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Devianna Hill


English Comp II Section 40

Professor Patterson

Rhetorical Rationales

Genre 1: Poem

Poems are a piece of writing with words that’s re chosen to explain something in a unique and

careful strategic way. It has lines that are short that add up into stanzas. Even though poems don’t

look like much, they are an expression of imaginative style so the reader can imagine and

understand it. For this genre, poem, I chose it because I have realized that I am pretty good at

writing poems. Choosing this genre I would have to think outside the box, it being a poem and

what a poem consists of when dealing with structure. I also chose this genre because a poem is a

very good way to explain a topic, mine being Monkeypox; in a short but creative way that

involves comparing it to things, or arranging it any kind of way you would like. You can make it

rhyme, as I did, or any way you want when starting each stanza. The design choices I chose to

come up with this poem about Monkeypox is going back and forth from my research paper and

the common knowledge I know to do when it comes to diseases. I used easy wording that can be

very comprehensive and not hard to understand. I used the internet a little bit to see words that

rhyme with the words I used. I was able to arrange it any way I wanted. I arranged it in a way of

starting off introducing what it’s like leading to introducing Monkeypox. Then I explained what

you will experience and how long you will have to go through it. I then talked about how careful
you are and how to avoid it, being that it isn’t easy to get but it ain’t easy to avoid either. Then I

ended it with a comparison to COVID-19, as I did in my research paper.

Genre 2: Social Media : Instagram Account

Instagram is a great way to communicate with other people in the world about what a person

chooses specifically. You can take a picture and write a short thought or fact about it, giving

other people the ability to have some extra knowledge. Along with the picture, you can have

videos, and hashtags that people can look up and see other related information that goes along

with what is hash tagged. I chose the genre of social media, to make an instagram account for

Monkeypox, because it can reach people all over who have Instagram and it could teach them

about it. This is a very good way to get information out to the public without doing much work.

Just have to have all the facts that can potentially help others. If people don’t follow me or I

don’t follow them I pop up on their explore page, depending on what tag I use when posting

pictures. Or if they look up a tag that is common, and if I used it, they will see the information I

posted. The design choices I made for this account on Monkeypox, is I retrieved some pictures to

post and I added comments for the public to see and take into consideration. I have what they

need to know about Monkeypox. What to see when dealing with Monkeypox, and what to avoid.

I posted 5 pictures that have very detailed information about Monkeypox. With each picture I left

a caption explaining the picture with very good information that can be said short and simply.

Along with the captions I left common or popular hashtags, that they can press to get other

information on Monkeypox that have been posted by other people given to the public.

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