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Binomial Theorem

The binomial theorem states that the following binomial formula which is valid
for all positive integer values of n:

Properties of the Binomial Expansion (a + b)n

There are some properties of binomial theorem

 There are n + 1 terms.

 The first term is an and the final term is bn.

 Progressing from the first term to the last, the exponent of a decreases by
1 from term to term while the exponent of b increases by 1. In addition, the
sum of the exponents of a and b in each term is n.

 If the coefficient of each term is multiplied by the exponent of a in that term, and
the product is divided by the number of that term, we obtain the coefficient of the
next term.

Binomial Series

From the binomial formula, if we let a = 1 and b = x, we obtain the binomial series
which is valid for any real number n if |x| < 1.

Binomial series contains infinite number of terms. The only difference is series is
used for any real number n while in theorem n is positive integer only.

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