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Leading From the Heart

Growing Tomorrow’s Leaders

Leadership Development Programme

Created and presented by Antonia Behan BSc MSc MBPsS MICF PCC
Great Leadership is Heart-Centred
When a leader truly cares about people and the planet, important core values are
prioritised, time is made to listen, be present, accept and support other people,
diversity and inclusion themes are actively attended to, sustainability and
regeneration is practiced, and there is a conscious strive towards co-creating a
working and living culture of peace, freedom, happiness and harmony.
Live with Purpose
This course has been designed to empower leaders in
facilitating the co-creation of a new harmony in the
workplace and beyond.
Grow Self-Esteem

To be a person who authentically models heart-centred values, you have to love,

like and believe in yourself. This course helps you understand what it really means
to grow this personal power.
Integrate Vision and Values
You will be challenged to think creatively about your greatest possibility and
potential, how you can contribute to your community and your world, and
how you will actively live your truth.
Become a Strategic Thinker
You will be supported in devising a strategy towards attaining your heart-centred career
and life vision as the leader you want to become. Throughout the course, personal
strengths and growth areas will be identified and built upon, with action steps initiated to
facilitate your growing success.
Cultivate Mental Strength
This course includes a strong focus on mental health, psychological well-being and living with care,
compassion and kindness towards self and others.

• You will gain understanding about common mental health matters

• You will learn what a winning mindset looks like, and how to transform negative or hindering
patterns of thinking and behaviour into a way of being that supports happiness and success.

• You will learn how to manage fear and anxiety

• You will acquire a set of emotional regulation techniques

• You will experience how to become a more empathic listener

Be Inclusive
Learn what an organisation that practices
diversity and inclusion look like, and explore
how you might go about creating an inclusive
way of living and being.
Regeneration and Sustainability
Consider how sustainability and regeneration relate to different
organisations, professions and pathways, and how you may want
to make an impact.
Learn what is
required to
sustain the path
to heart-centred
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I look forward to connecting with you

Antonia Behan - Coaching Psychologist


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