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Lesson 1: The Victorian Age (1837-1901) - Irish Question

|Became a boost for English Literature - Bismarcks’ Germany became a rival

Queen Victoria - US Became a rival power
- was only 18 when she ascended the - Economic depression led to mass
throne immigration
- Reigned for 64 years until her death at - Socialism
86 years old Elements of a Story
- Her reign was a period of progress and Setting
prosperity for the nation - Where and When of a story/Time and
- place of a Story
Victorian Periods - Details that describe the story:
Furniture, Scenery, Time.
Early Victorian Period || 1830-1848 - Used to create mood and atmosphere
The Time of Troubles || 1830-1840
- Symbolize an idea
- Unemployment
- Source of conflict or struggle
- Poverty Mood
- Rioting - The feeling the author tries to convey in
- Slums in large cities the story
- Working conditions for women and - To figure out the mood examine how
children were terrible you feel
The Mid-Victorian Period || 1848-1870 Characters
A time of - Person or animals participating in a
- Prosperity story
- Improvement - Protagonist, Antagonist, & Contagonist
- Stability Plot (Definition)
- Optimism - The organized pattern or sequence of
The Crystal Palace events to make a story
- Erected to display the exhibits of - The literary element that describes te
modern industry and science at the 1851 structure of a story. It shows
Great Exhibition arrangement of events and actions
- One of the first buildings constructed Parts of a Plot
according to modern architectural Exposition: Introduction
principles Rising Action: Central Conflict
The Late Victorian Period || 1870-1901 Climax: Highest point of Interest
- Decay of Victorian Values Falling action: Eases tension
- British imperialism
- Boer War Special Techniques used in a Story
➢Suspense- excitement, tension, curiosity Theme: Central general message of the story
➢Foreshadowing- hint or clue about what will which can also be the moral of the story
happen in story
➢Flashback- interrupts the normal sequence Communicative Styles
of Communication: The act of conveying
events to tell about something that happened meanings from on entity or group through
in the signs, symbols, and semiotic rules.
➢Symbolism – use of specific objects or Martin Joos||Speech style means the form of
images to language that the speaker uses by degree of
represent ideas formality
➢Personification – when you make a thing,
idea or animal do something only humans do 5 Communicative Styles
➢Surprise Ending - conclusion that reader Intimate: Used between family members, Close

does not expect friends, Couples, and all relation that shows

Conflict: Problem that must be solved in the intimacy

story - Couple talking about future plans,

- External: Outside force may be person, Family sharing ideas, Close friends

group, animal, nature, or nonhuman sharing secrets

obstacle Casual: Used between groups and peers when

- Internal: Takes place in a characters sharing or having shared background

mind information but don’t have no close

Types of conflict relationship.
Character vs Character - Phonecalls, Convos with friends, Chats
Character vs Nature Formal Style: Straightforward speeches. The
Character vs Society speaker avoids using slang terminologies,
Character vs Fate words said are something to be prepared
Character vs Self before hand.
- Sona, Announcements, Welcome
Point of View addresses
First person: I and Me Consultative Style: Used in a Semi-Formal
Third person: He, She, and They communication style and the speaker does not
- Limited: Only knows the thoughts and plan what they say and most operational
feelings on only ONE character in a among others
story. - Regular Classroom discussions, Doctor
- Omniscient: All feelings of the patient.
characters in the story
Frozen Style: Most formal communicative style - Specific details
and is usually used in respectful events and Argumentative vs Persuasive
ceremonies. Does not require any feedback Arumentativ Topic Persuasive
- Pledges, Anthemes, Marriage e
ceremonies, Laws
Acknowledge Goal Make your
your POV as reader
Listening Strategies
your POV
AudioVisual-20% Offers General BLENDS
Demonstration-30% RELEVANT, technique FACTS AND
Practice Doing-75%
Teaching others-90% Research a Starting Identify a
topic then point topic and
Active Listening align with your side
- The effort to hear not only the words one side

that another person is aying but more Ackonoledge Viewpoint Has a single
importantly to understand the message that minded goal
being sent opposing based on
A.Top - Down views exist personal
- Listener based but make the conviction
- Predicting reader feel
that your
- Main ideas
view is more
- Taking notes worthy to
- Taps into background knowledge of the hold
topic, the situation or conext, the type of
text, and the language. Does not Audience Needs
need an INTENDED
- Background knowledge activates a set
audience to AUDIENCE
of expectations that help the listener conviesce
interpret what is heard and anticipate
what comes next Make the Tone/Attitud Gain a vote
B.Bottom-Up Listening strategies reader e or Go after
- Text based consider your your POV
- Relies on language in the message
(sounds, words, and grammar that
4 main types of PROSE
creates meaning)
- A verbal or written language that
follows the natural flow of speecdg.
Mostly used in common form of
fictional and rational writing.
Prose||Prosa oratio or Straighforward

Nonfictional Prose
- A true and factual account/story
- News paper articles
Fictional Prose
- Work of fiction
Heroic Prose
- Written thorough oral tradition with the
topic of a legend
Prose Poetry
- Hybrid can have rythmic and rhyming

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