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Budget airline – lowcost airline Moisture – humedad

Tourist trap – popular attraction Large-scale
Breathtaking – awesome Hazardous – dangerous
High season – many tourist Soil – suelo
Off season – at the end of vacation Landfill – vertedero
Go with the flow Leak – filtración / gotera
Unspoilt – a virgin place Flooding – inundación
Paid for – funded by Waste
Compels – forces Dump – verter
Goal – aim Average – promedio
Addicted – hooked Endangered – en peligro de extinción
On the move Eco-friendly – eco-environmentaly
Get started Fossil fuel – combustible fósil
Brought it about Greenhouse effect – efecto hibernadero
A clever move Carbon footprint – huella ecológica
Upcoming – near Crop – cultivo
Approaches – acercarse a Melts – derretir
Backpacker – mochilero Thaw - deshielo
Upbeat –
Lifelong – long
Widespread – expansión
Well preserved
Old-fashioned – out of date
Impossible – out of the question
Without being late for – in time
In general – for the whole
By looking quickly – take a glance
UNIT 0 VOCABULARY Run out of – no tener
Set up – start/create Look up to – admirar
Find out – discover Fall behind in – ir por detrás en algo
Catchy – attractive Cut down on – reducir
Handy – useful Put off – posponer
Accomplish – lograr Pay down – devolver
Fulfil – completer Brush up on – recorder de nuevo
Destroy Break up – split out
Disrupt – interrumpir Go over – review
Enable – permitir Drop out of – dejar el cole ej
Isolate – aislar Turn down a job – rechazar
Promote – ascender Turn up – aparecer, llegar
Encourage – animar Come up with an idea- tener una idea
Achieve – lograr Get on with – llevarse bien
Envy – envidiar Get along with
Litter – tirar basura Valid point
Shortage – lack of Balance a budget – valorar un presupuesto
Bear – defeat Bread and butter – necesidades básicas
Award – trophy Shopping spree – comprar impulsivamente
Attempt – efford (intento) Cutting-edge – nuevo, odern
Decrease -reduce Fast asleep
Overlook -ignore Food for thought – algo que te hace pensar
Important – major Free of charge – gratis
Impressive – remarkable Highly unlikely – muy improvable
Manage – cope Keep track of – seguirle la pista a
Frightening – terrifying Make ends meet – llegar a fin de mes
Assistance – aid Quality of life
Delighted – thrilled Crime rate
Split the cost – divider la cuenta
A sweet tooth – un goloso

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