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Yayasan Jam’iyyah Khatmil Qur’an

Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Plus Jâ-alHaq

Jln. Bhayangkara No. 43Kec.GadingCempaka Bengkulu
e-mail : 085268660319



Nama Lengkap :……………………………………………………

Kelas/Semester : III/1

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

A. Multiple choice 4. How many childrens are playing

football ?
1. Rara : Hi, how are you ?
Fanny : ……………………..
a. How are you too
b. I’m fine thank you
c. How do you do
a. Twelve
d. My name is Fanny
b. Eleven
2. “Senang bertemu denganmu” in
c. Ten
English is ….
d. Thirteen
a. Nice to meet you
b. How do you do
5. How is he feel ?
c. Happy with you
d. My name is Naomi
3. The number of forty seven is
a. 46
b. 74
c. 47 a. He feel thirsty
d. 27 b. He feel hungry
c. He feel angry
d. He feel tired
a. Mencuci piring
b. Menyapu lantai
c. Menyetrika pakaian
d. Membersihkan halaman
9. What are Fairuz doing to helping
6. how many
his mother ?
children climbing a tree?
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
7. Before go to school, I’m always
………….. with family
a. Do the dishes
b. Iron the clothes
c. Make the bed
d. Wash the clothes
10.“Raisa reading a book in the
library” in Indonesian is …
a. Have Breakfast a. Raisa menulis cerita di buku
b. Take a nap b. Raisa membaca buku di
c. Watch tv perpustakaan
d. Study c. Raisa menggambar di sekolah
8. “sweep the floor” in Indonesian d. Raisa membeli buku tulis
is ……

B. Mencocokkan

1. Twenty six  Istirahat

2. Tired  Menyiram tanaman

3. Take a nap  Dua puluh enam

4. Twelve plus five is ….  Bahagia

5. Watering plants  Seventeen

 Lelah
C. Uraian singkat

1. I’m eight ……….. old

2. I ……………. In Bengkulu

3. My ……………… is Budi

4. “Eating” in Indonesian is …………

5. what is she doing ?

D. Susunlah kata berikut agar menjadi kalimat yang benar !

1. and – his friend – football – playing – Bobby

2. is – what – name - ? – your

3. like – I – mommy – helping

4. breakfast – have – before – I – go to school

5. are – reading – they – books

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