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 Hello, everyone…
 Hi, everybody, how are you today?
 Good morning/afternoon/evening, how are you.

Sentence we used to introduce ourselves:

 Let me introduce myself
 I would like to introduce myself
 I want to introduce myself
 I am here to introduce myself

Personal Information



Date of Birth



Future Goals


1. Name
How to introduce our name?
These are how to introduce our full name:
 Hi, my name is Rafathar Malik Ahmad
 Hi, I am Rafathar Malik Ahmad

The other ways to introduce our name:

 My first name is Rafathar
 My surname is Ahmad
 My family name is Ahmad
 Hi, my last name is Ahmad
 Hi, my nickname is Rafathar
Sentence that we use to asking people’s name:
 What is your name?
 What is your full name?
 What is your surname?

2. Age
How to state our age?
This is the sentence that we can use to state our age:
- I am 15 years old.

Sentence that we use to asking people’s age:

- How old are you?

3. Date of Birth
There are 3 ways to inform our date of birth, there are:
 I was born on July 26th, 2009
 I was born in July 2009
 I was born in 2009
 My birthday is on July 26th

Sentence that we use to asking people’s birthday:

 When is your birthday?

- On is used when we state the date
- In is used when we do not state the date, just month or year

4. Address
There are two ways to asking people’s address.
 Where are you from?
 Where do you live?

The answer from question “where are you from?” is:

 I am from Indonesia
 I am from Makassar

The answer from question “where do you live?” is:

 I live in Ahmad Yani
 I live on Ahmad Yani Street
 I live at Ahmad Yani Street No. 23

- In is used to explain name of region.
- On is used to explain name of street.
- At is used to explain complete address and house number.
5. Education
To give information about our study, we can use these sentence:
 I go to MTsN 4 Bone
 I am a student at MTsN 4 Bone
 I study at MTsN 4 Bone

6. Hobby
These are the ways to state our hobby:
 My hobby is reading
 My hobbies are reading and listening to music

Sentence that we use to asking people’s hobby:

 What is your hobby?

7. Future Goals
These are the example to say our future goals or dreams:
 I want to be a doctor when I grow up
 I want to build a school when I grow up
 My dream is to become a doctor

If you haven’t had a dream or if you still don’t know what your dream is, you can say:
 I don’t know yet, but I am interested in the entertainment industry

8. Family
Sometimes people ask about our family. Those are terms that we used when introducing
our family:
 Father
 Mother
 Brother
 Sister
 Siblings
 Younger/little sister
 Younger/little brother
 Big/older/elder sister
 Big/olderl/elder brother

- I have a brother, his name is Rayyanza
- I have two sisters, they are Tiara and Ziva


 That’s about me. Have a great day. Thank you.

 I think this is enough, thanks for your attention.
Games 1

1. Siswa diminta untuk membuat tabel seperti berikut:

No. Name Age Hobby Future Goals Address








Note: jumlah siswa di dalam tabel menyesuaikan jumlah siswa di kelas.

2. Kemudian siswa harus mengisi tabel di atas berdasarkan informasi dari temannya
dalam kurun waktu yang telah ditentukan.
3. Siswa melakukan percakapan dengan beberapa temannya untuk mendapatkan
informasi yang diinginkan dengan harus menggunakan bahasa Inggris.
4. Siswa yang gagal melengkapi tabel, akan diberikan punishment sesuai kesepakatan di

Games 2

1. Siswa diminta untuk berbaris secara melingkar (make a circle).

2. Kemudian advisor menyiapkan sebuah bola yang dibuat dari gulungan kertas.
3. Advisor melempar bola kertas kepada seorang siswa kemudian memberikan satu
pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan Self-introduction (misalnya: “What is your
name?”) dan siswa yang mendapat bola kertas tersebut harus menjawab pertanyaan
4. Siswa yang mendapat lemparan bola kertas sebelumnya, melempar bola kertas ke satu
orang temannya dan menanyakan pertanyaan yang sama dengan yang Advisor
tanyakan. Hal ini akan melatih siswa untuk bertanya dan menjawab dalam bahasa
Inggris jika dilakukan berulang-ulang.
5. Setelah dirasa cukup, pertanyaan diganti, seperti: “What is your hobby?”

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