of Hadar, Chaos
Bolt, Inflict Wounds, Tasha's Hideous Laughter

2nd level (3 slots): Crown of Madness, Mind Spike,

Legendary Actions
Shadow Blade, locate animals or plants, spike growth The Queen of Air and Darkness can take 3 legendary
3rd level (3 slots): Water Breathing, Bestow Cure, Fear actions, choosing from the options below. Only one
Hunger of Hadar
legendary action option can be used at a time and only
4th level (3 slots): Bright, Dimension Door Greater at the end of another creature's turn. The Queen of Air
and Darkness regains spent legendary actions at the
Sth level (2 slots): Creation, Dominate Person
start of her own turn.
6th level (2 slots): Circle of Death, Mental Prison

7th level (1 slot: Finger of Death, Forcecage

Teleport. The Queen of Air and Darkness teleports to an
8th level (1 slot: Maddening Darkness
unoccupied space up to 60 feet away.
9th level (1 slots: Power Word Kill Swirling Shadows. The Queen of Air and Darkness
Aura of the Black Diamond. Swirling winds and shadows makes one shadow strike attack. Having a foe within 5
circle the queen at all times. Enemies within 30 ft., of feet of the Queen doesn't cause this attack to be made
her move at half of their normal speed, and anyone with disadvantage.
starting their turn in this area takes 28 necrotic Spell (Costs 2 Actions). The Queen of Air and Darkness
damage per round. chooses a point on the ground which she can see
within 100 feet. Every creature within a 15 foot radius
of that point is subjected to an entangle spell.
Voya, Duchess of Seasons
Lady Voya is a famed eladrin strategist and the current ruler
of the eladrin since the Rose King’s death. Her skin shifts to
between different seasons over the day, making her
appearance and personality varied depending on when you
happen to meet her. She however often is welcoming to
strangers and provides them safe haven in the eladrin
settlement of Mithrendain, helping keep watch with the aid of
the secret task force that is the Watcher of the Night and
Jalfarian Khaldros, The Sovereign Elk.
Those who prove their worth to her are often allowed to
join the Watchers of the Night to help deal with threats from
the Feydark.
Archfey Magic. When you deal damage, you may choose,
cold, fire, lightning, or necrotic. The damage type changes to
the type chosen. You can use this feature a number of times
equal to your proficiency bonus and regain all uses after a
long rest.
Viktor Mazan, the Lycan Lord
A werewolf lord who rules over Shatterstone in
Brokenstone Vale, Viktor Mazan aids his fellow werewolves
and other lycans in the Feywilds eke out a peaceful existence
after they were cursed by Aurusel's menagerie. The fey
however were not fond of Viktor and his people when they
arrived via a fey crossing to escape their home, igniting a
years long war between the two until they came to a peaceful
resolution to allow them to live in Brokenstone Vale.
Unfortunately, the local eladrin population wanted nothing
to do with them, and tried to kill them. After a few years of
intense fighting, a truce was struck that allowed them to live
in Brokenstone Vale, but would be broken if they left it. Viktor
Mazan agreed, and established Shatterstone as a trading post
near the fey crossing.
He was later kidnapped by the Jagged Fangs, another clan
of werebeasts, as part of a plot to reignite the war between
lycanthropes and eladrin. He was rescued by the Challengers
of the Unspeakable, and the Jagged Fangs were eradicated.
Viktor now uses the fey crossing near Shatterstone to
facilitate trade between the material plane and the Feywilds,
allowing for access to the material plane's resources.
Additionally, Brokenstone Vale's magic gives them greater
self-control of their curse, allowing them to live relatively
normal lives.
Archfey Magic. Once per long rest, you can assume a
bestial appearance for 10 minutes. While in this form, you
gain advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track
creatures and can speak with beasts as if under the effects of
the Speak With Animals spell.
Viktor Mazan Actions
Medium humanoid (human, shapechanger), chaotic
Multiattack (Hybrid Form Only). Viktor makes three
evil attacks: one with his bite and two with his claws. When
his Bloodcurdling Howl is available, he can use it in
Armor Class 15 (armor scraps) in humanoid form, 17
place of his bite.
(natural armor) in wolf or hybrid form
Hit Points 171 (18d8 + 90) Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack:
Speed 30 ft., (40 ft. in wolf form) +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d10 + 6)
piercing damage. If the target is a humanoid, it must
succeed on a DC 19 Constitution saving throw or be
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.
23 (+6) 19 (+4) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) Claw (Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) slashing
Saving Throws Str +12, Con +11, Wis +9 damage.
Skills Athletics +12, Deception +10, Insight +9,
Perception +9, Persuasion +10 Summon Wolf Pack (2/day). As a bonus action, Viktor
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing can summon 1d6 dire wolves. They appear in
from nonmagical attacks not made with silvered unoccupied spaces within 60 feet of Viktor.
weapons Bloodcurdling Howl (Recharge 6). Viktor howls, which
Senses passive Perception 19 sounds like a hundred wolves howling at once. Each
Languages Sylvan, Elvish, Goblin, Common, Primordial, werewolf within 60 feet of Viktor that can hear the
(can't speak in wolf form) howl gains 7 (2d6) temporary hit points. Each creature
Challenge 17 (18,000 XP) within 60 feet of Viktor that isn't a werewolf that can
hear the howl must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom
Shapechanger. Viktor can use his bonus action to saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute.

polymorph into a wolf-human hybrid or into a wolf, or While frightened in this way, a creature takes 2 (1d4)
back into his true form, which is humanoid. His psychic damage whenever it sees Viktor hit one if its
statistics, other than his AC, are the same in each form. allies. If the creature ends its turn in a location where it
Any equipment he is wearing or carrying isn't is unable to see Viktor, the creature can repeat the
transformed. He reverts back to his true form if he saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Legendary Actions
Aggressive. As a bonus action, Viktor can move up to
his speed towards a hostile creature that he can see. Viktor can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
options below. Only one legendary action option can
Keen Hearing and Smell. Viktor has advantage on be used at a time and only at the end of another
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or creature's turn. Viktor regains spent legendary actions
smell. at the start of his turn.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Viktor fails a saving
throw, he can choose to succeed instead. Command Underling. Viktor chooses a friendly creature
that can see or hear him. That creature can use its
Pack Leader. Viktor's allies have advantage on melee reaction to make an attack.
attack rolls against any hostile creature within 5 feet of
Leap. Viktor moves up to his speed without provoking
opportunity attacks.
Magic Resistance. Viktor has advantage on saving
Frenzy (Costs 2 Actions). Viktor makes one claw attack
throws against spells and other magical effects.
against each creature of his choice within 5 feet of
Magic Weapons. Viktor’s weapon attacks are magical. him.
Speak with Beasts & Plants. Viktor can communicate
with beasts and plants as if they shared a language.

Zybilna, the Lady of the Carnival
A secretive and manipulative archfey, Zybilna is the
benefactor of a traveling carnival that roves the Feywilds
owned by a pair of shadar-kai. The Carnival acts as a portal to
her domain, where she consorts and makes dark secretive
pacts with dangerous fiends to unknown ends.
The most powerful of these consorts is the incubus simply
known as "the Caller", who was enlisted to manipulate the
eladrin, Isolde, and slay her companions for their unknowing
meddling with her pacts. Isolde is now the ruler of a carnival
received from the shadar-kai who now own Zybilna's carnival,
having forgotten the archfey entirely and pursues the Caller
in the mists of Ravenloft with blind vengeance. Zybilna
continues to hound Isolde's carnival with malevolent archfey
however, growing in power if they stay somewhere too long.
Archfey Magic. You can cast the Friends cantrip.
Additionally, once per long rest you can cast the Charm
Person spell. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these
Archfey Alignment Domains Patrons

Aurusel, the Great LN Death, Archfey,

Gardener Nature Undying Archfey List
Baba Yaga, the Witch NE Arcana, Archfey, Each entry contains their name, which also includes their
Mother Knowledge Fiend alignment, cleric domains, and warlock patrons they can act
Cernunnos, Lord of CG Nature, Archfey as in addition to archfey.
Wild Hunts War
Delceth, the CG Light Archfey, Created by Shamelesshero502

Lighthouse Keeper Celestial Created using The Homebrewery

Elias & Siobhan, the NG Tempest Archfey,
Twin Lords of the Sea Fathomless
Fathaghn, the Dryad CG Nature, Archfey
Queen Trickery
Great Gark, the Goblin NE Arcana, Archfey
King Order
Hysram, the Prince of CN Nature, Archfey
Fools Trickery
Lady of the White Well LN Forge Archfey,
Lurue, the Unicorn CG Peace, Life Archfey,
Queen Celestial
Oberon, the Green NG Nature Archfey
Prince of Frost LE Tempest Archfey
Psilofyr, the Carrion CG Mind, Archfey,
King Peace Great Old
Maiden of the Moon LG Twilight, Archfey,
War Hexblade
Nathair Sgiathach, CG Trickery Archfey
Patron of Faerie Dragon
and Pseudodragons
Relkath of the Infinite CN Nature Archfey
Reynard, the Trinket CN Trickery Archfey
Sarath Thar, the N Arcana, Archfey
Omenseeker Knowledge
Selephra, the Bramble LE Death, Archfey,
Queen Nature Undead
Tiandra, Queen of CG Light, Archfey,
Summer Nature Celestial
The Rose King LG Order, War Archfey
The Raven Queen LN Grave, Life Hexblade,
Queen of Air and CE Tempest Archfey
Voya, Duchess of NG Life, Archfey
Seasons Nature
Viktor Mazan, the NG Peace, Archfey
Lycan Lord Nature
Zybilna, the Lady of the LE Order, Archfey,
Carnival Trickery Fiend

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