Ten Poems For You and I

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ten poems for you and i

copyright ATLucas (2011)

#1 The Devil You would have never picked it but the devil was walking amongst you all these years His eyes drew you inwards and bent you outwards You dreamt big with hopes and aspirations that past skies and atmospheres he promised you everything in the form of a rose and read scriptures and sonnets with mirror quality. the shimmer on his wingtip was met well by a blue and white checkered pocketsquare chiefly placed

in professor-tweed things were tapered and tailored with tradition in mind and principles in check the well seasoned mothers combed the hair on his scalp and the old grannies spoke well of him (over tea and lemon meringue pie on innocent sunday mornings). his hands offered honesty and trust his eyes often endearing soothed and softened hearts - a century at a time It filled and swirled around your curly head til it finally created a hole. and though time offered you a peek at his crooked smile

you feigned and absconded (in view of blemished dreams) He dragged and you follow, like a slave. And when the world has reached its peak and rests upon its doom things will end with a tidal wave. And that is the reason why you are seen in shores that will become swallowed where you bare witness to the beautiful blue that will finally inhale and merge you with its colours.

#2 The life and death of a star in lonely space a speckle vibrates to its frail-frequencies of light and as i listen (from afar) to your secret whispers (a mermaid's chant; a pearl in a clam), my ears find themselves losing your words to a slow-humming breeze and as i watch (your friendly admirer) the various unveilings of your tu-lips (all that opens to spring; a new flower), things around me disappear to the dim darkness of space and a speckle is all that remains until it (too) finally-trembles with a bleep, a pang, and a slight quiver only to be taken inwards by a hole

that folds its last protruding layers inwards; the hole then sews its circular-self within itself till all receding light hides its final glimpses under the velvety curtain of the night there is nothing now now that the last star has ceased to sing. nor can any time hold or carry its songs across the reaches of space but before the black reaches its final depth and becomes absolute and neverending a slight throb of light breaches its enclosure, shivering with a great shimmer and frightening dense-movement until it gushes and spews the sharpest light, spilling eventually into iridescent streams that carry unheard verses to the vast corners of space where it can be finally received -

singing loudly (with each and every breathing) the greatest symphony.

#3 An immortal summer I turn to each corner (a page) to find new love (to sail against a strengthening tide of trepid waters and a bleak sun hidden by a flurry of clouds) only to discover nothing but a never-ending abyss (be brave) i am left alone (afloat in murky waters: where in my quiet resolute, a song of calling can be heard loudly against a slight rocking tide). i cannot turn a page (i fail to) so i turn myself inwards and replicate (folding the many pages into a dream) there is now: a mirror in alternate light, where blue velvety

bodies emerge from moving shadows - witnessed by a thousand pulsating eyes throbbing violently and against the backdrop of a deepening void there is nothing but the desires that reside inside of me. I fill the dark sky with my violent thoughts and stars glitter for young lovers their naked silouhettes mirrored perfectly by the still moonlit pond only to be disturbed by the slight ripples formed by their dance and play and the gentle chirp of summer's crickets.

#4 A lost beautiful girl gingerbread, honeycomb, cookiejam and toffeeapple you make a selection and fornicate with it floating aimlessly in a pond of wondering where highs are sought via constant waterfalls and neverending carnival-rides many men love you, but they don't know you no one knows a damn-thing about your peculiar whiskers they only seek a side of you to discover an illusion - a fantasy that is not really there only shared and you wonder without a ponder like the thick autumn wind that sweeps and breathes past the maples who welcome and beg for its warm touch the wind comes, the wind comes and colours the leaves rouge only to bring them down

to the ground where their last remnants wither little by little until every last crumb is reduced to dust . from tree to tree you take and take arriving with your envy for its green maple leaves; leaving behind, in a hot sweep, the beautiful entrails of death the dust, the red, the colour of death.

#8 Slender Slender, slender, Ms.Slender your slender shoulders enveloped in arms, my arms, slender. slender lips parted, slightly, such that: when touched they remain brisk and tender, my slender. Be slender for me as night curtails the light. The stars, the moon, Slender! Slender, slender, my deep dark slender. Allow me to trace, with blind fingers, your innumerous weaves I am discovering the new and the different of your mysterious form; the blue and the black; your elusive silhouette, slender. Don't fear, my secret slender There is nothing here (in this strange dream), nothing but me and my slender

#9 Lifes a Bitch. There were two sisters who lived near Alexanderia - one named Life the other named Death. At night they would go dancing with each other and tease the men with their frolick and fox trot. They were inseperable and continued their dance (to the day) in the cotton fields; making a pact to never leave each other for another (laying down, watching the stray bud finish its last flight to the sun's set). As Life passes the chimes (that hung from the front porch), a stray gust of wind (the wind which carries her hair) rocks the metal tubes with its slight inertia causing them to sway - producing beautiful sounds As death passes the chimes, she arrives with the coldness of air

(the sun had finished setting) freezing the chimes in place (making them silent and absolutely still). A day passes, and while dancing and playing in the fields, the sisters had heard a sailor who played his sad accordion - it's sound pushed along by the sea's breeze. He played all day and all night with a melody that caused slight reverberations that reached and rocked the porch's chimes causing them to sway (Life's heart) The next day Death had discovered that Life was no where in sight (the chimes seized to sing) and found reason to believe she had ran off with a sailor (the sea no longer brought the sad melody) Infuriated with the loss of her sister Death sought to seek vengeance.

She went to every house which chime'd to the winds breeze, knocking on each and every door, looking for Life and failing to find her she took her anguish out on those who answered the door saying "Life's a bitch". And in her sad streak, she would take them away (into the dark, into the night). She would leave the house and the winds would seize, as would the chimes to a defeaning silence: the silence of death.

#10 Adam + Eve God created Adam and Eve in a garden filled with petunias. he nursed them in a world of unfeeling where they remained beautiful and naked on display amidst fruits and flowers that bloomed, breathed and be coloured. The two did not desire so greatly or hold thoughts near and dearly for they wandered with big beady eyes lost in innocence and frailty smiling glaring inhaling the moment for everything was brand. new. young lovers amongst rivers with fish that gleamed and glittered and broke its surface with teeming life and spirit among trees, plains and forests -- wild with berries. and turtles which move at a calm silent pace

in rhythm with the rings of saturn. ah, everything was much too perfect in the Garden of Eden until of course, a day had past, and the winds had settled with unusual calm where stars seemingly scattered and moved further apart, and silence arrived in the form of a serpent that undulated and elongated past the dark phantoms of trees where it hid and sought the perfect chance to suffocate eve with a double ring of love. and no one is there to protect her for she is curious, like a child and does not know what to do with the fruit and so, takes small gentle bites. adam followed;

finding himself bewildered and bemused by the thing, that slithered -- like a feline in motion, playfully mocking his infatuation with eyes and tongues that seduced and bewondered. for he did not know and was wrapt by delay and delight and took soft gentle bites from its remainder. what could be seen only as a haze in the chill of a moment, the sky clambered with a deafening sound, and darkness filled eden like the tallness of trees, for stars do not brave to shine that night. and it was in this setting that they held themselves dearly covering their nakedness, in shame and in fear. a tingle from their spine rose sharply to the skirts of their shoulders

and to the pins of their mind until finally they felt differently about one another (departing fingers, then palms) and fought furiously, irrationally in a violent flutter of madness. Eve glides towards Adam filled with hate and anger. He tries to stop her, only to bruise her wrist. She struggles and her hair ruffles, splits and becomes uneven. They fought and fought and fell to the ground, and rolled down a hill, with their arms intertwined within their legs. As they rolled, they merged together and tumbled up and over the cliff-tip, falling, till they

pierced the sea's surface. The waves washed their naked bodies ashore, where they resuscitated each other through a murmur heard only in a dream, until finally such murmurs translated to the mumbled movement of irrational imperfect love-making (on dove-grey sands that remained cold and muddy, within a pocket of a moment so rare).

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