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Infection Control Risk


dr. Dewa Ayu Nyoman Martasari B, MARS

Multidisciplinary process that continuously controlled infection system with field
application, based on result.

Documentation related to patient population, facilities and programs

Focuses on
Reduction of risk from infection

02 Stages of facility planning, design,

construction, renovation, maintenance

03 Knowledge of infection, infectious agents,

and care environment, yang
enables the organization to anticipate
potential impacts.
The impacts caused by HAIs it can pose a risk
of exposure to patient, health care workers,
family, and visitors -- financial loss, harm,
disability or death, increased LOS, extra
Healthcare expenses and can degrade the image of the
Associated hospital.

Infection Good infection prevention and control is

essential to ensure that people who use
Nosocomial infections or also healthcare facilities receive safe and effective
known as hospital care -- must be part of everyday practice and
infection which is the most be applied consistently by everyone
common complication in the health
Healthcare Associated
Modern healthcare employs many types of invasive
devices and procedures to treat patients (ex :
catheters or ventilators).

1. central line-associated bloodstream infections,

2. catheter-associated urinary tract infections
3. ventilator-associated pneumonia
4. surgical site infections
5. hospital acquired pneumonia
6. multidrug resistant organisms


Risk help organizations value about

the extent of the risk faced and the
Assesment ability to control the impact

Identify unsafe and hazardous act

Arranging a risk assessment of
infection control is essential to Unsafe practices should be rated level
prevent the potential incidence severity
of infection that is not
Priority should be given to unsafe
or hazardous practices
Prevent and control
frequency and impact
- Covid 19
- Clinical supporting
- Emerging diseases
- etc

Purposes Follow up the first priority

- minimize cost
- efficiency
- effectiveness
1. Convene a team to conduct the risk

Assesment assessment.

Process 2. Identify potential risk factors

3. Assess and score each potential risk factor :

Potential impact of the event/condition determined by evaluating the potential for patient illness, injury,
infection, death, potential to impact the organization’s ability to function/remain open; and degree of
clinical and financial impact.
Probability of the event/condition occurring determined by evaluating the risk of the potential threat
actually occurring. Information regarding historical data, infection surveillance data.
Organization’s preparedness to deal with the event/condition determined by considering policies and
procedures already in place, staff experience and response to actual situations, and available services
and equipment.
Assesment Process

4. After risk scores are 5. Rank the events/conditions 6. Select the risks with the
assigned in the three from the highest to lowest score highest scores for priority
assessment groups, total the in the table provided. focus for developing the
numbers in each group to annual ISPC Plan.
provide a numerical risk level
for each event/ condition NOTE: Some
events/conditions with a lower
score may be selected because
they are an accreditation or
regulatory requirement.
Geographical area served
Population served
Environmental issues
Risk Assesment Access to healthcare
Prevalence of chronic disease
Component Emergency preparedness
Availability of equipment/supplies
Public health
Services provided including areas of
Actual data collected and analyzed from
previous year
Prevention measures consistent with
evidence based practices
1. Infection Control Risk Assessment (ICRA). Soroy Lardo, Bebet Prasetyo, Dis Bima Purwaamidjaja.
RSPAD Gatot Soebroto. CDK-238/ vol.43 no.3, th. 2016
2. Asian Social Work Journal, Volume 4, Issue 2, (page 91 - 104), 2019. The Infection Control Risk
Assessment and Strategies to Reduce HAIs at Hospital in Yogyakarta Indonesia.
3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Healthcare Associated Infection.
4. Infection Prevention and Control Risk Assessment: Approach for Early Identification of Harmful
Practices and Improving Quality and Safety of Healthcare Service Delivery in Acute Healthcare
Settings. Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medicine. Hakizimana, J Infect Dis Med 2017
5. INFECTION CONTROL RISK ASSESMENT ( ICRA )- COVID 19. Gortap Sitohang. Perdalin Pusat - PERSI.

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