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Name: Gallanosa, Quennie Mantes Subject Unit: Science, Technology, and Society

Course. Section & Year: BSEDSC | 1-1 Submitted to: Mr. Ace Bryan Cabal

ACTIVITY 11 – Human Flourishing in terms of Science and Technology

1. Does Man dictate the evolution of technology or does technology dictate the evolution of Man?
Express your answer in not less than five sentences.
▫ Humans and our Society has been dramatically changing with the evolution of
technology, before our everyday chores was burdensome and it consume too
much of our time. Technology provides us with a huge opportunity and plays an
important role in our daily lives, it makes things easier to access and our daily
chores become easier to finish. The access to medicine, transportation, different
kinds of industries and other immeasurable things, have been simplified due to
the modernization of our technology. We all know that a lot of us have become
dependent on technology, and we cannot do certain things without it.
Technology is playing an enormous role in most aspects of our lives. It occurs to
me that Man is the one who’s going to dictate the evolution of technology since
over time we are the one who’s responsible in inventing and advancing this so-
called technology. However, as what Newton’s third law of motion is saying “For
every action, there Is an opposite reaction.” which basically means that
technology is very beneficial to us. But it can also bring negative consequences.
Humankind needs to have discipline in using and improving our technology, we
must always use technology effectively and must think first about the
consequences that we might face before inventing something. Let’s not let
Technology dictate us.
2. Is there something wrong with continuously improving technology? Is man’s desire for a good
life justification enough to continue advancing technology? Explain.
▫ Technology has been advancing so quickly that being up to date on the latest
innovations is more or less impossible. Innovation of technology are linked
whereby humans have experiences changes in their behavioral patterns and
adaptations due to the advancement of technology, it has been accelerating the
standardization of Evolution, it makes things easier and faster. Some of us
depend on technology to such an extent that we would just die without modern
medicine. Humans are getting taller from better nutrition, elimination of many
diseases via vaccination, better medical care and having less life-threatening
periods of stress in our lives. The height affects mate selection. However, it has
also been negatively affecting the employment ever since technology became
more innovative things changed in Factory industries, this technology make
production easier with less manpower which means that there’s a lot of people
who lost their jobs because of this modernization. On the other hand,
technology has been extremely useful in Field of Science it makes a lot of things
possible, the modernization and advancement of technology enables scientists
to invent and discover new discoveries. We reached for the stars. The
populations that will start living on other planets or in space will be under
different selective pressures and might eventually evolve to be distinct species.
The way it appears to me is that Man’s desire is an enough justification on the
continuously advancement of technology, since there’s a lot of things that we
can discover with the use of technologies, but we must always keep in mind that
we must be conscious on things that we are inventing we must always think if it
has a negative effect on us. There’s nothing wrong in advancing or
modernization of technology since it has a lot of positive effects on humankind,
but we must know our limitations.

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