Script DF

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INT: Ted’s bedroom (Morning)

Black suit, tie, trousers scatted on floor, alarm clock is going off with wife’s funeral programme next
to it, along with a wine glass and a bottle. TED hits the alarm clock with his hand, the alarm stops,
Ted rolls over to the other side of the bed.

EXT: Outside house (Morning)

PHILLIP rings doorbell, he has some flowers in his hand.

INT: Ted’s Bedroom (Morning)

screams (puts pillow over his head)

EXT: Outside house (Morning)

Phillip stands patiently at the door waiting, he looks around, then rings the doorbell again and again.

Ted its Phillip, I know your their mate.

He rings the doorbell again

INT: Ted’s house (Morning)

(Puts dressing gown on, and walks downstairs) I’m coming, I am coming (Talking but shouting)
Why can’t people just let me sleep, for the love of god! (Talking to himself)

EXT: Outside house (Morning)

Ted opens the door.

(Looking miserable) Hello

(Talking positively) Hello Ted, hope you are well?

Yeah, (sigh, pause) fine.

It seems you’re doing alright considering everything, by the way your wife’s funeral was
wonderful, it really made me remember her. (pauses) She was such a lovely person and will
hold a special place in my heart. It’s such a shame that she had cancer, it such a nasty way to
go, in my eyes it really should have gone to someone in prison, they don’t deserve to live. At
least she got to see her birthday and your anniversary just before she died.

Yeah, I know. Glad you liked the funeral.

So anyway, I thought I would just give you some flowers, I completely forgot at the funeral. I
thought they might make you remember her since they were her favourite flower.

(glum) Thanks, (take flowers) hopefully they won’t get cancer.

(laughs) Yeah hopefully not. Anyway, I just wanted to catch you before I go away, you will
be alright when I’m gone won’t you, I know it’s bad timing but it was just too late to cancel.

No, I’ll be fine.

Well, call me if you feel down or want to anything stupid ok, because I’m here for you if you
need me to be your blanket (grins). Ok?
(grins) Yeah alright.

Ok, right I’ll see you in 10 days then, (start walking away) bye.

INT: Ted’s house (morning)

Places the flowers on the kitchen table. Ted walks upstairs, he washes his face in the bathroom with
clothes on instead of dressing gown.
(flashback) BELLA (wife) kisses him om the cheek and gives him a hug. Ted starts to have a little
tear. He walks downstairs and sits in his chair. Staring at the windowsill, where there are some
pictures of the two, birthday card for Bella as well some anniversary cards.

Bella walks into the room and wipes the tears from Ted’s face. He gets up quickly and walks out of
the house.

EXT. Outside, Ted going for a walk (Mid-day)

Ted walks on a footpath, slowly with hands in his pockets. He sees a moment where he is the road
with a car coming towards him. Ted watches on from the footpath as the car goes past, it was only a
Walking on a footpath in the park, Ted sees (flashback) him and Bella pushing each other around and
laughing, then goes to another flashback about 1 week before Bella past, they were having a picnic
and Bella all of a suddenly drops to the ground from dancing.

Coming to a road again he sees a car coming up the road and decides to start to walk in front. A
couple of steps forward he looks around and sees Bella. Ted turns around and runs down the

Bella! Bella!

He taps her on the shoulder


The woman turns round only to be someone else.

Oh (pause) sorry my mistake (glum, mumbling) I eeerr thought you were someone else. (Walk
away slowly, then put hands in pockets.)

The woman looks puzzled.

INT: Ted’s house (Mid-day)

Ted walks into his empty house, he walks into the kitchen and goes into the kitchen. He puts the kettle
on, opens a cupboard and sees his wife’s mug. He pauses for a moment and then gets his mug. He
then makes a tea and goes and sits in his chair in the living room. He gets out his phone and listens to
a voice message.

Bella (voice message):

(Speaking quietly) Hello, it’s me, I was just wondering where you were, (cough) you must have gone to
the shops or something. (cough, cough) Uuuummm, I had a lovely anniversary by the way, I’m glad
you liked your present. I just wish both (cough) are parents were alive (cough, cough) today to see us.
(cough) I love you so, so so so much, my big Teddy. (cough) I can’t wait to give you a big hug when
you get home. Love you.

Ted is crying in his chair as the massage ends. Bella’s hand wipes the tears off. Ted holds Bella’s
hand on his cheek. And squeezes it tight. Bella walks round to sit in front of the chair, they are now
facing each other.

(Trying to talk while crying) I miss you so much, I don’t know what to do with my self

Bella points to framed picture on the wall, it reads ‘live life to the fullest’

I know, I know, you’ve always said that (sniff) but I don’t feel like I can, I just can’t, (sniff) I don’t
want to have fun without you, you were my fun!

Bella gives Ted a hug, Ted holds her close and doesn’t want to let go. Bella eventually gets back up
and sits Infront of him again.

You know I hold your ashes every day, I give them a big hug, (sniff) and talk to you each day as if you
were here.

Bella puts her hand on his cheek and smiles

I just miss you so so so much. (crying)
Bella still smiling with her hand on his cheek. Bella kisses him on the forehead. And walks out of the

Ted is in his chair holding the box of ashes close to his chest. Ted looks round the room and doesn’t
see anyone, a little tear rolls down his face. Ted looks at the windowsill again with a lovely picture of
his wife laughing, with anniversary cards and birthday cards next to it. He walks over and picks up the
picture, and a glass of wine and takes it upstairs. He places the picture on the toilet. He runs a bath. He
goes into his bedroom and sees (flashback)
him trying to wake up Bella but can’t then realises she’s dead and then goes into the corner of the
room crying.
Then flashes to him holding her hand while she’s still dead still crying a bit.
He walks out with a photo album. Ted sits on the edge of the bath waiting for it to fill, while looking
through the photo album. At the end of the book, it reads ‘Now have an adventure on your own, I love
you my darling and always will, Bella Mickey. Dated 6th August 2022.’ Ted runs his fingers over the
writing and shuts the book and places it on the toilet next to the picture. Ted turns off the bath and
opens a draw. He drinks his glass of wine. Lying in the bath Ted has a razor to his wrist.

INT: Ted’s house (morning)

Tad’s alarm is going off, the bedroom is empty the bed is made though. The bottle, the glass from the
other day, and the funeral card are still on the sideboard though. The black clothes are now lying on
the bed in a neat pile. Downstairs is quiet, nobody there. In the bathroom the picture the photo album,
glass of wine are still on the toilet seat, along with a note. That reads ‘To the whom it may concern, I
loved my wife very much and couldn’t see anything else but her, I love you all but couldn’t bear a life
without her. So, I am going to see her, don’t blame yourself there was no other option for me. I hope
my service will be a good one, oh and please play One Step Beyond by Madness as the curtains close.
All the best Ted Mickey.’
Ted is lying in the bath dead with his wrists cut.

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