Qasidah Abu Madyan Al-Ghawth

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‫قسيدة آداب الطريق‬

‫لسيدي وسندي أبي مدين الغوث قدس الله سره‬

Qaswida ya Adabu ya Twariqa - Abu Madyan


‫حبَ ُة الفُ َقراء‬

ْ ‫يش إل ّا ُص‬ِ ‫الع‬
َ ‫ما ل ّذة‬
‫السادا ُة واُأل َمراء‬ ِ ‫الس‬
َّ ‫الطينُن َو‬ َّ ‫ُه ُم‬

The pleasure of life is only in the company of the fuqarā ’ – they are the sultans,
the masters, and the princes.

‫مجالس ِهم‬ ‫ب في‬ ْ ‫أد‬
ّ َ‫به ُم وت‬
ُ ‫ح‬ َ ‫َاص‬
َ ‫ف‬
‫وخ ّ ِل َح ّ َظ َك َم ْهما ق َّد ُمو َك َورا‬

Therefore, keep their company and have adab in their assemblies.

Leave your portion behind you whenever they send you forward.

(Vua heshma yako wakati watakapo kutanguliza mbele)

‫واستغنم الوقت واحضر دائما ً معهم‬

‫يحتص من حضرا‬ ّ ‫بان الرضى‬
ّ ‫واعلم‬

Seize the moment and always be present with them. Know that ridā is bestowed on
those who are present.

‫ئلت َف ُقل‬ َ ‫مت إلَّا إن ُس‬ َ ‫الص‬ُّ ‫َول َِاز ِم‬

‫هل ُم ْستَ ِتراا‬
ِ ‫بالج‬
َ ‫ُن‬ ‫ك‬ ‫ف‬
َ ‫ي‬‫د‬ِ ْ ‫ِعن‬ ‫ل َا ِعل َْم‬

Cling to silence unless you are questioned. Then say, “I have no knowledge,” and be
concealed in ignorance.
(Usikurupuke kusema jambo mbele ya mabwana, ukiiulizwa sema haujui)

َ ‫وال ترى العيب إال فيك معتقدا‬

‫عيبا َ بدا بيّنا َ لكنه استترا‬
Do not look at faults unless you see a clear fault appear in you, but it is

‫َو ُح ّ َط َرْأ َس َك َو ْستَ ْغ ِفر بِال َسبَ ِب‬

‫اف ٌم ْعتَ ِذرا‬
ِ ‫لى ق ََد ِم ال ٕان ْ َس‬
َ ‫ع‬َ ‫َو ِق ْم‬
Lower your head and ask forgiveness without cause. Stand apologizing in just

‫وإن بدا منك ذنب فاعترف وأ ِقم‬

‫وجه انتذارك عما فيك منك جرى‬
If a fault appears from you, then apologize and lift the face of your apology for
what has flowed in you from you.

ُ ‫عبيدك ُُم أولى‬
ُ ‫وقل‬
‫فسامحوا وخذوا بالعفو يافقراءرا‬

Say, “Your insignificant slave is more entitled to your pardon.” Act kindly in
forgiveness and adhere to gentleness, O fuqara!
‫بالتفضل أولى وهي شيمتهم‬
ّ ‫هم‬
‫فال تخف دركا ً منهم وال ضررا‬
Take for granted their goodness for that is their nature. Fear neither overtaking
nor harm from them.

ً ‫وبالتفتي على اإلخوان جد أبدا‬

‫وغض الطرف إن عثرا‬ َّ ً ‫حسا ً ومعنا‬
Always be generous in singing the praises of the brothers in the senses and the
meaning. Lower the eye if someone slips.

‫وراقب الثيخ في أحواله فعسى‬

‫يرى عليك من استحسانه أثرا‬
Watch the Shaykh carefully in his states, perhaps a trace of his approval will be
seen on you.

‫الجد وانهض عند خدمته‬

ّ ‫وقدم‬
‫عساه يرضى وحاذر أن تكن ضجرا‬
Advance seriousness and leap to serve him. Perhaps he will be pleased, and beware
lest you become irritated.

‫ففي رضاه رضى الباري وطاعته‬

‫يرضى عليك فكن من تركها حذرا‬
The pleasure of the Creator is in his pleasure and his obedience. He will be
pleased with you, so then beware of leaving it.

‫بأن طريق القوم دارسة‬

ّ ‫واعلم‬
‫يدعيها اليوم كيف ترى‬
ّ ‫وحال من‬
Know that the Path of the People is obscure needing study, and the state of the one
who claims it today is as you see.

‫متى أراهم وأنى لي برؤيتهم‬

‫أو تسمع األذن مني عنهم خبرا‬
When will I see them and where will I see them? When will my ear hear some news of

‫من لي وأنى لمثلي أن يُزاحمهم‬

ِ ‫موارذد لم ُأ‬
‫لف بها كدرا‬ َ ‫على‬
Whom do I have to help me, and how is it possible for someone like me to compete
with them in wells about which I do not recognize impurity?

‫ُأ ِحبّهم و أداريهم وُأ ْو ِثرهم‬

‫منهم نفرا‬ُ ً ‫بمهجتي وخصوصا‬ ُ
I love them and treat them gently and I offer them my heart’s blood – especially a
party of them.

‫قوم كرام السجايا حيث ما جلسوا‬

‫ع ِطرا‬
َ ‫يبقى المكان على آثارهم‬
A people of noble qualities – wherever they sit, a fragrance remains in the place
after them.

‫يُهدي التصوف من أخالقهم ظرقا‬

‫حسن التآلف منهم راقني نظرا‬
Tasawwuf is guided by their character in the Paths. Excellent harmony is theirs
that delights my eye.

ُ ‫ودي وأحبلبي الذين‬ ّ ‫هم أهل‬
‫مفتخرا‬ ‫جر ذيول الع ّز‬
ّ َ ‫ممن ي‬
They are the people of my love and my lovers who are among those who trail the
coat-tails of might in magnificence.

ً ‫شملي بهم في الله مجتمعا‬ ْ ‫ال زال‬

‫ومغت َفرا‬
ُ ً ‫ا‬ ‫غفور‬‫م‬َ ‫فيه‬ ‫وذنبنا‬
May I be reunited with them in Allah, and my wrong actions forgiven and pardoned in


‫ثم الصالة عاى المختار سيّدنا‬

‫محمد خير من وفّى ومن نذرا‬
Then blessings be upon the Chosen, Sayyiduna Muhammad, the best of those who
fulfilled and who vowed.
‫قناة الطريقة شاذلي شرق ووسط أفريقيا‬

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