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Quasi-Normal modes in Black holes

SLP Presentation-1

Alapati Tharaka Rama Chowdary

Department of Physics
IIT Bombay

December 5, 2022

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Schwarzschild Solution

A static solution of Einstein’s equation in vacuum with spherical symmetry that asymptotically
equals Minkowski.
ds 2 = gµν dx µ dx ν

• Spherical symmetry: gµν = gµν (t, r ), giθ = gjϕ = 0(i, j ∈ t, r ), gθθ = ,g =0
sin2 θ θϕ

ds 2 = gtt (dt)2 + 2grt dtdr + grr (dr )2 + gθθ (dθ2 + sin2 θdϕ2 )

• Transformation, t ′ = t + f (r ), choose f(r) such the coeffecient grt ′ = 0.

ds 2 = e 2ν dt 2 − e 2µ2 dr 2 − r 2 (dθ2 + sin2 θdϕ2 )

• The solution is in vacuum. Gµν = Tµν = 0 = Rµν

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Schwarzschild Solution
• Setting Rtr = 0 leads to,
∂t ln|grr | = 0, grr = grr (r )
• Setting Rθθ = 0 leads to,
grr 2
∂r ln = (1 − grr ) ⇒ gtt = ±e A(t) e B(r )
gtt r
• Tranforming t such that dt ′ = e 2 dt makes gtt independent of t.
• Setting Rrr = 0, Rtt = 0 leads to,
−1 2M
gtt = = 1−
grr r

dr 2
2 2M
ds = 1 − dt 2 −  − r 2 dΩ2
r 1 − 2M r
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Perturbations of Schwarzschild Solution

• Schwarzschild solution is stationary and spherically symmetric.

• Can restrict ourselves to studying axisymmetric modes of perturbation.
• Non-axisymmetric perturbations can be written as components of axisymmetric
perturbations with an e imϕ dependence.
• The perturbed state of a Schwarzschild blackhole needn’t be stationary and spherically

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Perturbations of Schwarzschild Solution

ds 2 = e 2ν dt 2 − e 2ψ (dϕ − q2 dx 2 − q3 dx 3 − ωdt)2 − e 2µ2 (dx 2 )2 − e 2µ3 (dx 3 )2

where µ2 , µ3 , ν, ψ, ω, q2 , q3 are functions (t, x 2 , x 3 ). Schwarzschild is a special case of this
2M ∆
e 2ν = e −2µ2 = 1 − = 2
r r
e µ3 = r , e ψ = r sin θ
ω = q2 = q3 = 0
x2 = r, x3 = θ

• Axial Perturbation: ω = dω, q2 = dq2 , q3 = dq3

• Polar Perturbation: ν = ν + δν, µ3 = µ3 + δµ3 , µ2 = µ2 + δµ2 , ψ = ψ + δψ
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Axial Perturbations

• One can find the Ricci tensors for the general space time.

Rµν = Gµν = 0 = δRµν = δGµν

• Axial perturbations correspond to δR12 = δR13 = 0.

(e 3ψ+ν−µ2 −µ3 Q23 ),3 = −e 3ψ−ν+µ3 −µ2 Q02,0

(e 3ψ+ν−µ2 −µ3 Q23 ),2 = e 3ψ−ν+µ2 −µ3 Q03,0

Where Q32 = q3,2 − q2,3 , Q0i = ω,i − qi, 0 and i = 1, 2. ∂x β
= γα,β

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Axial Perturbations
• Let Q(t, r , θ) = ∆Q23 sin3 θ and substituting unperturbed values of ν, µ2 , µ3 , ψ
∂Q 1
= −(ω,2 − q2,0 ),0
r 4 sin3 θ
∆ ∂Q
= +(ω,3 − q3,0 ),0
r 4 sin3 θ ∂r
• We assume the time dependence of perturbation to be e iσt ,
= −iσω,2 − σ 2 q2
r 4 sin3 θ
∆ ∂Q
4 3
= +iσω,3 + σ 2 q3
r sin θ ∂r
• Eliminating ω,
4∂ ∆ ∂Q 3 ∂ 1 ∂Q
r + sin θ + σ2 Q=0
∂r r 4 ∂r ∂θ sin3 θ ∂θ ∆
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Axial Perturbations
• Using separation of variables. Q(r , θ) = R(r )Θ(θ)
4 sin3 θ ∂
1 4 ∂ ∆ ∂R(r ) 2r 1 ∂Θ(θ)
r +σ =− = µ2
R(r ) ∂r r 4 ∂r ∆ Θ(θ) ∂θ sin3 θ ∂θ
• The solutions of the angular part Θ(θ) are called Gegenbauer functions.
• The radial differential equation can be further simplified using the tortoise co-ordinate
and defining a new function,
r∗ = r + 2M log − 1 , Q(r ) = rZ (−)
+ σ 2 Z (−) = V (−) Z (−)

where, V (−) = r5
[(µ2 + 2)r − 6M]. This equation is often called Regge-Wheeler equation.
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Axial Perturbations

• One can look for a solution of form,

R r∗
Z (−) = e (i 0 ϕdr∗ )

where ϕ → −σ as r∗ → ∞ and ϕ → σ as r∗ → −∞
• This solution along with the Regge-Wheeler equation gives,

dϕ(r∗ )
i − ϕ2 (r∗ ) + σ 2 = V (−)

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WKB approximation

• The transmitted and reflected amplitudes are e −γ and 1 − e −2γ times the amplitude of
the incoming wave. where γ is given by,
Z r2 p
γ= dr∗ V (r∗ ) − E

• The transmitted and reflected amplitudes are of comparable order only if γ is small.
r1 ≈ r2
d 2Q
+ p(r∗ )Q = 0
where p(r∗ ) = σ 2 − V (r∗ ).
• Approximating p(r∗ ) = p(r0 ) + 21 p0 ”(r∗ − r0 )2 and using the following variable changes,

1 1 iπ 1 p(r0 )
k = p0 ”, t = (4k) 4 e 4 (r∗ − r0 ), ρ + = −i 1
2 2 (2p0 ”) 2
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WKB approximation
d 2Q 1 t2
+ ρ+ − =0
dt 2 2 4
The solutions of this equation will asymptotically be in the following form,
• Forr∗ >> r2 ,
1 1
k 2 (r∗ −r0 )2 k 2 (r∗ −r0 )2
Q = C (r∗ − r0 )ρ e −i 2 + D(r∗ − r0 )−(ρ+1) e i 2

• Forr∗ << r1 ,
1 1
k 2 (r∗ −r0 )2 k 2 (r∗ −r0 )2
ρ −i −(ρ+1) i
Q = E (r∗ − r0 ) e 2 + F (r∗ − r0 ) e 2

• Applying the condition that waves are purely in going at event horizon and outgoing at
infinity leads to D = F = 0. This further imposes a condition that ρ is a non-negative
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WKB approximation

p(r0 ) 1
1 = i n+ ; n ∈ Z+
(2p0 ”) 2 2

• Numerical simulations say that the formula works great for n = 0.

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