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Days passed as the ship started its journey in search of the War King.

The ship sailed through

waves so violent and a sea full of swirling currents till it reached its destination. As they step
ashore, they anchor the ship and thank the Gods for their safety.Upon them, a ward of swedes
stood over the sea cliffs while Hrothgar, full of curiosity, wondering who these men were, with a
spear in hand, went a front and took counsel of the situation.

Hrothgar: Make yourselves known as shield bearers to us. I am the one who guards my ship so
that no one dares to harm my army and the land of the Danes. Shield bearers never come here
and you are the first that we have ever seen. Before you pass through the land of Danes, you
must declare your lineage and origins.

An answer came from the eldest of the troop.

Eldest (Beowulf): We are the race of the Geats and Heart-comrades of Hygelac. I am the son of
Ecghteow, a known folk and a noble prince who has traveled journeys and is remembered
throughout this world. We have come to seek the son of Healfdene with great business at hand,
counsel through the greatness of mind to Hrothgar as to how to overcome this fiend that may lie
upon him.

Then the watchman answered

Watchman: You who understand the distinction between words and works will undoubtedly
please him.I will direct you and command my people to honor your kindness.

They proceeded on their journey, through mountains high and valleys low, till one warrior spoke

Warrior: I am afraid it is my time to return and watch over the coast. I pray for your protection
and that you reach your destination.

Colored stones lay upon the path they walked and their armor shone bright under the light of the
sun. When a chieftain gazed into the warriors' visions and asked them about their armors, they
were resting on the ground.

Chieftain: From where did such a variety of armor and spears come, and what purpose do they
hold? I am a messenger of Hrothgar, and I couldn't help but check the peculiar gathering in my
sight. I have never seen a large number of men prouder as they seek the greatness of mind that
Hrogthgar has.

Chief of geats, brave and strong as he answered.

Chief of Geats: We are comrades of Hygelac. Beowulf is my name and I have come here with
an errand as the son of Healfdene to the lord and master, if he may grant us the opportunity to
salute him.

Wulfgar (the prince of Wendell) spoke.

Wulfgar: "I will make known to the prince of Danes about your presence."

He then faced the direction to where Hrothgar sat along with his troop and introduced them.

From a far country over the seas, the people of the Geats and the eldest Beowulf are here for
approval of an exchange of words with my lord. They are of pure intentions and are worthy of
your judgment, so may you please speak to them.

Hrothgar then spoke, saying

"I knew him when he was a child and his father, Ecgtheow." Now here his son bravely comes to
seek out a gracious friend to grant hope against the terror of Grendel. The people of Danes bid
you welcome.

Wulfgar then went to the hall door and announced, "My liege lord commands me to say that he
knows your lineage." Now you may go in with your troop and make your purpose known. Leave
your swords behind as you enter. Then the prince stood with his men behind him as Wulfgar
directed Beowulf to him. Once in front of him, Beowulf spoke:

Beowulf: Glory upon you my Lord. The affair of Grendel was made known to my native land.
Where the best of palaces stood useless and its warriors fell. My people have persuaded me,
and thus we are here to offer our assistance. To slay Grendel with my own hands and sword
and settle this battle once and for all.

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