Kalmyk English Dictionary

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AMERICAN COUNGIL OF LEARNED SOCIETIES Research and Studies in Uralic and Altaic Languages Project No. 89 KALMYK-ENGLISH DICTIONARY by Arash Bormanshinov and George Zagadinow The research reported herein was performed pursuant to a contract between the United States Office of Education, Department of Health, Education and Welfare, and the American Council of Learned Societies. June, 1963 Preface The present work is a first attempt at compiling a Kalmyk-English dictionary. The need for a more up-to-date dictionary of Kalmyk has heen felt for some time both for scholarly and practical purpeses. The only available dictionary, namely, the Kalmitckisches WSrterbugh by G.J. Ramstedt, although published comparativoly recently (1935), has become in many respects outdated. As a matter of fact, Ramstedt's work was obsolete by the time of its publication, since it was based on lexical materials collected by him at the turn of the cent it included a great number of Oirat words completely or partially unknown to their western brothers on the lower Volga, the Kalmyks. A great many words incorporated in Ramstedt's dictionary are no longer actually in prac- tical use. On the other hand, it contains, unfortunately, not a few entries the German translation of which is incorrect. But for many years to come the Kalmtlckisches Wrterbuch will remain as an indispon- sable tool for the study of the Kalmyk language at the turn of the Twentieth century. The only other dictionary published in this century, A.M. Pondneov's Kalmycko-rusakij slovar! (1911), does not come into - consideration since it is a dictionary of the old literature and manu~ scripts printed in the Zaya Pandita script. As is well known, the @ifference between the written and spoken Kalmyk of that time was con- siderable. Strangely enough, not a single Kalmyk-Russian dictionary has ever been published in Soviet Russia, although both the secular literature and press came into teing in the early 1920's. The first modern Kalmyk Russian dictionary is presently being compiled in Elista, and if every- thing goes according to plan, it should be completed by 1965 it The present dictionary, it is hoped, should supplement Kamatedt's famous dictionary. It contains over §,000 ontries, all of which are highly representative of modern Kalmyk as written and spoken in the Kalmyk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the Soviet Union. These entries do not comprise numerous Russian loanwords, which were deliber- ately excluded from this dictionary, as were words of the international lexicon. The inclusion of such words would have expanded the size of the dictionary beyond the hounds of the possible. Kalmyk erammatical terms were excluded for the same reason. The first orthographical dictionary of modern literary Kalmyk, by D. Pavlov, wes received when the compilation of the present work was in its final stages. All the entries were checked against this new reference for the sake of uniformity in spelling. Unlike other dictionaries, this dictionary indicates plural noun suffixes (separated from the nouns by a comma and a hyphen). In cases where the final consonant is replaced in the plural by another one, the noun in the plural is spelled out. No plural suffix was added to some nouns either because by their very nature they have no plural or because their plural suffixes are still unstable. In most cases, the causative verts are excluded, but on the other hand the deverbative nouns are richly represented.. In definitions, the articles a and the are ovitted for the sake of simplicity. Parts of speech, with exception of nouns and basic numerals and pronouns, are indicated throughout the dictionary, which is a kind of innovation compared to other dictionaries. aii For technical reasons, the Russian hard sign » has been repre-~ sented by *. An outline of Kalmyk grammar will be included in A. Bormanshinov's forthcoming Kalmyk Manual, to be published by Indiana University Press. Interested readers should consult that work. We are greatly indebted to Mra. S. Dzevzinov, Mr. G, Mushajew, and Mr. K, Ombadykow for their nelp in the preparation of the manuscript. Our thanks are due also to Prof, Clarence Brown, Mr. H. Robert Hedrick, Mr, Thomas E, Bird, and Dr, Paula Rubel for their checking and proof- reading of certain-parts of the English translation, Arash Bormanshinov George Zagadinow iv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS abi. oe ablative : adj. adjective adj. dim. ‘adjective dinminut.ve adj. poses adjective possessive adv, adverb adv, dim, . adverb diminutive anat,. anatony astr. astronomy biol. biology bot. botany chem. chemistry coll, collective . eonj. conjunction cont. contemptuous dat. dative dial. dialect, dialectal dim, diminutive ’ econ, economy fig. figuratively forn, formal geol, geology hon. honorific idiom, idiom, idiomatic inp. imperative instr, inatrumental Anterje Ler. Ling. math. mechs med. wil. mine aun. parte obs. part. e phys. ple pl. tant. Po Postp. PP. Pron. Pron. di PrP. interjection legal Linguistics, linguistic nathenatics mechanics medicine, medical military mineral music noun noun collective name proper numeral numeral collective numeral partitive obsolete participle physiology ploral pluralia tantun ssive po postposition past. participle pronoun pronoun demonstrative present participle rei. Ruse. Ss. SP. syn, tech. v. caus. Ye coop. Ye rec. vi religion Rusedan Sanskrit sport synonyn technology, technical verb verb causative verb cooperative verb passive verb reciprocal DICTIONARIES CONSULTED G.J-RAMSTEDT, Kalmtickisches W8rterbuch (Helsinki, 1935) A.MsPOZDNEEV, Kalaycko-russkij slovar' (St.Peteraburg, 1911) AJLUVSANDENDEV (ed.), Mongol'skowrusskij slovar' (Moscow, 1957) 1 ,D.LESSING (gon.ed.), Mongolian-English Dictionary (Berkeley and Loe Angeles, University of California Press, 1960) BE ,BASANGOY, Russko-kalmyckij slovar' (Moscow, 1910) a4 The arrangement of entries is alphabetical according to the following table. NBt the letters B, 8, x, p, and Ware found in initial position only in foreign loan- words, and the letters m, &, M, and & do not cecur initially in Kalnyk. XAMDMP KEMH ATOABHT, Aa 32 BG Be Fr bh An Ee £8 Ku Kx 33 We f_'a Ke Aa Me Ha % Oo Oo fa Pp. Cc Tr Yy¥y Yy @@ Xx we 44 Ww Mm of u . 3s Ww aa & the first letter of the Kalmyk alphabet 1. @& yes (in response to someone's call) 2. aa interj. ah! ohi AB, KIOPK oh, dear! aa rx to say yes aap 1.paternal grandfather, grandpa; 2.father (of an old father or old man) aanmH =adj.poss. 1.paternal grandfather's, grandpa's; 2.father's (of an old father oF od man) eah cup; eah-cas kitchen utensils; eah-canwH ad}, poss. gah-capeK aaBk © china-shop, crockery shop asmr adj. dried aapur or wyrpur samira adj, containing aami eamrra GyfaH kind of soup containing aamr eampcH adj. absent - minded eampyax v.caus. of Saqpx aanpx to be absent = minded ax term of endearment used when addressing one's father, mother, and aunt 1, aaa neighborhoods Banb- xowa neighbors aamp-xoman adj. neighbor's, belonging to neighbor 2, same slyness, archness; , amb haphax to be cunning, dodge (somebody) eampyH adj. neighboring; neighbor's’ ; aanpunhH act of cunning, slyness aanbax to be cunning, use cunning; dodge (somebody) aaipra adj. sly, arch; cunning eeprarmce pp. & adj. encircled, rounded up aaprirgx v.pass. to be encircled, be rounded up eapranhk act of encirclement; gaprax to encircle, round up eapur kind of sour cottage cheese made from fermented milk left after the distillation of milk liquor aapx, -C winnowing - machine, winnowing fan aapur anat.pelvis aapuruH adj.poss. anat. pelvic aammhH act of coming \ eemcH pp. & adj, that which 1s coming aamx to be coming 1. ap temptation; seduction epnan opymx to entice, lure; seduce f2. en imp, take! \ Capamb 1,first spouse; 2,lawful spouse - es apanb zany first husband apa reprd lawful wife 1, apaa t.takers 2.receivers 3.one who acquires s¢mething one who subtracts to deliver (to), bring (to) act of delivering, bringing (to) 2, apat apalt ABad eTx apau erahn apr. 1.prides 2.boastfulness, vair“lorious™s4 Bath, subtrahend teact of being proud (of), taking pride (1n); asrara aprashy 2.act of bragging (about), boasting (of) - aprax 1.to be proud (of), take pride (in); pride one: je1r (upon), plume oneself(upon); 2.to brag (of, about), boast (of) aprra adj. 1,proud; 2.boastful, vainglorious anh, “HD paternal uncle azh Gepra paternal uncle's wife ash GeprHa adj, of above arhxe adj.poss. paternal uncle's, of paternal uncle aphet nat. ovary ABEP, “Mya trunk, box, chest apapax to pack (up) something ina trunk aniau, “Hp tempter; temptress; seducer 7 ABATIX v.pass, to be tempted; view ¢ to temptation @BIrd, -Hp. apmh, -c Proud person bribe; graft to take, accept. bribes azxhe ‘apx epahc apthu act of taking, accepting bribes esah grey briber : apah erx to bribe somebody; grease somebody's palm apmh erahe act of bribery 1. apaha l.act of taking; 2,act of receiving, getting; ‘ obtaining; 3,act of acquiring, gaining 2. anahn Bath. subtraction “3. apnhu act of taking off, removing one's (hat, ete) epthu, -zp bribe - taker; grafter apanhy act of seading into temptation; act of Seducing Snax tc lead into temptation; seduce; entice, lure avay 1. apayn 1.connectedness, coherence; 2.logicality 2. annum cohesion, adhesion; contact; connection 1, apmra adj. 1,conneeted, coherent; 2. logical 2. apayta adj. with Cohesion, adhesion; with connection @BruTahap adv, 1.coherently, connectedly; logicaly @BIUX 1.¥.rec, to take something from each other; 2.v.coop, to take something together apuha adj, inclined to cupidity; grasping; avid, greedy, covetous apuha Kye bribe-taker ae aM: Tep AraC &BH since then from the first, right from the vevee ent start, from (the) beginning eaec ABH ’ from here a@ppat, “Hp rescuer, savior v.pass. 1.to be spared; obtain mercy; aaprax . . 2.to be rescued, saved aspra adj. salutary aspnha 1.act of sparing somebody's lifes 2.act of rescuing, saving somebody : aQBpatT mercy, charity; clemency appr? yra adj.merciless appit yrahep adv.mercilessly appatta adj. merciful, charitable ve apra adj. tempting, alluring, suggest 4.to spare; 2.to rescue, save 1. anx i.to takes 2.to receive, gets obtain; 3.to acquire, gain 2. asx math. to subtract ; to take off, remove one's (nat, ete.)s 3. aBx ~ aaxyzat, “Kp customers elient epxynahy act of ordering _ 1. receptivity} 2, susceptibility; 3.ability to take (food, etc.) \ 1. amor 2. anor ordainnent, consecration; aBmr aBx to receive ordainment, Consecration; - aBur erx to ordain into, bestow consecration eparzhH act of ordaining, consecrating azorre adj, l.receptives 2, susceptible (to disease, etc.) aB"AC habit uy an" nore adj, having a bad habit 43" rcapH adv. by force of habit ar. poignancy erghp adj. short (of height) 1. armx Bhys. to contract . 2. argux l.to shrivel, shrink; 2.to tighten “arap l.secluded, Solitary; lonely; 2, remote; distant; J.secluded places 2 country arnh Seclusion, solitude arar hasp '+Temote country, distant @aPApx i. to seclude oneself, retire; 2,to move away (from) arcu adj, violent, turbulent * arounah act of being boisterous, turbulent, Vtolent in &@ state of drunkenness arcwux to behave Violently art gelding arr anyy herd of geldings aruEH ; t, instant erm moment, ' syyp 1.adv. instantly, in a moment, arnan . ehap ehapmy 1. ahp 2. ahp 3. ahp 4, ahp 1. ahy 2, ahy arta TeMK arugr yra a or made of maple; 2.flavored with maple dj. 1.0f or ple; 2 ot. erax to shrink . » seals ip 1-nobleman's wife; 2,lady$ 3-fig- cont eh, Hy , adj. poignant strong tobacco to geld (of horse) : 3 adj. nonshrinking; adv. nonshrinkable in a trice; 2.momentarily, instantly; in a flash, in a i jitty “lady, fine lady {.open air; atmospheres 2.air adj, atzsaertal ehan adj. of ah bot. cypress adj. cypress dot. aloe adj. aloetic cave, cavern, grotto add. y huges 2.vast, extensive, spacious dj. 1,enormous, hi 2, t, extensive dou: shyx adj. of a cave ahypcn Property ahya hermit, anchorite, recluse : Ahm Volgograd, formerly Stalingrad and Tsaryteyn aq craziness, madness 1. ar st : . . SkHaC ABH Agr xyprn from (the) beginning to (the) . end, from start to finish 2. anr adj, lasts extreme; final 3. amr adj. lowest, worst 4. agp _ lower reaches of the river ear: aar Aapak = wisdom tooth Sari anr cryax finally, in the final analysis anrHH on the lower Teaches anruu Canthcn towns on the lower reaches ONtwagxnan at least anhax v. caus. to hurry, hasten someone @ahmhi act of hurrying, hastening enti hurry, haste enhucr adj. excessively urgent, hurried, pre: sing, hasty aghura adj. T.urgent, pressings 2.husty, hurried aghura Kepr urgent business Suhwrahap adv. 1.4n haste, hastily; 2.hurriedly, hastily / enhu-mhk adv, 4n a great hurry aghx to hurry, hasten Mak see e7NHeH UX see ONMUX me state of displaying insanity adj. uneven to display insanity ita «adj. crazy, mad ‘@nyH, amym herd of horses amy ecxmhn horse breeding ‘@myna adj. belonging to the herd of horses = anyon t-animal; 2.{4g, brute, beast . samycna adj. of anycu 1. amex, -c row hide 2, anox, -c fig. Jade KeKmH agcx old jade amy, -mp horse ~ herder ante see emo " eaxr sign, indication Qqrt ayr asx fig, to feel, understand «en t Co xX 1.te observes 2,to notice; sight, get sigh’ “ aNrE: = yx, -uyg 1.labor, work; 2.employment, job , _ agu Kex to work, Jabor “agman, -up employee . -. aa aaj. 1, labor ; 2,employment aqnynay 1, agph employer ~ stallion; ‘axph anyx ~ herd of horses with only one stallion male (of animals) TaKAH axph railway engine, locomotive’ 2. axph rooster 3. axph Asux adj, Asian, Asiatic Asn Asia . a atiamhe act of waiting a little _ alizx alc, -vyq to wait a little melody, tune Alic~ Keltc yra. adj. tuneless alicap ady, according to melody, tune alicra aay, melodious, tuneful acran adv. 1,in vain, for nothing; 2.wrongfully, unjustly adj. 1. proper, decent; 2.appropriate, suitable; 3.pleasant, accomodating : odd, funny ina strange vay, strangely aliza akan adj, strange, queer, exanap adv, Ssnagmmhi act of behaving strangely, oddly SHARIX to behave strangely, act oddly axpuamhi state of being spasmodic expunnhua axpMaX adj. spasmodic to have a Spasm faxypahx act of thickening axyuD somewhat thicker en — — 4.killer; murderer; murderess; assassins pieaneee 2.executioner 2. anaa, -up butcher 1.tribute, contribution; 2. tax bution; ‘bute, contri lay under tri) ane apx = 1.to 2,to collect taxes; taxes; anp orxi.to pay tribute; 2.to pay ans ered taxpayer . 1.sudject; 2.tributary 1, east, ~HD Ee : . 2, agar possessions , woaHa alBT principality xava anBT ‘kingdom ~ adj. sovereign; / : ansrTa HOH sovereign prince 2 ear adj. 1.motley, particolored 42. striped;3.skewbald. ansTTa katt ope skewbald horse crow anrt ear HepS navies Be ered; be assassinated; be eargx v.pass. to be slain . 7 . éartpaht 4,act of appearing many-coloreds . : _ 2eact of appearing striped .. earrpx tw to appear Particolored, many-colored; 2.to appear striped 1. amram skewbald mare . 2. onpen fig. applied to a Women of loose morals 1. ana, ~uyq distance between the tips of the middle fingers of outsrtetched (human) arms pesca 2 ana, -uyn 1. measure of jength equal to 2.13 of a meter; 2.wooden measuring instrument 2.13 of a meter long emqp adv. nearly, almost; . T@p KMMGH angR eunr fig, slip ar yp he (she) nearly fell slip of a tongue Qnqun adv. about, of about, around, approximately (of age) EPaHb-ropy angux wacta RYH Erdne 1s a man about fifty years old ARNT anan yra 1 .without dropping; 2.without loosing; forfeiting; 3.without faii, certainly; 4, without slip 1. angmhy act of dropping 2. anntha act of losing, forfeiting 3. anumhn = act of missing one's aim 4. anguha = act of uttering in a wrong manner “43 4.to measure by applying the distance betveon the tips of the middle fingers of outstretched human arms; 2.to measure with a wooden instrument 2.13 of a meter long adv, around, about (of date and place) mistake, error; miss loss; waste Jack (of); shortage (of); deficiency (4n) loss (in gambling) glory} fame; name adj. glorious, famous, renowned adj. great obs. name (speaking of respected people) vane angptH wud? what is your name? 14.to make oneself frees get, become free} isentangle oneself ee aaise to glorify, celebrate & + famous. ebrated, illustrious, renowned adj. famous, celebr: ’ ous, renown PP. auzparcn annpux to be famous (for', be famed (for. 1. aunx 2. axax to drop, let faii to loses forfeit ahan angx to lose one's consciousness;to loose yx one's self-control 3 aug to miss (such as when shooting) xahag aux to fail to hit fact of " betne playfun, trates de Playful, be froliesone pvady,” playful, frolicsone ‘anba adv. where .:; 4 ee ‘ONDA ANA wire : u adv. or sanywhere; 2,(i¢ negated) | Rowhere: @mbmapaR . ady, where (to); which an way} whi @NbNAO aay, ans where from; from which AMBER pron, which; what : QUBKE ampi & ie belied Veany; 2. (with negation) none 3 anbun, alba apple s : @mbMHa | adj, apple auburn QYYcu apple juice / QnbMNa MomE apple-tree! ANbXEX. to slap ores ) SUDXHy ANBXA palm (of hand) SIBYYD, “wy kerchiet < adtpaypax 1. ena to wrap up in a kerchter lewdness, depravity; . ann Ke: ‘0 lead a deprave @ se fu x ti ad. y 8! 1 a 4 lite indulge in 2 sty lewdness 2,anq ad lewd, debauched profligate 4 4 ’ ’ Be “BnRTpx to become corrupted, deprave: 0. : pted, ‘aved, -profligated ia ama eu anatht act of making a slip of tongue 2 L we am annymx to cause someone to make'a sup of ‘tongue am angx to-make a slip of tongue au 600x to gag : 3 aussi careless, distracted, inefficient person auan ayhax to gaze “ewan TaTx to hold one's tongue . amap KemcH YP spoken word auha, -G bridle has aha aBx to remove the bridle auharx to put the bridle on vep avhanx to put the bridle on a horse avhin, ~C lasso auhag xalix to lasso 1. auaau, -Hp intercepter 2. aupan adj. intercepting avanhe act: of intercepting aunx to intercept . Avepmz 1, America, United States of America; 2.American Continent Awepmza see AuepHE aMepMKaH, “My, -UHD aa American auepmanH = adj. American, ‘America's, of America Avepaxns Hxucn Draruya United States of America . : ° gon allax to chew tobacco Ae ans any mouth Be axe 's AMM upper edge of a cup, s295 9) bowl ete, ‘COBH AMHR brim | . ae 3. aun, au, 1p im 1, opening; entrance; 2,muzzle ofa ts rearm MADXHH aun Opening of a wound auH? @MH yra adj. tongue-tied : a aup adj. easy 2. aup adj, Peaceful, calm aupt aup yra adj. restless i. aupap adv, Teeasily; 2, leisurely 2. aupap adv, peacefully, cainty aupr, -yx Sweetheart, darling aupr Gomx to — & sweetheart SMpar? aupar egp, “wom aMpaT = rest daday of rest; 2.day ort aupar yrahap adv. without rest FaRt;, aupx 1,.to rest, have ‘without taking a rest - & rest;2.fig, to have peace of mind + 8UPXH adj, dim, rather easy _ 2. eupxH adj.din, rather peaceful, calm = amcad, “HD taster — : 7 aucahh act of tasting, act of trying tor a taste aucx to taste, try for a taste . aura adj. describing one who has a sharp or acid tongue eurans auraH anmx to lose its taste aurnx to make tastier : aura taste : eur anx to acquire a taste for aut napx to suppress the bad taste aNTH? aMTH yra adj. tasteless, without taste autta adj. tasty, delicious aumm 1,to acquire a taste for; 2.to fall into the habit of, get the habit of ANTAXH see eMTOXH 1. auymy peace; quietude; happiness; well-being 2. aya adj. quiet; calms peaceful, peaceable auyayta adj. 1.peaceful, tranquil; 2.bappy, prospering auxs adj." toothless auxapnhe act of becoming toothless amxapx to become toothless axmhap oath; swearing anghapnhy act of swearing an oath @nghapnax to administer an oath GHICX, ~¢ wooden plough SHBPIX ¥.pass. to be closed (of eyes) aupahi act of closing (of eyes) 1. aaep noise, hubbub, uproar; rumble, boom, rumbling AaHbp TAaTX to make noise 2, aupp pomegranate AUBpHK adj, bot, pomegranate SHBPHH MOMH pomegranate tree aubpra adj. noisy, boisterous, rumbling AHBpX to make noise aubpxmbu act of making noise SHBX to close (of eyes) 1. an, -rya 1.beast; wild animal; 2. game i 2. ay crack, split \ 4H opx to crack, split @RTKH adj. of a beast APRA apcH skin of a beast aRrMH KeBTp lair, den ayhanran’H act of being opened wide ayhanx to open (wide) avan aghanrx to open one's mouth ayhamhy act of being opened wide ier, “YX ditch; moat to open wide jpxa ad. eaping, yawning anya -up hunter; trapper . yunrax v.pass. to be hunted, trapped act of hunting, trapping to hunt, trap ‘ayxapr: aqxapr yra adj. slow-witted time “ adv. during veny aqxH adv. at that time act of guessing ‘ayxpx to guess “eixyn adj. foolish, stupid, silly ap: Ap wect mana Arctic Ocean : ep sr North / ap varun adj. northern, of the north - ap cyyhyr dart, javelin apanhy act of cutting a molar epannx to hold between the molars to hold the stem of a pipe between one's: molars SpanyH, apanyg spider ny hawsan apannx . Spamqua PYmMH 6 web 2. aph = means 3. aph way, mode 5 method ghar et CHaerests placea ; al 4, aph ability (for), aptitude (for), faculty (of for); tort letter "3" to mak, *, QAM RryKH Young : fox, fox-cub i adj. of a tox, fox's *' hae capacity (for) . 8PBa oats apatan | aph: aph yra adj. incapable (of); incompetent aphan» mountain goat % : APBAIX to feed with oats “- apBambx aphap adv, by means of 7a a Caus.1.to spread wide (of fingers) opens : ; «i 2.to dishevel, ’ 1. ephax to persuade; coax Sppax adj. caten _ abba hyitp oat meat appax 1.to s, : pread wide ( : ai of fi : appara een ngers);2.to become tousled, 2. aphox to please tousle (of hair) to be able to do something and to do it, be capable aphrx of doing something and to do.it aph-wex way, method arr ~ SPBascH opp, g adj. weithings wrigeting * aphug, “c lasso, lariat “ ABBROX tO 'vetthes wriggle eee apy xalix to lasso, throw a lariat ‘y SPBH ten aphp adj. 1.that which 4s spread wide; - 2.that which is tousled, disheveled @pBRR ob enediction, consecration ofan _ 3 . a aphex, apheg dry dung, excrement; droppings temple, ete, « @DBHARX to make a denediction; consecrate an aphra adj. able, capable aphyxs adv. 1.slowlys 2.softly; gently aphynmx 1.to take it easy, slow down; i imi temple, ste, eee 4@PBTa a ten. myear old of apes (of people and animals ) Prt Spr ynaH adj. searlet 2,to act in a soft or gentle manner te aph — possiparity dim. 1.rather slow; Q.rather soft; rather gentle aphyaxn adj. aphyaxnap adv. 1.rather slowly; : Q.rather softly; rather gently to contradict, disagree 1 to quarrel, argue; 2, “gpeege | act of wiping; 2.act of cleaning; 3,act of tspartang . ais “an order; Lact of peeling . ‘aPM™ see apa apux ~ 1,to wipe; 2.to Clean; 3,to put in order; ‘Leto peer . “apm shaft . , Spmamx to take orally (of holy water, medicine, etc.) “8PMAH 1, consecrated waters 2.curative medecinal water | | apm Srohine (measure of length Comparable to yard) apmuap “tn archines acmhit act of flaming up, blazing up AcupA ward ; . _/Acpaq, erp guardian acprmx sv. pass. 1.to be nursed, be tended, be looked after; 2.to be under wardship acpuy t,care; 2.guardianship, wardship acpoyra adj. thoughtful, careful, solicituous acpx 1.to Turse, tend, look after; . 2,to be guardian of “acx to flame up; blaze acxap adv. in the evening .QCXH evening 8cxMMH xXoT supper 1. acxua adv. last evening 2. acxwa adj. evening acxpnha act of pouring, flowing po. & adj. flowing, pouring, streaming : to shed (of tears, dlood ete.) acxpen acxpymx v.caus. acxpx to flow; stream, pour acxx %.to pour (something); 2. to spill ava 1,envy; 2.jealousy aran adj. competitive ara-waphan 61. rivalry; 2. competition who ADXHAX KYH 4.one who envies; envier; 2.one erapxmaxt ari 4s jealous; 3.one who is il1rdisposed atapxahu te 0} jealous; pxaht 1,state of being envious; 2.state of being J . £ 3. state of being 111-disposed : .atapxer adj. envious envier, envious person ous; 3.t0 be 411-disposed arapxer RYH “2. to bé Jeal @TApXxX 1.to envy; 2. aruhen adv. sullenly, gloomily - 1. arux to become sullen, gloomy Re OTHX 6 ‘become curly yrxnh zing” 4,act of taking into the hand; 2.act of squee: Be a te ; < - with the hand; 3-act. of shaking hands ; eed 1, arx hollow of the hand : : at Ee “ : a9 5 axp dj. t.short; 2. axp uipre short limbed axp Racta adj, of short life a 8 : : ? ve . : in brief, in shor © take into. the hand; 2,to squeeze with the hand; iiésta & ep uininiecie, “3st shake hands 2S a ; ime and space); horter (of t: shorten, become s! - 5 -. axpax. 1.to sl 1. ax, “HP elder brother ms: . : “Be ax 2.to be short (of time and space) ‘adj. t.elder; 2, Bee short «seniors heads 2, higher | : : axpxH adj. dim. sl ax KOBYH elder son 3 é 1. axra having an elder brother Ax eM head phystedan : under the esdenehty ots under the ctalimansntp cor). - 2. axra ¢ lucation . ; : axy york OXAAY, @x-2YYNp older and younger: close and distant male : axyax to work : a S relatives of one's own generation : axyx 209), loon \ axzay, -up Vehief; 2.chatrman; leader NO : axyy worker aXNAWH adj. chief's, of the chief; chairman's, of the : fi an, -uyx difureations bough shatrmany leader's, of the leadez load burden — load, freight, cargos 2.pack, a load; 3. aman, auag 1. x ES axarax v.pass, to be under the direction of, be 2. burdened auara adj. 1.loaded; headed by axnx 1,to be the head of, become the head of; something ‘ a someone or } be the oe ; ° amapxx to feel burdened by Senior, become the senior; 2,to be elder ‘ @XHD Conn AYYHD ladies and gentlemen éxpryanha ve caus 0 trou jomeone or something caus. to trouble 5: ne or this anapxyax . idiomatic e: a cate 2.with boughs wa t, bifurcated; 2. i! expression) a aura uogx tree with branches act of shortening, making shorter : “ @XPAYEX Vv, caus, "3 child)3 - ; 1. ax, “Hp 1,nephew (only brother's cl . vee to shorten, make shorter axmmhh 4 2.ndece (only brother's child) sact of being the head of 2, . . . son's child) act of being elder , “2. au, “ap grandchild (only 3, an, -up younger relative who isa tender of the same patrilineal ‘kin erou 4. au” denerit , 5. ag favor, grace 6. au mertt 7. eu rewarg 8. ay imp. loadi au; ag MUHp 1.grandsons and theanerandsons ;2.descendants, posterity (only through males) au? au Kepyy 1. nephew Corother's 80n); 2. grandson (sonts son); 3.much younger male member of onets kin group adi au xyprex 1. to doa favor, do a brace;2.to be useful (to) . @u Kypranhy leact of doing favors, Services; 2.state of being usefur (to) @u Xapythy = act of Teturning of favor; act of returning a grace @Uz aw gyyxn lentece Crrother's daughter); 2. granddaughter (son's daughter); «female member of the Same kin group related through her father Agata adj, 1. loaded; 2. packed Surgx v.pass. to be packed; be loadea eunrmx v.pass. to be rewarded aunhh act of roading, packing aunthi act of Tewarding aux to reward act of rt 4: one t one's services f reminding (someone) about one's s: 5 "s services to remind (someone) about one's ‘ite deim eetvises ha’ deserved; 2. ted, earned, d adj. 1.merited, : load 1,to load, freight; 2.to pack, au, “Myf consequence / 2 Oy take em, “Myo S venx to stake (in cards) an adv, subsequently = 7 == ap, -c dear an, -¢ direction; side + BD, 3, an, -c desire, wish he 's desire, wis ccording to one anhap adv, ai ; ATA ananhe 8RaX adv. on one's way act of being bound for to be bound for a = ound PeprpH amax to bé homeward bi ann calamity, disaster anata adj. disastrous year trous aunta mux = dias’ ar amu adj. poss. belonging to a bs oun eptp bear's lair, den . to become quiet, quiet down anpx to iba: shane » be frighte: by someone or - act of causing fear, fright rect : of being Scared, frightened V.caus. to scare : ~S genx senhxun: genhxuy — + frighten, awe i in order = S9ANOUs “HD - prophet fo seare, frighten eengrxe : . adj, : J. prophetic (al), oracular to prophesy \ 88, i "KH prophecy, oracle eaaaxnhs” act of prophecy “@axaX eouan State of fright, scare 1, sour, -yq Ularge Kalm : ie . wk village; 2, oor, ayy field, sphere binalee, 3 2.Kalmyk township - : , Mey) (PIMH aauP field of knowled, ge POSS. 1. belon; ging to a lar, ee Kalmyk vill, ages 2. belongin, ay to a Kalm: 5 . SeMtTxa adj, tata, yk township sauna adj, timorous eeuTxe Bo, IX to become timid, timor. ‘ous nF 8eMTxXe CoxthH act of be, . :®eMTxeTchap aay, : coming timid, timorous eoumr, fimdly, timorousty 's “yQ “fear, fright; dread | @eprax eoumr yra adj. fearless, frightless eoumr yrahap adv. fearlessly, frightlessly. eommrra ‘adj. frightful, terrible, dreadful, fearful gepr. fermented cow's milk eapr HcKex to make @ fermented cow's milk eepr wckoahH act of making of fermented cow's milk eopranhn act of being engaged in drinking a fermented cow's milk (by two or more persons) vy. pass. to be engaged in drinking a fermented cow's milk (by two or more persons) oo ae eeprun adj. poss. belonging to fermented cow's milk eerprmrax v.pass. to be distracted by somebody away’ from something eerpramhy §=act of distracting (attention) eetprax ty distract (attention); divert gex to ve afraid (of), be fearful, be frightened esp disposition, temper, character eppshe act of showing one's disposition, temper, character espax to show one's disposition, temper, character espte adj. having a disposition, temper, character erp adj. discolored 4. erpahe act of fading; act of discoloring 2. erpshn act of pleaching (of tones) “1. orpen - = 7 "Cl Pp. & adj. discolorea ery 4 ’ '¢ SIpen LPP. & adj, Bleached (of bones) 1. orpx to fade, lose color 2. erpx” to bleach (ot bones) : ORE adj. 1.2 ' ‘ qual; same as, identieal with; 2.241, to, identical to ooo O4n genre adj. e 3 2 | J+ equal in rights » enjoying e. eatep adv, alike, in like manner ees eAnnen ‘ adv. on a level (with); equally (with) oaauyary adj. comparative ennux 1,t j Oo become equal, become identical with; 2. , . to becone like, become similar to ete blessing, benediction ONC BBX V.pass, to be dlessed elentha act of blessing encax to bless emeta adj, blessed ou (adj, living, live, alive * oMn-weHg safe and sound eunmMeHR Gaax to be sate and sound out yaqx to survive » escape with one's 14. Te alive us eMmap adv, alive oun OMMH ANB @MEuhe emuunx to be selfish, egoistical eucxa @UCXAE OMCXA ABX to see alive act of reviving pp. & adj. brought to life, revived y.caus. to revive v.pass. to come to life j.act of coming to life; rising againy 2, act of coming to oneself, coming to one's senses, regaining one's senses act of reviving; raising from the dead y.caus.to revive; raise from the dead come 1.to come to life; rise agains 2.to come to oneself, to one's senses, regain one's senses 1,soul eMH map yra more dead than alive adj. per head _ poll-tax, capitation; 2.individual teegoist; 2.edJ. selfish, egoistic (a1) oma xrys © egolst, selfish person act of being selfish, egoistical _ breathing, respiration 1.to breathe; 2.to take a breath, take a short rest euoxa? eucxx yra adj. lifeless euexahx act of breathing, Tespiring eucxnx to breathe, Trespire SMTOXH adj. sweet eurmt most; very OMTEH COOXH most. beautiful, SUTHH CoH very best eure 1,1tving beings, living creatures; 2,people ouTHa = 1. pertaining to living beings, living creatures; 2.adj. human; SuTHa aahep by hearsay eutura adj. pregnant; \ OMTHTS KYYHA MYH expectant woman ‘ey o part exraahn exrax act of separating something or soneone to separate something or someone oHrpamhe = act of Separating themselves, parting themselves eurpx to separate themselves, part themselves epe. adv, with difficulty, hardly; barely @pa rag xyps arrived with difficulty Space Russia pecan adj. Russian epsap adv. sparingly 1. epparhu = act of using sparingly peanhe fo. oppax fax to £1, .apKHt, ops imp. epahk 16 "me “tuto vanishs 2.to eet 1. oprmx Be eprax 1. opre Be opre Be oprE 4. opYa to take care off eMaH OPBAX vodk arinking-bout; carousel -up drunkard opm act of taking care of to use sparingly to take care of one's health psu thrifty, economical savings ; thrifty, economical (of people + ted milk ike Mquor distilled from ferme’ an drink hard, deep adj. 4nelined to hard drinking aa gre drunkard; sot t.vanisht 2.get lost! lost + of vanishing; 2,act of getting ac’ ost a to become holy} 2,to be sanctifiet -to : 2,to become pure 4, to become cleans adj. holys sacred 4, cleanliness} 2, purity, adj. 1.cleans 2. pure aaj. virgin (of girl) ope. xvemH virgin (girl) “Pieh man, Wealthy man rich; wealthy; abound _ TeP @krapn Oattx : Satip 7 gladness, doy ae Oattpzhy 2. Cate aaj. state of being €lad, act of re. a Oatpnyax adj. Oattpnynx Jetcing he who 4s giad Joyous, joytur / Y.caus. to make Glad; gladden Oatpnx to be glad; Fejoice Satpra adj. glad, Jeyous, joytur Catpra-caxra adj. cheerful, Joyous, bueyant Oattprahap adv, gladly; joyously; Joyfully to contains accommodate 5 hold; seat San honey " Gaxrax Sern Can honey + Oana adj, 1. 4gnorant; 2. foolish, stupid, silly Oana HomTup heretics; pagans 2. Cana aay, Particular Sane adv. into smithereens : Gan yoKx to smash into smithereens “Oeansahy act of crushing, splintering . Oansryan, Carbamag Pleat, tuck (or clothing) steppe 1s abound in wild lite ois 4.to crushs splinter ee Ganzpiha act of splitting inte, crushing inter Ganzpx to be split into; be orusheds spl Jans, : Gaxspxa adj. splintered, shattered ; : Gansushn | act of crushing (frequently! Caxsux to crush (frequently) can, -yn Wide, flat knife ‘Ganh mouthful (of fluids) Ganh ycx mouthful of water 5 Ganhahn ect of taking into the meuth (of fluid Ganhcn, Sanhon 1. tewny 2.city . Ganhona adj. of Ganhcna eprH = suburb o Ganhx to take into the meuth (ef fluid: ast! Ganhu, -c drink, mouthful; sips gulp anni 1 person of mixed blood Ganmp, ~My ie Cam bruise 3 Ker Sam imeval Oanp adj, primitive, primordial; pr: L tt of becoming foolish, stupid, silly SanpnhH = ac . to become stupid, foolish, silly an Gampx ” . 1. Sanpxa adj. 1.illegible, unclear; 2.vague . ening Sant, -c battle axe 1. Gana aaj. containing heney to sound becaingly tiger 2. Canta, -c cakes honey-cake Canyc beeswax . : Sap bleck . cap ~ printing ior first month of the lunar Fi Ganxanhih state of being stocky a 3 stocky to be within visible distance of . act of being visited Lo. * Ganxhp adj, stocky, squats thickset Canuthh act of boiling sert Gapaax Gapanxramhe Gapanxrmx to be visited act of visiting Ganunx to bei) sort . . : ~ Ganupiht ‘act of being boiled sort Canupen adj. boiled Oanupx -to be boiled sort Sansur T.bog, 1. Sapaaxahe 2. Capanxahh act of having en audience . 1, Gapanxx to visit 2. Capanxx te have an audience ‘ Jace within a yurt or house ited place valuable 1 dapat, 6896n Meee Lensiot thankes, statues, and Polongings are located morass, svamp, marsh; 2. quagmire Ganburtahy act of begging down Oanparra, adj. dogey, Barshy, svanpy_ Sampurrx to becoue bogged down Cau Red, scurvy * Oaudanhn 2, Capax companion Sapan 6orx to keep coup state of being heavy set and flabby built GauGax to be heavy set and flabby butzt’ * Gauohp Be. Gapak 1.goods; é.ceivt. gs, tinue 4, Gapan suite, re! anna GapaH Khan's suite, rettma xi adj. of heavy sot and flabby muita : ” 5, Gapan adj. dark . = = 1.silhouettes 2. visibili' GaurahH act of having scurvy Caurx to have sourvy Gapaxs muta Capan . Coumodity Gapana adj. ¢ commodity etrculation “Gaynaha act of sounding doomingly OaHHer adj, Dbeoming (of sound) Gapana rrxahe Cag nyyTa having a dooming voice : Sapara: wx Sapara Gapr: apr noxa, <9 Sapranhn mongrel dog . Tact of being finished, ended; 2.act of be: Sapracn pp.t.that which is ended, Tintshed; 2.that which 1s exhausted Caprax y, pass. 1.t be finished, ended; 2, te be exhausted act of bragging, boasting to brag, boast a4). dboastfur Capmuy kyn Oapmunahi Sapaunx apm doaster, braggart Oapnay, “KD printer Caparax v.pass. to be Printed Capmhk tact of finishing, ending; 2.act of exhausting Oapashn act of printing Capnup adj. Printed, in print Oapnx to print Sapy-Orpy twilight Capy-Crpana adv. at twilight-time Oapc, -uynq tiger Capen 4. that which has been finished, ended; 2.that which has been exhausted Oapyy Veright (or side); 2, western (of direction); Oapyy Ourman fopx to go te the Fight side CANbKH Oapyy ranac remake = wina ds Dlowing from the vestern direction adj. veluminous bulky; having a large outline - ing exhausted | Pod us GapyH yar West : 1,.to finish, end; 2.to exhaust fda act of being sullen (ef sky) ax to be sullen (of sky) fapxhp adj. gullen (of sky) ipknax te be sullen frequently (of sky) pa, “wy profit; gain panne act of making a profit fepamx to make a profit apms one who makes a profit + 6ac adv, also, as well, too + 6ac adv, some mores still Sacunax Sacxwgaxahe 1.to scorn, ignore; 2.to underestimate, underrate sto s . 1.act of scorning, ignoring 5 2.act of underestimating, underrating : 3, Bacg 1.to underestimate, underrates 2.to disregard = Sacxrgahn n.pr. (ale) Gacx. 1.act of being underestimated, underrated; 2.act of being disregarded ewe 2. 1.to be underestimated, bs underrated; , Gaoxrax Gacxnha 1.act ef underestimating, Underrating; 2.act of Gisregarding . . Gar . adj. 1. strong, solid, fire; 2.durables 3.ateady, stable adv. strengly, solidly, fitmly Gatap xex Oatap to make strongly, solidly, firmly 1, strengthening, fertifying; 2.approving, confirming; 3. ratification; 4. guarantee Oatanp Garanht t.act of strengthening, fertifying, making firm; 2.act of approving, confirming; 3.act of Yatifyings act of guaranteeing Garax 1.to strengthen, make firm, fortify; 2.to approve, confirms 3.to ratify; 4.to guarantee Garpahu 1.act of getting strengthened, Tortifieds2.act of fetting approved, contirmed;3'act of wetting ratitied; Lact ef getting guaranteed Garpx t.to get strengthened, fortified; 2.to get approved, confirmed; 3.to get ratified; 4.to get guaranteed Carra adj. approved, confirmed Oarra soyr confirmed report 1. Garx - nicotine 2. Oarx, -c blackhead GatxH, -c fly 1. Garxra adj. that Which contains nicotine “dj. pimplea, piaply Sax Pleasure, delight 2e Oarxra GaxaH xathag to one's own delight t.anat, gullets 2. throat puthh act of catching by the suinoat nypax to oatch by the throst 1,pole, post; 2.10g n, pillar, column axp, “My charred 2og adj. delightful act of pleasing somebody GaxH, -C 12 OAXH, “Cc GaxTa n ‘Gaxranshi Gaxtax to please soae! ‘Gaxtahn state of being delighted Gaxtx to be delighted Gaxy ged. stenccardias angina pectoris Gam adj. pressings urgent ‘6am nepr urgent business fp - Gamrahap adv. urgen' , : Gamayh roach (a European fish of the carp family Gaunr, -yqy kind of hood Gampnashn act of confusing, eubarrassing Sempoax to confuse, embarrass a Tass Gampanhu act of being confused, embar’ Gampack adj. embarrassed, confused Campax to be confused, enbarrassed . - , : Gaauyn pl. rich people, wealthy people, we. to-do peop: 2. Oapx “to catch 3. Gapx to erect, build, construct % 4. Gapx to Present with, make « present, Gepx: wanr Gopx to observe the fast Maur Gapnhy state or act of fasting , Sepu, ~e Present, gift \ : Gac: 6ac ac Tuyshaq ad, now and then, now and again; from time to time Carsunht act of building’ . Ceranx to huddle 1, Gomp duper. prepare yourself! get ready! 2. Oenp, -urn small barrel Oenpahn act of getting ready for Genpx to Prepare oneself for, get ready for Oeena, -c Iomitten; 2. gloves Osepr adj. sensitive to cold Ceapnhu state of being sensitive to cold Geepx to be fensitive to cold Gear med, malaria Gearaahy state of being feverish Cesrax to be feverish Gearra adj. with malaria Gex, -¢ ink Sem adj. ink Sexwi cap inkstand exp sturgeon pan adj. of sturgeon GexpuH waxt sturgeon meat Gex slope yyauH 601 mountain slope 7 Gen, “MTX waist earch © aj. widowed Gensch sany widower Geapcn kyrKa YH = widow jaxscpihH ect of becoming a widow or widower jenscpx to become widowed © = Gemr, “rq gift, present Gear: Gear Gepx to tell fotunes Gear Oapsho act of telling fortunes ‘Senrsha act. of giving, making « present Searax to give, make a present Gengnhn act of preparing, making ready Genux to prepare, make ready : ‘Sennen waist Genxrcya adv. up to the waist, waist-deep, watat-hagh Gexn ‘adj. ready, prepared ye «Violin, otis : -np violinist 1. Geaup: sam Senup oross-roeds, crossway, parting or the of dancing act ways 2. Seaup: hom Geaup confluence, Junction ‘1. Beuds aster, satura > 2. Geuda Saturday , 3. Bods on. pr. (male and ‘fomale) i. Sep, Sepeuyg young married woman 2. Gop, Gapauyg daughter- in-law 2. Oxi single, unmarried — single man unmarried woman es out sany Ou KYYRM KYK Outipxr = adj. self-centered term of reference used by the Sepousr, -¥_ edoky Sepra, Copra : wife of an elder ma: le relative S ee iprocal kinsh1| Sepx ads. hard, aitticult Gxxomn, ~up Feoiproca) Mirepdehiitren of sisters to refer to ‘each other Guar gift, talent “ Cepr, -c tune adj, gifted, talented act of crushing, squasl to orushy squash a act of becoming or eyes pp. & adj. crushed, squashed ovarre Owammhi Gumqnx Onagpahn Senck, Copen queen (of chess) etx, -c¢ feather-grass Cen, -uyg atove, oven 1. ou or 2. OH, -o a ance 6 “rq equipment, outfit OxLApCR Gurunx to equi Guaypx to become crushed, squashed euething) tt (for something), got , ready (for Gunshn act of erasing, eradicating eraser Owantp, ~MIX ” onnax to erase, eradicate Ouxpaha act of becoming erased, eradicated s Surmaathi et of swarming, teening (with) Ou Pix to aware (with), teen (with) Sant ve Ou: 3 mighty may; likely; perhaps Goanmy adj, like steel = nna} Gonsr, -yn appointed time; deadline, a - Gonarnaht act of arranging the time for ~e , : setting a deadline ‘Bodhisattva, bodisat : Broaching patiot enlt, tva (a saintiy pe @ Buddha) - ly va ehtenment and thus Jbeconing ‘@regs, sedinent ‘atter @4statiation of ai . it or to set a Ak Liquor Conarax to arrange the time for an dppedatment er fo net | -Cosar ! copher | deadline ae Ooxpahe aot of forbidding 1. Gonahn act of becoming, getting, “Oompx to forbia —— 2. Goatht act of ripening Goan aay, & con), hovevers though : Ng 3. Gonsht state of being ready to serve Le Consepahi act of attaining maturity : ; ? UR, Oonsepaha act of Tipening, maturing adj. mature, ripe be Soasenx Comap adv. as far as possible Comm possibility oe Gont conj. and ‘1. Coup crystal to attain maturity t22, Gonsepx to Tipens mature 2. Comp adj. crystals “2d. Gomhanha _ 80t Of causing to become; act of Causing to make ° = quality or being careful, cautions 3 Gonch adj. ripe . . l.care; caution, | ‘ fog _ Comhaumra ads, : 2. 26 Oomhanhy stal Gong epx _obaplet of cry: Gonharog Gonrxa let, may Sothawyrahap i.caretuliy, cautiously, 3. attentively ve caus, life ve a long yT wacTa GoaTxa may ™ uw 4 2. precautiously; je . 1. Goax to become, get, grow 1. Gonhax to cause to becoue; Cause to make areful, cautious 2. Gomx to ripen 2. Gomhax to be c. 3. Gonx to be ready to serve (of food) Oomhi aay, 4. Gonx it is possible each, every a Sonn steel will dol enough! stop 1t! that de enough! that : 5. Gomx ~ imp. 2, Gonn aay, steel Somro * impossible : . 1. Goormmhn state of being tied up, knotted : Be Soorashn state of being dammed, diked “3s Soorzahy state of being nonplussed 1. Goorax v.pass. .to be tied up, knotted “2. Ooorm vapa, 3. -Soorax v.pass. to be nonplussed 1. Gooar, vyn dam, dike 2. Goonr, -yq shear 1. Soomha, ~c mot 26 Ooonha, -¢ bandage * Goon, “Cc slave 1. Soomhara adj. that vbich 4s tied up, knotted 2s Coonhara adj. that vhioh ts damued, diked “3. Goonhara adj. that which is Ronplussed 1. Sooahx act of tying up, knotting 2. Soomha act of damuing, diking +; 3+ Goothy get of nonplussing \ \ -: 7 Goopur, -yn leavened cake which 1s deep fried in'oil “3, 6oox to nonplus Goomsr hindrance te 1. Goox to tie up, knot 2. 6oox to dam, dike _ Goouse obligation Goouata adj. obligated Goomx to make a contract; conclude a treaty : Cop adj. gray, grey Gop eHTe of a gray color Gop: op KepcH adj. used . Gop: 6op uopH xyMa gerfalcon Gopan rain Gopara adj. rainy Gopata eap rainy day Gopathh .act of overfeeding Sopax to overfesd Gopnx to grow, turn ied show eray Gopaxy adj. grayish Goprx, -C wineskin “Goprxnhe act of putting into wineskin Goprxax to put into wineskin Copa jerked meat / Goputht sot of jerking (a medt) Sopuncn ~ pp. & adj, jerked (of meat) Coon vomit Geenx - to practice shamanisn” 1. Soop, -uyq anat, kidney 2, Geop bud, leat bud Oeepr, -yq pelmeni (Siberian meat dumplings) anat, ovum Geecn, Seecn louse Oeecr, -yg vectra adj. lousy , * OeectahH act of becoming lousy Osectx to become lousy 1, Oepr, =r pte oe 7 siaatiy fresh-water fish Ddelonging to the carp 1. 6omx, -c cork 2. Gem adj. cork. Sem Gerna stopper of cork 1. 6y, -c amulet, charm 2, 6y, -c gun, rifle yh, -wyz reindeer Gyhy, -. bracelet Syhm, -uyx jug; pitcher Oynax = thick sourtasting soup Syar, -yn dye 69 rarmihn act of being dyed SyaramhH act of getting daubed overs stained VOyarmx ve pass. to be dyed to get daubed over, pesmeared, soiled, pesmeared, sOlled, ivi Vv. pass. + om senined c ATU, Hp painter \, Gyanhs act of dyeing act of daubing over ,besmesring to daub over, bernear, soil, dirty, stain to rinse (of face and hands only) Nyypon OyAbIbX to rinse one's face 1. Gyap add. dirty 2. 6ysp add. filthy; unsavory$ nasty; disgusting, detestable, aboainable jyepap adv. dirtily; muddy; untidily Gyap-Syna «ad J. Filthy; uneasy Gygpannhy = act Or soiling, dirting Syopnax Y.caus, to soil, dirty { Gyapaahs act of becoming dirty, soiled YapAK + to become dirty, soiled yin iwvirtues; 2.benefit, favor, erace j Coture adj. t.virtuouss 2.happy, luoky, j.kind, charitable, beneficent fortunate; yitan, 7HD philanthroptst chart: © person: 0 e . 2 tabl 3 Dene factor 2. Oya adj, downy Synanhu Oynannen Synangahn act of struggling for the Posses. Syne, aX. Pec. to struggle with each othe: Possession (or) sion (of) r for the 6: - Yar, “yn welt, spring, fountain Synrra adj. that which has or Contains a apr. i Oymhap leather ™ 2. oyahap aay, leather Oynhahy act of 41s Jointing Synhax to disjoint Kenan Oythax’ to d1sjoint one's le 1. 6ynhy Bable . 2. 6ynhy Sable Oynhonhy act of Betting disjointed 6yahpen PP. & adj, disjointed Oyahpx to get dtejointea 1. oynahy Tact tt: , ©: a of setting in the Bround32.act of burying 2. Oynmhu act of baking 6ymr kind of pudding with fruits Oya, -TyQ 1,corners 2,path, angle OyaHmy = adv. flying wedge formation Gyanny umcx to fly in flying wedge formation 6yayr square GyntahH act of hiding oneself Gyatyhyhap adv. with secrecy Gyntynhn = act ‘of hiding, concealing Gyatymx v.caus, to hide; conceal Gyntx to hide oneself 1. Gyax 1.to set in the ground; 2.to bury 2. Oymx to bake . emur 6yx: to bake a bread Synxmhu act of sinking Y.caus.1.to cause to sinks 2.to cause to dip (in, into), submerge (in, intoSs ducks immerse (into), plunge (in, into) Gynxynx Gynxx to sink Gyaprar adj. bucking Oyabrar wapH bucking horse Gyabrahh = acts of bucking Syaprasht act of beating (of heart) Oyaprax to beat (of heart) Symbrx to uek Oyabay, -ryn "muscle Synsuyra ” aay. muscular, brawny, sinevy Gymbupxa, -c gland . Sym hundred thousand Oypa, -c rod, twig . Sypanthn act of trashing with « rod Oypayx to trash vith a rod Oypac n,coll. brushwoot - Oyphy, -c borer, drill; perforator . Oyphyamhu act of boring, drilling, perforating Syphyax to bore, drill; perforate . Gyn,

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