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TrueCapture Smart Control Technology Boosts Energy Production and Financial Returns

By Venkata Abbaraju and Allan Daly

The global solar market continues to grow at a brisk • Differential elevations from one tracker row to the next
pace, with almost 100 GW of new systems deployed in which cause either inter-row shading or a backtracking
2017, according to GTM Research. Utility-scale ground- algorithm which is set too loosely thus losing energy
mount systems comprise by far the biggest portion of for most of the field.
the newly installed capacity, with single-axis trackers
(SATs) chosen for the majority of those installations. The • Diffuse light conditions reduce energy yield when
increasing popularity of trackers comes in large part from arrays are at standard tracking positions.
their solid bankability and upgraded reliability as well as
their proven ability to harvest 15–25% more solar energy
compared to fixed-mount systems. With the pairing of TrueCapture boosts energy
bifacial technology to SATs, the additional energy gain
is even greater. As the cost of solar photovoltaics (PV)
yield up to 6%
becomes increasingly competitive compared to both
To address these challenges, NEXTracker has
traditional and other renewable power generation,
developed an advanced solar PV control methodology—
asset owners are looking for ways to harvest even more
TrueCaptureTM. This machine-learning software
energy—and further maximize their financial returns—
technology boosts power plant production by
from their solar investments.
continuously optimizing the tracking algorithm of
each individual row in response to site features and

Enhanced Solar Plant changing weather conditions. The software can be

utilized at the vast majority of new or existing sites
Performance with where NEXTracker self-powered trackers are installed
and is fully compatible with both string and central
TrueCapture inverter architectures. Extensive modeled and empirical
field production data from multiple sites show energy
increases of up to 6% when TrueCapture is utilized.
Although trackers provide the best option for capturing TrueCapture employs a detailed understanding of the
more solar energy and increasing the power production as-built 3D layout of the trackers at a site and the real-
of large solar fields, there is a significant opportunity to time local weather to modify the individual row tracking
further increase performance. In this paper we focus on algorithms to avoid power losses caused by module shading,
two leading areas for yield improvement: and increase the energy output by capturing more

TrueCapture Performance Benefit

3 Key Drivers:
• Terrain profile
• Ground coverage ratio*
• Diffuse light fraction

Assumes a 40% GCR Site

*Benefit values will vary slightly based or GCR
**Low Diffuse light conditions based on California Central Valley weather profile

White Paper: Optimizing Your Energy Yield 2

diffuse light. TrueCapture’s modeling engine can post-commissioning. On-site light sensors supplement and
simulate energy gains on both new and existing projects. further modify the tracking angles on a 10-15 minute basis
TrueCapture engine uses high-fidelity models, some of according to local light conditions.
them are based on the Python version of PV_LIB from
Sandia National Laboratories, and some of which were
developed in-house specific to this application.
1 MW Energy Production Standard Tracking vs TrueCapture
TrueCapture addresses two fundamental problems that are

Energy Produced per MW (kWh/MW)

common in utility-scale PV power plants: first, energy losses 700

from undulating terrain or suboptimal installation practices 600

(shade), and second, unrealized energy from minimal 400

irradiance capture under diffuse light conditions. With select 300

data inputs, the TrueCapture modeling engine outputs a set 200

of row parameters that optimize individual tracking angles 0
4:48 AM 7:12 AM 9:36 AM 12:00 PM 2:24 PM 4:48 PM 7:12 PM 9:36 PM
to minimize shade on a daily basis. These parameters
are typically downloaded during plant commissioning to TrueCapture Standard Tracking

each individual tracker controller but can also be installed

TrueCapture implementation eliminates row-to-row shading caused by differences in pier heights.

Row-to-Row Shading: “undulating derate factor” in PVsyst to account for inter-

row shading.

The World Is Not Flat The current practice to minimize row-to-row shading in
the field is to artificially program an increased ground
Most financial participants in the utility-scale PV coverage ratio (GCR) compared to the actual ratio. This
industry rely on PVsyst to model the energy production effectively “de-tunes” the entire array to avoid shading,
of their plants. Although PVsyst works well for most but it could also mean that project owners are giving up
standard applications, it has not been feasible to model valuable solar beam resource during backtracking hours
single-axis trackers on undulating terrain. So, users because some of the sunlight could be wasted on the
have tended to model SATs with an assumption that ground rather than having PV arrays capture all of the
terrain is flat. The reality of many sites is often quite available sunlight. With TrueCapture, each row operates
different, and relatively modest variations in adjacent in a way that it does not interfere with the row in front or
tracker-row heights often produce significant inter-row behind it and, at the same time, tracks as aggressively as
shading. Therefore, it is extremely important to model possible to capture the maximum amount of irradiance.
effects of undulating terrain on SAT systems or to use an

For PV_LIB guidelines, see here:

White Paper: Optimizing Your Energy Yield 3

Before and After TrueCapture Implementation

Industry standard backtracking methodology TrueCapture eliminates shading losses

Diffuse Light Optimization Independent-row trackers like NEXTracker’s are very

accurate, tracking the sun’s position to within a few
degrees and therefore capturing as much available DNI
A second limitation in energy production potential arises and circumsolar irradiance as possible. Under diffuse
from natural variances in irradiance caused by weather light conditions, however, the sun is obscured by clouds,
conditions. Solar irradiance mainly consists of three fog or haze, light is scattered isotropically, meaning it
components: direct normal irradiance (DNI), circumsolar, originates from all directions of the sky dome. In this
and diffuse irradiance. DNI and circumsolar irradiance come case, maximum irradiance is not captured by pointing
in a direct path from the sun or within a close acceptance toward the sun’s position behind the cloud layer. Because
angle to the sun. Single-axis trackers are designed to irradiance is coming from all directions, the tracker is not
harvest this by rotating to the closest normal incidence “seeing” as much of the sky dome when tilted at a steep
angle to the sun and perform quite well in this regard. angle, leading to less-than-optimal production.

captures more
Standard energy

Standard tracking (left) vs. TrueCapture (right) on actual project site: Note the sun on the ground. TrueCapture allows more
aggressive tracking and thus captures more energy.

White Paper: Optimizing Your Energy Yield 4

Today’s trackers use their geographical location and
time of the day to determine the sun’s position and
corresponding tracker angle. On cloudy days, trackers
still point directly at where the sun is supposed
to be, although there is no direct sun visible. This
is a widespread but clearly suboptimal practice. A
better approach is to position the solar modules
in a more horizontal orientation on cloudy or other
diffuse light days, capturing 10–20% more irradiance
instantaneously. Additional control can be implemented
to position the solar modules between horizontal
and the designated tracking angle on a hazy day at a
“discounted tracker angle.” Modeled and field data
indicate and prove annualized energy gains of 0.5%–2%
in hazy and cloudy locations when this tracking strategy
is used for diffuse light optimization. Actual diffuse conditions observed at a real-world project site.

Before and After TrueCapture Implementation

gain for
diffuse light

Standard Tracking TrueCapture Tracking

Implementing and projects, NEXTracker has established a highly accurate

manual technique to obtain pier height measurements.

Operating TrueCapture For future projects, NEXTracker will utilize its

SmartModule technology. The SmartModule not only
powers NEXTracker self-powered controllers (SPCs),
but it also acts as a sensor to inform the model when
The TrueCapture model requires the following specific shading occurs.
plant inputs:
• Diffuse light. NEXTracker has designed a plug-and-
• Ground coverage ratio (GCR). The GCR is typically play solution to install a pyranometer on an existing
available from the plant’s construction drawings. NEXTracker weather station. Most sites will typically
install multiple pyranometers so that there is complete
• As-built pier height information. Obtaining the pier site coverage. The output from the pyranometers
heights is more complicated, but can be established is used to calculate the amount of diffuse light.
with several techniques. For operating and in progress Using real-time data, the TrueCapture model informs

White Paper: Optimizing Your Energy Yield 5

NEXTracker’s SPCs about how much to adjust the parameters so that each row can track at its optimum
tracking angle at periodic intervals. angle. NEXTracker utilizes a distributed control
architecture in which the control programs are always
Once these tasks are completed, the TrueCapture housed in the individual SPCs. Even if there’s a
firmware is downloaded to the SPCs. As discussed communication system loss, each SPC maintains its
above, each SPC then receives its own unique ability to continue tracking with its individual parameters.

“Not only do we get more production, 3.5% in this

case, we can take our 30 or 35 years of cash flow,
bring that extra spread forward and actually create
current net present value. For an owner like us, that
is super valuable.”
— Bryan Martin, CEO, D.E. Shaw Renewable Investments

TrueCapture Field Data absolute kilowatt-hour energy yields at all sites, regardless
of conditions, and by as much as 6% at many sites.

One of the test sites, a 74 MWDC solar power plant equipped

NEXTracker has been field testing TrueCapture at multiple with 26 inverter blocks of crystalline silicon modules on NX
large PV sites in various geographies and irradiance factors HorizonTM trackers in Mississippi, has been employing both
for the better part of a year, accumulating ample data to the row-to-row and diffuse-light TrueCapture capabilities.
validate that the core TrueCapture engine is robust and This is an undulating site with irregular boundaries, which
valuable. Data shows that the extra energy generation favors individual rows for the design layout. On-site GCRs
created by TrueCapture’s diffuse and row-to-row range from 30.5% to 38.9%. There’s also significant diffuse
optimization techniques is additive. The results seen thus irradiance content, which offers the potential to harvest
far are extremely encouraging, with TrueCapture boosting more energy during cloudy conditions.

White Paper: Optimizing Your Energy Yield 6

As the data below shows, after the first nine months of the Mississippi site has seen 3.3% more production
comparing the performance of TrueCapture-enhanced adjusted for solar irradiance.
inverter blocks with standard tracking inverter blocks,

NEXTracker’s Control Algorithm Generates 3.3% More Energy at 74 MW Plant in Mississippi

NEXTracker's Control Algorithm Generates 3.3% More Energy at a 74 MW Plant in Mississippi
TrueCapture Standard
Tracking Cumulative TrueCapture
Standard Tracking
TrueCapture Gain

Additional Energy Yield per MW (Cumulative)


kWh Generated per MW

x Thousands

x Thousands



2 5

0 0
2017-10-13 2017-10-24 2017-11-03 2017-11-13 2017-11-24 2017-12-04 2017-12-17 2017-12-27 2018-01-06 2018-01-16 2018-01-29 2018-02-08 2018-02-18 2018-02-28 2018-03-10 2018-03-21 2018-03-31 2018-04-30 2018-05-15 2018-05-28
Oct 2017 May 2018

Several other solar power plants, including a 115 MWDC site The India site faces a quite different set of challenges.
in Alabama and a 52.5 MWDC system in India, have been Located in the state of Tamil Nadu, the plant has a
testing TrueCapture. Both sites have shown promising significant number of diffuse-light days and is impacted
results so far. by the summer monsoon season. The site is also affected
when farmers burn chaff from their harvested crops, which
The Alabama site was built on undulating topography usually occurs when it is dry and sunny, thus negatively
with east-west slopes varying from 3% to 15%, which impacting plant production on high energy potential days.
significantly increases row-to-row shading. So far, Benefits have been seen when the TrueCapture diffuse
the TrueCapture row-to-row optimization algorithm light control algorithm is used on days when production is
has increased energy yields by 3.6%. The site also affected by weather conditions, particulates in the air, and
experiences many cloudy days, so TrueCapture’s diffuse- cloud cover. Strong results are also expected during the
light functionality will likely add to the production boost. monsoon season.

“TrueCapture presents the first significant advancement in the

single-axis tracking algorithm since general backtracking.
From the perspective of a developer, owner, and operator,
TrueCapture uses the data acquisition and processing of
today to increase energy generation and revenue.”

— Dustin Shively, Director of Engineering,

Clēnera - Renewable Energy

White Paper: Optimizing Your Energy Yield 7

TrueCapture Increases maintenance costs and the like—models consistently
show that just a few percentage points of extra

Project Financial Returns production enabled by TrueCapture will add millions of

dollars of additional production revenue to asset owners’
bottom lines.

Given the significant increases in power plant For example, a typical 100 MWDC solar plant in the U.S.,
performance, TrueCapture will maximize returns on modeled for 25 years at a 3.5 cents per kilowatt-hour
project equity to owners over the lifetime of their solar PPA and a 2% TrueCapture benefit, would generate an
assets. Four key inputs are factored in when assessing estimated $3 million in additional revenues over the
the potential valuation of TrueCapture’s impact on contracted lifetime of the site. With a 5 cent PPA, the
financial returns: energy production, power purchase additional revenue amounts to $4.25 million. As one would
agreement (PPA) or wholesale rates, annual PV module expect, when TrueCapture provides an even higher energy
degradation, and the TrueCapture production benefit production benefit, so too does the revenue generation
percentage. While there are many variables that can increase; for a 4% energy yield improvement, the above
impact these input factors—regional differences, revenue gain scenarios would double.
irradiance factors, weather, soil conditions, PPA ranges,

A typical 100 MWDC solar plant in the U.S., modeled for 25

years at a 3.5 cents per kilowatt-hour PPA and a 2%
TrueCapture benefit, would generate an estimated $3M in
additional revenues.

Actual site with integrated TrueCapture. Location: Lafayette, Alabama.

White Paper: Optimizing Your Energy Yield 8

Since backtracking was introduced to the market in more aggressively when possible, and adjust tracking
1991, there has been very little innovation in control dynamically to account for changing weather conditions.
technologies for PV tracking systems—until now. By using Initial empirical field testing results and modeling show
a model-based approach and leveraging the individual that TrueCapture can increase energy generation by up
row tracking architecture that is inherent to NEXTracker’s to 6%, depending on the characteristics of a particular
system design, the TrueCapture smart control system site. This enhanced energy yield translates into a healthy
optimizes its tracking algorithm to eliminate shade, track additional return on the solar asset owners’ investment.

cover and page 8 photo courtesy of swinerton renewable energy June 2018 – MKT-000072

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