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Quality of work life (QWL) refers to organizational programs that create a high-quality

workplace, treat employees with dignity, and contribute to employee motivation. Job enrich

ment and Theory Z management are two motivational approaches

that enhance quality of work life. QWL programs also include job sharing, flextime work

arrangements, dependent care programs, parenting leaves of absence, and employee sab-

baticals. so this discussion will focus on job sharing, flextime, and sabbaticals

Starting with 

Job sharing is a work arrangement in which two part-time workers share one full-time
job. Typically one works during the morning and the other works during the
afternoon. This provides many parents who have child care responsibilities the
opportunity to continue in their careers and maintain their work skills. Job sharing
benefits companies as well, contributing to high employee morale and avoiding costly
recruitment and training efforts when skilled employees can no longer work regular
hours. It is also a recruitment source for full-time employees when job sharers are
ready to return to full-time employment.

Next with
Flextime is a work arrangement that allow these employees to set theirown arrival and departures
times. Some employers have made flextime a companywide program, which has increased employee
morale and productivity. However, when employees are assigned to work As a team that require close
coordination of work activities, the entire team must choose a commonreporting time.

For Some Managers, Flextime, work-at-home, job sharing and other schedules are yielding rewards,
james j.Bosco, a client services manager at an automatic data processing INC, Office believes
flexibility gives the company a competitive adventage in attracting and retaining skilled workers. As he
said ; i m creating something here that the company down the street doesnt have

Moving To Sabbaticals
 A sabbatical is an extended period of time away from work. During this
time, employees are still employed and may still be paid. This time
provides employees with the opportunity to travel and study outside of
their regular job roles to advance their careers. It can Help Employees
Start Fresh, Reduces Stress and Burnout levels. Increases Retention.and Improves
Work-Life Balance.
Often, sabbatical leave is paid, either with the full salary or a
percentage of that salary – although some organizations may offer
unpaid sabbatical leave.

Classroom training, is for both new and experienced employees to

learn job techniques by attending class in an off-the-job setting. The

materials to be learned are presented using a variety of methods, includ-

ing lectures, films, case studies, and simulations.

programmed instruction : a progressively monitored, step-by-

step teaching method, employing small units of information
or learning material and frequent testing, whereby the
employee must complete or pass one stage before moving on
to the next.

Basic skills training, which is similar to classroom training

except the focus is on high school equivalency..

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