Kain Tayo App

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KAIN TAYO: An App Based School Canteen Orders with

Real Time and SMS/E-Mail Confirmation

A Capstone Project Presented to the

Faculty of Information System

La Concepcion College, Inc.

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Degree in Bachelor of Science in

Information System


Jerome G Semana Jr.

Reycel Tugna

Bryan Christian C. De Vera

Ellyzajean T. Tria

Jan Efren P. Rodrigo

Dy,Christian Joseph Neil M.


This capstone project, entitled “KAIN TAYO: AN APP BASED SCHOOL CANTEEN
submitted by Group (Group Number) Kain Tayo in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree in Bachelor of Science in Information Systems has examined and recommended for Final
Oral Examination.

Evaluation Committee





Examined and approved by the Panel of Examiners in an Oral Examination with a grade

of ______ on (DATE), at La Concepcion College, Bulacan.




Panel Member Panel Member

Rating: ____________ Date: ______


We hereby certify that this capstone project is our own work and that to the best

of our knowledge and belief, it contains no materials previously written or published by

another person or organization nor any material which has been accepted for award of

any other degree or diploma from a university or institution of higher learning, except

where due acknowledgement is made thereof.

Furthermore, we declare that the intellectual content of this capstone is a product

of our work although we have received assistance from others on the manner of

organizations, presentation, language and style.

Jerome G Semana Jr.

Reycel Tugna

Bryan Christian C. De Vera

Ellyzajean T. Tria

Jan Efren P. Rodrigo

Dy,Christian Joseph Neil M.

Date: ____________

Attested by:

Mr. Viktor Angelo R. Dimalanta, MSIT

(NOTE: Gawin natin ‘to pag tapos na natin lahat ng chapter 1 to 3)


The fulfillment of this capstone project have been attained with the help and
assistance of everyone, together with our fellow friends, our supportive family and
professors. For this, please allow us to express our sincerest gratitude to the following

First and foremost, the researchers and developers thank Mr. Viktor R.
Dimalanta for his long-lasting patience

This is to certify that the paper titled “KAIN TAYO: AN APP BASED SCHOOL


commissioned by Viktor Angelo R. Dimalanta, MSIT, research professor from the Bachelor of

Science in Information Systems, has been edited for English language, grammar, punctuation,

spelling, formatting with reference to the LCC Guidelines for Research Writing.

The editing of the manuscript does not include or cover plagiarism and alteration of its

design, content, authors’ intention and/or data and thus any flaw, inaccuracy, conflict, or

oversight relating to technicality in research procedures and conventions dot not point to the

grammarian’s accountability.

This certification is authenticated by the Grammarian seal.

(Grammarian FULL NAME)


To Whom This May Concern,

This is to certify that I have edited the paper of the following students:

Jerome G Semana Jr.

Reycel Tugna

Bryan Christian C. De Vera

Ellyzajean T. Tria

Jan Efren P. Rodrigo

Dy,Christian Joseph Neil M.

titled, “KAIN TAYO: An App Based School Canteen Orders with Real Time and
SMS/E-Mail Confirmation”

Respectfully yours,



This is to certify that the paper, titled “KAIN TAYO: An App Based School

Canteen Orders with Real Time and SMS/E-Mail Confirmation”, commissioned to

the undersigned by Prof. Viktor Angelo R. Dimalanta, MSIT, research professor from

the Information Technology Division, has its thesis questionnaire validated.

This certification is authenticated by the signed initials of the Capstone Adviser

Mr. Viktor Angelo R. Dimalanta, MSIT

Capstone Adviser
TABLE OF CONTENTS(NOTE: Gawin pag tapos na ang chapter 1 to 3)


Background of the Study

In today’s generation, with students and faculties hustling for their task in school most of

the time, a huge count of students and faculties don’t have the time to actually prepare their

foods, and here canteen plays as a major role but then again students and faculties are in rush and

don’t have much time to spend in the canteen as well to place and order or wait until their order is

ready. This research called Kain Tayo: An App Based School Canteen Orders with Real Time

and SMS/Email Confirmation focuses on ordering foods in canteen thru online. It enables the

students and faculties to register in the app then browse so they can choose from an E-menu

followed by placing the order and receiving a SMS/Email Confirmation for their receipt (and they

can pay thru GCash or Cash. With the help of this application, students and faculties can order

food beforehand and can receive it during the break to ensure that the time spent in ordering and

colleting the orders.

The proposed system called Kain Tayo: An App Based School Canteen Orders with Real

Time and Sms/Email Confirmation will be feasible for the students and faculties to order food.

The app will be secured with Sms/Email Confirmation as the orders is getting ready to pick up,

the users will be informed of it

Statement of the Problem

Generally, this study intends to give a solution to the stated problem by using the Kain

Tayo application and to help the students and faculties to make it easier for them to buy or order

in their canteens and they will no longer waste their time. This study seeks to answer the

following questions:

1. By using the mobile application, will it make the students and faculties to order

easier and better?

2. Does the mobile application will save time when ordering on time?

3. Will the Mobile Application be confusing to use for the students, faculties and

canteen owners/staff?

Objective of the Study

Significance of the Study

This study was managed for the sake of the Students and Faculty members who are

always trying to guess on what are the available foods and drinks on the Canteens on their

facility. This study is deliberated to the particular members which will benefit the submitted


Students/Faculty Members - this study will make sure that they will always see the

right food/drinks with their corresponding quantities that are available on the Application.

School Canteen Owners - this study will aid them to prepare early and to serve the

customers faster on their orders.

Future Researchers/Developers - this study will give out recommendations and

references to the future ordering system in the school.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study is used to develop the School Canteen Orders Application that attempts to

solve the problem of the student in ordering in school canteen that mention before. The

capabilities of this app is the system are as follows:

The School Canteen Orders Application will show that the canteen is they can sell or post

their menu of foods in this application and The Students are available to order in real time in

School Recess. He will then be able to view of the list of foods and they can see the food they can

order in their canteens without going out or going there and The Canteen owner will received the

orders so that their order can be processed quickly and then be notified via SMS and E-mail
confirmation that a canteen has been accept the order and The Student who ordered will go to the

canteen then they will choose where they want to pay through cash or online payment using G-

cash. Then they will receive in the application a reference receipt proving that they have already

paid then they can pick up the order from the staff of canteen. Specifically, the application has the

following features:

Online Service

The application requires Wi-Fi or cellular Data to work. It runs in real-time to show the

Canteen all available menu of foods that day, as well as notify to the Canteen staff in real-time.

SMS and Email Notification

The application can send an SMS and an E-mail notification to the Canteen staff when a student

will let you know if someone has ordered and paid.

User Friendly

The application’s user interface can be easily understood and for everyone to be able to use

even students or non-students in school.


Android Only

The developed application is exclusive to Android operating System

Chatting System

The app will give contact details to the Students and Canteen Staff so that you can update if the

person ordering from the canteen.

Location Specifics

The application can currently show listings in their own Canteen School.

Signal Strength

The Services will depend on the location and the signal strength.

Definition of terms

To conduct research and communicate understandably with others, research must define to the

other terms and the concepts specifically by explaining this definition of terms to operationally.

Android application

Android application is a piece of software that runs on the Android platform and Because the

Android platform is designed for mobile devices, and the Android app is typically designed for a

smartphone and other device like table PC running the Android OS.


Are the Statistics and the facts is Gathered together for analysis or reference?


A database is a structured to collection of the information or data that is typically stored and

electronically in a computer system. A database management system is usually in charge of a

database. The Data and the DBMS, as well as the application that are associated with them, are

collectively referred to as a database system, which is frequently abbreviated to the just database.

Mobile Phones
A mobile phone is a handheld the wireless device that allows users to make and receive phone

message and calls. While the first generation of mobile phones could only make and receive calls,

today’s phones.


Also known as wireless connection. It is the technology used to connect a PC, laptop, mobile

phone, tablet, or even the Television to high-speed internet provider without any physically wired




Foreign Literature

Local Literature

Foreign Studies

Local Studies
Theoretical Framework

Conceptual Framework


Research Design

Research Instrument

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