EXERCISE 4 Pg. 123-124

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EXERCISE 4.1.2 What kind of smart are you?

1. What are your top three results?

Answer: The top three results I got are kinesthetic being first, then visual second and lastly is linguistic.

2. Do you agree with the results of the online test? Why or why not?

Answer: Due to the fact that I am active and like playing many kinds of sports, kinesthetic intelligence
describes me accurately. I also like challenging my mind with various sorts of puzzles and mental
challenges. In addition, I enjoy reading, and when it comes to tasks that use visual intelligence, I prefer
to write essays rather than solve equations. Last but not least, I have a strong interest in linguistics. I find
it really enjoyable to argue with other people and to pick up new information from them and I'm a
listener type of person

3. Give instances of how this intelligence helps you as a student.

Answer: I am able to put various types of intelligence to use in school activities such as debates, sports
competitions, and other types of activities that are appropriate for my level of intellect.

4. How can you harness these intelligence in everyday life?

Answer: I'm going to ramp up my workouts, read even more, and challenge myself with puzzles.

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