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fs22\cf0 Page }{\field{\*\fldinst{\fs22\cf0 PAGE}}{\fldrslt{\fs22\cf0 #}}}\fs22\
par}\pard\plain\ql{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 AYUHAL WALAD.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\
ql{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Lesson one.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 By Shaikh Dr. Abdal Qadir As Sufi}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\
fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Ayyuha\u8217\'92l-Walad! }\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\
f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Lesson One.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 March 16, 2010 }\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3
DICTATORSHIP DEFINED. In a dictatorship there is no political freedom. Dissent is
punished with removal from society \u8211\'96 prison, torture, dungeon and death.
There is basic economic freedom since the State is the sole proprietor of wealth.}\
f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 DEMOCRACY DEFINED. In a
democracy there is no economic freedom. You are a citizen in a set of similar
democratic States. Being a citizen means you are a debtor. You are responsible for
the national debt, e.g. a Mauritanian child born in the desert enters life owing
his share of the national debt, thus is born into the world owing an unpayable sum
of thousands of euros. You are free to change your political representative but,
apart from his governmental taxes on you, he in turn has no power. He must keep you
from rising up \u8211\'96 protest you are granted but not violent protest \
u8211\'96 then you must be crushed. That is the status quo. When the banks fail,
losing millions, you must bail them out. In doing this it is perceived that you,
the masses, have become (thanks to democracy) passive and obedient.}\f1\fs22\cf2\
par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 BANKERS DEFINED. The bankers, called
by Proudhon, the Sect, are a mystical fraternity of atheists. They operate a usury
system lending at interest, using not substantive, i.e. real wealth, but rather in
the first instance paper currency, itself a \u8216\'91receipt\u8217\'92 for real
wealth. Their power grew, and it has been growing since the French Revolution and
the English de-empowering of its monarchy when it banished the legislative monarchs
and replaced them with German obedient gentry.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 World War II and its aftermath, coming as it did with
the computer-based transformation of global information, saw a vital evolutionary
jump in practice and power. The financial system had in effect abandoned currency
(the paper document promising payment) and simply functioned on the numbers of any
given \u8216\'91currency\u8217\'92 and its transfer from global point A to global
point B. The \u8216\'91money\u8217\'92 was no longer even a numerical sum, but
rather that electronic impulse flashing between two computers. In other words, the
bankers ruled by magic. They controlled the political class \u8211\'96 the latter
knew their appointment was due not to the masses but the media (which the bankers
owned) and their prior obedience to the fiduciary programme.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 At present the bankers have found that the
political class are even more servile than they had imagined. Once the politicians
revealed their servility by bailing out the financial system\u8217\'92s collapse \
u8211\'96 the bankers struck. Now, they said, look at this mess. We must clean up
the market-place. The truth is you, the political class, owe us vast fortunes in
national debts. Time to pay. Rename it \u8211\'96 the deficit \u8211\'96 the amount
owing \u8211\'96 and clearly you must pay. In one move, the bankers (a system, yes,
but run by the priesthood of the system) were a giant step nearer the logical and
mathematical end of their religion \u8211\'96 one bank, no currency, and all
mankind debtors.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The move
to collecting the deficit followed the bankers\u8217\'92 financial meltdown \
u8211\'96 over twenty trillion dollars \u8211\'96 people were too traumatized \
u8211\'96 now they had to, had to pay their dues. No-one was in a state to ask \
u8211\'96 where did the money go? Had it simply vanished? Does that mean it was
never there in the first place?}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 The so-called \u8216\'91deficit crisis\u8217\'92 continued the degrading
and enslaving of the masses.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 The myth of \u8216\'91recovery\u8217\'92 receded before the near-total
cuts of social services which formed the basis of civic society. To give the
bankers new vitality they needed new customers. They needed several million new
clients to allow their continued move to world dominance and to keep their elite,
rich and rewarded. For example in mid deficit-crisis Britain, Barclays Bank awarded
its boss nine million pounds bonus, following a public outcry, the boss (with the
deathless name of Mr Diamond!) humbly said that in tune with other people\
u8217\'92s problems he would only take six million!}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Ya Walad!}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\
cf2\chcbpat3 And this, is where you come in. The bankers ask: \u8220\'93Now where
can we get our hands on tens of millions of new bank customers? New, young, wanting
\u8216\'91democracy\u8217\'92, i.e. debtor ship without dictators, and with it we
can import drugs, rock and roll, sexual liberation and even fashion. Of course \
u8211\'96 along the littoral of the Mediterranean, there they lie, unemployed,
tyrannized and blessedly free of Islamic teaching which might expose the evil
nature of our fiduciary plans!\u8221\'94}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql{\f1\fs22\
cf2\chcbpat3 Young man, you want democracy \u8211\'96}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\
pard\plain\ql{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Ayyuha\u8217\'92l-Walad!}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Lesson Two \u8211\'96 The Bahrain Anomaly}\f1\fs22\
cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 March 20, 2011 }\f1\fs22\cf2\par\
pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 In the collapse of the three approved
Mediterranean regimes we can recognize not some synchronic urge to freedom and
democracy but rather the triggered response of the masses to the signals of the
banking elite. It takes only a shimmer of intellect to identify a scripted scenario
being imposed on the impoverished Arab hordes. Jane Arden, the famous feminist of
late 20th century England, called it \u8220\'93The Other Side of the Underneath\
u8221\'94, not what the fractured psyche imposed on itself but rather what outer
events imposed on that broken self.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\
cf2\chcbpat3 With Bahrain we are in a whole different movie. It\u8217\'92s a
costume movie. It is about power and it is about how masked, black robed women
govern from below. It is part Freud and part Genet, by that I mean it involves both
the Freudian model of family crisis (the Oedipal fixation) and the false
dramatization of using mourning to dominate events (the Genet theatre). I mean,
therefore, the presence of the psychological syndrome called \u8220\'93Shi\
u8216\'91a\u8221\'94, that anti-Islam that denies Khilafa and meritocracy in
preference for genetic inheritance and at the same time a threatened end to events,
punishing the existing world. For the core of the Shi\u8217\'92a religion is its
denial of political power while claiming a necessity to overthrow existing power,
promising an apocalyptic revenge at the end of time.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\
ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 In other words, the denial of present leaders because
of their usurpation of a genetic inheritance. The Khalifate belonged to the father
and the orchard belonged to the mother, that is \u8216\'91Ali ibn Abi Talib is the
wronged and murdered inheritor of power and his wife\u8217\'92s real estate has
been confiscated. Their sons have been assassinated and the mourning over one
(Hussein) has become a tenet of the new anti-religion. The family are the
disinherited to the twelfth generation, all assassinated, all perfect and all to be
mourned until the twelfth who becomes suspended, a living dead, with a promise to
put everything right at the end of the world \u8211\'96 bring social justice when
it will surely be too late.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 In this new religion the enemy is Islam. Its followers revive themselves
not only by ritual mourning of its martyred dead but by cursing the eminent
leadership of Islam\u8217\'92s first days \u8211\'96 the wives of the Messenger,
blessings and peace be upon him, and the almost total majority of the Companions,
including those mentioned in Hadith as having been promised the Garden in the Next
World.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Its major holy day
is \u8216\'91Ashura when Hussein was killed in battle against the Muslims. In the
judgment of Europe\u8217\'92s
greatest Islamic jurisprudent, Qadi Abu Bakr ibn \u8216\'91Arabi of Granada: \
u8220\'93Hussein was killed with the sword of his grandfather,\u8221\'94 i.e. the
Prophet, meaning he died a rebel against Islam.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The religion took its name from a Qur\u8217\'92anic term
indicating splitting from the people of the truth, thus, from the beginning it
meant not a sect, not an innovation, not certainly a true elevation \u8211\'96 but
rather, an end. A break. An otherness. Over the centuries the Muslims have tried to
find accommodation with them, have conferred, conceded and even apologized. It has
been met consistently by rejection and even punishment. Hiding behind its new
doctrine of Taqiya it tells its followers that lying and dissembling to Muslims is
a moral virtue. They, not we, preclude any chance of dialogue once one party
considers laying a virtue of their case.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\
fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 At the heart of the Shi\u8216\'91a religion lies the broken
family. Yet if the father is murdered, disinherited, and his sons dethroned from
power, the mother is elevated to a mystical role of preserver and guardian of the
wronged lineage. The pretended descendants of \u8216\'91Ali are raised up as an
inner elite, Sayyids, bearing special turbans, and claiming financial aid. Fatima
is the protecting holy mother of the martyred sons. She is in an \u8220\'93eternal\
u8221\'94 mourning passed on to Shi\u8216\'91a women in sacred perpetuity. This is
the black chador with its slit-eye mask. This is the uniform of the Shi\u8216\'91a
power elite, like the black uniform of Hitler\u8217\'92s S.S. The black uniform is
a Shi\u8216\'91a creation and the degree to which it has spread in our time and in
the Middle East is a proof of how much Shi\u8216\'91a influence has extended among
Muslims since the fall of the Khalifate. It significantly has become a political
issue among the non-Zakat practicing extremists who today pose as defenders of
theDeen. In Surat an-Nur (24:30-31) we find the key text.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Say to the muminun that they should lower their
eyes}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 and guard their
private parts.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 That is
purer for them.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Allah is
aware of what they do.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3
Say to the mumin women that they should lower their eyes}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 and guard their private parts}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\
pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 and not display their adornments \
u8211\'96}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 except for what
normally shows \u8211\'96}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3
and draw their head-coverings across their breasts.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The first thing we must observe in these two Ayats is
that they begin in the same way, with Allah the Exalted instructing the Messenger,
may Allah bless him and give him peace, as follows:}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 \u8220\'93Say to the muminun\u8230\'85\u8221\'94}\f1\
fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 \u8220\'93Say to the mumin
This indicates that it is a strong, Divinely ordained Sunna. It is not a law with
punishment or reward attached to it.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\
cf2\chcbpat3 Important to us is the phrase from the second Ayat which specifies:}\
f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 \u8220\'93 \u8211\'96
except for what normally shows \u8211\'96 \u8221\'94}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\
ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 We find in Ibn \u8216\'91Atiyya that he relates how
Asma bint Abu Bakr was with her sister Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, when
the Messenger entered, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. When his wife
questioned about the correctness of her dress, the Prophet indicated that she
should be covered except \u8211\'96 and he mimed the hands and the face. This
permits us to say that the Messenger, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, gave
indication about modesty by covering, in accordance with the Qur\u8217\'92anic
stricture \u8220\'93 \u8211\'96 except for what normally shows \u8211\'96 \
u8221\'94. This allows us to say that the covering of the face is not an Islamic
practice, but more seriously is a defiance of the indication of our Messenger, may
Allah bless him and grant him peace.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\
cf2\chcbpat3 The Muslim Community cannot be led into a frivolous and futile
struggle at the hands of men and women who do not know what the Deen of Islam is in
the first place. Allah the Exalted has declared in Surat Al \u8216\'91Imran
(3:32):}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Say, \
u8220\'93Obey Allah and the Messenger.\u8221\'94}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Then if they turn away,}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Allah does not love the kafirun.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 So it is that when we talk of trouble in
Bahrain we are not talking the dialectic of bankers\u8217\'92 democracy versus
dictatorship. The issue here is fundamental to our position as Muslims. It is not
soluble within the modalities of the current absolutist world system of capitalism.
In capitalism money has no intrinsic worth (like gold of feathers). Currency
basically is numbers. These numbers can be given new (Euro) or old (Dollar) names,
yet they are computed as numbers. Human beings in the capitalist system are
regarded identically. They are no longer even men and women. Humans have been named
\u8220\'93citizens\u8221\'94 and this term has already given way to the term \
u8220\'93debtor\u8221\'94. They have no intrinsic value (belief that is higher than
the computable), they are statistics.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\
cf2\chcbpat3 The beginning of this rule was established in 1947 with the partition
of India. Up until that moment a nation was measured by a zone of land allotted to
a people. In 1947 the new world order emerged when it imposed its new philosophy. A
whole people were allotted a land. It was determined by numbers.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\
pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The principle blinded the world to the
purpose.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Its purpose was
to assure India was not Muslim but Hindu.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\
fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 So powerful was this passion that they permitted a whole people
to be denied the new system. If it was a matter of counting heads then Kashmir
could claim independence. Of course India has never submitted to a Referendum \
u8211\'96 I mean of the whole sub-continent. In short \u8211\'96 the issue was the
granting of a state to the Muslims. The deciding principle was that this should be
measured by counting heads. This revealed the contradiction between purpose and
method. Kashmir revealed the illogicality of the politique. A division of India to
give Muslims a state would have necessitated a return to the status quo ante, that
is prior to the British conquest, the Mughal Empire. There could only be a Muslim
state where there had historically been one on the land, Delhi, Ajmer, from Lucknow
to Hyderabad.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 In the
matter of its past Bahrain is quite grisly. In the third century Hijra a messianic
Isma\u8216\'91ili group set up a proto-communist state, starting in Kufa they set
up rule with their capital in al-Hasa. The Qarmatians set up a rule of terror. They
lived off raiding the Hajjis en-route to Makkah. In 906 they massacred 22,000
Hajjis. Under Abu Tahir al-Jannabi they sacked Makkah in 930. They filled Zam-Zam
with corpses and took the Black Stone to Bahrain. Bahrain became the seat of the
Qarmatian Mahdi from Isfahan who abolished the Shari\u8216\'91at and the Qibla,
making any fire a qibla as in Zoroastrianism.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\
f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 In 976 the Abbasids recovered Bahrain for Islam but had to
face another Shi\u8216\'91a revolution 1058 from the Abd al-Qays tribe.}\f1\fs22\
cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 In the 14th century Ibn Battuta
found the people of the region to be Shi\u8216\'91a extremists.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\
pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 By the 15th century the Jabrid dynasty
brought back Islam and the school of Imam Malik.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 In 1791 the al-Khalifis moved into Bahrain. In 1820 they
were supported by treaty arrangements with Britain.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 As Britain, ruined by World War Two and debt to the USA,
tottered out of the region they yielded the territories piece by piece, but the
greed of the Emirate states ended up leaving out Bahrain. It became the State of
Bahrain on December 16, 1971. Almost immediately it became the headquarters of the
U.S. 6th Fleet.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The Gulf
Security Council was the anti-Iranian defense instrument. Bahrain made a free-trade
agreement with the U.S. in 2004.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 The \u8220\'93underneath\u8221\'94 of Bahrain is that one look at the map
shows that if the US, impoverished as it is, is to survive it needs that jutting
piece of land called Bahrain.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 The \u8220\'93other side of the underneath\u8221\'94 is that there
is more to being people than being integers in a Great Game of politics. The
safety of the Arab Peninsula is a matter of absolute importance for the world\
u8217\'92s Muslims.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3
Bahrain poses the question which we, the Muslims, must decide: \u8220\'93Is the
long-term view of the U.S. vis-\u224\'e0-vis its world policy that Iran must be
broken (the current \u8220\'93discourse\u8221\'94), or is it that the U.S. prefers
a no-Khalif (that is no rulership) zone with its masses dulled by apocalyptic
anxieties and un-interested in the issue of Riba\u8217\'92? A religion itself anti-
religion but using the name of Islam, a system with conflicting theological schools
and puritanical culture, too busy keeping the women in black bags \u8211\'96 and
its holy city a necropolis of mourning, Kerbala.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 It can always be controlled and broken (which it loves)
and put in mourning minority phase while its majority can be captured by sexual
mores like in America, plus movies and rock.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\
f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Is the Shi\u8216\'91a system the instrument to bring these
masses into capitalism and finish, as they themselves desire, self-flagellating and
cursing, the pure Deen al-Haqq once and for all?}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 What I say is not an attack on Shi\u8216\'91a men and
women. As a Sufi I know that not a single one does believe it or can defend it. It
is a politique. It has its own psychology and it is not healthy. A Shi\u8216\'91a
can be cured.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Look at the
politically active Bahrainis \u8211\'96 note their hysteria, their choddored women
denied their true power, and the sobbing frustrated youth. Darkness. Allah the
Exalted says in Surat Al-Isra\u8217\'92 (17:81):}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Say: \u8216\'91Truth has come and falsehood has
vanished.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Falsehood is always
bound to vanish.\u8217\'92}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Ayyuha\u8217\'92l-
Walad!}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Lesson Three \u8211\'96
Syria}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 March 30, 2011 }\
f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 At the end of our last
Lesson the question was posed: is the policy of the U.S. to create a Shi\u8216\'91a
dominant Middle East for the dual purpose of abolishing Islam and assuring a no-
Khalif memorial religion open to banking capitalism? This problem still faces us.}\
f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Lebanon has already
demonstrated that a concordance between the two religions (Islam and Shi\
u8216\'91ism) cannot work. It is now under the control of the Shi\u8216\'91a. From
it, the Palestinian entity has been destroyed, split in two, one side mafia-based
and the other openly converted to Shi\u8216\'91ism.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Jordan, too is split. The mass are modernist but devoid
of an \u8216\'91Aqida and a Fiqh, while the Rulership openly espouses one-worldist
movements and has issued a Declaration accepting the Shi\u8216\'91a as if it could
subsist within Islam. Shi\u8216\'91ism is not a cancer in the body of Islam, it was
a wart which fell off, hence its name.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\
fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Bahrain we have identified as an anomaly. Since the rulers are
too weak, bearing as they do a calamitous history, they can only do one of two
things, submit to the kafir capitalist doctrine of counting people as numbers and
give the country over to the Shi\u8216\'91a, or ask Arabia to annex the territory,
thus rescuing the arithmetic. I do not, cannot propose the Maliki Islamic solution.
Declare the State Islamic, thus preventing non-Muslims holding office and at the
same time charge the Shi\u8216\'91a Jizya assuring them protection alongside the
jews and christians. Now there is tolerance at its limit! This would have to be
preceded by introducing a collected Zakat.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\
fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Iraq clearly is the tragic victim of the Arab move from Islam to
numbers capitalism. In place of a corrupted Muslim dictatorship (let us not forget
Saddam died on his Shahadah) has come a numerically based Shi\u8216\'91a regime,
itself profoundly corrupt. In the case of Iraq we must refer to our opening
dilemma. Did the Americans MEAN this to happen, or are they more ignorant that we
give them credit?}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Now \
u8211\'96 Syria. Syria lies at the heart of Islamic history. In Damascus is the
great Ummayyad Mosque. It is the burial-place of the Shaykh al-Akbar ibn al-\
u8216\'91Arabi. It was a jewel of the Osmanli Dawlet. During the Arab people\
u8217\'92s descent into madness it fell under the curse of socialist atheism and
was conquered by the Baathist regime alongside Iraq. The result of this disaster
was the enthroning of the mountain tribe of Alawites led by Hafez al-Assad. Under
their tyranny one attempt at liberation was mounted but failed tragically. Assad
ordered the massacre of over 20,000 men, women and children. The Shi\u8216\'91a
regime was then ensconced in a daily reign of terror. 10,000 people have vanished
without trace. It is the third partner in the kafir triangle of terror and
genocide: Kashmir, the Uighurs of East Turkestan, and Syria. The first are victims
of mushriks, the second are victims of atheists, and the third, Syria, are victims
of the Shi\u8216\'91a.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3
Syria has no equal for savage repression and murder. Egypt, Mubarak\u8217\'92s
Egypt was liberal in relation to Assad\u8217\'92s national prison.}\f1\fs22\cf2\
par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Here there is absolutely no question
about a people wanting democracy. No question about them wanting a living wage. No
question about them opposing corruption. The people of Syria want to live, simply
live, and live as a Muslim society.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\
cf2\chcbpat3 Behind the puppet Assad lies the Shi\u8216\'91a oligarchy that
controls the country and plots its anarchy in next-door Lebanon. Behind the Shi\
u8216\'91a tyranny of the Syrian masses stands the Shi\u8216\'91a heartland from
Kerbala to Tehran. Bus-loads of pilgrims head out from there daily to the richly
restored Shi\u8216\'91a shrines of Syria. The Muslims are crushed under the traitor
Mufti, Kuftaro, whose name is infamy to Muslim scholars (see Vadillo\u8217\'92s \
u8217\'92Esoteric Deviation in Islam\u8217\'92 to understand Syria\u8217\'92s
tragic past and the criminality of Kuftaro. The book is now available on Kindle and
is obligatory reading.)}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3
The future of world Islam is dependent on the liberation of Kashmir, the liberation
of the Uighurs, and the liberation of the great Muslim nation of Syria. As of today
only King Muhammad VI of Morocco has had the courage to expel the Shi\u8216\'91a \
u8211\'96 and now they are working hard to destroy him using the current doctrines
of \u8216\'91democracy\u8217\'92. Very soon now King Abdullah in Riyadh is going to
have to wake up and seek better counsel. While a helpless servant of his American
masters since Roosevelt took command of his regime at the end of World War Two,
nevertheless, we do not want him removed, for we know that much worse than his
regime is waiting in the wings with the kiss of death \u8211\'96 democracy,
tolerance, and the universal opening up of Makkah and Madinah to one-world-religion
tourism.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 We must act
now \u8211\'96 not by violence but by sheer superiority of intellect and character
on the front line \u8211\'96 I mean Kashmir, East Turkestan and Syria.}\f1\fs22\
cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Allah \u8211\'96 we call on You to
rescue the Muslims of Syria.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3
Amin. Amin. Amin.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\f1\
fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Ayyuha\u8217\'92l-Walad!}\f1\fs22\
cf2\par\pard\plain\ql{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Lesson Four}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 April 2, 2011 }\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 We are approaching the point at which we can show you \
u8211\'96 no, unveil for you \u8211\'96 this hidden treasure that is your Islamic
inheritance.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The metaphor
most suited to you is from the images you have seen on TV of the overwhelming
devastation in Japan after the tsunami. On this chaotic and ruined landscape \
u8211\'96 you stand amid the rubble \u8211\'96 a man with his life before him and
everything he can see to the horizon \u8211\'96 smashed.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Remember, there is no such thing as breaking
news! There has been no \u8216\'91Revolution\u8217\'92, just some demos with
casualties. No-one has stormed the palace. No-one has killed the President. As one
Washington official said: \u8220\'93Before we dealt with one man. Now we will deal
with a committee.\u8221\'94}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 In the present crisis we have observed that the socialism then in vogue
destroyed the Islamic ethos of the Arabs. The curse of the Stalinist Nasser
descended on North Africa. He spawned a new version of Islam, reducing it to a
secret society after using them to get power. They called themselves the Ikhwan al-
Muslimeen, thus structuralizing
into a politique what was organic and natural, confirmed by a simple declaration
of Shahadah. Before them we had all been Muslim brothers. They said to their own, \
u8220\'93Ya Akhi!\u8221\'94 making it their translation of the communist \
u8220\'93Oh Comrade!\u8221\'94 Their founders licensed banking.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\
pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Nasser\u8217\'92s military committed a
series of blunders, ill-thought out and worse in performance against Israel.
Degraded on the battlefield they were themselves up-graded to leadership. The
shameful Nasserite army under first Sadat and then Mubarak plunged the most gifted
Arab people into darkness. With Mubarak finally in terminal phase a transition had
to be made, one aspect was the need to modernize the \u8216\'91look\u8217\'92 and
the other to assure the U.S. they were still in charge.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 In Tunisia, Bourguiba was both kafir and
socialist. At one point he abolished Ramadan but that, at least, he had to
withdraw. N.B. I do not name Bourguiba kafir, I take the judgment from the Sultan
al-\u8216\'91Ulama of last century, Shaykh Shadhili an-Nayfar, Allah\u8217\'92s
mercy on him.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Ghaddafi,
let it never be forgotten, is a direct student of Nasser. His self-styled
revolution was Nasserism. Syria and Iraq, also gave birth to the socialist-atheist
politique of the Baath Party.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 Palestine, a non-nation, but not as Israelis said, a non-people are in a
way the sacrificial victim of Arab modernism.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\
f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Over-run by the vastly superior force of Israel the people
fell victim to the socialist doctrines of the day. It claimed national status. It
had been a protected colony of the Osmanli Dawlet, with Jerusalem a Waqf under
Awqaf laws. It then, utterly defeated, claimed \u8216\'91the right of self-
determination\u8217\'92. This was a little policy thought up by President Wilson
which swiftly led to Munich and World War Two. Of course, there is no such thing.
If it is so, what about the Scots, the Basque, the Corsicans, the Catalans, the
Flemish, the Uighurs, the Tartars, the Chechens \u8211\'96 to say nothing of the
Iroquois and the Navaho!}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3
Palestine is a double tragedy. The Palestinians did not have the manliness to know
they were defeated. The Israelis, psychically scarred by Nazi persecution, did not
know how to be victors. Unable to govern as victors they became persecutors.}\f1\
fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 If the Palestinians had bowed
their heads and faced defeat they would have raised them to their own rescue. If
from the beginning they had taken four wives, and rejected paper money for gold
dinar and silver dirham they would now be the demographic victors of the land and
massively wealthy. Even the kafir Germany and Japan knew how to be defeated \
u8211\'96 and look at them today!}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 As for the two technical monarchies, Jordan and Arabia, both are the
drunken creation of Winston Churchill, as such they are puppets, now, de facto but
never de jure.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 A further
dimension to bear in mind is that, true to the political adage, \u8216\'91the
extremes meet\u8217\'92, the doctrine that placed the Ibn Saud family in power was
founded on a denial of Khilafa, which they had refused, Salafism insisting that
there had only been four. Here it is vital to grasp that Shi\u8216\'91ism and
Salafism are politically identical since both reject the obligation to have a
living ruler over the Muslims.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 The great European Qadi and Faqih, Imam al-Qurtubi, explains in his \
\u8220\'93Allah declares (2:30):}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 I am putting a Khalif on the earth.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\
f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 This ayat is sound evidence for having a leader and a Khalif
who is obeyed so that he will be a focus for the cohesion of society, and the
rulings of the Khalifate will be carried out. None of the Imams of the Community
disagree about the obligatory nature of having such a leader, except for what is
related from as-Asamm (lit. the Deaf), who lived up to the meaning of his name and
was indeed deaf to the Shari\u8216\'91a, and those who take his position who say
that the Khalifate is permitted rather than mandatory if the Community undertakes
all their obligations on their own without the need for a ruler to enforce them.}\
f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The Companions agreed to
make Abu Bakr Khalif after the disagreement which took place between the Muhajirun
and the Ansar. If it had been a definite obligation that the ruler had to be from
Quraysh, there would have been no point in the argument and debate which took
place.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 When Abu Bakr
died, he delegated the task of being Khalif to \u8216\'91Umar and no-one said that
it was not mandatory. Its obligatory nature indicates that it is one of the pillars
of the Deen which supports the Muslims. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the
Worlds.\u8221\'94}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 So,
already we have begun to discover the Islam of our heritage and future.}\f1\fs22\
cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Nevertheless, we have started with
the highest matter, but it is not our immediate task but rather an orientation that
will lead to it. What we now take on is the rejection of those elements in the Deen
who reject it thus joining hands with the external enemy, the Shi\u8216\'91a, whose
anti-Khalif doctrine is their foundation.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\
fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The Salafi (Wahhabis) say that Islam is over, after the
beginning.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The Shi\
u8216\'91a say that Islam has never been, awaiting the end.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The Salafi whip everybody who is not one of
them.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The Shi\u8216\'91a
whip themselves.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Once we
have established that behind the emergent dictatorships in the Arab terrain lay the
doctrines of atheism and socialism it is not surprising that it ended up with
Assad, Saddam, Mubarak, Ghaddafi and Ibn Ali. Sons of Nasser, politically speaking,
meant they were sons of Stalin. Stalin\u8217\'92s massacres were on his own
people \u8211\'96 at least Hitler massacred \u8216\'91others\u8217\'92!}\f1\fs22\
cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 This forces us to ask a new
question \u8211\'96 \u8220\'93How could the Arabs \u8211\'96 your grandfathers \
u8211\'96 turn from the Deen al-Haqq to a false religion whose actions negated
their high rhetoric?\u8221\'94 To get to the answer we have still to clear up the
debris of recent historical events in order to arrive at clarity. Standing in our
way has been the acceptance of kafir dogmas as if they were both scientific and
evolutionary truths.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 One:
Democracy. It simply no longer means anything, least of all what it props up in its
name. It now means a \u8216\'91two-party\u8217\'92 or multi-party system of
politicians elected by a universal franchise (Bernard Shaw\u8217\'92s \
u8220\'93anybody ruled by everybody!\u8221\'94) Yet that party are under a
fiduciary contract system that only allows, after screening, those who will obey
the oligarchy of wealth. Ownership of corporate wealth, commodities, banks \
u8211\'96 none of these are chosen by franchise but by inheritance. The previous
oligarchy were removed by land and death duties. Now they are gone the banking
elite \u8216\'91generously\u8217\'92 call for removal of inheritance tax \u8211\'96
for they have become the heritors.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\
cf2\chcbpat3 Democracy is in political terms the subjugation of the masses. Again
and again the masses demonstrated against nuclear arms but every government
condemned the people\u8217\'92s taxed wealth to nuclear weapons, missiles and
submarines. Almost unanimously the British people opposed the Iraq War and yet one
psychologically damaged Premier underwrote it, dragging Parliament and people into
the tragedy of Iraq which saw the deaths of British Soldiers on a daily basis, and
extended in Afghanistan still does.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\
cf2\chcbpat3 Democracy is the assured mechanism of submission which underwrites the
oligarchy\u8217\'92s programme and declares \u8216\'91the people have spoken.\
u8217\'92}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Two: There is
no such thing as human rights. This is sheer humanist invention, its modern post
W.W.2 version having been written by a well-meaning and uneducated little jewish
fellow as a talisman against genocide. Who SAID humans have rights?}\f1\fs22\cf2\
par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Rights, properly speaking, can only be
given by a ruler who commands both regulation and punishment. He can enforce where
it is done and he can punish where it is not done. For example in the early Middle
Ages the chivalric knights imposed rights forcing the Monarch to sign the Magna
Carta, or Great Charter. Its key \u8216\'91rights\u8217\'92 were the backbone of
domestic law from then, 1245, until the \u8216\'91democratic ruler\u8217\'92 Blair
abolished it in 2001-2004. Now with a mythic \u8216\'91international
community\u8217\'92 there is neither command nor punishment relative to any
action.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Three: The world
technological project \u8211\'96 the compulsive, unlimited and unreasoned drilling,
selling and consuming of fossil fuels \u8211\'96 is controlled entirely through a
set of inter-locking corporations which in turn interface with the world masses by
the use of paper currencies and bonds, themselves worthless, thus rendering the
masses both helpless and obliged to go on drilling, distributing and burning until
the point of exhaustion is reached. Exhaustion being, that means, when the earth is
barren and the money\u8217\'92s mathematic has collapsed.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Four: Education has been transferred from a
programme of learning about life, history, languages, scientific method, to a
programme to equip men to serve in the commercial market of \u8216\'91business\
u8217\'92, that is the elite of the slave class.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 So now we are ready to examine the question posed
earlier.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Once that has
been confronted we can begin to discover what has been hidden from you for forty
years, forty years of kafir dictatorship and forty years of distortion. What
distortion? The altering of the Deen by the removal of its existentially necessary
patterns of behaviour until it was offered to you as a two form deal.}\f1\fs22\cf2\
par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Deal One \u8211\'96 a private religion
that accepted everyone\u8217\'92s position and did not challenge capitalism and
banking. \u8220\'93Good Muslim\u8221\'94.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\
fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Deal Two \u8211\'96 follow a probably now dead \u8216\'91rebel\
u8217\'92, ex-CIA agent brought up a Salafi, as leader, unknown, hidden and without
governance or counsel, calling to the Shi\u8216\'91a Isma\u8216\'91ili practice of
suicide fighters and these suicide rebels obedient to a man who would train them
and send them to their death so that he, presumably, could stay alive. \
u8220\'93Bad Muslim\u8221\'94.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 No. We will discover the Deen al-Haqq which will give us both the worlds,
this one and the Next.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 It
is rescue for you and your future, your children.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 It also has rescue for the poisoned seas, the barren
soil and the melting icecaps.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 It puts the world in your charge.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql{\f1\fs22\
cf2\chcbpat3 Rasul, Allah bless him and give him peace, told us that when a man of
knowledge dies the whales in the ocean lament. This knowledge is a matter which
takes in all of our planet and especially, each and every one of us, our unique
selves and our destined hearts.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\f1\fs22\cf2\par\
cf2\chcbpat3 Ayyuha\u8217\'92l-Walad!}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 Lesson Five. Islamic Renewal}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\
cf2\chcbpat3 April 9, 2011 }\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 Now we have come to the opening statement which will lead inevitably to
the renewal of Islam, Deen al-Haqq.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\
cf2\chcbpat3 Before doing so, let us survey the ruined landscape of a world
activated in wars by a political class who send others to their death while
maintaining a eunuch\u8217\'92s distance from the struggle of life. Just look at
them, from Peking to Damascus, from London to Berlin, from Washington to Abidjan \
u8211\'96 we are ruled from beneath us, the lowest common denominator.}\f1\fs22\
cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Historically the Wahhabi/Salafis
were licensed by the USA. This is an evidence that the W/S war against the Sufis
stood as a proof that they remained the guardians of Islamic revival, hence the
frivolous pretence that Sufis were tomb worshippers. In Arabia this meant a state
founded on a denial of Khilafa, the introduction of paper money and banking, along
with the abolition of the Pillar of a Collected Zakat. From their oil-wealthy
families came a generation of Isma\u8216\'91ili-inspired revolt and the doctrine of
Islam as an underground movement spreading terror among the christian (i.e.
American) society.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Today
can be observed the American pull-back from an accord with the Muslims. Convinced
that the grimness of the Muslim attempt at a secret society has failed, the Ikhwan
al-Muslimeen, and that the Saudi new generation Salafism as terror has worked as a
deterrent to revival, the U.S. has been guided towards a pro-Shi\u8216\'91a
doctrine, and this on rabbinical advice.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\
fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 With a Shi\u8216\'91a leadership crippling Pakistan, the awful
Zardari/Bhutto regime, the Shi\u8216\'91a in the north, Afghanistan, are protected
and used by NATO. The USA having given Muslim Iraq to the Shi\u8216\'91a, this new
doctrine, at bloody cost, was established. Note that the application of the Syrian
rule of exclusion of Kurds guaranteed a firm Shi\u8216\'91a majority in Iraq, as it
distracted from Syrian minority Shi\u8216\'91a dictatorship.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Lebanon gone and Gaza converted gave an iron
wall against Eastern encroachment which stretched from the Mediterranean to the
Gulf and the Indian Ocean now that Bahrain is effectively annexed.}\f1\fs22\cf2\
par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The U.S. oligarchy is obliged to play
out its Empire game and use to the limit its political class, although already
contingency plans are designed to replace the failed institutions of Washington
with local militia just as the nation state began after secession from Britain (see
Parvez Asad Sheikh: \u8216\'91USA \u8211\'96 The End of an Empire\u8217\'92: Dallas
House Monographs).}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3
Meanwhile the Mexican masses swiftly continue their invasion, their first armed
units foolishly mistaken for urban gangs, whole areas under their command.}\f1\
fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Against this global scene of
desolation, the billions in abject poverty, and the planet almost totally
asphyxiated by the extraction of its earth and water wealth, and with a decreasing
but by that token even wealthier financial elite, obliged to oppress the masses \
u8211\'96 stands one, only one reality that speaks release from slavery \u8211\'96
Islam.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Up until now the
kuffar have succeeded in naming it Terror and have offered its abolition in
exchange for a private monotheism (the Shi\u8216\'91a solution) so that Islam
itself has not yet manifest.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 Let us take the first step.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\
cf2\chcbpat3 Before we can approach the Himalayan heights of Islam\u8217\'92s
mightiest fortress of the mind, Tawhid, we must first set right a fundamental
balance without which the Muslim youth will find no reason to put down his iPod and
lift up his iPhone.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 What
is the balance? It is that the Deen of Islam \u8211\'96 and this is its first
supporting pillar \u8211\'96 is held up by a dual witnessing.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\
pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 \u8220\'93I declare that there is no god
but Allah and}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 I declare
that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.\u8221\'94}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Of course! But behind us still lie almost a hundred
years of defeat and the abandonment of the Khilafal obligation.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\
pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The quickest way both to see what went
wrong and to put it right is to turn to Islam when it was paramount and powerful.
Shah Waliallah said that given the assault on Islam in his time the only way to
recovery lay in starting from basics, by that he indicated that he meant the first
great formula of the Islamic social nexus in Madinah \u8211\'96 the Muwatta\
u8217\'92 of Imam Malik, may Allah honour his high place.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 When we examine the Muwatta\u8217\'92 we find
that it is basically in two parts, relating to the Dual Shahadah. The first half is
all of \u8216\'91Ibada \u8211\'96 Shahadah, Salat, Zakat, Sawm and Hajj. The second
half is almost entirely about fiduciary contracts, parameters and practices. The
whole matter of living \u8211\'96 selling, buying, owning, inheriting, trading,
gaining and spending. All of these are now out of your hands. None of these methods
and limits and securities are today practised by the wealthy Muslims. The oligarchs
of Malaysia, Indonesia and across the Arab world make (and keep) their wealth in
the kafir capitalist mode. Far from being the notorious \u8220\'93going back
fifteen hundred years\u8221\'94 argued by the modernist (capitalist) leaders it is
the utterly relevant, necessary and ecologically needed path to survival.}\f1\fs22\
cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 It is this, the basis of Islamic
life and trade and viable currency, that has been robbed from the people. The world
has been handed to a tiny group of billionaires who are at this moment destroying
us and our planet.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 They
will not be defeated by military
or guerrilla resistance. That is already covered in their system. They will be
destroyed by the withdrawal of the God-obedient from the endebtment of numbers and
contracts and their (our) setting up and usage of real-wealth currency, trust-based
contracts of trade alongside a community aerated by a collected Zakat. Its being
collected, not given, the cure for the retentive psyche.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Thus the restoration of Zakat that means:}\f1\
fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 the existence of an empowered
Amir, his appointment of Zakat Collectors, the gathering of the Zakat, its
immediate distribution to the poor and the known categories will see the move from
the acquisitive, retentive, atheist capitalist to the worshipping, believing, and
distributive Muslim. The return of life. Compassion after the genocides of man-
worshipping \u8216\'91humanists\u8217\'92. It will see both the end of women draped
in black, with only a slit for their eyes, in the East, and the end of women
dancing naked round a pole for the banking elite, tassels hanging from their bared
nipples, in the West. Women will recover the position of being able to ask of a man
\u8211\'96 fidelity.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 In
the meantime, prepare}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f2\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 \
u10625\'3f}{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 agitate for the Egyptians to overthrow their
army command.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f2\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 \
u10625\'3f}{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Tell the world of the Baathist fascism of
Syria.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Expose India\
u8217\'92s dictatorship: 700,000 soldiers occupying Kashmir. (At Iraq\u8217\'92s
worst time the U.S. had 200,000 elements in the country). 68,000 Kashmiris have
been killed since 1990. A national prison.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql{\f1\fs22\
cf2\chcbpat3 There is everything to be done. Remember, Allah aids the Muminun. We
are doomed to succeed.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\
pard\plain\ql{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Ayyuha\u8217\'92l-Walad! }\f1\fs22\cf2\par\
pard\plain\ql{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Lesson Six. }\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql{\
f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Syria and the UAE - Two Concentration Camps}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\
pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 April 21, 2011 }\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Syria. The inexorable end of the shi\u8217\'92a
tyranny founded on atheist Baathism draws near. The dictatorship must be made to
understand that what they think is law and government and constitution are to the
world the blind workings of absolutist terror.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 A third of Hama was raised to the ground. 20,000 men,
women and children were massacred by the Assad clique. It has not been forgotten \
u8211\'96 it has surfaced. The Assads must leave. The Baath Party must be abolished
and the shi\u8217\'92a control of both government and mosque ended.}\f1\fs22\cf2\
par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The Syrian nation must know that when
the Ikhwan plotted the uprising in Hama they TOLD the shi\u8217\'92a mullahs in
London what they meant to do! The mullahs begged them to wait \u8211\'96 first,
they said Saddam then after that Assad. Of course, Iran needed Assad\u8217\'92s
Syria \u8211\'96 it was their only door out into the world. So it was that when
they prepared for the uprising, Assad already knew and was able to obliterate a
city and its occupants.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3
The Ikhwan, like the Baathist-shi\u8217\'92a are Syria\u8217\'92s past. There
awaits it the revival of its great tradition of Fiqh, pure Tassawuf and an alliance
with Turkey. Given the isolated nature of the Syrian nation and its macabre
Stalinist government (which one dares to stop clapping first?), it is vital that
the Muslims worldwide protest and support the Muslims in Syria against their shi\
u8217\'92a-Baathist regime.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 Muslims from all over South Africa are gathering on Saturday night at the
Habibiyya Soofie Masjid in Ladysmith to recite the Nasiri Du\u8217\'92a and ask
Allah to give an opening to the Syrian Muslim oppressed masses. It was this great
Du\u8217\'92a which led to the end of French occupation in Morocco. The Baathist
regime should be very afraid. Start packing.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\
f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 If Syria is bound in slavery by an absolute Stalinist secret
police system thus reducing the country to a national concentration camp parallel
with the Indian State\u8217\'92s policing and murdering citizens in Kashmir \
u8211\'96 our other prison camp is another sort of hell. To understand it you have
to have read Huxley and Orwell and know their grim foretelling of future slave
societies.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The \
u8216\'91United Arab Emirates\u8217\'92 (translation from the Arabic is actually
the \u8216\'91United States of Arabia\u8217\'92) is a new high-tech low-life
community or rather double community \u8211\'96 a body of ex-Muslim modernist
capitalists in total play-mode. Next to them, a body of foreign migrant workers,
unpaid or underpaid, without papers or their own (confiscated) passports, working
all-day in any heat without medical aid or supervision. Modern slaves building a
playground for the world\u8217\'92s capitalist elite \u8211\'96 a zone without
rules and without fear of recourse to law.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\
fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The Emirates is the abysmal bottom of today\u8217\'92s Arab
world. No democracy is going to rescue the Tunisians or the Egyptians \u8211\'96
for it is the liberal capitalism of the Emirates that daily condemns hundreds of
Pakistani, Indian, and Indonesian Muslim workers to slave labor. There are no
suicide-bombers in the U.A.E. only the weekly suicide of a worker in despair of his
salary, his work conditions, his foul dormitory and his future.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\
pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Let us take a closer look at Shaykh
Muhammad Al-Maktoum\u8217\'92s country. His membership of the Jockey Club obliges
him to treat his horses humanely. His membership of the Islamic Conference permits
him to run a mass set of prison-camps for workers.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Population 2009 U.A.E.:}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f2\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 \u10625\'3f}{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 With civic rights,
passports and travel documents: EMIRATIS 21%}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\
f2\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 \u10625\'3f}{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Expatriates from West,
passported and documented: WESTERN EXPATS 8%}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\
f2\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 \u10625\'3f}{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Without civic rights under
restraint of expulsion: }\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f2\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 \u10625\'3f}{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 INDIAN 27%}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql\sb50{\f2\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 \u10625\'3f}{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 PAKISTANI
20%}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f2\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 \u10625\'3f}{\f1\
fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 BANGLEDESHI 8%}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f2\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 \u10625\'3f}{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 OTHER ASIANS 16%}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\
pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 This breakdown is of an overall population
\u8211\'96 free-elite and a slave mass \u8211\'96 of 8,300,000.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\
pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Detailed analyses place the \
u8216\'91free\u8217\'92 Emirati nationals today at 16.5% of the population.}\f1\
fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The \u8216\'91worker\
u8217\'92 slaves are bound by the Kafala System not to move from their job to
another one, and are \u8216\'91tied\u8217\'92 to their employer. There is a
nationalist (racist) wage scale so that for the same job the salary will decrease
with the top nationals getting up to three times that of the lowest.}\f1\fs22\cf2\
par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The scale is:}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql\sb50{\f2\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 \u10625\'3f}{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 TOP \
u8211\'96 Westerners: European, American, Australian & G.C.C Arabs}\f1\fs22\cf2\
par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f2\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 \u10625\'3f}{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3
Japan, Korea, Singapore (almost as tops)}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f2\
fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 \u10625\'3f}{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 South Africans, Russians,
East Europeans, Central and South Americans and non-G.C.C. Arabs}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\
pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f2\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 \u10625\'3f}{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3
Filipinos, Thai, and other Asians}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f2\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 \u10625\'3f}{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Indians, Pakistanis, Sri Lankans and
other Africans}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The
building workers work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. Wages are around 370 AED
($100) per month. Employers house workers in dormitories known as labor camps,
usually on the edge of urban zones. In Al-Quoz and in Sonopar in Dubai the typical
dwelling for an average construction worker is a small room (3.5m x 3m) which must
take up to eight workers.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3
Al-Quoz Camp has 7,500 migrant workers sharing 1,248 rooms. The camp is built next
a sewage plant which has leaked right into the accommodation. The norm is
overflowing toilets and lack of privacy in washrooms. Withholding of wages is
commonplace. One Dubai construction company declared: \u8220\'93We only hold back
salary for 45 days as surety in case of runaways.\u8221\'94 The annual death rate
of Indian workers from 2006 to 2008 has risen from 1,284 to 1,420, with suicide
playing a large part in the increase. The workers have to go on working in
temperatures well in excess of 40\u730\'b0celcius. Around 5,000 construction
workers per month were brought into the emergency department of the Rashid Hospital
in Dubai, during July and August 2004.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\
fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 There are thousands of men and women, held without trial or even
after acquittal, for long stretches. Many are forced to sign confessions for crimes
they did not commit. Many prisoners become psychotic due to inhumane treatment and
abuse.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 In May 2010
hundreds of workers marched from their Sharjah Labour Camp to the Ministry in Dubai
demanding to be sent home. They claimed they were unpaid for over six months and
were kept in squalor. The authorities finally sent home 700 stranded from Sharjah\
u8217\'92s Al-Sajar Labour Camp. All this takes place in an economy currently
outstripping Western Europe and America in terms of wealth, and China in terms of
growth. The Emirates has 37 shi\u8217\'92a television channels.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\
pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Now \u8211\'96 the outrage of the Emirates
is not this, here understated, social crime. The outrage is that the small coterie,
16.5% of the population, call themselves Muslim, fast and pray.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\
pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Something, clearly, has gone profoundly
wrong.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 It has gone wrong
with its people \u8211\'96 that tiny ruling minority, but it has gone supremely
wrong with its leadership. Two personal experiences may prepare us for our
diagnosis of the Emirates sickness.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\
cf2\chcbpat3 As we planned the 4th Conference of Maliki Fiqh the proposal came from
the then Head of the Shari\u8217\'92ah Court of the Emirates, Shaykh Al Mubarak,
that he ask Shaykh Zayed to host it in Abu Dhabi. The brilliant intellectual
framework of the Conference was designed by the Sultan Al-\u8217\'92Ulema, Shaykh
Shadhili An-Nayfar of Tunis.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 He helped Shaykh Al Mubarak gather all the great Maliki Fuqaha and
together they planned to present \u8211\'96 not the Malik of the madhab but rather
Imam Malik, Imam Dar-al-Hijra, and the school of the \u8216\'91Amal Ahl-al-Madinah.
The primal and original source method of Islamic Fiqh.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\
ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 At the prestigious opening Shaykh Zayed publicly said
that he would rule by the Shari\u8217\'92at.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\
f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 On day two of the Conference we were met by officials of the
Diwan of the Ruler. The papers were not to be read out, the subject not to be
discussed. Instead we and those distinguished scholars were to sit silently and
listen to a declaration by a personal representative of Saddam Hussein who had come
to ask us to support Iraq\u8217\'92s war against Iran. We sat grimly as the
speaker, dark suit, black shirt, white tie, informed the mute \u8216\'91Ulema that
this was not of course, a fight between Muslims and shi\u8217\'92a, oh no! It was
between Arabs and Persians. The Conference was discreetly scrapped.}\f1\fs22\cf2\
par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The second personal note. I came
across an article in the English speaking Gulf newspaper insulting the Messenger,
may Allah bless him and grant him peace. The author implied that the Qur\
u8217\'92an was not a Divine Revelation. The author was a highly paid resident
doctor of medicine from India. I took the text to Shaykh Al Mubarak and said that
this was a grave matter. He ordered an Arabic translation of the offending article.
When we reconvened he said that the article was criminal and ordered the doctor\
u8217\'92s arrest. He was tried and found guilty. There came a pause in events \
u8211\'96 a sentence had to be passed. The Indians were outraged \u8211\'96 India
would not allow sentence to be passed. Shaykh Zayed bowed to the hindu leader and
simply banished the criminal from Abu Dhabi, back to India. The Emirates had
withdrawn protection of the Rasul!}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\
cf2\chcbpat3 What these two personal experiences showed to me was that the modern
Arabs had been so busy taking on the modalities and values of modern techno-society
that they had completely lost the Deen in all its civic and spiritual identity.}\
f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The school of the \
u8216\'91Amal Ahl-al-Madinah had to be silenced. Saddam was the excuse. Later they
gave their airports as bases to bomb him to smithereens.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The school of \u8216\'91Amal, of Madinan
practice meant exposing the whole capitalist-development of oil-based and dollar-
paid activity called the U.A.E.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 Thus at that moment, just out of reach lay the vista of social justice and
its practical application. Jizya for the non-Muslims. The Madinan practice of
treatment to workers. The strict and compassionate rules of slaves \u8211\'96 tied
to a house not a project. The rules of trade. The rules of the market. The rules of
the caravan (moved product). And finally the great missing pillar. It had been
removed and the whole Islamic edifice had collapsed. Zakat. Zakat is not a sadaqa
for the poor, any more than Ramadaan is just not eating and drinking, or Hajj is
just standing on \u8216\'91Arafat.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\
cf2\chcbpat3 Zakat had two necessary conditions, and on these the Islamic ethos
remains utterly dependent.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 One \u8211\'96 Zakat is ordered by an Amir. He appoints Zakat collectors.
It is collected according to its rules and there is no \u8216\'91corporate\
u8217\'92 avoidance. Ownership devolves on individuals.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Two \u8211\'96 There has to be a value-based
instrument of currency. Traditionally in the first days of Islam under the Khalifs
it was the Islamic Dinar of gold and the Dirham of silver. Zakat, in other words,
implies a whole non-usury economy based on trade parameters clearly laid down for
all to see in Imam Malik\u8217\'92s al-Muwatta and the great Sahih.}\f1\fs22\cf2\
par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Nothing to do with \u8216\'91going
back fifteen hundred years\u8217\'92 \u8211\'96 a totally viable, existentially
liberating model of human trade which in itself restores trust between men. Where
did the hell of the Emirates begin? It began on that day when the oil company
handed Shaykh Zayed\u8217\'92s brother, then the amir, his cheque in payment for
the first official extraction of crude. Dismayed, he handed back the piece of paper
and demanded his payment in gold. Zayed was made the Amir, taking over the
rulership. He had accepted the cheque. And that is how all of Arabia fell into
Kafir hands.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 We must start
pard\plain\ql{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Ayyuha\u8217\'92l-Walad!}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Lesson Seven. Ikhwanism}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\
ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 May 10, 2011 }\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\
f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 We are still held back from taking on our full, and as yet
unconfronted, responsibilities as Muslims about to introduce Islam into a world at
present deeply misled about its nature.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\
fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Perhaps the major harm and inhibition which prevents the new
generation from embracing Islam \u8211\'96 and we are referring to the Arab nation
in particular \u8211\'96 is the false idea caused by those ignorant men who boast
its leadership while plunging the Muslims deeper and deeper into suffering and
loss.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 We are referring to
the dismal failure and stubborn persistence, rejoicing as they do in defeat, of the
Ikhwan al-Muslimeen.\\}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3
Let us set the record straight. They have never once won a struggle or a battle.
They handed the Shi\u8217\'92a their plan for the uprising in Syria because their
false modernist doctrines led them to believe the Shi\u8217\'92a were their
friends. Naively, they accepted the Teheran explanation that the Alawites were
not \u8216\'91proper 12-ites\u8217\'92, which was a lie. Their double-dealing
helped put the Nasserite dictatorship in place only to end up persecuted by Nasser
and their position reduced to secrecy and illegality.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\
ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 In every place they settle they propose this perfect
political state while in its absence they insinuate themselves into the state they
condemn, living in the conviction that their secret doctrine will one day prevail.
Thus for years they have lived well in Jordan and the Emirates while denouncing the
corrupt state which pays their wages.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\
cf2\chcbpat3 It has been this stubborn and essentially fantasist idea that society
is governed by political power that has left them utterly irrelevant and out-dated.
This has been the result of following an intellectually
bankrupt leadership. (\u8216\'91The Esoteric Deviation in Islam\u8217\'92 by Umar
Ibrahim Vadillo is available on Kindle: obligatory reading for Arab Muslims).}\f1\
fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The ills of the Muslim world
today are not at all a matter of our political framework. This is the disaster of
following the kafir measure of things.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\
fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Islam demands as its social prerogatives \u8211\'96 a set of
commercial parameters involving contracts, instruments of exchange, fixed markets
(souks) and trade over sea and land (caravans), alongside strict avoidance of
increase in the transaction (riba\u8217\'92).}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\
f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 This is all demanded by the Second Shahada. Yet even this
absolute and comprehensive failure to understand the Deen is not the heart of the
matter \u8211\'96 of why the Ikhwan al-Muslimeen are finished as a historical
phenomenon. A used ticket, worthless for our journey.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\
ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The disaster of the Ikhwan al-Muslimeen, the self-
styled Muslim Brotherhood, lies in their simple rejection of the natural basis of
life itself as made plain in the Noble Qur\u8217\'92an. Allah the Exalted in Surat
al-Ahzab says (33:35-36):}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3
Men and women who are Muslims,}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 men and women who are muminun,}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\
fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 men and women who are obedient,}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 men and women who are truthful,}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 men and women who are steadfast,}\f1\fs22\cf2\
par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 men and women who are humble,}\f1\
fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 men and women who give
sadaqa,}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 men and women who
fast,}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 men and women who
guard their private parts,}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 men and women who remember Allah much:}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Allah has prepared forgiveness for them and an immense
reward.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 When Allah and
His Messenger have decided something}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\
cf2\chcbpat3 it is not for any man or woman of the muminin}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 to have a choice about it.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\
pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Anyone who disobeys Allah and His
Messenger}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 is clearly
misguided.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Further, Allah
tells us in Surat al-Ahzab (33:40):}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\
cf2\chcbpat3 Muhammad is not the father of any of your men,}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 but the Messenger of Allah and the Final Seal
of the Prophets.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Allah
has knowledge of all things.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 From these blessed ayats we understand that at the core of the Islamic
presence is the shared bonding of men and women. Allah also orders Muslim women:
Surat al-Ahzab (33:33):}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3
Establish Salat and pay Zakat}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 and obey Allah and His Messenger.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\
fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 This places on women the full burden of the responsibilities of
the Deen, alongside men. Both must establish Salat and pay Zakat.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\
pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Also these ayats show us that we are not
Muslim brothers but brothers in Islam.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\
fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Rasul, Allah\u8217\'92s blessings and peace on him, said to Abu
Bakr that he would have taken him as a friend but Allah had made them brothers in
Islam.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The invention of
the, up until that date, unknown phrase Ikhwan al-Muslimeen had built into it the
utterly false implication of son-hood not brotherhood, or as if they as brothers
were prophetic sons.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Not
only this deception but, beyond that, if THEY were the brothers, members of this
secret and special ruling society, who were we, the billions?}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\
pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 There it is \u8211\'96 brothers but no
sisters!}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Half the Deen
from Aisha is not a compliment, it is her station as a high expert of Fiqh, treated
as such by \u8216\'91Umar ibn al-Khattab when Amir al-Mumineen. Aisha, who, at the
crisis of the Fitnat al-Kubra, made the correct judgment which saved the Deen, and
who was the one beside the Messenger at his end, Allah\u8217\'92s mercy and peace
on him.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 It is this
failure to appreciate the unique power and otherness of women \u8211\'96 which
transcends even motherly affection and tenderness \u8211\'96 we mean, that faculty
to see truth in the event and be the voice of truth, that leaves the \
u8220\'93Ikhwan\u8221\'94 in the wrong and in defeat.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\
ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 This disastrous and failed movement must now fold its
tents, pack up its rubbishy literature which licensed banking, and creep away into
the Empty Quarter.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 When
they do not fail as in Syria, they collaborate with the rulers as they did in
Egypt, in Tunisia and in the Emirates.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\
fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The choice in Africa now is not \u8220\'93Democracy\u8221\'94 or
the \u8220\'93Ikhwan\u8221\'94, they are already co-terminous, joined at the hip.}\
f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 For \u8220\'93democracy\
u8221\'94 read banking (usury) hegemony and slave-citizens as in Greece, Portugal
and Alabama, doomed to a spiral of poverty in a disintegrating playground. For the
alternative \u8211\'96 it is based on the burial of the false \u8220\'93Islam-ism\
u8221\'94 as named, correctly alas, by the kuffar, that is puritanism, paternalism
and politics so extreme that it can only end in its opposite, mother-worshipping
and self-flagellating Shi\u8217\'92ism.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\
fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Suicide bombing is nothing other than mechanized Shi\u8217\'92a
self-flagellation.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 With
all that historically behind us we can turn to the new dawn of our sublime
religion, in darkness for only just over one hundred years.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Allah the Exalted sublimely declares in Surat
al-Fajr (89:1-32):}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 In the
name of Allah, All-Merciful, Most Merciful}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\
fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 By the dawn}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 and ten nights,}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3
and the even and odd,}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 and
the night when it travels on,}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 is there not in that an oath for the intelligent?}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Do you not see what your Lord did with \
u8216\'91Ad \u8211\'96}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3
Iram of the Columns}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 whose
like was not created in any land \u8211\'96}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\
f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 and Thamud who carved out rocks in the valley-side,}\f1\fs22\
cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 and Pharaoh of the Stakes,}\f1\
fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 all of whom were tyrants in
their lands}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 and caused
much corruption in them?}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3
So your Lord unleashed on them a scourging punishment;}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\
ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 your Lord is always lying in wait.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\
pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 As for man, when his Lord tests him}\f1\
fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 by honouring him and
favouring him,}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 he says, \
u8216\'91My Lord has honoured me!\u8217\'92}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\
f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 But then when He tests him}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 by restricting his provision,}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 he says, \u8216\'91My Lord has humiliated me!\
u8217\'92}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 No indeed! You
do not honour orphans}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 nor
do you urge the feeding of the poor;}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\
cf2\chcbpat3 you devour inheritance with voracious appetites}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 and you have an insatiable love of wealth.}\f1\
fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 No indeed! When the earth is
crushed and ground to dust}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 and your Lord arrives with the angels rank upon rank}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\
pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 and that Day Hell is produced,}\f1\fs22\
that Day man will remember;}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 but how will the remembrance help him?}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 He will say, \u8216\'91Oh! If only I had prepared in
advance}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 for this life of
mine!\u8217\'92}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 That Day
no one will punish as He punishes}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 and no one will shackle as He shackles.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 \u8216\'91O self at rest and at peace,}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\
pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 return to your Lord,}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\
pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 well-pleasing and well-pleased!}\f1\fs22\
cf2\par\pard\plain\ql{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Enter among My slaves! Enter My
fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Ayyuha\u8217\'92l-Walad!}\f1\fs22\
cf2\par\pard\plain\ql{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Lesson Eight. The Barbarians}\f1\fs22\
cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 June 6, 2011 }\f1\fs22\cf2\par\
pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 It is time to start redefining the
political landscape to take in the acquired prejudices of the media-educated masses
and the general unawareness about where power resides, i.e. in the wealth-elite.}\
f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Let us try a first
definition in the classic logic of Latin:}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\
fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 \u8220\'93All Presidents are dictators but not all dictators are
There is a strange distinction to be made between Presidents and dictators \
u8211\'96 bearing in mind that there is an inter-space occupied by dictator-
presidents like Assad \u8211\'96 elected by a staged democratic process on the one
hand and himself a puppet dictator manipulated from behind by his clan on the
other.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The distinction is
this \u8211\'96 democratically elected leaders as dictators practise their terror
at a distance from their domain, e.g. America tortures and entombs the living by
rendition and distant slave camps \u8211\'96 Guantanamo, Cuba and Bagram Base,
Afghanistan. At home, too, they practise an inner prison system where men simply \
chcbpat3 Dictators as dictators keep their terror both in-house and primitive, e.g.
the exposed torture and execution bases in Egypt, Libya and Syria.}\f1\fs22\cf2\
par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Our Muslim kingdom is of course the
great victim today of a capitalism which knows, unlike ourselves alas, that Islam
is its unique historical enemy, the two earlier witnesses against it, judaism and
christianity, having surrendered totally to its protocols. Since the deposition of
Abdulhamid Khan II as Sultan, Khalifate has remained suspended. The little devil
Kemal could abolish the Sultanic role inside Turkey but he could not abolish the
global role of Khalif. Now, while Khilafa is a fard of the Deen according to Imam
al-Qurtubi, it is not today an issue. It is, correctly, speaking, the last matter
of our programme.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 At the
moment all our troubles stem from our submission in many places to nationalist
kafir political doctrines, and by extension belief in the supra-national
institutions which uphold them. At core, of course, what has gone wrong for us is
our failure to know \u8211\'96 to know let alone apply \u8211\'96 Islam in our
society.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 There are two
requirements needed to restore the Deen.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\
fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 On the first part of the Shahada \u8211\'96 a correct Tawhid is
essential to validate our \u8216\'91Ibada.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\
fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 On the second part of the Shahada \u8211\'96 a correct fiduciary
practice of social instruments, currency, goods, trade and contracts, all of which
constitute Shari\u8216\'91at. Shari\u8216\'91at\u8217\'92s concern with criminal
punitive legal judgments is a very small detail, while control of the market and
the obligation to prevent static capital are the vital matters of the Deen.}\f1\
fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Our failure is to recognise
vis-\u224\'e0-vis kafir society that the political class do not govern but wealth
does, coupled with our failure vis-\u224\'e0-vis our Deen to recognise that wealth
itself must be acquired and used according to fixed natural laws voided of usury
and activated by real-wealth exchanges. \u8220\'93The Deen,\u8221\'94 may Allah\
u8217\'92s blessings and peace be upon him, said, \u8220\'93\u8211\'96 is Mu\
u8216\'91amala.\u8221\'94 At the moment all human exchanges concerning the whole
matter of buying, selling and transfer are practised in blatant contradiction of
Divine and Prophetic instruction.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 The Saudi control of the Muslims \u8211\'96 its end the only positive
effect of the post-wahhabi terror \u8211\'96 based itself on a slogan, \
u8216\'91Kitab wa Sunna\u8217\'92 \u8211\'96 a phrase which sounded safe to Muslim
ears. What it meant was their license to abolish the Deen and embrace the Dollar,
agreeing to trade oil for paper with numbers on it.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 What \u8216\'91Kitab wa Sunna\u8217\'92 meant was
simple. The Book and rules of personal behaviour \u8211\'96 no Islamic social
contract.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 From this
position both Republics, the dictatorship and the democracy, are doomed and, at the
same time, destructive.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3
Let us remove, once and for all, the absurd idea that the people rule. It is not
just in Cairo and Yemen that the masses are in the streets screaming for freedom.
Have they not seen the masses streaming into the public squares in London, in
Lisbon, in Madrid and in Athens? They all know the political class are powerless.
They still do not know that the wealth-elite govern, by any means, to keep their
wealth and get their hands on more.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\
cf2\chcbpat3 The Republic was a failed experiment that ended around two thousand
years ago when, to the Romans\u8217\'92 massive relief, Augustus Caesar took the
throne. This was the seal on the underlying reality \u8211\'96 oligarchy rules,
monarchy holds it in place.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 That is why Revolution, the modern fantasy, has not happened. Napoleon
said, \u8220\'93There is no revolution without the wealth changing hands.\u8221\'94
This has not happened.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3
The only possibility of a transfer of power, i.e. of wealth, lies in a
transformation from usury-based interest contracts, paper and electronic numbers
currency and stock-exchange adventures in the non-spatial to a real-wealth, Shari\
u8216\'91at-based contract system under a different kind of wealth leadership.}\f1\
fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 When the Rasul, Allah\
u8217\'92s blessings and peace be upon him, asked for contributions towards a vital
Ghazwat, Abu Bakr gave all the wealth he possessed. \u8216\'91Umar ibn al-Khattab
gave half of what he had. The Rasul said to them, \u8220\'93Between you is what is
between the two gifts.\u8221\'94}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 This is the opposite of withheld and blocked capital gathering interest.
It is based on good character leading to money flow.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\
ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Thus the move from quantitative stasis to qualitative
money flow.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 In Islam the
state is the regulated money-flow \u8211\'96 the Dawla.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 In Kufr the state is the blocked and invested
wealth held by an elite in a gated-community, sustained by the police-controlled
and penitentiary-based masses.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 The current condition of the patient is \u8211\'96 in intensive care \
u8211\'96 grave but with signs of recovery.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\
f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Syria \u8211\'96 the diagnosis is a matter of survival or
annihilation. The Shi\u8216\'91a regime is barbaric, its leadership is barbaric and
its ruthless sub-human treatment of the Muslim slave population is performed with
the tacit approval of Israel and the U.S.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\
fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Iran\u8217\'92s Shi\u8216\'91a regime has moved to rescue Assad\
u8217\'92s Shi\u8216\'91a regime in two moves.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 One. Iran sent advisers to teach Assad\u8217\'92s
security services how to kill and intimidate the Muslim masses. There followed the
roof-top snipers and the exemplary killing and torture of children, mutilated on
their instruction.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Two.
They called on the Shi\u8216\'91a-Hamas regime to make an anti-Israeli display on
the Golan Heights to further the official doctrine that Assad is the only protector
against terror. It has long been known that Israel and Syria under Assad have a
fiduciary protocol in exchange for Golan water.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Syria \u8211\'96 Egypt \u8211\'96 Tunisia \u8211\'96
Yemen \u8211\'96 Algeria. Truly it is the age of
the barbarian. W.H. Auden, England\u8217\'92s greatest 20th century poet, wrote:}\
f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 \u8220\'93But the new
barbarian is no uncouth}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3
Desert-dweller; he does not emerge}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\
cf2\chcbpat3 From fir forests; factories bred him;}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Corporate companies, college towns}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\
pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Mothered his mind, and many journals}\f1\
fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Backed his beliefs. He was
born here. The}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Bravura of
revolvers in vogue now}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3
And the cult of death are quite at home}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\
fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Inside the city.\u8221\'94}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\
f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Wherever we look among our people we see the ghastly result of
trying to evade the Deen and embrace the mushrik culture.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Bangladesh \u8211\'96 a murdering matriarchy
holding the nation to ransom. Behind the scenes the real wealth, answerable to
nobody, thrives among the impoverished slave population. Where is Mr. Ahmad Akbar
Sobhan? Where is Tareq Rahman? They will, of course, expect to be buried as
Muslims.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 It is the same
story throughout the Arab world \u8211\'96 dictatorships and behind them, working
away, born of a Muslim family, bearing a Muslim name, yet utterly oblivious to the
fact that their lives, their \u8216\'91Amal is both the true cause of the tyranny
over the Muslim masses and also the cause of the despairing terrorists.}\f1\fs22\
cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Where is Prince Alwaleed bin Talal
Al Saud (19.6 billion) Riyadh, Mohammed al-Amoudi (12.3 billion) Jeddah, Nasser al-
Kharafi (10.4 billion) Kuwait, Nassef Sawiris (5.6 billion) Cairo, Mohamed al-Jaber
(7 billion) Jeddah, Sulaiman al-Rajhi (7.7 billion) Riyadh? All in Dollars of
course. Kitab wa Sunna!}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3
No wonder the Zakat Collectors were banished. That is what lay behind the denial by
the wahhabis of Khilafa.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The
time has come to peel back the thick skin of the politicians and face the world\
u8217\'92s governance openly. Capitalism does not destroy the planet and its
people. People who live on increase in the transaction, forbidden trade deals,
futures gambling \u8211\'96 in modern language, capitalists \u8211\'96 in Islamic
language referring to Muslim capitalists \u8211\'96 munafiqun \u8211\'96 they do.
It is unacceptable.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql{\
f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Lesson Nine. Here is the Deen}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 June 22, 2011 }\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\
fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 There is war in Libya and in Afghanistan. Muslims there are being
daily slaughtered on an authority from the political class, men who wage war by
proxy and at a safe distance. Look at the two faces of the Defence Ministers of the
U.S. and Britain \u8211\'96 look carefully at their mouths. These are cowards,
cowards sending the best of their people to die. The first of these wars is to claw
back Libyan oil into the U.S. system and the second, already failed, is America\
u8217\'92s last Asian territorial gamble.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\
fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The uprising, after forty years of submission to dictatorship in
the Arab world, is presented as a \u8216\'91Revolution\u8217\'92 on world media,
but power has not changed hands and wealth has not changed hands. It takes only a
degree of calm to recognise that what has been happening in Egypt, Tunisia and
Yemen is precisely that same uprising of the masses in Greece, Portugal, Ireland,
Spain and Britain. Penniless mobs informed that they are in debt by billions.}\f1\
fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 No\u8208\'2done, not one
kafir intellectual has grasped that the mechanism of their disaster is not a
breakdown of a system, but the logical and mathematically inevitable completion of
its programme. It is a process of expropriation, seizing lands, commodities and
peoples. The expropriators are an oligarchic class comprising bankers, media and
corporation chiefs, its servants are the under\u8208\'2dclass of politicians.}\f1\
fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 What is being played out now,
with massive power\u8208\'2dshifts inside the system \u8211\'96 emergent power
groupings in China, Brazil and India, each with billions of enslaved \
u8216\'91citizens\u8217\'92 \u8211\'96 is not an evolutionary process of growth. It
is, rather, a Darwinian descent into barbarism which already indicates the
beginning of the end of the species. It is not because of the cruelty of the
oligarchic wars, Tacitus found this in the Rome of the Empire. It is because of the
breakdown of human relations, of family, of transmission, of evaluation. It is in
the reinvention of manhood and womanhood. It is in the smashing of the infantile
bonding between mother and child. It is in the indifference to the animal kingdom
and any sense of man as its guardian. The Chinese are eating the cats and dogs and
imprisoning the great bears to extract their bile. The Congolese are eating the
great gorillas, last witnesses to the compassionate bonding between parents and
offspring. It is in the Japanese corporation wiping out the blue fin tuna and
stocking them in order to corner the market for the elite.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 It is an end. It could be the end of the
species and it has now been demonstrated that the very earth environment stands in
peril.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Heidegger declared
that after the debacle of the Twentieth Century the time had come for a new nomos
on the earth.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The time
for the renewal of the Deen of Islam has come.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Forget the massive ignorance of Islam in media and
academia. Forget the brilliant projection of Islam as terrorism, the enemy of
mankind.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Forget the model
of \u8216\'91good Muslims\u8217\'92 \u8211\'96 isolated individuals who believe in
God and are no bother to anyone \u8211\'96 least of all to the financial markets,
except to profit on halal food sales.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\
cf2\chcbpat3 Any book published after 1945 and the meeting of Roosevelt and Ibn
Saud at which the protocol to abolish a collected Zakat and accept payment for oil
in dollars was fixed \u8211\'96 must be rejected.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 It is not just the media and the Western political
ministers who do not know what Islam is \u8211\'96 it, alas, is the vast majority
of our falsely educated \u8216\'91ulema, taught where the \u8216\'91Amr was
kafir.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Finish with the
already out\u8208\'2ddated modernists \u8211\'96 the fate of the modern \u8211\'96
and let us re\u8208\'2ddiscover the Deen in its glory.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\
ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Finish Maududi, finish the Qutbis, finish the
Wahhabis and Ikhwanism. Finish with the fantasy that the Shi\u8216\'91a are an
Islamic sect.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The two
obstructing doctrines over the last decades have been both extremist.}\f1\fs22\cf2\
par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 On the privatised heresy is the
Princeton scripted doctrine of anti\u8208\'2d Khalifal Wahhabism \u8211\'96 \
u8216\'91Kitab wa Sunna\u8217\'92 \u8211\'96 that is \u8216\'91nice Islam\u8217\'92
founded on submission to capitalist monetarism.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 On the political heresy is the dismal child of Egyptian
modernism \u8211\'96 redefining Islam as a socialist democracy. One fevered
Egyptian even wrote a biography of our Prophet, Allah\u8217\'92s blessings and
peace on him, subtitling it \u8216\'91Statesman and Prophet\u8217\'92! Its slogan
was \u8216\'91The Shari\u8216\'91at\u8217\'92 \u8211\'96 by that they meant Islam
was a doctrine of political governance \u8211\'96 the ideal version of the Western
model. From them was born the insulting term \u8211\'96 Islamist \u8211\'96 thus
reducing a religion to a politique \u8211\'96 communist, capitalist, Islamist.}\f1\
fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 To begin, therefore, to have
Fatihah of knowledge, let us restore what our centuries of great scholars from the
Himalayas to the Atlas to the Granada Sierra have always known to be the matter of
the Deen. Like our Double Shahadah it has two parts.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\
ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 \u8216\'91Ibada and}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Fiqh.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 Let me precede this unveiling with a direct proof from my own
experience.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 In the early
sixties of the Twentieth Century, following the command of my noble Shaykh,
Muhammad ibn al\u8208\'2dHabib, I had the scholars among my Fuqara, the now eminent
Shaykh Abdalhaqq Bewley and his wife Hajja Aisha Bewley, translate Imam Malik\
u8217\'92s \u8216\'91Al\u8208\'2dMuwatta\u8217\'92. Determined that the translation
be accepted I asked the Director of the London Islamic Centre, Dr. Badawi, to give
us an \u8216\'91Ijaza. He assigned
the task to two Sudanese \u8216\'91ulema as they had both perfect English and
Arabic. The \u8216\'91Ijaza seemed to be taking ages so I went to see Dr. Badawi
and asked him what held us up. He explained that the Sudanese scholars were having
difficulty with the terminology of the main text. When I expressed astonishment at
this he explained: \u8220\'93You see, the main body of the second part of the text
concerns commercial and business transactions and these ordinances have not been
used for a hundred years!\u8221\'94}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\
cf2\chcbpat3 That was the first indication that the Deen itself had been obscured
by political malpractice. It explained the dominance of Mustafa Kemal and Ibn Saud,
both, who had crossed over to the other side, making the forbidden permitted.}\f1\
fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 It took me half a century to
see it all clearly, so cleverly had we been duped. Still I moved in a world where
rich Muslims seemed not to have the slightest qualm about banks, interest, kafir
corporate law and worthless tokens of debt\u8208\'2dreceipt called currency. The
world \u8216\'91price\u8217\'92 of gold was translated into numbers on a daily
basis by a money\u8208\'2dlender in London.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\
f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 As the enormity of the crime and greed of the post\
u8208\'2dWahhabi governors of the Muslim world collapsed in its last phase, the
Muslim youth, driven to desperation, swung from the one extreme to the other. They
called for Shari\u8216\'91at, and that meant strict puritanical obsession with
covering women in black bags and imposing a powerful political leadership. With the
dialectic that the Muslims were corrupt, meaning Saudi\u8208\'2dbased Americanism,
they veered to the Shi\u8216\'91a anti\u8208\'2dIslamic view that all the \
u8216\'91Muslim regimes\u8217\'92 were kafir. Soon the Isma\u8216\'91ili doctrines
of suicide revenge became the modern translation of Jihad fisabilillah. From Rabat
to Jakarta the cry went up for \u8216\'91Shari\u8216\'91at\u8217\'92. The licensed
killing of innocent Muslims living \u8216\'91inside\u8217\'92 capitalism was
instituted. Ironically, the leader of the rebellion, the old man hiding in the
Himalayas, got all his money from his father\u8217\'92s oil\u8208\'2ddollars!}\f1\
fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The Deen, as it is declared
in a renowned Hadith, is MU\u8216\'91AMALAT. In other words Islam while making
supreme governance Khilafa, as categorically insisted on by Imam al\
u8208\'2dQurtubi, leaves the issue of local governance an open matter. What is non\
u8208\'2dnegotiable is the Deen itself. And the Deen is Mu\u8216\'91amalat.}\f1\
fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Islam is transactional.}\f1\
fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 All \u8216\'91Ibada, the
first half of the Deen, is expressed in fiduciary metaphor, debt, profit, gain,
loss \u8211\'96 all these indicate the spiritual transaction.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\
pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 All Fiqh regulates every single fiduciary
event as a spiritual metaphor.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 It is in its totality a socio\u8208\'2dfinancial system devoid of usury,
abhorring stored wealth, inviting expenditure, and looking on debt as dreadful. He
said, Allah bless him and grant him peace: \u8220\'93A debt is the shame of the
Deen.\u8221\'94}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Someone
remarked: \u8220\'93How often you seek refuge from debt.\u8221\'94 He said, \
u8220\'93When a man is in debt, he will speak and lie, promise and break his
promise.\u8221\'94}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The
present kafir system of banking capitalism has plunged the whole world\u8217\'92s
population into debt. As of writing, the only country free of debt today is
Libya!}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Let me show you
what Islam is. Here are the chapter headings from the Mudawwinah al\u8208\'2dKubra,
which is the assembly of laws by the students of Imam Malik, Imam Dar al\
u8208\'2dHijrah.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The
first seven chapters are everything to do with \u8216\'91Ibada: wudu, salat,
fasting and jihad. And all the rest is about fiduciary contracts. Up until the
thirtieth chapter it is about personal law and inheritance.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Then let me read to you what is the main
content of the Islamic concern:}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 Chapter 31: Money changing}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\
cf2\chcbpat3 Chapter 32: Inheritance}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\
cf2\chcbpat3 Chapter 33: Advanced payment}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\
fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Chapter 34: Sales with different time periods}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\
pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Chapter 35: Corrupt sales}\f1\fs22\cf2\
par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Chapter 36: Profit sharing}\f1\fs22\
cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Chapter 37: Deceptive
transactions}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Chapter 38:
Fruit\u8208\'2dbearing trees assigned by their owner to another person}\f1\fs22\
cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Chapter 39: Trading in the land of
the enemy}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Chapter 40:
Concealing defects in goods}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 Chapter 41: Settlement of transactions}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Chapter 42: Making manufacturers accountable}\f1\fs22\
cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Chapter 43: Wages and hire}\f1\
fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Chapter 44: Renting riding
beasts}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Chapter 45:
Renting houses and land}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3
Chapter 46: Share\u8208\'2dcropping}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\
cf2\chcbpat3 Chapter 47: Partnership}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\
cf2\chcbpat3 Chapter 48: Qirad}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 Chapter 49: Judgements}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 Chapter 50: Claims}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 Chapter 51: The indebted person}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\
fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Chapter 52: Bankruptcy}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\
fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Chapter 53: The one authorised to trade}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Chapter 54: Standing surety and taking
responsibility that another\u8217\'92s obligations will be discharged}\f1\fs22\cf2\
par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Chapter 55: Transfer of debts}\f1\
fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Chapter 56: Pawning}\f1\fs22\
cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Chapter 57: Property taken
wrongfully}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Chapter 58:
Laying claim by rights}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3
Chapter 59: Pre\u8208\'2demption}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 Chapter 60: Division of inheritance}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\
f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Chapter 61: Dedicating a property inalienably as a waqf}\f1\
fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Chapter 62: Sadaqah}\f1\fs22\
cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Chapter 63: Trusts and deposits}\
f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Chapter 64: Lending}\f1\
fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Chapter 65: Theft}\f1\fs22\
cf2\par\pard\plain\ql{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 It finishes with those who wage war
against Muslims, capital crimes and fines for blood shed. That is the Deen of
Islam. Its time has come round again.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\f1\fs22\cf2\
par\pard\plain\ql\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Ayyuha\
u8217\'92l-Walad!}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Lesson Ten.
A Collected Zakat}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 August
27, 2011 }\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Allah the
Exalted says (2:208):}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 You
who believe! enter Islam totally.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 Do not follow in the footsteps of Shaytan.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 He is an outright enemy to you.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Tawus and Mujahid said that it means, \
u8220\'93Enter under the authority of the Deen.\u8221\'94}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The entry of a new generation of Muslims
obeying this ayat will mean a revival of Islam and the end of \u8220\'93Islamism\
u8221\'94, that is the Deen reduced to a political doctrine like communism or
liberalism.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The Deen is
transactional \u8211\'96 Mu\u8217\'92amala.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\
f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Islam has always been understood, until the modernist
politicised sects, as being set up on rulings concerning Salat, Fasting, Zakat,
Hajj and all the specific and general rulings on trade and contracts with specific
indications to assure avoidance of usury. In this last Imam Malik used a method
specially to assure application of the Shari\u8217\'92at in this matter which he
defined as Sadd adh-Dhara-i\u8217\'92, that is \u8220\'93cutting off the means to
wrong\u8221\'94.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 \
u8216\'91Umar ibn al-Khattab
said: \u8220\'93No one should trade in our market except someone with Fiqh.
Otherwise usury will be practised.\u8221\'94 The Messenger, may Allah bless him and
grant him peace, said, \u8220\'93A time will come upon people when there will not
be anyone left who does not consume usury, and even one who does not consume it
will be touched by its dust.\u8221\'94}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\
fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Allah the Exalted says (2:275):}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Those who practise usury will not rise from the grave}\
f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 except as someone driven
mad by Shaytan\u8217\'92s touch.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\
chcbpat3 Our great mufassir, Ibn \u8216\'91Atiyya, said on this: \u8220\'93The
words of the ayat contain a simile for the state of someone who engages in trade in
this world with avarice and greed, comparing him to a madman because greed and
desire affect him to the extent that his limbs become disordered. This is like when
you say, \u8216\'91He\u8217\'92s mad!\u8217\'92 about someone walking quickly whose
movements are agitated, either by anxiety or something else.\u8221\'94}\f1\fs22\
cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 This confirms my position that
capitalism is not in fact a system but a psychosis.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\
sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Political democracy which pretends to permit elected
representatives to make laws on your behalf has altered its writ of governance in
order to take on debt on your behalf which now you are liable for \u8211\'96 to the
usurious institutions. That contract itself is criminal for us. Doubly so. Since
the debt incurred on you as citizen is then sold on to other national banking
entities.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Allah the
Exalted says (5:1):}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3
Fulfil your contracts.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3
Mass or group, indeed national endebtment is simply inconceivable within the deep
sanity of Islamic Law.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Do
not be misled by people who imply that our opposition to usury/capitalism implies
some disdain of or recommendation to avoid wealth. What is at issue is practice by
which wealth is acquired.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3
Rasul, Allah\u8217\'92s blessings and peace on him, said: \u8220\'93Nothing helped
me like the property of Abu Bakr.\u8221\'94}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\
f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 And he told Sa\u8217\'92d: \u8220\'93It is better to leave
rich heirs than to leave them poor, begging from other people.\u8221\'94}\f1\fs22\
cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Talha left three hundred thousand
measures and every measure weighed three hundred-weight.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Az-Zubayr left two hundred and fifty
thousand.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Ibn Mas\
u8217\'92ud left seventy thousand. Sufyan left two hundred Dinars. He used to
say, \u8220\'93Wealth in this time is an armour.\u8221\'94}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\
plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The civic responsibility of Muslims today is to
make Jama\u8217\'92at and appoint an Amir. The Fuqaha are advisers and not
necessarily leaders. He in turn must appoint the Zakat Collectors. It must be
understood that there is no Zakat on paper money and this has no debate since the
matter was definitively clarified by our Mauritanian scholars.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\
pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 There is one further matter which will
have to be confronted especially by our poor lost Arab brothers plunged in the
crisis of the paper-money capitalism which they have mistaken for a political
matter of dictatorship when it is clearly a fiduciary collapse \u8211\'96 why else
did they wait forty or so years to cry \u8220\'93freedom\u8221\'94?}\f1\fs22\cf2\
par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 There is Zakat on oil. It clearly
comes under the heading of Zakat on mines and minerals, rather than that of
treasure. If it is defined under the rulings concerning treasure the Khums is
payable, but since oil is effectively mined, using labour, the normal Zakat on the
extracted mineral will be the same amount as taken on gold and silver mines.}\f1\
fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 The only path to a return to
Islam for the Arab peoples is to restore the Zakat on oil. The only path to a
return to Islam for our Muslim \u8216\'91Umma is to restore a collected Zakat
overseen by an Amir at the level of the local Jama\u8217\'92at.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\
pard\plain\ql\sb50{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 Remember the fast purifies the body. Zakat
purifies wealth and property. Without Zakat \u8211\'96 Tasawwuf simply cannot
exist.}\f1\fs22\cf2\par\pard\plain\ql{\f1\fs22\cf2\chcbpat3 We ask Allah\u8217\'92s
tremendous Bounty and Sakinah, and Fatihah on all the followers of the Best of
Mankind, Allah bless him and grant him peace.}\f3\fs32\par}

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