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Morning Speech Rubrics

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Language Excellent use of Use of language Good use of Inappropriate use of
language. is satisfactory. language language
The speech was very The speech was The speech was The speech was not at
well prepared and well prepared partially all practiced and read
Preparedness delivered without too and delivered prepared and the speech.
much depending on partially delivered with
notes. depending on too much
notes. depending on
Spoke with Use of volume Good use of Inappropriate use of
Audibility appropriate volume, and voice volume and volume and voice
voice modulation modulation was voice modulation.
satisfactory. modulation.
Confidence Excellent posture, Maintained good Little eye contact No eye contact and poor
( eye contact/body kept eye with the posture and eye and posture posture.
posture) audience contact most of needs
the time. improvement.

Morning Speech Rubrics

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Language Excellent use of Use of language is Good use of Inappropriate use of
language. satisfactory. language language
The speech was very The speech was The speech was The speech was not
well prepared and well prepared and partially prepared at all practiced and
Preparedness delivered without too delivered partially and delivered with read the speech.
much depending on depending on notes. too much
notes. depending on notes.

Spoke with appropriate Use of volume and Good use of Inappropriate use of
Audibility volume, voice voice modulation volume and voice volume and voice
modulation was satisfactory. modulation. modulation.

Confidence Excellent posture, kept Maintained good Little eye contact No eye contact and
( eye eye with the audience posture and eye and posture needs poor posture.
contact/body contact most of the improvement.
posture) time.
Sample Narrative Essays
Learning something new can be a scary experience. One of the hardest things I've ever had to
do was learn how to swim. I was always afraid of the water, but I decided that swimming was an
important skill that I should learn. I also thought it would be good exercise and help me to
become physically stronger. What I didn't realize was that learning to swim would also make me
a more confident person.
New situations always make me a bit nervous, and my first swimming lesson was no
exception. After I changed into my bathing suit in the locker room, I stood timidly by the side of
the pool waiting for the teacher and other students to show up. After a couple of minutes the
teacher came over. She smiled and introduced herself, and two more students joined us.
Although they were both older than me, they didn't seem to be embarrassed about not knowing
how to swim. I began to feel more at ease.
We got into the pool, and the teacher had us put on brightly colored water wings to help us stay
afloat. One of the other students, May, had already taken the beginning class once before, so she
took a kickboard and went splashing off by herself. The other student, Jerry, and I were told to
hold on to the side of the pool and shown how to kick for the breaststroke. One by one, the
teacher had us hold on to a kickboard while she pulled it through the water and we kicked. Pretty
soon Jerry was off doing this by himself, traveling at a fast clip across the short end of the pool.
Things were not quite that easy for me, but the teacher was very patient. After a few more
weeks, when I seemed to have caught on with my legs, she taught me the arm strokes. Now I had
two things to concentrate on, my arms and my legs. I felt hopelessly uncoordinated. Sooner than
I imagined, however, things began to feel "right" and I was able to swim! It was a wonderful free
feeling - like flying, maybe - to be able to shoot across the water.
Learning to swim was not easy for me, but in the end my persistence paid off. Not only did I
learn how to swim and to conquer my fear of the water, but I also learned something about
learning. Now when I am faced with a new situation I am not so nervous. I may feel
uncomfortable to begin with, but I know that as I practice being in that situation and as my skills
get better, I will feel more and more comfortable. It is a wonderful, free feeling when you
achieve a goal you have set for yourself.
– The most frightening experience I ever had.
– How I learned swimming (cooking, playing guitar, etc.)
– It was the moment I changed my life philosophy.
– The most embarrassing moment of my life.
– Why I’ll never support vegans again.

School years:
– My favorite subject in school was… You’ll never guess.
– Why my English teacher could be your best friend.
– How my best friend from school influenced my life.
– The day when my parents said no to my homework.
– I participated in primary school events, and I regret it.

– My most memorable birthday party.
– Why I’ll never say thank you to my father.
– How I stole a cat that meowed on my dog.
– The only game I miss from childhood.
– The day when I cried for the first and last time in my life.

– This friendship breakup cost me a year of life.
– My worst quarrel with parents.
– The friend zone none of you would handle.
– About Cathy, a person I fear losing the most.
– This joke cost me the best friend.

– It was the hardest decision for me.
– They’ll never call me a coward again.
– That’s why it’s okay to lie sometimes.
– How to treat strangers well if they don’t do the same.
– Are you ready for rebel acts for the sake of goodness?
– The song/movie that touched me the most.
– The book character I associate myself with.
– The famous person from the past I’d like to meet.
– If I were a politician, I’d be…
– The superpower I’d like to have, and why.

– The place in the world everyone needs to visit.
– It was my worst trip ever.
– How travels to the countryside can change your world view.
– The best place for a family vacation.
– Top things to take with you to the mountains.

Student life:
– The most exhausting exam I had in school.
– The moment I’ve understood: college life put me in depression.
– This person influenced my social life in school.
– Why I decided not to enter university.

Imagine if:
– You had a time machine.
– You were a book character.
– You were born in a different country.
– You’ve become a superhero.
– You’ve wakened up being an animal.
Narrative Thesis Statement Examples
Strong Examples:
-My trip to Europe exposed me to different cultures, languages, idioms, customs and
ways of life that it forever altered my perspective on the meaning of life.
-My path to college was riddled with obstacles and rather than dodging them when the
opportunity presented itself, I sought to destroy them.
-Unconditional love may not be able to move mountains, but it can definitely help one
realize one’s own potential
Weak Examples:
My trip to Europe was awesome.
I overcame obstacles through hard work.
I think family is the most important thing in life.
Essay Thesis Statement Examples
Narrative Essay

The narrative essay is usually based on personal experience. In this case, the thesis
claim example for the narrative essay will explain how such experience accomplished a
specific goal. Also, the whole work will be a story on how individuals moved from one
point of life to another and how it changed them or how some other events were a
definite event in someone’s life. However, the main sentence will connect the start and
end points. Sample:

Therefore, I realized that various challenges on my life path could make me only
stronger in regards to the fact that we are all becoming stronger with each day we live,
but such knowledge becomes inevitable after you face tons of paid in the process of
perception of it.

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