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vested in him in this Constitution.

He shall
also appoint all other officers of the
Roles and Power of the Government whose appointments are not
Lesson otherwise provided for by law, and those
Executive Branch of
9 whom he may be authorized by law to
the Government appoint. The Congress may, by law, vest
the appointment of other officers lower in
rank in the President alone, in the courts, or
in the heads of departments, agencies,
commissions, or boards.
Section 1. The executive power shall be
The President shall have the power to
vested in the President of the Philippines.
make appointments during the recess of the
Congress, whether voluntary or
Executive power has been defined as the
compulsory, but such appointments shall
power to administer the laws, which
be effective only until disapproved by the
means carrying them into practical
Commission on Appointments or until the
operation and enforcing their due
next adjournment of the Congress.
Appointment is the act of designation
Section 2. No person may be elected
by the executive officer, board, or body to
president unless he is a natural-born
whom the power has been delegated, of the
citizen of the Philippines, a registered voter,
individual who is to exercise the functions
able to read and write, at least forty years
of a given office.
of age on the day of the election, and a
resident of the Philippines for at least ten
Kinds of presidential appointments
years immediately preceding such election.
Appointments which are required to be
submitted to the Commission on
Section 3. There shall be a Vice-President
Appointments are either:
who shall have the same qualifications and
term of office and be elected with and in the
1. Regular appointments or those made
same manner as the President. He may be
during the sessions of Congress (Sec.
removed from office in the same manner as
16, par.1.)
the President.
It requires the confirmation of the
The Vice-President may be appointed
Commission on Appointments before
as Member of the Cabinet. Such
the appointee can assume office. The
appointment requires no confirmation.
President nominates, the Commission
on Appointments confirms, and the
President issues the commission
1. The Executive Power
Section 1. The executive power shall be
2. ad interim appointments or those
vested in the President of the Philippines.
made during a recess of Congress.
Executive power has been defined as
(Ibid., par.2.)
the power to administer the laws, which
it take effect immediately. It is valid if
means carrying them into practical
it is confirmed by the CA or until the
operation and enforcing their due
next adjournment of the Congress.
Kinds of appointment in the career
2. The Power of Appointment
Section 16. The President shall
They are:
nominate and, with the consent of the
(1) Permanent. – one which is issued to a
Commission on Appointments, appoint the
person who meets all the requirements
heads of the executive departments,
for the position to which he is
ambassadors, other public ministers and
appointed; it lasts until it is lawfully
consuls, or officers of the armed forces from
terminated. The holder of such
the rank of colonel or naval captain, and
appointment cannot be removed except
other officers whose appointments are
only for cause; and
(2) Temporary or acting. – one which is (2) From the nature of the “executive
issued to a person who meets all the power” exercised by the President,
requirements for the position to which the power to remove being executive
he is being appointed except the in nature(Sec.1);
appropriate civil service eligibility; it (3) From the president’s duty to execute
shall not exceed 12 months, but the the laws (Secs.5,17);
appointee may be replaced sooner if a (4) From the president’s control of all
qualified civil service eligible becomes departments, bureaus and offices
available. The holder such (Sec.17); and
appointment may be removed any time (5) From the provision that “no officer or
even without a hearing or cause. employee in the Civil Service shall be
removed or suspended except for
Steps in appointing process. cause provided by law.” (ART. IX, B-
They are: Sec.2 [3].)
(1) Appointment. – it is the act of the
appointing power. It may include the Where the power to appoint is vested by
issuance by the President of the the law in the courts, the heads of
commission, which is the written department, etc., Congress may also
evidence of the appointment; and provide that those appointed may be
(2) Acceptance. – it is the act of the removed by them to such restrictions as it
appointee. He may or may not accept deems best to impose for public interest.
the appointment. But acceptance
thereof is necessary to enable him to Extent of the President’s power to
have full possession, enjoyment, and remove.
responsibility of an office. It is not, (1) With respect to officers exercising
however, necessary to the legality of purely executive functions whose
the appointment. tenure is not fix by law, the President
may remove them with or without
Kinds of acceptance. cause and congress may not restrict
Acceptance may be: such power.
(1) Express. – when done verbally or in (2) With respects to officers exercising
writing; and quasi-legislative or quasi-judicial
(2) Implied. – when, without formal functions, they may be removed only on
acceptance, the appointee enters upon grounds provided by law to protects
the exercise of the duties and their independence in the discharge of
functions of an office. their duties;
(3) With respect to constitutional officers
The best formal evidence of the removable only by means of
acceptance is undoubtedly the impeachment, and judges of lower
qualification of the officer appointed by courts, they may not subject to the
taking the oath of office. In some removal power of the President; and
instances, the law requires that a bond be (4) With respect to civil service officers, the
posted. president may remove the, only for
cause as provided by law.
3. The Power of Removal
Removal is the ouster of an incumbent 4. The Power of Control
before the expiration of his term. Section 17. The President shall have
the constitution contains no provision control of all the executive departments,
expressly vesting in the President the bureaus, and offices. He shall ensure that
power to remove executive officials from the laws be faithfully executed.
their posts. Nevertheless, the power is
passed by him, as it is implied from any of Power of control over all executive
the following, to wit: departments, bureaus and offices.
(1) From the power to appoint which The above provision emphasizes the role of
carries with it the power to remove; the President as the administrator.
As administrative head, the duty of the necessary, he may call out such armed
president is to see to it that every forces to prevent or suppress lawless
department, bureau and office under the violence, invasion or rebellion. In case of
executive branch is managed and invasion or rebellion, when the public
maintained properly by the person in safety requires it, he may, for a period not
charge of it in accordance with pertinent exceeding sixty days, suspend the privilege
laws and regulations. There are two factors of the writ of habeas corpus or place the
that contribute to the effective hold and Philippines or any part thereof under
control of the president over all executive martial law. Within forty-eight hours from
department, bureaus, and offices to wit: the proclamation of martial law or the
(1) The power of appointment (Sec.16), suspension of the privilege of the writ
with which he may choose men of of habeas corpus, the President shall
competence and confidence; and submit a report in person or in writing to
(2) The power of removal (which is the Congress. The Congress, voting jointly,
implied in the power to appoint), by a vote of at least a majority of all its
with which he may weed out Members in regular or special session, may
incapable and dishonest officials. revoke such proclamation or suspension,
which revocation shall not be set aside by
Nature and extent of the power of the President. Upon the initiative of the
control President, the Congress may, in the same
(1) Over cabinet members manner, extend such proclamation or
(2) Over subordinate officers suspension for a period to be determined
(3) Over officers and employees in the by the Congress, if the invasion or rebellion
career service shall persist and public safety requires it.
The Congress, if not in session, shall,
Power to ensure that the laws be within twenty-four hours following such
faithfully executed proclamation or suspension, convene in
As the Executive in whom the accordance with its rules without need of a
executive power is vested (Sec.1), the call.
primary function of the President is to The Supreme Court may review, in
enforce the laws. Before assuming office, an appropriate proceeding filed by any
he is required to take an oath or citizen, the sufficiency of the factual basis
affirmation to the effect that as President of the proclamation of martial law or the
of the Philippines, he will, among others suspension of the privilege of the writ
“execute its laws.” (Sec.5.) now, he “shall of habeas corpus or the extension thereof,
insure, that the laws be faithfully and must promulgate its decision thereon
executed.” Sec17.) within thirty days from its filing.
The function of the president to see A state of martial law does not
that the laws are faithfully executed is suspend the operation of the Constitution,
more of a duty than power, to be nor supplant the functioning of the civil
discharged by him personally and through courts or legislative assemblies, nor
subordinates under his control or authorize the conferment of jurisdiction on
supervision. (see Art. Secs. 4, 16.) To say military courts and agencies over civilians
that the President can forbid the execution where civil courts are able to function, nor
of the laws is tantamount to investing him automatically suspend the privilege of the
with the power to make a mockery of the writ of habeas corpus.
duty to enforce the laws of the land The suspension of the privilege of the
regardless of his opinion about their writ of habeas corpus shall apply only to
wisdom, advisability or validity. A law is persons judicially charged for rebellion or
presumed valid and constitutional unit offenses inherent in, or directly connected
judicially declared otherwise. with, invasion.
During the suspension of the privilege of the
5. The Military Power writ of habeas corpus, any person thus
Section 18. The President shall be the arrested or detained shall be judicially
Commander-in-Chief of all armed forces of charged within three days, otherwise he
the Philippines and whenever it becomes shall be released
a. Grounds: invasion and rebellion,
a. The Commander-in-Chief of the when public safety requires it
Armed forces b. Duration: Not to exceed sixty
The president is not only a civil days, following which it shall be
official. As commander-in-chief of lifted, unless extended by the
the armed Forces, he is also in a Congress.
sense a military officer. He is not, c. Duty of the President to report
however, a member of the armed action to Congress: within 48
forces, and consequently, he is not hours, personally or in writing.
subject to court martial or military d. Congress may revoke [or extend
discipline. on request of the President] the
effectivity of proclamation by a
As commander-in-chief, the majority vote of all its members,
president has control of the military voting jointly.
organization and personnel whether
in peace time or in war time. He is c. Martial Law
given the broad powers to call out Meaning of Martial Law
the armed forces to prevent or (1) In its comprehensive sense, it
suppress lawless violence, invasion, includes all laws that have
or rebellion. He is also empowered to reference to and are administered
create military tribunals to try by the military forces of the State.
persons who violate military laws or They include:
commit crimes against national (a) The military law proper, that
security. However, even in a state of is, the laws enacted by the
martial law, military courts and law-making body for the
agencies have no jurisdiction over government of the armed
civilians where civil courts are able forces; and
to function. (Sec.18, par.4.) (b) The rules governing the
conduct of military forces in
In event of war, the president, times of war and in places
normally, would delegate the actual under military occupation.
command of the armed forces to his
military experts. But the ultimate (2) In its strict sense, it is that law
belongs to him. which has application when the
military arm does not supersede
Authority of Congress over the armed civil authority but is called upon
forces. to aid it in the execution of its
Congress shares with the President vital functions. The Constitution
his authority over the armed forces. refers to this meaning of martial
It supplies the money and makes the law.
laws for their governance. To it
belongs the sole power to declare the Basis, object, and duration of martial
existence of a state of a war. (Art VI, law
Sec 23[1].) (1) Basis. – the right to declare, apply,
and exercise martial law is one of
b. Suspension of the privilege of writ the rights of sovereignty. It is as
of habeas corpus. essential to the existence of a nation
Two conditions are necessary in as the right to declare and carry on
order that the President may war. The power is founded on
suspend the privilege of the writ: necessity and is inherent in every
(1) There must be invasion or government.
rebellion; and (2) Object. – the object of martial law is
(2) The public safety must requires the preservation of the public safety
the suspension. and good order. Unless the right and
power exist, pease, good order,
Note: security – government itself – may be
destroyed and obliterated… when Pardon has been defined as an act
the domination of lawless elements of grace proceeding from the power
becomes so powerful that it cannot entrusted with the execution of the laws
be stopped by the civil authorities. (President) which exempt the individual on
(3) Duration. – being founded on whom it is bestowed, from the punishment
necessity, the exercise of the power the law inflicts for a crime he has
may not extend beyond what is committed.
required by the exigency which it
call forth. Section 18 (par.1.) sets a Parole, on the other hand, is the
time limit for the duration of the stae release from imprisonment, but without
of martial law and the suspension of full restriction of liberty, as parolee is still
the privilege of the writ of habeas in the custody of the law although not in
corpus confinement.
Kinds of pardon
6. The Pardoning Power (1) Absolute. – when it is not subject
Section 19. Except in cases of to any condition whatsoever. It
impeachment, or as otherwise provided becomes effective when made;
in the Constitution, the President may and
grant reprieves, commutations, and (2) Conditional. – when it is given
pardons, and remit fines and forfeitures, subject to any condition or
after conviction by final judgment. qualified the President may see
He shall also have the power to grant fit. It must be accepted by the
amnesty with the concurrence of a offender to become effective.
majority of all the members of the Meaning of amnesty
Congress”. Amnesty is an act of the sovereign power
The power to grant pardon and other granting oblivion or a general pardon for
acts of clemency to violators of the law is past offense usually granted in favour of
traditionally vested in the Chief Executive certain classes of persons who have
of the Nation. The Constitution gives this committed crimes of political character,
power to the President in the above such as treason, sedition, or rebellion.
provision. This power cannot be takes
away from him nor can the exercise 7. The Borrowing Power
thereof be subject to limitations or Section 20. The President may contract
conditions beyond those provided by the or guarantee foreign loans on behalf of the
Constitution. Neither may the courts Republic of the Philippines with the prior
inquire into the wisdom or reasonable ness concurrence of the Monetary Board, and
of any pardon granted by the President. subject to such limitations as may be
His discretion is absolute. provided by law. The Monetary Board
shall, within thirty days from the end of
Meaning of reprieve and suspension of a every quarter of the calendar year, submit
sentence to the Congress a complete report of its
Reprieve is the postponement of the decision on applications for loans to be
execution of a death sentence to a certain contracted or guaranteed by the
date. It is different from suspension of Government or government-owned and
sentence which is the postponement of a controlled corporations which would have
sentence for an indefinite time. the effect of increasing the foreign debt,
and containing other matters as may be
Meaning of commutation provided by law.
Commutation is the reduction of the
sentence imposed to lesser punishment, as 8. The Diplomatic Power
from death to life imprisonment. It may be Section 21. No treaty or international
granted without the acceptance and even agreement shall be valid and effective
against the will of the convict. unless concurred in by at least two-thirds
of all the members of the Senate.
Meaning of pardon
Meaning of treaty
A treaty may be defined as a compact House of Representatives, except to the
made between two or more states, extent reserved to the people by the
including international organizations of provision on initiative and referendum.
states, intended to create binding rights
and obligations upon the parties thereto. CONGRESS
Thus, a treaty may be bilateral or Composition: A senate and a House of
multilateral. It is known as pact, Representatives
convention, or charter
9. The Budgetary Power Composition:
Section 22. The President shall submit Section 2. The Senate shall be composed
to the Congress, within thirty days from the of twenty-four Senators who shall be
opening of every regular session as the elected at large by the qualified voters of
basis of the general appropriations bill, a the Philippines, as may be provided by law.
budget of expenditures and sources of Qualifications:
financing, including receipts from existing Section 3. No person shall be a Senator
and proposed revenue measures. unless he is a natural-born citizen of the
Philippines, and, on the day of the election,
10. The Informing Power is at least thirty-five years of age, able to
Section 23. The President shall read and write, a registered voter, and a
address the Congress at the opening of its resident of the Philippines for not less than
regular session. He may also appear before two years immediately preceding the day of
it at any other time. the election.

11. Other powers Term of office:

a. Call congress to special session Section 4. The term of office of the
[Sec.15. Art.VI: “x x x The President Senators shall be six years and shall
may call a special session at any commence, unless otherwise provided by
time”] law, at noon on the thirtieth day of June
b. Power to approve or veto bills next following their election.
[Sec.27, Art.VI]
c. To consent to deputation of Limitation:
government personnel by the No Senator shall serve for more than two
Commission on Elections [Sec. consecutive terms. Voluntary renunciation
2(4), Art. IX-C]. of the office for any length of time shall not
d. To discipline such deputies [Sec. be considered as an interruption in the
2(8), Art. IX-C]. continuity of his service for the full term for
e. By delegation from congress, which he was elected.
emergency powers [Sec. 23(2), Art.
VI], and tariff powers [Art. X].
Section 5. (1) The House of
Representatives shall be composed of not
more than two hundred and fifty members,
unless otherwise fixed by law, who shall be
Roles and elected from legislative districts
Responsibilities of the apportioned among the provinces, cities,
Lesson and the Metropolitan Manila area in
Philippine Senate and
10 accordance with the number of their
the House of respective inhabitants, and on the basis of
Representatives a uniform and progressive ratio, and those
ARTICLE VI who, as provided by law, shall be elected
THE LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT through a party-list system of registered
national, regional, and sectoral parties or
Section 1. The legislative power shall be organizations.
vested in the Congress of the Philippines (2) The party-list representatives
which shall consist of a Senate and a shall constitute twenty per centum of the
total number of representatives including representatives, a registered voter in the
those under the party list. For three district in which he shall be elected, and a
consecutive terms after the ratification of resident thereof for a period of not less than
this Constitution, one-half of the seats one year immediately preceding the day of
allocated to party-list representatives shall the election.
be filled, as provided by law, by selection
or election from the labor, peasant, urban Section 7. The Members of the House of
poor, indigenous cultural communities, Representatives shall be elected for a term
women, youth, and such other sectors as of three years which shall begin, unless
may be provided by law, except the otherwise provided by law, at noon on the
religious sector. thirtieth day of June next following their
(3) Each legislative district shall election.
comprise, as far as practicable, contiguous, No member of the House of
compact and adjacent territory. Each city Representatives shall serve for more than
with a population of at least two hundred three consecutive terms. Voluntary
fifty thousand, or each province, shall have renunciation of the office for any length of
at least one representative. time shall not be considered as an
(4) Within three years following the interruption in the continuity of his service
return of every census, the Congress shall for the full term for which he was elected.
make a reapportionment of legislative
districts based on the standards provided Privileges
in this section. 1. Freedom from arrest
Section 11. A Senator or Member of the
Composition: House of Representatives shall, in all
Not more than 250 members unless offenses punishable by not more than six
otherwise provided by law, consisting of: years imprisonment, be privileged from
(a) District representatives, elected from arrest while the Congress is in session. No
legislative districts apportioned Member shall be questioned nor be held
among the provinces, cities and the liable in any other place for any speech or
Metropolitan Manila area. debate in the Congress or in any committee
(b) Party-list representatives, who shall thereof.
constitute twenty per centum of the
total number of representatives, 2. Privilege of speech and of debate
elected through a party list system No Member shall be questioned nor be
or registered national, regional, and held liable in any other place for any
sectoral parties or organizations.\ speech or debate in the Congress or in any
(c) Sectoral representatives. For three committee thereof.
consecutive terms after the
ratification of the Constitution, one- Disqualification
half of the seats allocated to party- 1. Incompatible office
list representatives shall be filled, as Section 13. No Senator or Member of
provided by law, by selection or the House of Representatives may hold any
election from the labor, peasant, other office or employment in the
urban poor, indigenous cultural Government, or any subdivision, agency, or
communities, women, youth, and instrumentality thereof, including
such other sectors as may be government-owned or controlled
provided by law, except the religious corporations or their subsidiaries, during
sector. his term without forfeiting his seat.
A senator or Representatives who
Qualifications: accepts any other office or employment in
Section 6. No person shall be a Member of the government during his term forfeits his
the House of Representatives unless he is a seat. This includes any kind of office or
natural-born citizen of the Philippines and, employment in the government, or any
on the day of the election, is at least subdivision, agency, or instrumentality
twenty-five years of age, able to read and thereof, including government-owned or
write, and, except the party-list
controlled corporations or their Section 16. (1) The Senate shall elect its
subsidiaries during his term President and the House of Representatives
2. Forbidden office its Speaker, by a majority vote of all its
Neither shall he be appointed to any respective Members.
office which may have been created nor the Each House shall choose such other officers
emoluments thereof increased during the as it may deem necessary.
term for which he was elected. (2) A majority of each House shall
This refers to any office created or constitute a quorum to do business, but a
emoluments of which have been increased smaller number may adjourn from day to
during the term for which he was selected, day and may compel the attendance of
not merely during his tenure or period of absent Members in such manner, and
actual incumbency. under such penalties, as such House may
Other inhibitions (3) Each House may determine the
Section 14. No Senator or Member of rules of its proceedings, punish its Members
the House of Representatives may for disorderly behavior, and, with the
personally appear as counsel before any concurrence of two-thirds of all its
court of justice or before the Electoral Members, suspend or expel a Member. A
Tribunals, or quasi-judicial and other penalty of suspension, when imposed, shall
administrative bodies. Neither shall he, not exceed sixty days.
directly or indirectly, be interested (4) Each House shall keep a Journal
financially in any contract with, or in any of its proceedings, and from time to time
franchise or special privilege granted by the publish the same, excepting such parts as
Government, or any subdivision, agency, or may, in its judgment, affect national
instrumentality thereof, including any security; and the yeas and nays on any
government-owned or controlled question shall, at the request of one-fifth of
corporation, or its subsidiary, during his the Members present, be entered in the
term of office. He shall not intervene in any Journal.
matter before any office of the Government Each House shall also keep a Record
for his pecuniary benefit or where he may of its proceedings.
be called upon to act on account of his
office. The constitution does not define the
powers and functions of the Senate
Note: president and the Speaker of the House of
 What is prohibited is “personally” Representatives. They are, however,
appearing as counsel implied from their position as
 Upon assumption of office, one must administrative heads and presiding officers
make a full disclosure of financial and of their respective chambers. As such, they
business interest. Shall notify House preside over their sessions, preserve order
concerned of a potential conflict of and decorum, decide all questions of
interest that may arise from the filing or order, signs acts, resolutions, orders and
proposed legislation of which they are warrants, issue subpoenas, and appoint
authors (Sec. 12) personnel, and discipline them.

Section 15. The Congress shall convene Meaning of quorum

once every year on the fourth Monday of A quorum is such a number of the
July for its regular session, unless a membership of an assembly or collective
different date is fixed by law, and shall body as is competent to transact its
continue to be in session for such number of business. In other words, it is that number
days as it may determine until thirty days that makes a lawful body and gives it
before the opening of its next regular power to pass a law or ordinance or do any
session, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, other valid corporate act.
and legal holidays. The President may call Ordinarily, a quorum is at least one-half
a special session at any time. plus one of the members of a body.
SECTION 26. (1) Every bill passed by the shall be done in accordance with the
Congress shall embrace only one subject rules of either House. The House
which shall be expressed in the title may either “kill” or pass the bill;
thereof. 5. Printing and Distribution. – after
(2) No bill passed by either House approval of the bill on Second
shall become a law unless it has passed Reading, the bill is then ordered
three readings on separate days, and printed in its final form and copies of
printed copies thereof in its final form have it are distributed among the
been distributed to its Members three days members of the House three days
before its passage, except when the before its passage except in case of
President certifies to the necessity of its bills certified by the President.
immediate enactment to meet a public (Sec.26[2].) a bill approved on
calamity or emergency. Upon the last Second Reading shall be included in
reading of a bill, no amendment thereto the calendar of bills for Third
shall be allowed, and the vote thereon shall Reading;
be taken immediately thereafter, and the 6. Third Reading. – at this stage, only
yeas and nays entered in the Journal. the title of the bill is read. Upon the
last reading of a bill, no amendment
Steps in the passage of a bill thereto is allowed and the vote
1. First Reading. – any member of thereon is taken immediately
either House may present a thereafter, and yeas and nays
proposed bill (see Sec. 24.), signed entered in the journal. A member
by him, for First Reading and may abstain. As a rule, a majority of
refence to the proper committee. the members constituting a quorum
During the first reading, the is sufficient to pass a bill;
principal author of the bill may 7. Referral to the other House. – if
propose the inclusion of addition approved, the bill is then refereed to
authors thereof. The bill is read by the other House where substantially
its number and title and the the same procedure takes place;
name/names of the author or 8. Submission to joint bicameral
authors; committee. – differences, if any.
2. Referral to Appropriate Committee. – Between the House’s bill and the
immediately after the first reading, Senate’s amended version, and vice
the bill is referred to the proper versa are submitted to a conference
committee or committees for study committee of members of both
and consideration. If disapproved in Houses for compromise. If either
the committee, the bill dies a natural House accepts the changes made by
death unless the House decides the other, no compromised is
otherwise following the submission necessary; and
of the report; 9. Submission to the President. – a bill
3. Second Reading. – if the committee approved on the Third Reading by
report the bill favorably, the bill is both Houses shall be printed and
forwarded to the Committee on forthwith transmitted to the
Rules so that it can be calendared President for his action – approval or
for deliberation on Second Reading. disapproval. If the president does
At this stage, the bill is read for the not communicate his veto of any bill
second time in its entirety together to the House where it originated
with the amendments, if any, within 30days from receipt thereof, it
proposed by the committee unless shall become a law as if he signed it.
the reading is dispensed with by a Bills repassed by Congress over the
majority vote of the House; veto of the President automatically
4. Debates. – a general debate is then becomes a law (Sec.27[1].
opened after the Second Reading
and amendments may be proposed Purpose of provision requiring three
by any member of Congress. The readings of bill
insertion of changes or amendments
Note that the three readings of a bill legislation, and also to furnish conclusive
must take place on separate days – not in evidence whether the bill has been passed
one day. (Sec. 26[2].) the purpose is to by the requisite majority or not.
prevent hasty and improvident legislation
and railroading of bills, and to compel the Section 27. (1) Every bill passed by the
careful examination of proposed laws or, at Congress shall, before it becomes a law, be
least, the affording of the opportunity for presented to the President. If he approves
the purpose. the same, he shall sign it; otherwise, he
In the past, railroading of bills made shall veto it and return the same with his
possible the adoption of voluminous objections to the House where it originated,
measures without the benefit of discussion which shall enter the objections at large in
and public information because, its Journal and proceed to reconsider it. If,
oftentimes, the there’re readings were done after such reconsideration, two-thirds of all
in one single day. the Members of such House shall agree to
pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with
Certification of bills by the President. the objections, to the other House by which
The Constitution provides that “no it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if
bill passed by either House shall become a approved by two-thirds of all the Members
law unless it has passed three readings on of that House, it shall become a law. In all
separate days, and printed copies thereof such cases, the votes of each House shall
in its final form have been distributed to be determined by yeas or nays, and the
the members three days before its names of the Members voting for or against
passage.” shall be entered in its Journal. The
President shall communicate his veto of any
The exception to the above bill to the House where it originated within
requirements is “when the President thirty days after the date of receipt thereof;
certifies to the necessity of its immediate otherwise, it shall become a law as if he
enactment to meet a public calamity or had signed it.
emergency.” (Sec.26 [2].) with this (2) The President shall have the
provision, a certification may be issued to power to veto any particular item or items
a bill only to meet a public calamity or in an appropriation, revenue, or tariff bill,
emergency. It aims to put a stop to the but the veto shall not affect the item or
practice of members of the old Congress items to which he does not object.
under the 1935 Constitution to get from
the President certification of their bills for Meaning of bill
political convenience. This practice made A bill is draft of a law submitted to the
possible the enactment of laws without consideration of a legislative body for its
sufficient debate and the giving of top adoption.
priority to insignificant bills over more
important ones by the simple fact of Meaning of statute
Presidential certification. A statute is the written will of a
legislature as an organized body expressed
Purpose of requirement that yeas and according to the form necessary to
nays be entered in the journal constitute into a law of the state, and
It is also provided in the rendered authentic by certain prescribed
Constitution that on the final passage of forms and solemnities.
every bill, the “yeas and nays [shall be] The term “act” is often used in
entered in the journal.” This mean that the referring to a statute.
roll of Congress shall be called and each
member present and answering to his When bill may become a law
name shall say “yea” or “nay” on the A bill passed by congress may become a
question of the passage of the bill. law in any of the following ways:
1. When the President approves the bill by
This provision is considered signing it;
mandatory. It is intended to fix upon each 2. When he vetoes the bill and returns the
member the responsibility for his action in same with his objections to the House
where it originated, and the same is centum of the total number of registered
repassed over his veto by a vote of two- voters, of which every legislative district
thirds of all the members (not merely must be represented by at least three per
two-thirds of all the members present centum of the registered voters thereof.
constituting a quorum) of both Houses;
and Meaning of initiative and referendum.
3. If the President does not communicate 1. Initiative. – it is the reserved power of
his veto of any bill to the house where it the people to directly propose and enact
originated within thirty (30) days after laws at polls called for the purpose
the date of receipt thereof, in which independently of congress or of a local
case it shall become a law as if he had legislative body.
signed it. 2. Referendum. – it is the process by which
any act or law or part thereof passed by
Only a simple majority of Congress is Congress or by a local legislative body is
required in enacting ordinary laws. submitted to the people for their
The signature of the President is not approval or disapproval.
necessary to enact a law when the people
by virtue of their reserved powers directly Powers of the Congress
participate in the legislative process by 1. Legislative power. The power to propose,
initiative and referendum. enact, amend and repeal laws. (Sec.1)
2. Power of appropriation Section 29. (1)
Veto power of the President No money shall be paid out of the Treasury
The word veto is the Latin term for “I except in pursuance of an appropriation
forbid” or “deny”. It is the power vested in made by law. (2) No public money or
property shall be appropriated, applied,
the President to disapprove acts passed by paid, or employed, directly or indirectly, for
Congress. The veto message to the House the use, benefit, or support of any sect,
where the bill originated explains his church, denomination, sectarian institution,
objections to the bill. (Sec.27[1].) or system of religion, or of any priest,
preacher, minister, or other religious teacher,
or dignitary as such, except when such
Purpose of veto priest, preacher, minister, or dignitary is
Two fundamental reasons have been given assigned to the armed forces, or to any penal
to grant of the veto power to the President institution, or government orphanage or
to wit: leprosarium. (3) All money collected on any
1. To enable the executive department tax levied for a special purpose shall be
treated as a special fund and paid out for
to protect its integrity and thus such purpose only. If the purpose for which a
maintain an equilibrium of special fund was created has been fulfilled
governmental powers; and or abandoned, the balance, if any, shall be
2. To provide a check on hasty, transferred to the general funds of the
corrupt, or ill-considered legislation Government.
3. Power of taxation
Section 28. (1) The rule of taxation shall be
Meaning of resolution uniform and equitable. The Congress shall
Enactments of the lawmaking body may evolve a progressive system of taxation. (2)
also be made in the form of resolutions. A The Congress may, by law, authorize the
resolution has been defined as a formal President to fix within specified limits, and
expression of opinion, will, or intent by an subject to such limitations and restrictions as
it may impose, tariff rates, import and export
official body or assembled group. quotas, tonnage and wharfage dues, and
other duties or imposts within the framework
Section 32. The Congress shall, as early of the national development program of the
as possible, provide for a system of Government. (3) Charitable institutions,
initiative and referendum, and the churches and parsonages or convents
appurtenant thereto, mosques, non-profit
exceptions therefrom, whereby the people cemeteries, and all lands, buildings, and
can directly propose and enact laws or improvements, actually, directly, and
approve or reject any act or law or part exclusively used for religious, charitable, or
thereof passed by the Congress or local educational purposes shall be exempt from
legislative body after the registration of a taxation.
petition therefor signed by at least ten per
4. Power of legislative investigation 9. Power to judge President’s physical
(Sec. 21) Section 21. The Senate or the fitness to discharge the functions of
House of Representatives or any of its the Presidency (Sec. 11 Art. VII)
respective committees may conduct inquiries Section 11. Whenever the President
in aid of legislation in accordance with its transmits to the President of the Senate and
duly published rules of procedure. The rights the Speaker of the House of Representatives
of persons appearing in or affected by such his written declaration that he is unable to
inquiries shall be respected. discharge the powers and duties of his
5. Question Hour Section 22. The heads office, and until he transmits to them a
of departments may upon their own written declaration to the contrary, such
initiative, with the consent of the President, powers and duties shall be discharged by
or upon the request of either House, as the the Vice-President as Acting President.
rules of each House shall provide, appear Whenever a majority of all the
before and be heard by such House on any Members of the Cabinet transmit to the
matter pertaining to their departments. President of the Senate and to the Speaker of
Written questions shall be submitted to the the House of Representatives their written
President of the Senate or the Speaker of the declaration that the President is unable to
House of Representatives at least three days discharge the powers and duties of his
before their scheduled appearance. office, the Vice-President shall immediately
Interpellations shall not be limited to written assume the powers and duties of the office
questions, but may cover matters related as Acting President.
thereto. When the security of the State or the Thereafter, when the President
public interest so requires and the President transmits to the President of the Senate and
so states in writing, the appearance shall be to the Speaker of the House of
conducted in executive session Representatives his written declaration that
6. War powers. Section 23. (1) The no inability exists, he shall reassume the
Congress, by a vote of two-thirds of both powers and duties of his office. Meanwhile,
Houses in joint session assembled, voting should a majority of all the Members of the
separately, shall have the sole power to Cabinet transmit within five days to the
declare the existence of a state of war. President of the Senate and to the Speaker of
7. Power to act as board of canvassers the House of Representatives their written
declaration that the President is unable to
in elections of President (Sec.4 Art. discharge the powers and duties of his
VII) office, the Congress shall decide the issue.
“The Congress shall promulgate its rules for For that purpose, the Congress shall
the canvassing of the certificates.” convene, if it is not in session, within forty-
8. Power to call a special election for eight hours, in accordance with its rules and
President and Vice-President (Sec.10 without need of call.
Art. VII) If the Congress, within ten days after
Section 10. The Congress shall, at ten receipt of the last written declaration, or, if
o’clock in the morning of the third day after not in session, within twelve days after it is
the vacancy in the offices of the President required to assemble, determines by a two-
and Vice-President occurs, convene in thirds vote of both Houses, voting
accordance with its rules without need of a separately, that the President is unable to
call and within seven days enact a law discharge the powers and duties of his
calling for a special election to elect a office, the Vice-President shall act as the
President and a Vice-President to be held not President; otherwise, the President shall
earlier than forty-five days nor later than continue exercising the powers and duties of
sixty days from the time of such call. The bill his office.
calling such special election shall be deemed 10. Power to revoke or extend
certified under paragraph 2, Section 26, suspension of the privilege of the
Article VI of this Constitution and shall writ of habeas corpus or
become law upon its approval on third declaration of martial law (Sec. 18
reading by the Congress. Appropriations for
the special election shall be charged against
Art. VII)
any current appropriations and shall be “The Congress, voting jointly, by a
exempt from the requirements of paragraph vote of at least a majority of all its Members
4, Section 25, Article VI of this Constitution. in regular or special session, may revoke
The convening of the Congress cannot be such proclamation or suspension, which
suspended nor the special election revocation shall not be set aside by the
postponed. No special election shall be called President. Upon the initiative of the
if the vacancy occurs within eighteen months President, the Congress may, in the same
before the date of the next presidential manner, extend such proclamation or
election. suspension for a period to be determined by
the Congress, if the invasion or rebellion
shall persist and public safety requires it.
The Congress, if not in session, shall, of Business within ten session days, and
within twenty-four hours following such referred to the proper Committee within three
proclamation or suspension, convene in session days thereafter. The Committee,
accordance with its rules without any need after hearing, and by a majority vote of all
of a call.” its Members, shall submit its report to the
11. Power to concur in Presidential House within sixty session days from such
amnesties. concurrence of majority referral, together with the corresponding
resolution. The resolution shall be
of all members of Congress (Sec. 19 calendared for consideration by the House
Art. VII) within ten session days from receipt thereof.
“He shall also have the power to grant (3) A vote of at least one-third of all the
amnesty with the concurrence of a majority Members of the House shall be necessary
of all the Members of the Congress.” either to affirm a favorable resolution with
12. Power to concur in treaties or the Articles of Impeachment of the
international agreements. Committee, or override its contrary
Section 21. No treaty or international resolution. The vote of each Member shall be
agreement shall be valid and effective unless recorded.
concurred in by at least two-thirds of all the (4) In case the verified complaint or
Members of the Senate. resolution of impeachment is filed by at least
13. Power to confirm certain one-third of all the Members of the House,
the same shall constitute the Articles of
appointments/nominations made Impeachment, and trial by the Senate shall
by the president (Sec.16 Art. VII) forthwith proceed. (5) No impeachment
“The Congress may, by law, vest the proceedings shall be initiated against the
appointment of other officers lower in rank in same official more than once within a period
the President alone, in the courts, or in the of one year. (6) The Senate shall have the
heads of departments, agencies, sole power to try and decide all cases of
commissions, or boards.” impeachment. When sitting for that purpose,
14. Nomination made by the President the Senators shall be on oath or affirmation.
in the event of a vacancy in the When the President of the Philippines is on
Office of Vice President, from among trial, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
shall preside, but shall not vote. No person
the members of Congress, shall be convicted without the concurrence of
confirming by a majority vote of all two-thirds of all the Members of the Senate.
the Members of both House of (7) Judgment in cases of impeachment shall
Congress, voting separately (Sec. 9 not extend further than removal from office
Art. VII) and disqualification to hold any office under
“Whenever there is a vacancy in the the Republic of the Philippines, but the party
Office of the Vice-President during the term convicted shall nevertheless be liable and
for which he was elected, the President shall subject to prosecution, trial, and punishment
nominate a Vice-President from among the according to law. (8) The Congress shall
Members of the Senate and the House of promulgate its rules on impeachment to
Representatives who shall assume office effectively carry out the purpose of this
upon confirmation by a majority vote of all section.
the Members of both Houses of the Congress, 17. Power relative to natural resources
voting separately.” (Sec. 2 Art. XII).
15. Nomination made by the President “The Congress may, by law, allow small-
under Sec 16, Art. VII confirmed by scale utilization of natural resources by
Filipino citizens, as well as cooperative fish
Commission on Appointments. farming, with priority to subsistence
“The President shall have the power fishermen and fish workers in rivers, lakes,
to make appointments during the recess of bays, and lagoons.”
the Congress, whether voluntary or
compulsory, but such appointments shall be
18. Power to propose amendments to the
effective only until after disapproval by the constitution (Sec. 1 and 2 Art. XVII)
Commission on Appointments or until the SECTION 1. Any amendment to, or revision
next adjournment of the Congress.” of, this Constitution may be proposed by:
16. Power of impeachment (Sec. 3. Art. (1) The Congress, upon a vote of three-
fourths of all its Members; or
XI). (2) A constitutional convention.
SECTION 3. (1) The House of
Representatives shall have the exclusive
power to initiate all cases of impeachment.
(2) A verified complaint for impeachment may
be filed by any Member of the House of
Representatives or by any citizen upon a
resolution of endorsement by any Member
thereof, which shall be included in the Order
derived from law (e.g., right of wife to
receive support from her husband) or

Roles and
JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT Lesson Responsibilities of
Section 1. The judicial power shall be 11 the Philippine
vested in one Supreme Court and in such
lower courts as may be established by law. Judiciary
recognized by law (e.g., right of creditor to
Judicial power includes the duty of collect indebtedness of debtor under a
the courts of justice to settle actual contract of loan). Grave abuse of
controversies involving rights which are discretion, as used above, has been
legally demandable and enforceable, and judicially defined to mean “such capricious
to determine whether or not there has been and arbitrary exercise of judgement as is
a grave abuse of discretion amounting to equivalent, in the eyes of the law, to lack of
lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of jurisdiction”, that is, lack of authority to
any branch or instrumentality of the act on the matter in dispute.
Now, not even the president or
Judicial power is the power to apply congress can escape judicial scrutiny
the laws to contests or disputes when facing complaints of great
concerning legally recognized rights or indiscretion or abuse of authority (e.g.,
duties between the State and private arrest and detention of persons without
persons, or between individual litigants in charges; declaration of martial law without
cases properly brought before the judicial sufficient factual basis) by invoking the
tribunals. political nature of their acts or
It includes the duty of the courts of
justice to settle actual controversies (2) Power of judicial review. – it also
involving rights which are legally includes the power:
demandable and enforceable, and to (a) to pass upon the validity or
determine whether or not there has been a constitutionality of the laws of
grave abuse of discretion amounting to the State and the acts of the
lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of other departments of the
any branch or instrumentality of the government (see Sec. 4[2].);
government (Sec.1, par.2, Art. VIII) (b) to interpret them; and
Jurisdiction is defined as the power to (c) to render binding judgments.
hear and decide a case. (3) Incidental powers. – it likewise includes
the incidental powers necessary
Scope of judicial power to the effective discharge of the
(1) Adjudicatory power. – it includes the judicial functions such as the
duty of courts of justice: power to punish person adjudges
(a) To settle actual controversies in contempt.
involving rights which are
legally demandable and Organization courts.
enforceable; and (1) Regular courts. – the Philippine judicial
(b) To determine whether there system consists of a hierarchy of courts
has been a grave abuse of resembling a pyramid with the Supreme
discretion amounting to lack Court at the apex. Under the Judiciary
or excess of jurisdiction on the Reorganization Act 1980, the other
part of any branch or courts are:
instrumentality of the (a) A court of Appeals (now with 69
government. (Se.1, par.2.) Justices headed by a Presiding
To be legally demanding and Justice) which operates in 23
enforceable in courts, rights must be divisions each comprising three
(3) members. The courts sits en the Insurance Commission, etc., and
banc only to exercise independent Constitutional
administrative, ceremonial, or Commission do not form part of the
other non-adjudicatory functions; integrated judicial system.
(b) A regional trial Court presided by
720 Regional Trial Judges in each The same thing may be said of courts-
of the thirteen (13) regions of the martial. They are agencies of executive
country; and character. The authority for the ordering of
(c) A Metropolitan Trial Court in courts-martial pertains to the President as
each Metropolitan area Commander-in Chief of the Armed Forces
established by law; a Municipal of the Philippines independently of
Trial Court in Every City not legislation to aid him in properly
Forming part of a metropolitan commanding the Armed Forces and
area and in each of the enforcing discipline.
Municipalities not comprised
within a metropolitan area of the
municipal circuit comprising one
or more cities and or one
municipality grouped together
according to law.
(d) A court may consist of several
(2) Special courts. – Aside from these
courts, there are under present laws
special courts.
(a) The Courts of Tax Appeals (with
three judges headed by a
Presiding Judge) was created https://geekrepublik.files.wordpress.com/2015/08/branches-of-government-21-728.jpg

under Republic Act No. 1125, as

amended, which has exclusive Importance of the judiciary.
appellate jurisdiction to review on The courts perform a crucial function in
appeal decisions of the society.
Commissioner of Internal (1) Confidence in the certain and even
Revenue involving internal administration of justice
revenue taxes and decisions of (2) Preservation of the government
the Commissioner of Customs (3) Respect for law and order
involving customs duties.
(b) The Sandiganbayan (now with 15 Independence of the judiciary
justices headed by a Presiding In democracy, the courts enjoy
Justice) which operates in five (5) independence, that is, they are free to
divisions each comprising three perform their functions without
(3) members, was created by interference from the executive or
Presidential Decree No, 1606 legislative branch of the government. For
pursuant to the mandate of the government of law and not of men can be
1973 Constitution. It shall assured only by a judiciary that is
continue to function and exercise independent and free, passionately
its jurisdiction” as provided in devoted to the impartial administration of
said decree or as may be provided justice. This being true, the Constitution
by a subsequent law. (see Art. XI, secures, in a number of ways, the
Sec. %.) independence of the judiciary, to wit:
(3) Quasi-judicial agencies. – (1) Congress may not deprive the
Administrative bodies under the Supreme Court of the constitutional
executive branch performing quasi- powers granted to it (Secs. 2,5);
judicial functions, like the National (2) Congress cannot prescribe the
Labor Relations Commission, the manner in which the supreme Court
Securities and Exchange Commission, should sit, and determine the
number of justices comprising the Section 2. The Congress shall have the
court (Sec. 4[1]); power to define, prescribe, and apportion
(3) The Supreme court is given the the jurisdiction of various courts but may
authority to appoint all officials and not deprive the Supreme Court of its
employees of the judiciary (sec. 5[6]); jurisdiction over cases enumerated in
(4) The members of the Supreme Court Section 5 hereof.
and judges of lower courts enjoy No law shall be passed reorganizing the
security of tenure (Sec.11); Judiciary when it undermines the security
(5) Their salaries cannot be decreased of tenure of its Members.
during their continuance in office
(Sec. 10); Jurisdiction of Courts
(6) The members of the Supreme Court Jurisdiction is the power and authority of a
can only be removed through the court to hear, try and decide a case. It may
difficult process of impeachment. be:
(Art. XI, Sec. 2); and (1) General. When it is empowered to
(7) The judiciary enjoys fiscal decide all dispute, which may come
autonomy. (Sec.3) before it except those assigned to
other courts (e.g. jurisdiction of the
regional Trial Courts);
Constitutional Safeguards to insure the (2) Limited. – When it has authority to
independence of the Judiciary. hear and determine only a few
1. The Supreme Court is a specifies cases (e.g. jurisdiction of
constitutional body, it may not be special courts, supra.);
abolished by the legislature. (3) Original. – when it can try and
2. The members of the Supreme Court decide a case which cannot be
are removable only by impeachment. presented before any other court;
3. The Supreme Court may not be (4) Appellate. – when it can take a case
deprived of its minimum original and already heard and decided by a
appellate jurisdiction; appellate lower court removed from the latter
jurisdiction may not be increased by appeal;
without its advice and concurrence. (5) Exclusive. – when it can try and
4. The supreme court has decide a case which cannot be
administrative supervision over all presented before any other courts;
inferior courts and personnel. (6) Concurrent. – when any one of two
5. The supreme Court has the or more courts may take cognizance
exclusive power to discipline of a case;
judges / justices of inferior courts. (7) Criminal. – that which exists for the
6. The members of the Judiciary have punishment of crime; and
security of tenure (8) Civil. – that which exist when the
7. The members of Judiciary may not subject matter is not of criminal
be designated to any agency nature (e.g., collection of debt)
performing quasi-judicial or
administrative functions. Section 3. The Judiciary shall enjoy fiscal
8. Salaries of judges may not be autonomy. Appropriations for the Judiciary
reduced; the judiciary enjoys fiscal may not be reduced by the legislature
autonomy below the amount appropriated for the
9. The Supreme Court, alone, may previous year and, after approval, shall be
initiate and promulgate the Rules of automatically and regularly released.
10. The Supreme Court, alone, may Fiscal autonomy
order temporary detail of judges. Section 3 seeks to further insure the
11. The Supreme Court can appoint all independence of the judiciary. The
officials and employees of the appropriations for the judiciary may not be
Judiciary. reduced as provided above but they maybe
increased. The Constitution takes into
account the fact that the administration of
justice, in the past, has always been at the Meaning of power of Judicial review.
fact that the administration of justice, in The power of judicial review is the
the past, has always been at the bottom power of the courts, ultimately of the
list of priorities in government budgetary Supreme Court, to interpret the
appropriations. The prohibition against Constitution and to declare any legislative
reduction by Congress of the or executive act invalid because it is in
appropriations for the judiciary below the conflict with the fundamental law. This
amounts appropriated for the previous authority is derived by clear implication
year assures, at least, that the minimal from the provisions of Sections 4 (2,3) and
funding requirements of the judiciary will 5 (2, a, b), Article VIII of the Constitution.
be met.
Through such power, the judiciary,
After approval, the appropriations the Supreme Court particularly, enforces
shall be automatically and regularly and upholds the supremacy of the
released, thus making it financially Constitution. It is because the courts are
independence without having to plead to the official (but not necessarily the only)
the President or budget officials for their interpreters of the Constitution that a
release. study of our Constitution I, in large
measure, a study of judicial decisions and
Section 4. (1) The Supreme Court shall be opinions on the meaning and application
composed of a Chief Justice and fourteen of its provisions.
Associate Justices. It may sit en banc or in
its discretion, in divisions of three, five, or The power of judicial review now
seven Members. Any vacancy shall be filled includes “the duty to determine whether or
within ninety days from the occurrence not there has been a grave abuse of
thereof. discretion amounting to lack or excess of
(2) All cases involving the jurisdiction on the part of any branch or
constitutionality of a treaty, international or instrumentality of the Government.” (Sec.
executive agreement, or law, which shall be 1, par.2) this is true although the question
heard by the Supreme Court en banc, and before the court may be political in
all other cases which under the Rules of character, which ordinarily cannot be
Court are required to be heard en banc, inquired into by the courts.
including those involving the
constitutionality, application, or operation of Justiciable question distinguished from
presidential decrees, proclamations, orders, political question.
instructions, ordinances, and other (1) A justiciable question is one which
regulations, shall be decided with the affects personal or property rights
concurrence of a majority of the Members accorded to very member of the
who actually took part in the deliberations community in cases properly brought
on the issues in the case and voted before the judicial tribunals. It is one
thereon. which is proper to be examined or
(3) Cases or matters heard by a decided in courts of justice because its
division shall be decided or resolved with determination would not involve an
the concurrence of a majority of the encroachment upon the legislative or
Members who actually took part in the executive power.
deliberations on the issues in the case and (2) A political question on the other hand
voted thereon, and in no case, without the is one which, under the Constitution,
concurrence of at least three of such “is to be decided by the people in their
Members. When the required number is not sovereign capacity, or in regard to
obtained, the case shall be decided en which full discretionary authority has
banc: Provided, that no doctrine or principle been delegated to the legislative or
of law laid down by the court in a decision executive branch of the government.”
rendered en banc or in division may be The term connotes a question policy in
modified or reversed except by the court matters concerning the government of
sitting en banc. the States as body politic. It is
concerned with issues dependent upon
the wisdom, not the validity or legality, (d) All criminal cases in which the
of a particular measure or a contested penalty imposed is reclusion
act. perpetua or higher.
(e) All cases in which only an error or
For example, the Supreme Court question of law is involved.
cannot inquire into the reason for the (3) Assign temporarily judges of lower
expulsion of a member of Congress, or courts to other stations as public
determine what constitutes disorderly interest may require. Such temporary
behavior by a member (ART. VI, Sec 16[3]) assignment shall not exceed six months
or pass upon the question as to who has without the consent of the judge
been elected Senate President or Speaker concerned.
of the House of Representatives because (4) Order a change of venue or place of trial
the Constitution has conferred jurisdiction to avoid a miscarriage of justice.
upon the matter to Congress itself. The (5) Promulgate rules concerning the
matter of whether or not the holding of a protection and enforcement of
referendum is unnecessary has been held constitutional rights, pleading, practice,
to be a political branch of the government and procedure in all courts, the
to call for a referendum. admission to the practice of law, the
Integrated Bar, and legal assistance to
But if the controversy involves the the underprivileged. Such rules shall
issue of whether or not there has been a provide a simplified and inexpensive
grave abuse of discretion amounting to procedure for the speedy disposition of
lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of cases, shall be uniform for all courts of
any branch or instrumentality of the the same grade, and shall not diminish,
government, or violation of constitutional increase, or modify substantive rights.
limitation power, the same may be hear by Rules of procedure of special courts and
the courts. (see Sec.1, par.2) quasi-judicial bodies shall remain
effective unless disapproved by the
Section 5. The Supreme Court shall have Supreme Court.
the following powers: (6) Appoint all officials and employees of
(1) Exercise original jurisdiction over cases the Judiciary in accordance with the
affecting ambassadors, other public Civil Service Law.
ministers and consuls, and over
petitions for certiorari, prohibition, Powers of the Judiciary
mandamus, quo warranto, and habeas a. Original Jurisdiction: over cases
corpus. affecting ambassadors, other public
ministers and consuls, and over
(2) Review, revise, reverse, modify, or petitions for certiorari, prohibition,
affirm on appeal or certiorari, as the law mandamus, qou warranto and
or the Rules of Court may provide, final habeas corpus
judgments and orders of lower courts in: b. Appellate jurisdiction: review, revise
(a) All cases in which the reverse, modify or affirm on appeal
constitutionality or validity of any or certiorari as the as the law or
treaty, international or executive Rules of Court may provide
agreement, law, presidential decree, c. Temporary assignment of judges of
proclamation, order, instruction, lower courts to other stations as
ordinance, or regulation is in public interest may require; but the
question. assignment shall not exceed six
(b) All cases involving the legality of months without the consent of the
any tax, impost, assessment, or toll, judge concerned.
or any penalty imposed in relation d. Order change of venue or place of
thereto. trial, to avoid miscarriage of justice.
(c) All cases in which the jurisdiction of e. Rule Making Power: Promulgate
any lower court is in issue. rules concerning the protection and
enforcement of constitutional rights,
pleading, practice and procedure in
all courts, the admission to the Supreme Court, and a representative of the
practice of law, the Integrated Bar, private sector.
and legal assistance to the (2) The regular Members of the
underprivileged. Council shall be appointed by the President
f. Power of Appointment: The Supreme for a term of four years with the consent of
Court appoints all officials and the Commission on Appointments. Of the
employees of the Judiciary in Members first appointed, the representative
accordance with the Civil Service of the Integrated Bar shall serve for four
Law (Sec. 5(6), Art. VIII); years, the professor of law for three years,
g. Power of Administrative Supervision: the retired Justice for two years, and the
The Supreme Court shall have representative of the private sector for one
administrative supervision over all year.
courts and the personnel thereof (3) The Clerk of the Supreme Court
(Sec. 6, Art VIII); shall be the Secretary ex officio of the
h. Annual Report: Supreme Court to Council and shall keep a record of its
submit, within 30 days from the proceedings.
opening of each regular session of (4) The regular Members of the
Congress, to the President and to Council shall receive such emoluments as
Congress an annual report on the may be determined by the Supreme Court.
operations and activities of the The Supreme Court shall provide in its
annual budget the appropriations for the
Roles and Functions Council.
of (5) The Council shall have the
Lesson principal function of recommending
the Local appointees to the Judiciary. It may exercise
Government Unit such other functions and duties as the
(LGU) Supreme Court may assign to it.

Judiciary (Sec 16, Art VIII).

Section 7. (1) No person shall be appointed SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy.

Member of the Supreme Court or any lower (a) It is hereby declared the policy of the
collegiate court unless he is a natural-born State that the territorial and political
citizen of the Philippines. A Member of the subdivisions of the State shall enjoy
Supreme Court must be at least forty years genuine and meaningful local autonomy to
of age, and must have been for fifteen enable them to attain their fullest
years or more a judge of a lower court or development as self-reliant communities
engaged in the practice of law in the and make them more effective partners in
Philippines. the attainment of national goals. Toward
(2) The Congress shall prescribe the this end, the State shall provide for a more
qualifications of judges of lower courts, but responsive and accountable local
no person may be appointed judge thereof government structure instituted through a
unless he is a citizen of the Philippines and system of decentralization whereby local
a member of the Philippine Bar. government units shall be given more
(3) A Member of the Judiciary must be a powers, authority, responsibilities, and
person of proven competence, integrity, resources. The process of decentralization
probity, and independence. shall proceed from the national government
to the local government units.
Section 8. (1) A Judicial and Bar Council is
hereby created under the supervision of the (b) It is also the policy of the State to
Supreme Court composed of the Chief ensure the accountability of local
Justice as ex officio Chairman, the government units through the institution
Secretary of Justice, and a representative of effective mechanisms of recall, initiative
of the Congress as ex officio Members, a and referendum.
representative of the Integrated Bar, a
professor of law, a retired Member of the
(c)It is likewise the policy of the State to
require all national agencies and offices to
conduct periodic consultations with
appropriate local government units, non-
governmental and people's organizations,
and other concerned sectors of the
community before any project or program
is implemented in their respective

SEC. 7. Creation and Conversion.

As a general rule, the creation of a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
local government unit or its conversion Local_government_in_the_Philippines#/media/

from one level to another level shall be SEC. 18. Power to Generate and Apply
based on verifiable indicators of viability Resources.
and projected capacity to provide services, Local government units shall have
to wit: the power and authority to establish an
(a) Income. - It must be sufficient, based organization that shall be responsible for
on acceptable standards, to the efficient and effective implementation of
provide for all essential their development plans, program
government facilities and objectives and priorities; to create their own
services and special sources of revenue and to levy taxes, fees,
functions commensurate and charges which shall accrue exclusively
with the size of its for their use and disposition and which
population, as expected of shall be retained by them; to have a just
the local government unit share in national taxes which shall be
concerned; automatically and directly released to them
(b) Population. - It shall be determined as without need of any further action; to have
the total number of an equitable share in the proceeds from the
inhabitants within the utilization and development of the national
territorial jurisdiction of the wealth and resources within their
local government unit respective territorial jurisdictions including
concerned; and sharing the same with the inhabitants by
(c) Land Area. - It must be contiguous, way of direct benefits; to acquire, develop,
unless it comprises two or lease, encumber, alienate, or otherwise
more islands or is separated dispose of real or personal property held by
by a local government unit them in their proprietary capacity and to
independent of the others; apply their resources and assets for
properly identified by metes productive, developmental, or welfare
and bounds with technical purposes, in the exercise or furtherance of
descriptions; and sufficient their governmental or proprietary powers
to provide for such basic and functions and thereby ensure their
services and facilities to meet development into self-reliant communities
the requirements of its and active participants in the attainment of
populace. Compliance with national goals.
the foregoing indicators shall
be attested to by the SEC. 19. Eminent Domain.
Department of Finance A local government unit may, through
(DOF), the National Statistics its chief executive and acting pursuant to
Office (NSO), and the Lands an ordinance, exercise the power of
Management Bureau (LMB) eminent domain for public use, or purpose,
of the Department of or welfare for the benefit of the poor and
Environment and Natural the landless, upon payment of just
Resources (DENR). compensation, pursuant to the provisions of
the Constitution and pertinent laws.
SEC. 20. Reclassification of Lands.
A city or municipality may, through SEC. 129. Power to Create Sources of
an ordinance passed by the sanggunian Revenue.
after conducting public hearings for the Each local government unit shall
purpose, authorize the reclassification of exercise its power to create its own sources
agricultural lands and provide for the of revenue and to levy taxes, fees, and
manner of their utilization or disposition in charges subject to the provisions herein,
the following cases: consistent with the basic policy of local
(1) when the land ceases to be autonomy. Such taxes, fees, and charges
economically feasible and sound for shall accrue exclusively to the local
agricultural purposes as determined by government units.
the Department of Agriculture or
(2) where the land shall have substantially SEC. 130. Fundamental Principles.
greater economic value for residential, The following fundamental principles
commercial, or industrial purposes, as shall govern the exercise of the taxing and
determined by the sanggunian concerned. other revenue-raising powers of local
government units:
(a) Taxation shall be uniform in each local
NONGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS (b) Taxes, fees, charges and other
impositions shall:
SEC. 34. Role of People's and (1) be equitable and based as far as
Nongovernmental Organizations. practicable on the taxpayer's ability
Local government units shall promote to pay;
the establishment and operation of people's (2) be levied and collected only for
and nongovernmental organizations to public purposes;
become active partners in the pursuit of (3) not be unjust, excessive, oppressive,
local autonomy. or confiscatory;
(4) not be contrary to law, public policy,
SEC. 35. Linkages with People's and Non- national economic policy, or in
Governmental Organizations. restraint of trade;
Local government units may enter (c) The collection of local taxes, fees,
into joint ventures and such other charges and other impositions shall in
cooperative arrangements with people's no case be let to any private person;
and nongovernmental organizations to (d) The revenue collected pursuant to the
engage in the delivery of certain basic provisions of this Code shall inure
services, capability-building and livelihood solely to the benefit of, and be subject
projects, and to develop local enterprises to disposition by, the local government
designed to improve productivity and unit levying the tax, fee, charge or other
income, diversify agriculture, spur rural imposition unless otherwise specifically
industrialization, promote ecological provided herein; and,
balance, and enhance the economic and (e) Each local government unit shall, as far
social well-being of the people. as practicable, evolve a progressive
system of taxation.
SEC. 36. Assistance to People's and
Nongovernmental Organizations. BARANGAY
A local government unit may, through The Punong Barangay
its local chief executive and with the As the basic political unit, the
concurrence of the sanggunian concerned, barangay serves as the primary planning
provide assistance, financial or otherwise, and implementing unit of government
to such people's and nongovernmental policies, plans, programs, projects, and
organizations for economic, socially- activities in the community, and as a
oriented, environmental, or cultural projects forum wherein the collective views of the
to be implemented within its territorial people may be expressed, crystallized and
jurisdiction. considered, and where disputes may be
amicably settled. Each barangay is led by
a punong barangay , with seven (7)
barangay members, a sangguniang 4. Provide for the construction and
kabataan chairman, a barangay secretary, maintenance of barangay facilities and
and a barangay treasurer. other public works projects;
As chief executive in a barangay, the 5. Authorize the punong barangay to
punong barangay shall exercise powers enter into contracts in behalf of the
and performs duties and functions set by barangay;
law. The following are some of the duties 6. Provide for the proper development
and functions of the Punong barangay for and welfare of children in the barangay
the general welfare of its inhabitants: by promoting and supporting activities
1. Enforce all laws and ordinances which for the protection and total
are applicable within the barangay; development of children, particularly
2. Negotiate, enter into, and sign contracts those below seven (7) years of age;
for and in behalf of the barangay, upon 7. Adopt measures towards the
authorization of the sangguniang prevention and eradication of drug
barangay; abuse, child abuse, and juvenile
3. Maintain public order delinquency;
4. Call and preside over the sessions of the 8. Initiate the establishment of a
sangguniang barangay and the barangay high school, whenever
barangay assembly, and vote only to feasible, in accordance with law;
break a tie; 9. Provide for the establishment of a non-
5. Organize and lead an emergency group formal education center in the
whenever the same may be necessary for barangay whenever feasible, in
the maintenance of peace and order or coordination with the Department of
on occasions of emergency or calamity Education, Culture and Sports,
within the barangay; 10. Provide for the delivery of basic
6. In coordination with the barangay services
development council, prepare the
annual executive and supplemental MUNICIPALITY
budgets of the barangay; The Municipal Mayor
7. Enforce laws and regulations relating to The municipal mayor, as the chief
pollution control and protection of the executive of the municipal government,
environment; shall exercise such powers and perform
8. Ensure the delivery of basic services such duties and functions as provided by
9. Conduct an annual palarong barangay law. And for efficient, effective and
in coordination with the Department of economical governance the municipal
Education, Culture and Sports; mayor shall:
(1) Exercise general supervision and
Sangguniang Barangay control over all programs, projects,
The sangguniang barangay or the services, and activities of the
legislative body of the barangay, shall be municipal government
composed of the punong barangay as (2) Enforce all laws and ordinances relative
presiding officer, and the seven (7) regular to the governance of the municipality
sangguniang barangay members elected at and the exercise of its corporate
large and sangguniang kabataan powers provided for under Section 22
chairman, as members.Some of the duties of this Code, implement all approved
and responsibilities of the sangguniang policies, programs, projects, services
barangay as the legislative body: and activities of the municipality and,
1. Enact ordinances as may be necessary in addition to the foregoing, shall:
to discharge the responsibilities Ensure that the acts of the
conferred upon it by law or ordinance municipality's component barangays
and to promote the general welfare of and of its officials and employees are
the inhabitants therein; within the scope of their prescribed
2. Enact tax and revenue ordinances; powers, functions, duties and
3. Enact annual and supplemental responsibilities;
budgets; (3) Initiate and maximize the generation of
resources and revenues, and apply the
same to the implementation of conditions and for such purposes
development plans, program objectives intended to promote the general
and priorities as provided for under welfare of the inhabitants of the
Section 18 of LGC, particularly those municipality, and pursuant to this
resources and revenues programmed legislative authority;
for agro-industrial development and (4) Regulate activities relative to the use of
country-wide growth and progress, and land, buildings and structures within
relative thereto law library the municipality in order to promote
(4) Ensure the delivery of basic services the general welfare.
and the provision of adequate facilities (5) Approve ordinances which shall ensure
(5) Exercise such other powers and the efficient and effective delivery of
perform such other duties and the basic services and facilities;
functions as may be prescribed by law (6) Exercise such other powers and
or ordinance. perform such other duties and
functions as may be prescribed by law
The Vice Mayor or ordinance.
“The vice-mayor shall be the
presiding officer of the sangguniang bayan CITY
and sign all warrants drawn on the The City Mayor
municipal treasury for all expenditures The city mayor, as chief executive of
appropriated for the operation of the the city government, shall exercise powers
sangguniang bayan” and perform duties and functions. For the
general welfare of the city and its
The Sangguniang Bayan inhabitants, the city mayor shall exercise
“The sangguniang bayan, the the following for efficient, effective and
legislative body of the municipality, shall economical governance
be composed of the municipal vice- (1) Exercise general supervision and
mayoras the presiding officer, the regular control over all programs, projects,
sanggunian members, the president of the services, and activities of the city
municipal chapter of the liga ng mga government, and in this connection,
barangay, the president of the pambayang (2) Enforce all laws and ordinances
pederasyon ng mga sangguniang relative to the governance
kabataan, and the sectoral (3) Initiate and maximize the generation of
representatives, as members.” resources and revenues
“The sangguniang bayan, as the (4) Ensure the delivery of basic services
legislative body of the municipality, shall (5) Exercise such other powers and
enact ordinances, approve resolutions and perform such other duties and
appropriate funds for the general welfare functions as may be prescribed by law
of the municipality and its inhabitants” or ordinance.
Among the duties and
responsibilities of the sanguniang bayan The city vice-mayor shall Be the
are: presiding officer of the sangguniang
(1) Approve ordinances and pass panlungsod and sign all warrants drawn
resolutions necessary for an efficient on the city treasury for all expenditures
and effective municipal government; appropriated for the operation of the
(2) Generate and maximize the use of sangguniang panlungsod; appoint all
resources and revenues for the officials and employees of the sangguniang
development plans, program objectives panlungsod; Assume the office of the city
and priorities of the municipality with mayor for the unexpired term; Exercise the
particular attention to agro-industrial powers and perform the duties and
development and countryside growth functions of the city mayor in cases of
and progress; temporary vacancy; Exercise such other
(3) Grant franchises, enact ordinances powers and perform such other duties and
authorizing the issuance of permits or functions as may be prescribed by law or
licenses, or enact ordinances levying ordinance.
taxes, fees and charges upon such
The Sangguniang Panlungsod a provincial accountant, a provincial
The sangguniang panlungsod, the engineer, a provincial budget officer, a
legislative body of the city, shall be provincial planning and development
composed of the city vice-mayor as coordinator, a provincial legal officer, a
presiding officer, the regular sanggunian provincial administrator, a provincial
members, the president of the city chapter health officer, a provincial social welfare
of the liga ng mga barangay, the president and development officer, a provincial
of the panlungsod na pederasyon ng mga general services officer, a provincial
sangguniang kabataan, and the sectoral agriculturist, and a provincial veterinarian.
representatives, as members. (b) In addition, thereto, the governor may
The sangguniang panlungsod, as the appoint a provincial population officer, a
legislative body of the city, shall enact provincial natural resources and
ordinances, approve resolutions and environment officer, a provincial
appropriate funds for the general welfare cooperative officer, a provincial architect,
of the city and its inhabitants and in the and a provincial information officer.
proper exercise of the corporate powers of
the city shall: The Provincial Governor
(1) Approve ordinances and pass The provincial governor, as the chief
resolutions necessary for an efficient executive of the provincial government,
and effective city government shall exercise such powers and perform
(2) Generate and maximize the use of such duties and functions as provided by
resources and revenues for the this Code and other laws. For efficient,
development plans, program objectives effective and economical governance the
and priorities of the city with particular purpose of which is the general welfare of
attention to agro-industrial the province and its inhabitants the
development and city-wide growth and provincial governor shall:
progress; (1) Exercise general supervision and
(3) Enact ordinances granting franchises control over all programs, projects,
and authorizing the issuance of permits services, and activities of the provincial
or licenses; government,
(4) Regulate activities relative to the use of (2) Enforce all laws and ordinances relative
land, buildings and structures within to the governance of the province and
the city; the exercise of the appropriate corporate
(5) Approve ordinances which shall ensure powers, implement all approved policies,
the efficient and effective delivery of the programs, projects, services and
basic services and facilities; and activities of the province
(6) Exercise such other powers and (3) Initiate and maximize the generation of
perform such other duties and resources and revenues, and apply the
functions as may be prescribed by law same to the implementation of
or ordinance. development plans, program objectives
and priorities particularly those
THE PROVINCE resources and revenues programmed for
Role of the Province. agro-industrial development and
The province, composed of a cluster country-wide growth and progress.
of municipalities, or municipalities and (4) Ensure the delivery of basic services
component cities, and as a political and and the provision of adequate facilities;
corporate unit of government, serves as a (5) Exercise such other powers and
dynamic mechanism for developmental perform such other duties and functions
processes and effective governance of local as may be prescribed by law or
government units within its territorial ordinance.
There shall be in each province a The Provincial Vice-Governor
governor, a vice-governor, members of the The vice-governor shall be the
sangguniang panlalawigan, a secretary to presiding officer of the sangguniang
the sangguniang panlalawigan, a panlalawigan and sign all warrants drawn
provincial treasurer, a provincial assessor, on the provincial treasury for all
expenditures appropriated for the provided for under Section 17 of this
operation of the sangguniang Code, and, in addition to said services
panlalawigan. and facilities, shall:
(5) Exercise such other powers and
The Sangguniang Panlalawigan perform such other duties and
The sangguniang panlalawigan, the functions as may be prescribed by law
legislative body of the province, shall be or ordinance.
composed of the provincial vice-governor
as presiding officer, the regular
sanggunian members, the president of the

Nature of Elections and

Political Parties in the
provincial chapter of the liga ng mga
barangay, the president of the I. ELECTIONS
panlalawigang pederasyon ng mga Election. The means by which the people
sangguniang kabataan, the president of choose their official for a definite and fixed
the provincial federation of sanggunian period and to whom they entrust for the
members of municipalities and component time being the exercise of the powers of
cities, and the sectoral representatives, as government.
The sangguniang panlalawigan, as An “election” means the choice or
the legislative body of the province, shall selection of candidates to public office by
enact ordinances, approve resolutions and popular vote through the use of the ballot,
appropriate funds for the general welfare and the elected officials that are
of the province and in the proper exercise determined through the will of the
of the corporate powers of the province electorate. An election is the embodiment
shall: of the popular will, the expression of the
(1) Approve ordinances and pass sovereign power of the people. The winner
resolutions necessary for an efficient is the candidate who has obtained a
and effective provincial government majority of plurality of valid votes cast in
and, in this connection. the election. Sound policy dictates that
(2) Generate and maximize the use of public elective offices are filled by those
resources and revenues for the who receive the highest number of votes
development plans, program objectives cast in the election for that office. For, in
and priorities of the province as all republican forms of government the
provided for under Section 18 of this basic idea is that no one can be declared
Code, with particular attention to agro- elected and no measure can be declared
industrial development and country- carried unless he or it receives a majority
wide growth and progress and relative or plurality of the legal votes cast in the
thereto, shall: election. Rulloda v. Comelec, G.R. No. 154198
(3) Subject to the provisions of Book II of
this Code, grant franchises, approve An “election” is the embodiment of
the issuance of permits or licenses, or the popular will, the expression of the
enact ordinances levying taxes, fees sovereign power of the people. In common
and charges upon such conditions and parlance, an “election” is the act of casting
for such purposes intended to promote and receiving the ballots, counting them,
the general welfare of the inhabitants and making the return. An “election”,
of the province, and pursuant to this under the Constitution, involves every
legislative authority, shall: element necessary to the complete
(4) Approve ordinances which shall ensure ascertainment of the expression of the
the efficient and effective delivery of popular will, embracing the entire range,
the basic services and facilities as from the deposit of the ballot by the elector
up to the final ascertainment and unhampered and unmolested, to cast their
certification of the result. An election by ballots. Yason v. Comelec, 134 SCRA 371
the people means and includes the perfect
ascertainment of such result. Hontiveros v. Initiative and referendum
Altavas, 24 Phil. 632 Initiative and referendum are law-
making powers that belong to the people
The term “election” refers to the and have been described as the “people-
conduct of the polls, including the listing power” features of our Constitution.
of voters, the holding of the electoral Initiative is a process of law-making by the
campaign, and the casting and counting of people without the participation of their
votes. elected representatives. Referendum
consists merely of the electorate approving
Kinds of election or rejecting what has been drawn up or
a. Regular. – One provided by law for enacted by a legislative body. Subic Bay
the election of officers either nation- Metropolitan Authority v. Comelec, 262 SCRA 492
wide or in certain subdivisions
thereof, after the expiration of the Plebiscite
full term of the former officers. The word plebiscite comes from the
A “regular election” is an Latin plebiscite, which originally meant a
election held on such dates decree of the Concilium Plebis, the popular
established by law at regular assembly of the Roman Republic.
intervals. Referendums and referenda are both
A “regular” election, whether commonly used as plurals of referendum.
national or local, also refers to an The word “plebiscite” is generally
election participated in by those who used with reference to the voting to
possess the right of suffrage, are not determine whether the voters in the
otherwise disqualified by law, and country are in favor or against the
who are registered votes. The ratification of the constitution or an
election for Sangguniang Kabataan amendment thereto. The term is also used
is not “regular” election because the in connection with the voting to determine
latter is participated in by youth whether voters in the political units
ages ranging from 15 to 21, some of affected agree to a proposed creation,
whom are not qualified voters to division, merger, abolition or boundary
elect local or national elective change of a political unit.
officials. As used in R.A. No. 6735, other
known as “The Initiative and Referendum
b. Special. – One held to fill a vacancy Act”, the term “plebiscite” is the electoral
in office before the expiration of the process by which an initiative on the
full term for which the incumbent Constitution is approved or rejected by the
was elected. people.
A “special election” is an
election not regularly held to supply Recall
a vacancy in a particular office Recall is a method for removing an
before the expiration of the full term elective public officer by the people before
for which the incumbent was the end of the officer’s term of office.
elected. A “special election” also Angobung v. Comelec, 269 SCRA 245
refers to an election held when there
is a failure of election. R.A. No. 7160 prohibits a recall
election within one year immediately
The purpose of an election is to give preceding a regular local election. The
the voters a direct participation in the term “regular local election” refers to an
affairs of their government, either in election where the position of the official to
determining who shall be their public be recalled is to be actually contested and
officials or in deciding some question of filled by the electorate. Angobung v. Comelec,
public interest; and for this purpose, all of 269 SCRA 245
the legal voters should be permitted,
The period of campaign shall be as follows: Suffrage is both a right and a
1. Presidential and Vice-Presidential privilege. It is a right because it is the
Election - 90 days; expression of the sovereign will of the
2. Election of Members of the Batasang people. It is a privilege because its exercise
Pambansa and Local Election - 45 days; is conferred only to such person s or class
and of persons as are most likely to exercise it
for the purpose of the public good.
3. Barangay Election - 15 days.
The campaign periods shall not include
Sec. 5. Postponement of election. -
the day before and the day of the election. When for any serious cause such as
However, in case of special elections under violence, terrorism, loss or destruction of
Article VIII, Section 5, Subsection (2) of the election paraphernalia or records, force
Constitution, the campaign period shall be majeure, and other analogous causes of
forty-five days. such a nature that the holding of a free,
orderly and honest election should become
impossible in any political subdivision, the
The phrase “election period” is specified by
Commission, motu proprio or upon a
law but may be fixed in special cases by
verified petition by any interested party,
the Comelec, and extends beyond the date
and after due notice and hearing, whereby
of the election itself, while “campaign
all interested parties are afforded equal
period” is fixed by law, and covers only the
opportunity to be heard, shall postpone the
period before the day of the election.
Peralta v. Comelec, 82 SCRA 30 election therein to a date which should be
reasonably close to the date of the election
The term “election day” is the day legally not held, suspended or which resulted in a
established for the election of a public failure to elect but not later than thirty days
official. after the cessation of the cause for such
postponement or suspension of the election
Sec. 4. Obligation to register and vote. - or failure to elect.
It shall be the obligation of every citizen
qualified to vote to register and cast his Sec. 6. Failure of election. - If, on
vote. account of force majeure, violence,
terrorism, fraud, or other analogous causes
Suffrage. The right to vote in the election the election in any polling place has not
of officers chosen by the people and in the been held on the date fixed, or had been
determination of submitted to the people. suspended before the hour fixed by law for
Includes within its scope: election, the closing of the voting, or after the voting
plebiscite, initiative and referendum. and during the preparation and the
transmission of the election returns or in
The term “suffrage” means a voice the custody or canvass thereof, such
given not only in the choice of a man for election results in a failure to elect, and in
an office or trust, but also in deciding a any of such cases the failure or suspension
controverted question. of election would affect the result of the
election, the Commission shall, on the basis
Suffrage is the means by which the of a verified petition by any interested
people express their sovereign judgements party and after due notice and hearing, call
and its free exercise must be protected for the holding or continuation of the
especially against the purchasing power of election not held, suspended or which
the peso. resulted in a failure to elect on a date
reasonably close to the date of the election
Th right of suffrage is predicted not held, suspended or which resulted in a
upon the theory that the people who bear failure to elect but not later than thirty days
the burden of government should share in after the cessation of the cause of such
privilege of choosing the officials of that postponement or suspension of the election
government. or failure to elect.
Sec. 7. Call of special election. -In case Sec. 11. Failure to assume office. - The
a vacancy arises in the Batasang office of any official elected who fails or
Pambansa eighteen months or more before refuses to take his oath of office within six
a regular election, the Commission shall months from his proclamation shall be
call a special election to be held within sixty considered vacant, unless said failure is for
days after the vacancy occurs to elect the a cause or causes beyond his control.
Member to serve the unexpired term.
In case of the dissolution of the Sec. 12. Disqualifications. - Any person
Batasang Pambansa, the President shall who has been declared by competent
call an election which shall not be held authority insane or incompetent, or has
earlier than forty-five nor later than sixty been sentenced by final judgment for
days from the date of such dissolution. subversion, insurrection, rebellion or for
The Commission shall send sufficient any offense for which he has been
copies of its resolution for the holding of the sentenced to a penalty of more than
election to its provincial election supervisors eighteen months or for a crime involving
and election registrars for dissemination, moral turpitude, shall be disqualified to be
who shall post copies thereof in at least a candidate and to hold any office, unless
three conspicuous places preferably where he has been given plenary pardon or
public meetings are held in each city or granted amnesty.
municipality affected This disqualification to be a
candidate herein provided shall be deemed
Sec. 8. Election Code to be available in removed upon the declaration by competent
polling places. - A printed copy of this authority that said insanity or
Code in English or in the national language incompetence had been removed or after
shall be provided and be made available by the expiration of a period of five years from
the Commission in every polling place, in his service of sentence, unless within the
order that it may be readily consulted by same period he again becomes disqualified.
any person in need thereof on the
registration, revision and election days.
Sec. 10. Election expenses. - Except in Sec. 60. Political party. - "Political party"
barangay elections, such expenses as may or "party", when used in this Act, means an
be necessary and reasonable in connection organized group of persons pursuing the
with the elections, referenda, plebiscites same ideology, political ideas or platforms
and other similar exercises shall be paid by of government and includes its branches
the Commission. The Commission may and divisions. To acquire juridical
direct that in the provinces, cities, or personality, quality it for subsequent
municipalities, the election expenses accreditation, and to entitle it to the rights
chargeable to the Commission be advanced and privileges herein granted to political
by the province, city or municipality parties, a political party shall first be duly
concerned subject to reimbursement by the registered with the Commission. Any
Commission upon presentation of the registered political party that, singly or in
proper bill. coalition with others, fails to obtain at least
Funds needed by the Commission to
ten percent of the votes cast in the
defray the expenses for the holding of
constituency in which it nominated and
regular and special elections, referenda
and plebiscites shall be provided in the supported a candidate or candidates in the
regular appropriations of the Commission election next following its registration shall,
which, upon request, shall immediately be after notice and hearing be deemed to have
released to the Commission. In case of forfeited such status as a registered
deficiency, the amount so provided shall be political party in such constituency.
augmented from the special activities funds
in the general appropriations act and from A political party is “an organized
those specifically appropriated for the group of persons pursuing the same
purpose in special laws. political ideals in a government.” In order
that a group of persons be organized, all of which, as the most immediate
them must be joined in a corporate body, means of securing their adoption,
articulate, with the attributes of a social regularly nominates certain of its
personality. In addition, it must have a leaders and members as candidates
constitution, by-laws, rules, or some kind for public office. It is national party
of charter. Furthermore, some kind of when its constituency is spread over
the geographical territory of at least
agreement, written or unwritten, must
a majority of the regions. It is
exist on how the group is to function, how
regional party when its constituency
it will be presided over, and how it is to is spread over the geographical
express its collective will. Although the territory of at least a majority of the
platform of the Goodwill Party embodied cities and provinces comprising the
many ideals of a political character, region.
nowhere appeared the existence of “an
organized group of persons” pursuing said c. A sectoral party refers to an
ideals. organized group of citizens belonging
to any of the following sectors: labor
Party System. A free and open party peasant, fisherfolk, urban poor,
system shall be allowed to evolve according indigenous cultural communities,
to the free choice of the people (Sec. (2) 5, elderly, handicapped, women youth,
Art. IX-C) veterans, overseas workers and
professionals, whose principal
1. No votes cast in favor of a political advocacy pertains to the special
party, organization or coalition shall be interest and concerns of their sector.
valid, except for those registered, under
the party-list system as provided in the d. A sectoral organization refers to a
constitution (Sec. 7, Art. IX-C) group of citizens or a coalition of
a. Party-List System. The party-list groups of citizens who share similar
system is a mechanism of physical attributes or
proportional representatives from characteristics, employment,
national, regional and sectoral interests or concerns.
parties or organizations or coalitions
thereof registered with the e. A coalition refers to an aggrupation
Commission on Elections (RA 7941) of duly registered national, regional,
sectoral parties or organizations for
2. Political parties registered under the political and/or election purposes.
party-list system shall be entitled to
appoint poll watchers in accordance with
law. (Sec. 8, Art. IX-C) Sec. 61. Registration. - Any organized
group of persons seeking registration as a
3. Party-list representatives shall national or regional political party may file
constitute 20% of the total number of with the Commission a verified petition
representatives in House of
attaching thereto its constitution and by-
Representatives (Sec. 5(2), Art. VI)
laws, platform or program of government
and such other relevant information as may
Political Party be required by the Commission. The
a. A party means either a coalition Commission shall, after due notice and
party or a sectoral party or a hearing, resolve the petition within ten
coalition of parties. days from the date it is submitted for
b. A political party refers to an No religious sect shall be registered
organized group of citizens as a political party and no political party
advocating an ideology or platform, which seeks to achieve its goal through
principles and policies for the violence shall be entitled to accreditation.
general conduct of government and
d. It is receiving support from any
In order to acquire juridical personality foreign government, foreign political
as a political party, to entitle it to the party, foundation, organization,
benefits and privileges granted under the whether directly or through any of its
Constitution and the laws, and in order to officers or members, or indirectly
participate in the party-lists system, the through third parties, for partisan
group must register with the Commission election purposes;
on Elections by filing with the Comelec not e. It violates or fails to comply with laws,
later than 90 days before the election a rules or regulations relating to
verified petition stating its desire to elections;
participate in the party-list system as a f. It declares untruthful statements in
national, regional, sectoral party or its petition,
organization or a coalition of such parties g. It has ceased to exist for at least one
or organizations. year; and
1. Groups which cannot be registered h. It fails to participate in the last two
as political parties. preceding elections, or fails to obtain
a. Religious denomination or sects; at least 2% of the votes cast under the
b. Those who seek to achieve their party-list system in the two preceding
goals through violence or elections for the constituency in
unlawful means; which it was registered.
c. Those who refuse to uphold and
adhere to the Constitution; Sec. 62. Publication of petition for
d. Those supported by foreign registration or accreditation. - The
governments. Commission shall require publication of the
petition for registration or accreditation in at
2. Grounds for cancellation of least three newspapers of general
Concept, Role, and circulation and shall, after due notice and
hearing, resolve the petition within fifteen
Contributions of Civil
days from the date it is submitted for
Lesson Society and Social decision. 
14 Movements to
Philippine Democracy

 Accepting financial contributions Concept of Civil Society
from foreign governments or their The United Nations (UN) defines Civil
agencies society as the “third sector” of society,
 Failure to obtain at least 10% of along with government and business. It
the votes cast in the constituency comprises civil society organizations and
where the party fielded candidates. non-governmental organizations. The UN
recognizes the importance of partnering
Under R.A. 7941, the Comelec may, with civil society, because it advances the
motu propio or upon a verified complaint Organization’s ideals, and helps support
of any interested party, refuse or cancel, its work.
after due notice and hearing, the
registration of any national, regional or The World Health Organization
sectoral party, organization or coalition (WHO) claims that the Civil society is seen
on any of the following grounds: as a social sphere separated from both the
a. It is religious sect or denomination, state and the market. WHO further reports
organization or association organized that the increasingly accepted
for religious purposes; understanding of the term civil society
b. It advocates violence or unlawful organizations (CSOs) is that of non-state,
means to seek its goal; not-for-profit, voluntary organizations
c. It is foreign party or organization; formed by people in that social sphere.
The term is used to describe a broad Paffenholz and Spurk (2010) give seven
range of organizations, networks, features that civil society plays in
associations, groups and movements that peacebuilding. These functions are:
are independent of government and that  protection
sometimes come together to advance their  monitoring
common interests through collective  advocacy and public communication
action.  social cohesion
 intermediation and facilitation
The term NGO’s is used to describe  service delivery
non-profit making, non-violent
organizations, which seek to influence the According to The Third World
policy of governments and international Studies Center (1997), the civil society has
organizations and to complement demonstrated their potential as
government services (such as health and independent power centers and agents of
education). They vary in their size, scope of change. It has cumulatively pushed
activity and goals. They may operate forward the democratization project.
nationally, or internationally. Civil society (Krut, 1997) is crucial to
democratization because it enables and
Civil Society as “a web of human widens participation, protects citizens from
relationships made of individual people, the abuse of state power, and guarantees
their networks, organizations, and in the political accountability of the state.
situations around which social and Civil society is a protector and guardian,
community life is built. It is dynamic, change-advocate and dispenser and
adaptive, at times nebulous, at times well- generator of social wealth and welfare.
structured, though much of it is informal. Society prevents the state from
Lederach (2001). To Lederach, the only abusing its powers and at the same time
thing that is outside the definition of civil prods it to do better by being accountable
society is the national and formal and transparent (Putman). Further, a
structures of official political governance. vibrant civil society leads to better
Kaldor (2003) gives examples of civil government. For David (1997) civil society
society which includes, but not limited to aims to transform unequal power relations
social movements, NGOs, and non-profit in six spheres: country and class; sector
organizations, advocacy networks, public and species; generation and gender.
policy networks and religious Civil society provides social welfare
organizations. such as child care, adult literacy, health
and other services which the state is
Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) unable to provide sufficiently; and
include NGOs, trade unions, faith-based organizing relief and rehabilitation centers
organizations, indigenous peoples’ in disaster and war-torn areas.
movements, foundations and many other.
Amanda Doronilla as mentioned by Diokno According to Mary Racelis, in her study,
(1997) claims that civil society covers all she stated that civil society maybe seen as
institutions and groups engaging each fulfilling three roles to wit:
other in the democratization process, e.g., 1. As part of society. This pertains to
Church, business groups among others. organized groups (not the family,
and outside the market and the
The Philippines is usually described state), mainly, community-based
as an active civil society type where organizations (CBOs),
thousands of voluntary organizations nongovernmental Organizations
addressing various concerns dot the (NMGOs) trade unions, cooperative,
country’s socio-political landscape (The religious and faith-based groups,
Third World Studies Center, 1997). academia, media, (possibly)
indigenous peoples.
Functions and Contributions of Civil
2. As a kind of society. This means that sector, and international multilateral
Civil Society serves as the promoter and bilateral donors.
of selected values and norms. Like  Civil society: NGOs as partners,
poverty eradication, human rights, especially Social Watch Philippines;
gender equality, environmental  Academe: enhancing schools of public
sustainability, international fair- administration outreach to LGUs for
trade regimes, peace, anti-small training in good governance that
landmines, and meeting social goals. incorporates MDGs
6. Launching the “10 to 10 Campaign:
3. As the public sphere. It is an arena Engaging People and Communities:
for broad-based debate and Advancing Governance Reforms
institutional collaborations; towards the Realization of the MDGs” –
partnerships and networks; from October to December 2004,
guarding of public democratic President Macapagal-Arroyo’s 10-point
spaces, monitoring government and legacy, especially human rights, gender;
sometimes private sector public administration reform for service
performance; self-monitoring. delivery, environmental governance,
anti- poverty and empowering and
Furthermore, Mary Racelis, also engaging the basic sectors, local
enumerated National Government governance scaling up reforms towards
advocacy and implementation strategies the realization of the MDGs
toward the Millennium Development Goals 7. Briefing Congress – Senate and House
(MDGs). These are: of Representatives – to promote urgent
1. Issuing regularyly the Philippine and responsive legislation for achieving
Progress Report on the MDGs after a MDGs and ensure corresponding
multi-stakeholder review (every 18-24 budget allocations: House of
months), using it as a tool for Representatives Special Committee
awareness raising, advocacy, alliance headed by a strongly committed
building, renewal of political Congresswoman provides oversight
commitments, and compliance function
2. Promoting workshops at national, With this, assessment of Philippines
regional, and local levels on progress toward the MGD Goals and
mainstreaming the MDGs, enhancing Targets are emphasize to wit:
the capacity to monitor global human Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and
commitments; upgrading statistical hunger
capacities to measure MDG progress Target 1: Reduce extreme poverty (by ½)
and utilize appropriate indicators; Target 2: Food and nutrition, especially under-five
children (reduce malnutrition by ½)
assessing MDG performance relative to
other Asia-Pacific countries;
Goal 2: Achieve universal primary
establishing the Social Development
Management Information System Target 3: Primary education (universal)
(SOMIS), etc.
3. Accounting for how much goes to MDG- Goal 3: Promote gender equality
related programs, activities and projects Target 4: Gender disparity in education (universal)
by linking the Medium-Term Philippine
Development Plan (MTPDP) 2004-2010, Goal 4: Reduce child mortality
Target 5: Under-five mortality (reduce by 2/3)
to the MDGs, with targets specified for
Target 6: Maternal mortality (by ¾)
2010 also Target 7: Reproductive health access (universal)
4. Identifying investments per goal and
target through the Medium-Term Public Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and
Investment Program (MTPIP), 2005- other diseases
2010 that integrates planning, Target 8: HIV/AIDS (halt and reverse)
programming and budgeting Target 9: Malaria and other major diseases (half
and reverse)
5. Urging the involvement of civil society
organizations (CSOs), the business
Goal 7: Ensure environmental understand them? Sociologist David Aberle
sustainability (1966) addresses this question by
Target 10: Sustainable development and developing categories that distinguish
environmental losses (reverse among social movements based on what
Target 11: Safe drinking water (reduce lack of
access by ½)
they want to change and how much
Target 12: Slum dwellers (significant improvement change they want. 
in the lives of 100 million worldwide by  Reform movements seek to change
2020) something specific about the social
Goal 8: Develop a global partnership for
 Revolutionary movements seek to
completely change every aspect of
Target 13: Trading and financial system;
governance, development, and poverty society.
Target 14: Debt management  Religious/Redemptive movements are
“meaning seeking,” and their goal is to
CONCEPT OF SOCIAL MOVEMENTS provoke inner change or spiritual growth
Social movements are purposeful, in individuals.
organized groups that strive to work  Alternative movements are focused on
toward a common social goal. While most self-improvement and limited, specific
of us learned about social movements in changes to individual beliefs and
history classes, we tend to take for granted behavior.
the fundamental changes they caused —  Resistance movements seek to prevent
and we may be completely unfamiliar with or undo change to the social structure
the trend toward global social movements.
But from the antitobacco movement that Stages of Social Movements
has worked to outlaw smoking in public Later sociologists studied the
buildings and raise the cost of cigarettes, lifecycle of social movements—how they
to political uprisings throughout the Arab emerge, grow, and in some cases, die out.
world, movements are creating social Blumer (1969) and Tilly (1978) outline a
change on a global scale. four-stage process. In the preliminary
stage, people become aware of an issue,
Social movements can be thought of and leaders emerge. This is followed by
as organized yet informal social entries the coalescence stage when people join
that are engaged in an extra-institutional together and organize in order to publicize
conflict that is oriented towards a goal the issue and raise awareness. In
which can be concrete and narrow policy the institutionalization stage, the
or aimed at cultural change (EBSCO movement no longer requires grassroots
Research Starters, 2009). volunteerism: it is an established
There have been many social organization, typically with a paid staff.
movements throughout history that have When people fall away and adopt a new
dramatically changed the societies in movement, the movement successfully
which they occurred. Social movements brings about the change it sought, or when
have varied widely in their ideologies, some people no longer take the issue seriously,
have been revolutionary in their aims, the movement falls into the decline stage.
some have advocated reforms to the Each social movement discussed earlier
existing changes system, and others have belongs in one of these four stages.
been conservative in their orientation and
have worked to oppose changes in society. Basic features of Social movements
In scope, social movements are varied also; 1. social movements have been
many changes are limited to local policies powerful means for ordinary people
and others have been international in their to participate directly in creating
focus (Christiansen, 2009). positive social change
2. they are deeply grounded in our
We know that social movements can founding values of justice,
occur on the local, national, or even global democracy, civil rights etc.
stage. Are there other patterns or
classifications that can help us
3. it addresses an injustice that speak on behalf of a constituency
violates central human and cultural lacking formal representation, “as
values well as through connective
4. it should secure the public support structures and shared identities that
5. social movements must be non- sustain collective action.
violent  Social movements tend to emerge
initially as a local source of power
Four stages of Social Movements and moral authority.
 Emergence. Within this stage, social  Social movements create
movements are very preliminary, constituencies of accountability and
and there is little to no organization. alternative authoritative interpretive
Ex. The early 1950’s for the Civil communities that draw on local
Rights Movement. resources (networks, information,
 Coalescence. At this stage, social relationships, and cultural symbols)
movements have overcome obstacles to ground the lawmaking process in
which many never overcome. It is a moral vision that forces both their
characterized by a more clearly legal advocates and the larger
defined sense of discontent, a sense society to begin to contend with
of what the unease is all about and issues of substantive justice.
who or what is responsible. Ex.  Social movements may ultimately
American civil rights movement. succeed in changing public opinion.
 Bureaucratization. This stage is Or minorities – through social
characterized by higher levels of the movements – can attract more
organization and coalition-based supporters, influence a political
strategies. In this stage, social majority, and thus succeed in
movements can no longer just rely conventional politics through their
on mass rallies or inspirational disproportionate and concentrated
leaders; they must rely on trained attention on gaining access to
staff to carry out the functions of legislation or the executive branch.
organizations. Ex. Gay rights  Social movements influence
movement. lawmaking, which then shapes the
 Decline. It does not necessarily mean agenda of the social movement.
failure of social movements as Miller
(1999) argues that there are four Even when they fail, social
ways in which social movements can movements may still provide a valuable
decrease namely: Success, window on lawmaking because they bring
Organized failure, Co-optation, to the fore conceptions of substantive
Repression. justice, not just procedural fairness. Social
movements, whether of the political right
Functions and Contributions of Social or left, help narrate new social meanings,
Movements often through their interaction with, and
Guinier & Torres (2014) in an article resistance to, more conventional
entitled “Changing the Wind: Notes toward understanding.
a Demosprudence of Law and Social
Movements” published in Yale Law In her work, Adrianne L. Banga
Journal claimed that: stated that Social movements are not just
 Social movements have played key about adherence on a certain belief or
roles in redefining the meaning of ideology. Social movements are more than
our democracy by creating necessary just organized group of people bounded by
conditions for a genuine” community common goal. Social movement are the
of consent”. best reminders that poverty and
 Social movements build solidarity socioeconomic inequality continues to
through “a continuous series of linger in the society. A society without any
interactions between power holders social movements is utopian one. As long
and persons successfully claiming to
as there is an unequal society, social allegiance to a state, whether
movements will never cease to exist. democratic or not without thereby
becoming citizens. Thus, prior to the
granting of Philippine independence by
the United Sates on July 4, 1946, the
Filipinos were deemed American
nationals because they owed allegiance
Lesson to the United States but were not
15 Citizenship citizens thereof.

We can, thereof, say that the

ARTICLE IV nationals of a state include not only its
CITIZENSHIP citizens who enjoy full civil and political
SECTION 1. The following are citizens of privileges but also all others who are
the Philippines: not its citizens, but because they owe
(1) Those who are citizens of the allegiance to it, are not regarded as
Philippines at the time of the adoption aliens. While all citizens are nationals
of this Constitution; of a state, not all nationals are citizens
(2) Those whose fathers or mothers are of state.
citizens of the Philippines;
(3) Those born before January 17, 1973, of Meaning of subject and alien
Filipino mothers, who elect Philippine (1) A citizen is a member of a
citizenship upon reaching the age of democratic community who enjoys
majority; and full civil and political rights. In a
(4) Those who are naturalized in monarchial state, he is often called
accordance with law. subject.
(2) An alien is a citizen of a country who
Meaning of citizenship and citizen is residing in or passing through
(1) Citizenship is a term denoting another country. He is probably
membership of a citizen in a political called “foreigner”. He is not given the
society, which membership implies, full rights to citizenship (such as the
reciprocally, a duty of allegiance on right to vote and to hold public
the part of the member and duty or office) but is entitled to receive
protection on the part of the State. protection as to his person and
(2) Citizen is a person having the title of property.
citizenship. He is a member of a
democratic, community who enjoys General ways of acquiring citizenship
full civil and political rights, and is They are:
accorded protection inside and (1) Involuntary method. – By birth,
outside the territory of the State. because of blood relationship or
Along with other citizens, they place of birth; and
compose the political community. (2) Voluntary method. – By
(3) To be a Filipino citizen, a person naturalization, except in case of
must belong to any of the classes of collective naturalization of the
citizens enumerated in Section 1. inhabitants of a territory correspond
to the two kinds of citizens –
Distinguished from nationality and naturals-born and naturalized
nationals citizens.
From the point of view of
international law, the terms Citizens by birth.
“citizenship” and “citizens” do not They are two principles or rules that
exactly mean the same as “nationality” govern citizenship by birth, namely:
and national.” (1) jus sanguinis. – blood relationship is
The latter terms have a broader the basis for the acquisition of
meaning, embracing all who owe citizenship under this rule. The
children follow the citizenship of the
parents or one of them. This is the Section 1, paragraph 2 thereof, making the
predominating principle in the children of a female citizen Philippine
Philippines (see Sec.1[2]); and citizens without having to make an
(2) jus soli or jus loci. – place of birth election. In the latter instance, he is a
serves as the basis for acquiring citizen from birth.
citizenship under this rule. A person The rule then, as it is now, is that a
becomes a citizen of the state where Filipina does not lose her citizenship by
he is born irrespective of the her marriage to an alien. (Sec.4) however,
citizenship of the parents. This it is not clear whether those who had
principle prevails in the United elected citizenship under the 1935
States. It does not mean though that Constitution (having been born before the
the principle of jus sanguinis is not effectivity of the 1973 Constitution on
likewise recognized. January 17, 1973) are to be considered as
natural born Filipino citizens. Under
Citizens at the time of the adoption of section 1, paragraph 3 in relation to
the Constitution Section 2, they are now declared as
The citizens referred to are those natural-born citizens.
considered Filipino citizens under the
1973 Constitution at the time of the An illegitimate child follows the
effectivity of the new Constitution on citizenship of his legally known parents,
February 2, 1987 by virtue of Proclamation the mother. Hence, they are also no need
No. 58 of the President. to elect Philippine citizenship.

Citizens by blood relationship Citizen by naturalization

The Philippines, in accordance with In the contemplation of the
Section 1, paragraph 2, follows the constitution, even those who are Filipino
principle of jus sanguinis. In the citizens at birth and who cannot take
determination of the citizenship of the advantage of the right given to the children
child, Filipino mothers are places by the of Filipino mothers, may become citizens
Constitution on equal footing with their by naturalization. In other words,
husbands. This dignifies the Filipino citizenship may not be based on principle
woman. The father or mother may be a on jus sanguinis.
natural-born Filipino or a Filipino by
naturalization or by election. Under the Section 1 paragraph 4 which declares
Provision, a child born of a Filipino citizen as citizen of the Philippines those who are
is a citizen of the Philippines although those naturalized in accordance with law’’
illegitimate since the Constitution does not possess great significance.
make any distinction.
If the child is born in a state where the (1) Certain rights and privileges, duties
rule of jus soli obtains, or the child’s father and obligations limited to Filipino
or mother is an alien whose country citizens. Under our constitution and
follows also the principle of jus sanguinis, our laws, there are certain rights
it would be a case of dual citizenship. (See and privileges that could be enjoyed
Sec. 4) only by the Filipino citizens. Thus,
under the Constitution, only
Citizens through election under the qualified citizens can exercise the
1935 Constitution right of suffrage. (Art. V, Sec. 1.) No
Under the 1935 Constitution, a child person may be elected President or
born of a Filipino mother, who was Vice-President or member of
married to a foreigner, is born an alien and Congress, or appointed member of
remains an alien during his minority until the Supreme Court or any lower
he elects Philippine citizenship. Prior to collegiate court, or member of any of
such election, he has an inchoate right to the Constitutional Commissions, or
Filipino citizenship. If he is born after the of the Central Monetary Authority,
ratification of the 1973 Constitution on Ombudsman or his Deputy unless
January 17, 1973, he is a citizen under he is a natural-born citizen of the
Philippines. (see Art. VII, Secs. 2and and the facts of the entrance similar
3; Art. VI, Secs.3 and 6; Art. VIII, relation towards a new body politic.
Sec. 7[1]; Art. IX, B-Sec. 1 [1], C-Sec
1[1], D-Sec. 1[1]; Art. XI, Sec. 8; Art. Ways of acquiring citizenship by
XII, Sec 20) naturalization
A person may be naturalized in two
From these position, naturalized ways:
citizens and citizens by election are barred (1) By judgement of the court. -The
by the constitution. foreigner who wants to become a
(2) Constitution Nationalistic in Filipino citizen must apply for
character, - The constitution is naturalization with the proper
naturalistic in character. Even in regional trial court. He must have all
the preamble speaks of our the qualification and not
patrimony and of securing to ours disqualifications provided by law,
selves and “our prosperity” the and must comply with all procedure
blessings of independence and and conditions prescribed. The
democracy. revised naturalization Act11 is the
(3) Care in granting or denying present naturalization law. Such law
privilege opf naturalization essential. shall also continue in force pursuant
– If the privilege of naturalization to the transitory provision of the
would be granted on easy terms of Constitution (Art XVIII, Sec 3.);
foreigners not seriously intent on (2) By direct act of congress. – in this
acquiring Filipino citizenship but case, our lawmaking body simply
only desirous of improving his enacts an act directly conferring
economic condition, then it is likely citizenship on a foreigner.
that the nationalistic provisions if
the Constitution would be reduced
to a barren from the words. Section 2. Natural-born citizens are
those who are citizens of the Philippines
On the other hand, extreme care from birth without having to perform any
must be taken that our naturalization act to acquire or perfect their Philippine
law, in barring undesirable aliens, does citizenship. Those who elect Philippine
not unduly discourage the worthwhile citizenship in accordance with paragraph
aliens who are likely to be valuable (3), Section 1 hereof shall be deemed
additions to the rank of Filipinos. For natural-born citizens.
them, to right an application of a
naturalization law may prevent them Kinds of citizens under the
from attaining Philippine citizenship. constitution.
Not only they but the country maybe They are:
loser. (1) Natural-born citizens. – they refer to
The policy on the naturalization (a) Who at the moment of their birth
should be guided by our own national are already citizens of the
interest5. Perhaps the ideal is that only Philippines, and
those who have to love the country, who (b) Do not have perform any act to
have integrated themselves in the acquire his Philippine citizenship.
citizenry, and who can contribute to the So, a child born of Filipino
development of the nation should be parents, or Filipino father, or a
conferred citizenship by naturalization. Filipino mother after the
ratification of the 1973
Meaning of naturalization constitution on January 17,
Naturalization is the act of formally 1973, is natural-born citizen. But
adopting a foreigner into the political body a natural-born citizen who has
of the state and clothing him with the lost his citizenship but
rights a privilege of citizenship. It implies subsequently require it is not
the renunciation of a former nationality
natural-born citizen in view of constitution and laws of a foreign
letter (b) above. country; and
(2) Involuntarily. -They are:
The term, However, includes the citizen (a) By cancellation of his certificate of
mentioned in No. (2) (except naturalized naturalization by the court; and
citizens) and No. (3) below. In effect, all (b) By having been declared by
citizens are natural-born except those competent authority, a deserter in
who are naturalized and who the Philippine armed forces in the
subsequently acquired their citizenship. time of war.
Those born of Filipino mothers before
January 17, 1973 but who failed to The voluntary loss or renunciation of
elect Philippine citizenship upon one’s nationality is called expatriation. In
reaching the age of majority (see Sec. 3) time of war, however, a Filipino citizen
are aliens but they can be Filipino cannot expatriate himself.
citizens by naturalization;
(2) Citizen at the time of adoption of the Reacquisition of lost Philippine citizenship
new constitution. – They refer to Citizenship may be reacquired.
those who are considered citizen of (1) By naturalization, provided the
the Philippines under the 1973 applicant possesses none of the
Constitution at the time if the disqualifications provided in the
adoption of the new Constitution (su naturalization law;
pra); (2) By repatriation of deserters of the
(3) Citizens through elections. – They Philippine armed forces and women
refer to those born of Filipino who lost their citizenship by the
mothers before January 17 1973, reason of marriage to an alien, after
who, upon reaching the age of the termination of their material
majority, elect Philippine citizenship status; and
after the ratification of the 1973 (3) By direct act of the congress of the
Constitution (even prior to the Philippines.
effectivity of the new Constitution.
(sec. 1[3].) they are placed on the Repatriation is effected by merely
level as those born of Filipino taking the necessary oath of the allegiance
mothers on or after January 17, to the republic of the Philippines and
1973; and registering the same in the proper civil
(4) Naturalized citizen. – they refer to registry.
those who were originally citizens of
another country, but who, by an Section 4. Citizens of the Philippines who
intervening act (i.e., naturalization), marry aliens shall retain their citizenship,
have acquired new citizenship in a unless by their act or omission they are
different country. deemed, under the law, to have renounced
Section 3. Philippine citizenship may be Effect of marriage of citizen to an alien.
lost or reacquired in the manner provided Under Section 4, a citizen of the
by law. Philippines who marries an alien does not
lose his/her Philippine citizenship even if
Loss of citizenship by the laws of his/her wife’s/husband’s
A Filipino citizen may lose his country, he/she acquires his/her
citizenship in any of the following ways nationality.
and/or events:
(1) Voluntarily. – they are: Section 5. Dual allegiance of citizens is
(a) By naturalization in a foreign inimical to the national interest and shall
country; be dealt with by law.
(b) By express renunciation of
citizenship; Duties and obligations of citizens.
(c) By subscribing to an oath of Among others, the more important
allegiance to support the duties and obligations of very citizen in a
democratic society are enumerated and (3) To contribute to the development
explained below and welfare of the State. – The
(1) To be loyal to thy republic . – By development and welfare of the
loyalty, we mean faith and confidence state should be concern of every
in the Republic and love and devotion citizen for he will be the first to
to the country. The citizen must be enjoy the benefits thereof.
proud of his country, its customs, Anything’s that affects the
traditions, language, and institutions. country and the people as whole
He must share in its glories and feel indirectly affects him,
sad in its misfortunes, it is the “home individually and personally. He
of our people, the seat of our is affected by its ills and
affections, and the source of our disorder, its growth and stability.
happiness and well-being.” (4) To uphold the constitution and
A citizen owes, to a qualified and obey the laws. – The
temporary, but an absolute and Constitution is the expression of
permanent allegiance which consists the sovereign will of our people.
in the obligation of fidelity and It is the shrine for all the hopes
obedience to hi government. He must and visions for our nation. Laws
not commit any act of disloyalty, such are enacted in accordance with it
as treason, rebellion, sedition or other for the good of all. It is,
similar act. On the contrary, the therefore, the duty of every
citizen must be willing and ready citizen to defend and respect the
whenever necessary to cast his life Constitution and obey the laws.
and fortunes in defense of his country (5) To cooperate with duly
constituted authorities. –
(2) To defend the state. – Men may differ Community living imposes
and do differ on religious beliefs and obligations and responsibilities
creeds, government policies, the upon the individual. The larger
wisdom and validity of laws, even the interests of the group and the
correctness of judicial decisions and nation that he must serve
decrees, but in the field of love of necessarily involve in his own,
country, national unity, and and he would be recreant to the
patriotism, they can hardly afford to close of interests if he did not
differ for these are matters in which actively concern himself with the
they are mutually and vitally affairs of his government.
interested, for to them they mean (6) To exercise rights responsibly
national existence or survival as a and with due regards for the
nation or national extinction. rights of others. – Society is
“love of country, however, is not composed of men, each with
shown by words but by deeds. It interest of his own. In the course
is not an occasional virtue to be life, the interests man conflict
exhibited now and then; it is with those of many others.
flame hat should be kept Amidst the continuous clash of
constantly aglow in our hearts. It interest, the ruling social
means an unflinching philosophy should be that, in the
determination to serve and ultimate social order, the welfare
defend one’s country at all times of everyman depends upon the
and at all cots”. welfare of all.
The citizens receive benefits (7) To engage in gainful work. –
and protection from the State of employment is not the obligation
which they are a part. In return, solely of the state. (see Art. II,
it is their primary and honorable Sec. (9) every citizen should
duty to defend it against any consider it his own responsibility
peril, whether from within or and should strive to become
from without. See Art. III, Sec.3.) useful and productive member of
the society to assure not only
himself but, perhaps, more
important, his family a life
worthy of human dignity. “the Political Engagement
essence of life is worth”. Every Lesson
citizen should bear in mind that
only by hard and sustained work
16 Youth Empowerment
can man and nation survive.
(8) To register and vote. -Suffrage is
both a privilege and a duty
which every qualified citizen
must perform. It is through
suffrage that the will of the
people will express. The quality
of public officials and the
policies of the administrator,
indeed the success or failure of
the government, depend, directly
or indirectly upon the voters. Concept of Civil Society
The United Nations (UN) defines Civil
With respect to foundlings, the society as the “third sector” of society,
Supreme Court through Chief Justice along with government and business. It
Sereno stated that the Philippine adoption comprises civil society organizations and
laws recognize foundlings or children with non-governmental organizations. The UN
no known parents as Filipino citizens. recognizes the importance of partnering
Republic Act 8552 or the Act Establishing with civil society, because it advances the
Rules and Policies on Domestic Adoption Organization’s ideals, and helps support
of Filipino and for other purposes, its work.
particularly Section 5, states, “it shall be
the duty of the Department or child-caring The World Health Organization
agency, which has custody of the child to (WHO) claims that the Civil society is seen
locate the biological parents. If efforts fail, as a social sphere separated from both the
the child shall be considered a foundling.” state and the market. WHO further reports
Meaning foundlings are covered by rules that the increasingly accepted
on adoption of Filipino children understanding of the term civil society
Sereno cited Republic Act 8043 or organizations (CSOs) is that of non-state,
the Act establishing rules to govern inter- not-for-profit, voluntary organizations
country adoption of Filipino children and formed by people in that social sphere.
for other purposes, which she related to
Article 15 of the Civil Code that states The term is used to describe a broad
“laws relating to family rights and duties, range of organizations, networks,
or to the status, condition and legal associations, groups and movements that
capacity of persons are binding upon are independent of government and that
citizens of the Philippines, even though sometimes come together to advance their
living abroad.” It means foundlings fall common interests through collective
within the coverage of the inter-country action.
adoption act of Filipino children. The
policy is to resolve in the best interest of The term NGO’s is used to describe
children because their concern is non-profit making, non-violent
paramount to the State. organizations, which seek to influence the
policy of governments and international
organizations and to complement
government services (such as health and
education). They vary in their size, scope of
activity and goals. They may operate
nationally, or internationally.
Civil society (Krut, 1997) is crucial to
Civil Society as “a web of human democratization because it enables and
relationships made of individual people, widens participation, protects citizens from
their networks, organizations, and in the abuse of state power, and guarantees
situations around which social and the political accountability of the state.
community life is built. It is dynamic, Civil society is a protector and guardian,
adaptive, at times nebulous, at times well- change-advocate and dispenser and
structured, though much of it is informal. generator of social wealth and welfare.
Lederach (2001). To Lederach, the only Society prevents the state from
thing that is outside the definition of civil abusing its powers and at the same time
society is the national and formal prods it to do better by being accountable
structures of official political governance. and transparent (Putman). Further, a
Kaldor (2003) gives examples of civil vibrant civil society leads to better
society which includes, but not limited to government. For David (1997) civil society
social movements, NGOs, and non-profit aims to transform unequal power relations
organizations, advocacy networks, public in six spheres: country and class; sector
policy networks and religious and species; generation and gender.
organizations. Civil society provides social welfare
such as child care, adult literacy, health
Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and other services which the state is
include NGOs, trade unions, faith-based unable to provide sufficiently; and
organizations, indigenous peoples’ organizing relief and rehabilitation centers
movements, foundations and many other. in disaster and war-torn areas.
Amanda Doronilla as mentioned by Diokno
(1997) claims that civil society covers all According to Mary Racelis, in her study,
institutions and groups engaging each she stated that civil society maybe seen as
other in the democratization process, e.g., fulfilling three roles to wit:
Church, business groups among others. 4. As part of society. This pertains to
organized groups (not the family,
The Philippines is usually described and outside the market and the
as an active civil society type where state), mainly, community-based
thousands of voluntary organizations organizations (CBOs),
addressing various concerns dot the nongovernmental Organizations
country’s socio-political landscape (The (NMGOs) trade unions, cooperative,
Third World Studies Center, 1997). religious and faith-based groups,
academia, media, (possibly)
Functions and Contributions of Civil indigenous peoples.
Paffenholz and Spurk (2010) give seven 5. As a kind of society. This means that
features that civil society plays in Civil Society serves as the promoter
peacebuilding. These functions are: of selected values and norms. Like
 protection poverty eradication, human rights,
 monitoring gender equality, environmental
 advocacy and public communication sustainability, international fair-
 social cohesion trade regimes, peace, anti-small
 intermediation and facilitation landmines, and meeting social goals.
 service delivery
6. As the public sphere. It is an arena
According to The Third World for broad-based debate and
Studies Center (1997), the civil society has institutional collaborations;
demonstrated their potential as partnerships and networks;
independent power centers and agents of guarding of public democratic
change. It has cumulatively pushed spaces, monitoring government and
forward the democratization project. sometimes private sector
performance; self-monitoring.
Furthermore, Mary Racelis, also engaging the basic sectors, local
enumerated National Government governance scaling up reforms towards
advocacy and implementation strategies the realization of the MDGs
toward the Millennium Development Goals 14. Briefing Congress – Senate and
(MDGs). These are: House of Representatives – to promote
8. Issuing regularyly the Philippine urgent and responsive legislation for
Progress Report on the MDGs after a achieving MDGs and ensure
multi-stakeholder review (every 18-24 corresponding budget allocations:
months), using it as a tool for House of Representatives Special
awareness raising, advocacy, alliance Committee headed by a strongly
building, renewal of political committed Congresswoman provides
commitments, and compliance oversight function
9. Promoting workshops at national, With this, assessment of Philippines
regional, and local levels on progress toward the MGD Goals and
mainstreaming the MDGs, enhancing Targets are emphasize to wit:
the capacity to monitor global human Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and
commitments; upgrading statistical hunger
capacities to measure MDG progress Target 1: Reduce extreme poverty (by
and utilize appropriate indicators; ½)
assessing MDG performance relative to Target 2: Food and nutrition,
other Asia-Pacific countries; especially under-five children
establishing the Social Development (reduce malnutrition by ½)
Management Information System Goal 2: Achieve universal primary
(SOMIS), etc. education
10. Accounting for how much goes to Target 3: Primary education
MDG-related programs, activities and (universal)
projects by linking the Medium-Term Goal 3: Promote gender equality
Philippine Development Plan (MTPDP) Target 4: Gender disparity in
2004-2010, to the MDGs, with targets education (universal
specified for 2010 also Goal 4: Reduce child mortality
11. Identifying investments per goal and Target 5: Under-five mortality
target through the Medium-Term Public (reduce by 2/3)
Investment Program (MTPIP), 2005- Target 6: Maternal mortality (by ¾)
2010 that integrates planning, Target 7: Reproductive health access
programming and budgeting (universal)
12. Urging the involvement of civil Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and
society organizations (CSOs), the other diseases
business sector, and international Target 8: HIV/AIDS (halt and
multilateral and bilateral donors. reverse)
 Civil society: NGOs as partners, Target 9: Malaria and other major
especially Social Watch Philippines; diseases (half and reverse)
 Academe: enhancing schools of public Goal 7: Ensure environmental
administration outreach to LGUs for sustainability
training in good governance that Target 10: Sustainable development
incorporates MDGs and environmental losses (reverse
13. Launching the “10 to 10 Campaign: Target 11: Safe drinking water
Engaging People and Communities: (reduce lack of access by ½)
Advancing Governance Reforms Target 12: Slum dwellers (significant
towards the Realization of the MDGs” – improvement in the lives of 100
from October to December 2004, million worldwide by 2020)
President Macapagal-Arroyo’s 10-point Goal 8: Develop a global partnership for
legacy, especially human rights, gender; development
public administration reform for service Target 13: Trading and financial
delivery, environmental governance, system; governance, development, and
anti- poverty and empowering and poverty
Target 14: Debt management  Religious/Redemptive movements are
“meaning seeking,” and their goal is to
CONCEPT OF SOCIAL MOVEMENTS provoke inner change or spiritual growth
Social movements are purposeful, in individuals.
organized groups that strive to work  Alternative movements are focused on
toward a common social goal. While most self-improvement and limited, specific
of us learned about social movements in changes to individual beliefs and
history classes, we tend to take for granted behavior.
the fundamental changes they caused —  Resistance movements seek to prevent
and we may be completely unfamiliar with or undo change to the social structure
the trend toward global social movements.
But from the antitobacco movement that Stages of Social Movements
has worked to outlaw smoking in public Later sociologists studied the
buildings and raise the cost of cigarettes, lifecycle of social movements—how they
to political uprisings throughout the Arab emerge, grow, and in some cases, die out.
world, movements are creating social Blumer (1969) and Tilly (1978) outline a
change on a global scale. four-stage process. In the preliminary
stage, people become aware of an issue,
Social movements can be thought of and leaders emerge. This is followed by
as organized yet informal social entries the coalescence stage when people join
that are engaged in an extra-institutional together and organize in order to publicize
conflict that is oriented towards a goal the issue and raise awareness. In
which can be concrete and narrow policy the institutionalization stage, the
or aimed at cultural change (EBSCO movement no longer requires grassroots
Research Starters, 2009). volunteerism: it is an established
There have been many social organization, typically with a paid staff.
movements throughout history that have When people fall away and adopt a new
dramatically changed the societies in movement, the movement successfully
which they occurred. Social movements brings about the change it sought, or when
have varied widely in their ideologies, some people no longer take the issue seriously,
have been revolutionary in their aims, the movement falls into the decline stage.
some have advocated reforms to the Each social movement discussed earlier
existing changes system, and others have belongs in one of these four stages.
been conservative in their orientation and
have worked to oppose changes in society. Basic features of Social movements
In scope, social movements are varied also; 6. social movements have been
many changes are limited to local policies powerful means for ordinary
and others have been international in their people to participate directly in
focus (Christiansen, 2009). creating positive social change
7. they are deeply grounded in our
We know that social movements can founding values of justice,
occur on the local, national, or even global democracy, civil rights etc.
stage. Are there other patterns or 8. it addresses an injustice that
classifications that can help us violates central human and
understand them? Sociologist David Aberle cultural values
(1966) addresses this question by 9. it should secure the public
developing categories that distinguish support
among social movements based on what 10. social movements must be
they want to change and how much non-violent
change they want. 
 Reform movements seek to change Four stages of Social Movements
something specific about the social  Emergence. Within this stage, social
structure. movements are very preliminary,
 Revolutionary movements seek to and there is little to no organization.
completely change every aspect of
Ex. The early 1950’s for the Civil communities that draw on local
Rights Movement. resources (networks, information,
 Coalescence. At this stage, social relationships, and cultural symbols)
movements have overcome obstacles to ground the lawmaking process in
which many never overcome. It is a moral vision that forces both their
characterized by a more clearly legal advocates and the larger
defined sense of discontent, a sense society to begin to contend with
of what the unease is all about and issues of substantive justice.
who or what is responsible. Ex.  Social movements may ultimately
American civil rights movement. succeed in changing public opinion.
 Bureaucratization. This stage is Or minorities – through social
characterized by higher levels of the movements – can attract more
organization and coalition-based supporters, influence a political
strategies. In this stage, social majority, and thus succeed in
movements can no longer just rely conventional politics through their
on mass rallies or inspirational disproportionate and concentrated
leaders; they must rely on trained attention on gaining access to
staff to carry out the functions of legislation or the executive branch.
organizations. Ex. Gay rights  Social movements influence
movement. lawmaking, which then shapes the
 Decline. It does not necessarily mean agenda of the social movement.
failure of social movements as Miller
(1999) argues that there are four Even when they fail, social
ways in which social movements can movements may still provide a valuable
decrease namely: Success, window on lawmaking because they bring
Organized failure, Co-optation, to the fore conceptions of substantive
Repression. justice, not just procedural fairness. Social
movements, whether of the political right
Functions and Contributions of Social or left, help narrate new social meanings,
Movements often through their interaction with, and
Guinier & Torres (2014) in an article resistance to, more conventional
entitled “Changing the Wind: Notes toward understanding.
a Demosprudence of Law and Social
Movements” published in Yale Law In her work, Adrianne L. Banga stated that
Journal claimed that: Social movements are not just about
 Social movements have played key adherence on a certain belief or ideology.
roles in redefining the meaning of Social movements are more than just
our democracy by creating necessary organized group of people bounded by
conditions for a genuine” community common goal. Social movement are the
of consent”. best reminders that poverty and
 Social movements build solidarity socioeconomic inequality continues to
through “a continuous series of
linger in the society. A society without any
interactions between power holders
social movements is utopian one. As long
and persons successfully claiming to
speak on behalf of a constituency as there is an unequal society, social
lacking formal representation, “as movements will never cease to exist.
well as through connective
structures and shared identities that
sustain collective action.
 Social movements tend to emerge
initially as a local source of power
and moral authority.
 Social movements create
constituencies of accountability and
alternative authoritative interpretive

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