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Acta Astronautica 170 (2020) 466–471

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Research paper

Outgassing effect in polymeric composites exposed to space environment T

thermal-vacuum conditions
R. Pastorea,∗, A. Delfinib, M. Albanoc, A. Vricellac, M. Marchettib, F. Santonib, F. Piergentilia
Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMA), Via Eudossiana 18, 00184, Rome, Italy
Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Astronautics, Electric and Energy Engineering (DIAEE), Via Salaria 851, 00138, Rome, Italy
Italian Space Agency (ASI), Via Del Politecnico Snc, 00133, Rome, Italy


Keywords: Polymeric composites are widely adopted for design and realization of spacecraft components and subsystems,
Outgassing due to their lightweight and thermo-mechanical properties. However, the use of such materials for aerospace
Polymeric composites operations should be carefully conceived, since the detrimental effects they may experience within the severe
Space environment simulation space environment. A typical issue to be considered is represented by the outgassing phenomena a polymeric
Carbon fiber
composite suffers in ultra-high vacuum at elevated temperatures: in this harsh condition, a release of gaseous
species from the material surface takes place, resulting in structural depletion and nearby components con-
tamination. The present work describes the results of outgassing tests carried out on three typologies of widely
used polymeric composites, such as epoxy matrix reinforced by carbon fiber, fiberglass and aramid fabric. The
experimental behavior of these materials is analyzed with the aid of infrared spectroscopy, in order to gain
knowledge about the chemical modifications that outgassing dynamics induce on the fiber-intercalated poly-
meric chains. The compliance to space assurance requirements – i.e., mass loss and condensed matter amounts
vs. standard outgassing rates thresholds – is discussed with regard to the different functionalities each material is
envisaged to accomplish, when applied onto space vehicle's exposed side. Further, in case of exceeding out-
gassing rate, a pre-treatment by thermal conditioning is proposed to improve the chemical stability of materials
in thermal-vacuum conditions, in order to explore the feasibility of their use for aerospace applications.

1. Introduction impact from space radiations, atomic oxygen, meteoroids and space
debris, etc.) would affect the PCMs thermo-mechanical, electrical and
Polymeric composite materials (PCMs) are extensively used in optical properties [8–15].
aerospace industry, thanks to a bunch of desirable characteristics – such In particular, considering the complex chemical reactions involved
as low density, high specific strength and stiffness, good insulation, low in polymerization processing, it is well understood that dramatic
thermal expansion coefficient, easy molding processing, etc. – which pressure lowering and temperature oscillations (as in space environ-
make them ideal candidates for realizing high strength structural parts, ment respect to standard T&P conditions) may seriously affect the PCMs
temperature control cladding, insulating paints, printed circuit boards, physical stability, cause the occurrence of outgassing phenomena.
optical fiber materials and so on, further reducing aerospace structures Vacuum-induced outgassing is defined as the release of gaseous species
assembly time and overall cost [1–7]. However, the extended operative from a surface subjected to hard vacuum conditions, i.e. in so rarefied
life that space vehicles, stations and satellites are expected to spend in atmosphere that the material's own vapor pressure is approached. The
low earth orbit (LEO) regions demand for an excellent capability of ultra-high vacuum level of typical operative space environments (10−7
materials and components in retaining their performances for long to 10−9 Pa in LEO regions, < 10−4 Pa inside satellites) is able to cause
periods of time within the harsh space environment. For such reason, the sublimation of exposed surface atoms, with subsequent drawbacks
the validation of PCMs for aerospace applications requires specific and of structural weakening and contamination. Such effect is mainly re-
detailed ground-test activity by simulating the space operating condi- levant in organic materials as PCMs, due to the presence of volatile
tions, in order to assess how aging and degradation due to critical en- components as low-molecular weight residues, additives, plasticizers
vironmental factors (such as tough thermal cycling, high vacuum, and adsorbed gases, and can be greatly enhanced at the high

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R. Pastore).
Received 21 November 2019; Received in revised form 3 January 2020; Accepted 9 February 2020
Available online 13 February 2020
0094-5765/ © 2020 IAA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Pastore, et al. Acta Astronautica 170 (2020) 466–471

temperatures experienced during space thermal cycles (up and above 2.2. Outgassing test procedure
100 °C), because of the increasing of both materials vapor pressure and
chemical reactions rate [16–25]. The outgassing test facility (OTF) available at Aerospace System
Therefore, the evaluation of PCMs outgassing in high thermal-va- Laboratory (LSA – DIAEE/Sapienza Univ. of Rome) allows to perform
cuum conditions is mandatory for ensuring the reliability of such ma- space materials tests in compliance with the outgassing ASTM and ECSS
terials for aerospace applications. In particular, the outgassing test standard references [31,32]. The test method covers a screening tech-
should provide information about the chemical nature of the expelled nique to determine the volatile content of materials when exposed to
gases, since these latter – by re-condensation – may lead to harmful vacuum environment at high temperature. The adopted OTF consists of
effects in aerospace missions where preserving nearby surfaces and a vacuum chamber (Fig. 2) wherein the pressure may achieve values
sensitive devices from contamination represents a crucial constraint. down to 10−5 mbar by means of rotary/turbo-molecular pumping
Beyond the loss of mechanical performances by materials undergoing system. Two metallic grids are allocated inside the chamber, facing
outgassing, in fact, hazards like optical components and solar cells each other: a copper plate acting as sample-holders compartment is
obscuring, formation of local clouds affecting sensitive instrument connected to the electrical heating system used to raise the temperature
reading, pollution and corrosion of thermal control surfaces and passive of the chamber up to 125 °C, while an opposing aluminum-chromium
radiative cooling systems, etc., must be thoroughly reduced [26–30]. coated plate is the collector box that can be maintained at 25 °C by oil-
The identification of the products of condensation resulting from PCMs cooling chiller equipment. The outgassing behavior of a specimen is
outgassing under thermal-vacuum (moisture, dust, catalysts, mono- evaluated by measurements of weight, i.e. of the mass loss by vapor-
mers, low-molecular weight fragments, etc.), as well as the analysis of ization from the specimen's surface and of the amount of matter re-
outgassing kinetics would be thus of vital aid for aerospace designers, condensed on the corresponding collector; the weights are measured by
mostly as far as systems and subsystems around sensitive items (e.g., means of a Mettler-Toledo XP26DR device (sensitivity 2 μg). Both the
telescopes and optical sensors, detectors and cryogenic equipment) are OTF and the microbalance are located in ISO-7 certified clean room,
concerned. where all the test operations take place.
In this work the thermal-vacuum characterization of three typolo- Before being inserted within OTF, the samples are kept for 24 h in
gies of commonly used PCMs by means of certified outgassing equip- controlled conditions (23 °C, RH 50%, standard room pressure), in
ment is reported; the samples tested are representative of carbon fiber-, order to unset mass variations due to previous handling/storage stages.
fiberglass- and Kevlar-epoxy laminates manufactured by facile/low-cost Instead, metallic sample-holders and collectors are subjected to a bake-
hand lay-up procedure. The experimental findings are discussed in out cycle in ultra-high vacuum at 125 °C for 16 h, followed by further
conjunction with the FT-IR spectral characteristics observed for the conditioning in dry-vessel (RH 0%) at room temperature for 24 h, in
tested PCMs, in order to establish indicatively the effective sources of order to minimize unwanted weight losses during the test. After that,
outgassing. The performances are also evaluated with regard to the the pre-test weight of all the objects is registered; then, the holders
potential application planned for each kind of PCM in space structures (each containing a sample of weight in the range 100–300 mg) are fixed
exposed to thermal-vacuum environment. Finally, the materials in the hot grid hollows, while the collectors are locked to corresponding
showing unsatisfactory outgassing behavior – i.e., with mass loss and/ slots on the cold plate. The chamber of the adopted OTF can accom-
or condensable matter amount exceeding the standard thresholds – are modate twelve specimens for simultaneous testing, each specimen/
treated by thermal conditioning and re-tested by outgassing facility, in collector pair being isolated from the others by a compartmented se-
order to assess a practical route to exploit commercially available PCMs parator to prevent cross contamination; usually, two materials are
for aerospace applications. analyzed in a single test by inserting five samples for each typology
within OTF chamber, the two remaining spots on the plates being filled
with empty holders and cleaned collectors as blank reference. Hence,
2. Materials and methods the vacuum chamber is sealed and evacuated to a pressure around
10−5 mbar; at the same time, the specimen compartment temperature
2.1. Polymeric composites manufacturing is raised up to 125 °C (such hot temperature is selected to be about tens
degrees above any typical space operating temperature, in order to
The materials selected for outgassing testing are PCM laminates provide accelerated aging effects), while the collector box is maintained
made of a commercial epoxy matrix reinforced by three typologies of at 25 °C. Such condition is expected to cause vapor from the heated
common fibrous textile products – i.e., carbon fiber (CF), fiber-glass samples to stream from the holes of their compartment toward the
(GF) and Kevlar fabric (KF). The matrix is the low-viscosity bi-compo- cooled collectors, where a portion of the released gaseous species may
nent epoxy Biresin® CR82 composite resin system (Sika Advanced condense onto. The length of a standard outgassing test is 24 h; at the
Resins), especially suited for hand lay-up process. Carbon fiber woven is end, the chamber is cooled and re-pressurized with dry nitrogen gas,
a biaxial woven roving 0°/90°, type HS CF k - dtex 450 g/m2 6 k 4/4 and then opened to collect sample-holders and collectors. These latter
twill (Microtex Composites), fiberglass woven is a biaxial texture 0°/ are extracted from OTF by sterilized tweezers and promptly weighed:
90°, 600 g/m2 H.127 type 0–90 cm (3B E-Glass), Kevlar fabric is a 4/4 comparing to the weights measured before the test, the ‘total mass loss’
twill Batavia weave, type 49 Saatilar® style 103 loomstate - areal weight (TML) and ‘collected volatile condensable materials’ (CVCM) are cal-
of 635 g/m2 (DuPont™ Kevlar®). Large layered panel structures are culated and expressed as percentages of the initial specimen mass (see
manufactured by integrating twelve plies of CF, GF and KF within the parameters definition in Table 1). Two more parameters may be eval-
polymeric matrix by hand lay-up method. The layers are resin-im- uated after a further conditioning step, by storing the samples for
pregnated by two-side brushing, and positioned on each other within a 24 h at 23 °C and RH 50% to allow water vapor re-hydration, and fi-
mold by following the designed sequence; a pressure loading of about nally weighting the samples again: the as called ‘regained mass loss’
7 bar is then applied over a square zone (25 × 25 cm2) of the as- (RML) represents the percentage of effective mass loss by outgassing
packaged multilayer, finally the curing process is carried on in oven taking into account the weight recovery due to moisture sorption, while
(50 °C for 16 h + 80 °C for 2 h). On average, fiber volume and weight the ‘water vapor regained’ (WVR = TML – RML) is the relative amount
fraction within the range 0.80–0.85 and 0.75–0.80 are achieved, re- of vapor re-absorbed by the sample. The criteria used for materials
spectively. In Fig. 1 the processing of the three materials for the panels acceptance is determined by the end-user and based upon specific
fabrication is pictured; small pieces are then retrieved from the panels component and system requirements in terms of outgassing parameter
by water-jet cutting in order to provide samples of weight and dimen- thresholds. Conventionally, TML of 1.00% and CVCM of 0.10% are
sion as required by outgassing test standard procedure. indicated as screening levels for rejection of spacecraft materials;

R. Pastore, et al. Acta Astronautica 170 (2020) 466–471

Fig. 1. Images of PCMs in-house manufacturing by hand lay-up method: a) final carbon fiber composite multilayered tile, b) fiberglass woven impregnation, c) Kevlar
ply brushing.

Fig. 2. Outgassing facility inside ISO-7 certified clean room @ LSA-DIAEE: a) open configuration (specimens fixing and removing), b) closed configuration (running
test), c) particular of the inner hot and cold plates.

Table 1 nevertheless, the restriction may be less or even more stringent de-
Outgassing parameters of PCMs tested by OTF: MS0 (MC0) and MS1 (MC1) in- pending on the structures assembly/functionality as well as on the
dicate the weight of samples (collectors) before and after the test, respectively, mission itself peculiarity.
MS2 is the sample weight after moisture re-absorption.
TML [ % ] (MS0 CVCM [ % ] RML [ % ] (MS0 WVR [ % ]
– MS1)/MS0 (MC1 – MC0)/ – MS2)/MS0 (TML – RML) 3. Results and discussion
The outgassing parameters of the PCMs tested in LSA-OTF were
CF – PCM 1.07 ± 0.11 0.07 ± 0.01 0.66 ± 0.09 0.41 ± 0.13
retrieved by sample/collector weight measurements, as summarized in
GF – PCM 2.46 ± 0.18 0.21 ± 0.05 1.76 ± 0.16 0.70 ± 0.21
KF – PCM 6.58 ± 0.32 0.71 ± 0.11 4.93 ± 0.27 1.65 ± 0.34 Table 1; the reported values are obtained by averaging on the results of
GFa – PCM 1.35 ± 0.15 0.13 ± 0.05 0.76 ± 0.09 0.59 ± 0.11 five specimens for each material, the uncertainties being taken as the
KFa – PCM 4.09 ± 0.23 0.52 ± 0.17 2.38 ± 0.30 1.71 ± 0.32 higher between statistical deviation and blank test result (this latter
representing the OTF actual sensitivity associated to a specific running
After fiber thermal pre-conditioning.
Comparing to literature, in particular to what reported in official

R. Pastore, et al. Acta Astronautica 170 (2020) 466–471

Fig. 3. FT-IR spectra of the several polymeric composite materials under test.

NASA database [33,34], the experimental findings confirm the fairly species; mainly, unknown residual secretion (silicon oil or plasticizer
good behavior of carbon fiber polymeric composites, which broadly solvent treatments are often performed in Kevlar fabric production)
have acceptable outgassing rate; instead, fiberglass employment in may be harmful, leading to dimensions instability, properties de-
thermal-vacuum conditions should be deeply screened, whereas Kevlar- gradation and surface contamination.
reinforced materials present over-critical outgassing parameters. Thus, In spacecraft design, CF-PCMs are traditionally considered for pri-
basically, the proposed facile method sounds to be effective in produ- mary and secondary structures and sub-systems (panel sheets, bulk-
cing CF-PCMs for application in space environment, while refined heads, profiles, instrument enclosures, etc.), while GF-PCMs are used
technological routes would be required for the processing of GF- and for structural materials such as fittings, support, shrouds, ducting, an-
KF-based composites, if such materials are conceived to withstand tenna enclosures and reinforcement laminates. Even if the parameters
harsh thermal-vacuum conditions. of gaseous releasing are not negligible, the use of such composites
A FT-IR spectroscopy analysis was carried out to ascertain the kind (especially in positions subjected to low/medium temperatures) is
of chemical radicals present in the polymeric textiles used, in order to generally enabled in view of not-harmful outgassing constituents and
assess the potential source of outgassed and eventual condensable location far from sensitive items, as in satellites assembling. KF-PCMs
matter from the tested PCMs. A Varian 620-IR was used accordingly to are popular materials in spacecraft design and realization, where are
ASTM E1252 to obtain infrared spectra for a qualitative analysis be- commonly used as support materials and shielding covers: that means a
tween 4000 cm−1 and 400 cm−1, with resolution of 4 cm−1 and 128 higher level of danger from Kevlar outgases with respect to other ma-
scans averaged in the final spectrum. The FT-IR spectra retrieved by terials used away of sensitive components, since the closeness to ele-
analyzing the PCMs samples are reported in Fig. 3. ments that need to be isolated.
As main findings, the broadened peaks in the wave number region OTF test and FT-IR findings thus establish the hand lay-up manu-
3600-3300 cm−1 are associated to stretching vibration of hydroxyl facturing as effective process to produce feasible CF-PCMs and GF-PCMs
group (–OH), while the sharpen absorbance peaks around 1100- (these latter under reserve about the specific allocation/functionality)
1000 cm−1 are related to the bending of C–O bond. Such occurrence for aerospace application, while it should be rejected for KF-PCMs
would suggest the presence of water vapor and carbon oxides as main fabrication, at first instance. Referring to the exceeding outgassing rates
constituent of outgassing content. Several absorption bands are re- provided by GF- and KF-based materials, a thermal pre-conditioning
vealed at 2950 and 2850 cm−1, as characteristics of stretching oscil- treatment was carried out on the naked textiles in order to evaluate the
lation of C–H bonds. Absorbance around 1600 cm−1 are representative possibility of considering low-cost/commercially available PCMs for
of the stretching vibration of C]C, the C]O stretching vibration of employment in thermal-vacuum environment. A baking cycle was ap-
–NHCO and the N–H bending of –NH2, while at 1400 cm−1 O–H de- plied by heating GF and KF fabric sheets at 80 °C for 6 h in inert at-
formation and amide groups stretching vibration can be identified. mosphere, followed by keeping in dry-vessel (RH 0%) at room tem-
Finally, absorption bands characteristics of unreactive epoxy groups, perature for 24 h before the resin impregnation and the composite
double bond of C]C and other aromatic bonds C–H can be detected in manufacturing; finally, as-prepared samples – GF*-PCM and KF*-PCM –
the so called finger-print zone (below 1000 cm−1). were tested in OTF by following the same procedure adopted for the un-
Comparing the relative intensities, it can be argued that the most treated materials. As reported in Table 1, both composite typologies
outgassing from CF- and FG-PCM is due to water vapor (O–H bonds present a significant lowering of outgassing rate parameters. In parti-
changing to H2O under temperature and vacuum), as well as to carbon cular, fiberglass composite CVCM values fall within standard accep-
and nitrogen oxides; such gaseous species, in agreement to ECSS stan- tance range, whit a related RML < 1% (that is a limit often adopted as
dard, are not considered as critical, their release (if not too exceeding) minimum tolerance requirement, less restrictive than TML < 1%) in-
not preventing the use of materials for aerospace applications. Based on dicating the prevalent content of water vapor in the released outgases.
high TML and CVCM values found in OTF test, the more disordered Kevlar composite main parameters decrease by 30–40%, as evidence of
spectral response of KF-based material may be associated to other the cleaning effectiveness of thermal fibers pre-treatment; nevertheless,
gaseous releasing in addition to simple moisture and/or C-/N-ox the outgassing rates are still oversized to consider such kind of

R. Pastore, et al. Acta Astronautica 170 (2020) 466–471

CVCM  = γ + δ (1)
whereas, assuming that samples recover the full pristine aqueous con-
tent after re-hydration step:
RML  = β  + δ

VWR  = α + γ (2)
As a matter of fact, for the above considerations the quantity δ may
be considered as a trial index of effective harmfulness. A further as-
sumption is needed to estimate such parameter: taking the standard
CVCM threshold (< 0.10%) as hint, the worst hypothesis of moisture
condensation, coupled to (1)–(2) relationships, gives
γ ≤ 0.1 × α → δ~ CVCM − (0.1×VWR) (3)
Fig. 4. Schematic representation of outgassing flux during an OTF test.
In Fig. 5 the values of δ calculated from OTF results, as well as the
graphical rates between harmful and total condensable amount are
manufactured composite for actual applications. FT-IR analysis of the given. In this framework, beyond the expected good working by CF-
treated materials suggests the formation of oxidation products; in par- PCM, the improved behavior of treated fiberglass PCM is assessed by δ
ticular, mean peaks lowering and shifting in KF*-PCM spectrum value of 0.071%, well below the condensation standard threshold; even
(around 2900 and 800 cm−1, dashed bottom curve in Fig. 3 plot) may if effective in condensable decreasing, instead, the treatment of Kevlar
be ascribed to the partial substitution of N–H group in the treated KF as fabric is not sufficient to reach acceptable values of outgas condensa-
well as to an improved fibers/matrix interfacial adhesion. tion. The here introduced rate δ/CVCM may be helpful for a quantita-
The outgassing criticality of surface contamination may be eval- tive estimation of condensable harmfulness, especially in those case
uated by analyzing the relationship between CVCM and VWR para- where single CVCM evaluations do not give clear indication of material
meters. A simplified schematic of the physical dynamics occurring acceptance or rejection. Based on the obtained results, it can be es-
during OTF test provides a further evaluation of the obtained results, tablished that materials which have this index below or around 0.5 (as,
based on that the overall mass loss can be classified into ‘non con- in this case, CF- and GF*-PCMs) can be considered suite for application
densables’ and ‘condensables’ fraction, this latter being defined and onto spacecraft surfaces, while should be avoided (or, at least, deeply
characterized herein as matter capable of condensing on a collector screened) otherwise.
kept at a temperature of 25 °C. In Fig. 4, without loss of generality, the
outgassing stream is distributed into four contributes: 4. Conclusions

α – mass % of water vapor not condensed onto the collector Conventional fiber-reinforced polymeric composite materials were
β – mass % of other than water vapor (potentially harmful) not manufactured by facile time/cost saving procedure and tested by means
condensed onto the collector of certified outgassing experimental set-up, in order to investigate their
γ – mass % of water vapor condensed onto the collector behavior at high temperature/ultra-high vacuum conditions typical of
δ – mass % of other than water vapor (potentially harmful) con- LEO space environment. The performed characterization was aimed at
densed onto the collector assessing the detrimental effects of thermal-vacuum on the composites,
in terms of both mass loss due to gas releasing (which affect the
By definition, the following equalities hold: structural performance of materials themselves) and amount of re-
condensable matter (which is responsible of nearby surfaces con-
TML  = α + β + γ + δ
tamination issues). Carbon fiber composite proved to be efficient, since

Fig. 5. Quantitative analysis of the condensable matter outgassed from PCMs during OTF test.

R. Pastore, et al. Acta Astronautica 170 (2020) 466–471

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