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Standard in the understanding of Jewish scriptures or in that religion or in the faith of the

Jewish people that tell you the people but it is also normative or standard from the Christian
perspective because that this particular hospital of which basis or whatever you know gospels
are talking about are talking about that everything always goes back goes back everything goes
back to the very simple case that we have we encounter in the hospital you are always rushing

Jesus goes back to the Torah/ Deuteronomy

- The temptation of Jesus
o Matthew and Luke-detailed narrative of the temptation of Jesus
 Went back to Deutoronomy- not by bread
 Cunning and wise
 Power- stone to bread
 Worship- devil use psalms- Jesus- Deutoronomy
 Jump – the devil used “Jeremiah” – Jesus- Deutoronomy
o The Law and the prophets

- Synoptics- Matthew, Mark and Luke

- Johannine- John, 1-2 letter for John and Revelation
- Pauline- Pauline letters
- Catholic Epistles- other writings apart from the Pauline-
 Hebrews
 James
 Peter
 Jude
- New Act- bible- Christian faith-
o The thesis statements- final statements

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