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ting their activities

Cards operations in Bangladesh” An overview of Eastern Bank Ltd”

1.2Origin of the Report:

The internship report is a basic course re*uirement of the BB& +rogram of Bracniversity This program
has been designed for the students to provide basictheoretical and practical knowledge in the $ob
activities in the conte!t of Bangladesh aswell as worldwideThis report has been prepared on practical
orientation &s such, I have worked on myinterested business sector and my

intern paper focuses on “Cards Operations inBangladesh, An overview of Eastern Bank Ltd.”

1.3 Objectie of the Report:

The main ob$ective of the internship program is to formali-e me with the real marketsituation and help
me learn how bookish concepts are used in the real market

Broad Obective

To know the card business of Eastern Bank Limited

!pecific Obective

To draw an overall view of the credit card market in Bangladesh and thenidentify the prospects of EBL in
%ards Business

To find out how EBL is operating their operational activities in cards industry

To Identify and focuses the problems of %ard "anagement 'ystem of EasternBank Limited

To develop knowledge and a clear understanding about %ard Business of Eastern Bank Limited

1.!"cope of the Report:

The report limits its scope to Eastern Bank %ards ivision only and some otheroperational activities of
cards sector of other bank in Bangladesh

Cards operations in Bangladesh” An overview of Eastern Bank Ltd”

1.# $ethodo%og& of the 'tud&:

This report is mainly based on primary data &s an employee of Eastern Bank Ltd Ihave observed most
of the procedures how our Bank is operating their activities incards market Besides I have observed
how cards business is operating in our country'o, to achieve my ob$ective I have used both primary
and secondary data

1.#.1 Pri()r& "ource:

I have collected +rimary data from different wings of %ards operations in EBL like'ettlement, ew
&ccounts, "aintenance, Transaction processing department &s anemployee of EBL, I have already
gathered information from these departments

1.#.2 "econd)r& 'ource:

The secondary data is collected from the "I' of EBL To clarify different conceptualmatters Internet,
different articles published in the $ournals . maga-ines are used inthis report Basically secondary
sources will be used to clarify the overall cardsbusiness in Bangladesh

1.* +i(it)tion' of the report:

&lthough I have got the full co/operation from employees, clients . officers of EBL andthey also gave me
much time to prepare this report properly in the way of my study, Ihave faced some difficulties, which
made my conduction of the program littleha-ardous as for e!ample some restrictions in Bank policy does
not allow disclosingsome data and information Information at the bank is confidential . critical 0or
thisreason I have not shown any figure regarding the issuance of cards Besides this, timeis another
constraint of this report By conducting this report I have found that thereare a number of credit
cardholders who do not give the money to the bank after finishing the card limit In this case, the banks
have to fall in troubles There are somepeople who try to take illegal advantage over credit cards
These are the limitations of the study It is e!pected that credit cards will be used in a fair way in our
country andcredit cardholders having ill motive should be prosecuted to check the malpractice

Cards operations in Bangladesh” An overview of Eastern Bank Ltd”

PART II: ,AC-ROUND O/ T0 "TUD2.1 ,)cground of )'tern ,)n +td.

The bank has scheduled commercial Bank under private sector established within theambit of Bank
%ompany &ct, 1221 and was incorporated as a +ublic Limited %ompanyon &ugust 34, 1225 Eastern
Bank Limited started commercial banking operationsfrom &ugust 12, 1225 & huge public response has
enabled the Bank to keep up theplan of e!panding its network 6ithin a span of eighteen years the bank
has been ableto deliver services to its customers through forty/nine branches In terms of
profitabilitythe bank has outperformed its peer banks &s a fully licensed commercial bank, Eastern
Bank Ltd is being managed by a highlyprofessional and dedicated team with long e!perience in
banking They constantlyfocus on understanding and anticipating customer needs &s the banking
scenarioundergoes changes so is the bank and it repositions itself in the changed
marketconditionEastern Bank Ltd offers all kinds of %ommercial %orporate and +ersonal
Bankingservices covering all segments of society within the framework of Banking %ompany &ct and
rules and regulations laid down by our central bank iversification of productsand services include
%orporate Banking, 7etail Banking and %onsumer Banking rightfrom industry to agriculture, and real
state to softwareEastern Bank Ltd, since its beginning has attached more importance in
technologyintegration In order to retain competitive edge, investment in technology is always atop
agenda and under constant focus 8eeping the network within a reasonable limit,our strategy is to serve
the customers through capacity building across multi deliverychannels 9ur past performance gives an
indication of our strength 6e are better placed and poised to take our customers through fast changing
times and enable themcompete more effectively in the market they operate The bank has consistently
turnedover good returns on &ssets and %apital uring the year 5313, the bank has postedan operating
profit of Tk :#:13 million and its capital funds stood at Tk 1154; million9ut of this, Tk 5251 million
consists of paid up capital by shareholders and Tk1,<<:;= million represents reserves and retained

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