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Marketing mix

When formulating a successful Marketing Mix (4Ps) for “RAYWEN GRACE” we needed to
consider certain factors like our product (clothing brand) have the top notch quality and the right
amount of colour pallet for people to choose from etc. Our prices should be affordable and
feasible, our placement of the product should be reachable and the target group should be aware
of the existence and availability of our product through promotion via different platforms.

Our product basically falls under fashion and clothing brand; self-customized designs of formal
suits for both genders. People get the liberty to bend and design according to their taste and
preferences. It will be used for weddings or other formal meetings. The price typically starts at
90,000. The prices are adjusted according to the type of work you wish to have, the type of cloth
you choose and more. Apart from this, we provide with extras on every purchase which includes
either a belt, tie or even a bracelet.

When deciding the price we aimed to be profitable yet covering all costs and expenses incurred
while aiming to deliver high quality products dripping in a feeling of prestige and decency as per
our motto. Our prices are set after a deep contemplation and we have come up with starting price
of 90,000- considering the fact we cater to high end audience and provide you with the top
quality. It gives us a competitive edge over our competitors as their charge more, allowing us to
position ourselves as one of the best quality/price balanced brands.

At the initial stage, RAYWEN GRACE will be advertised through sponsored social media posts
and posters. This is an effective promotional strategy as it allows us to reach our target audience
at the lowest possible cost. Since our target is all age groups, we decided to go for conventional
forms of media along with social media as internet marketing is the new way to go about.
Children/ youth spend much part of their time on social media while elders/ parents still prefer to
use television and newspaper get information to some extent. Another way the marketing team
have decided to go about is through email marketing. This is quite famous tactic as it helps build
relationships with current or even past customers because it enables us to speak directly to them,
in their inbox, giving constant reminders about ongoing sales/ discounts. It is considered friendly
yet professional and personal. Also, the team realizes the utmost importance of television/
youtube ads- which would be a testament for the brands’ authenticity. We know how music plays
an integral part of our lives so we will be using inviting, royal music which goes and
compliments our theme perfectly yet creating an impact on the viewers and have it run on
television/ billboards at prime times to market their position among the viewers. They would be
seeing it enough to want to get their hands on it. We would also be giving ‘first 15 customers an
exclusive discount’. References like these allow the brand to stay relevant amongst the target
demographic by catching their attention and stimulating conversations. Also another promotional
strategy includes encouraging customers to post pictures of their experience in RAYWEN
GRACE and tagging the official RAYWEN GRACE social media page for a chance to be
featured on it. This could encourage people especially the youth to prefer our product over the


As of now, RAYWEN GRACE does not have a physical exclusive store but is supported by an instagram
page. We have developed a website for the ease of customers from which they can 'pick & choose'.
While the brand is still in its initial stages, we would link our brand name with already established brands
to build customer trust and loyalty like royal tag- which can place our products on show in their outlet
for people to come visit and check for authenticity. This way we can check for people preferences, how
the place of the outlet effects the services and the type of people coming in to view it so we can make
adjustments accordingly when we decide to go out in the physical market.

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