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‘ 7 Aosmnges and — dostoys lung tissue [Ree Respirators) system Suppresses Wwmune — susremn twits Symptons of TB ——— coughing ue blood, [ Privmavy infection 8 second avy intectio Owy about —g07, ot dhe people expored «ty 72 will be infected, ‘Piwary heron . Gecondoiy infection) ein ' Awe TR couses.—— symplom “we | ' ‘ t) Fevey 2) Night — sweats 3) Loss of Oppo | Q) Lots) of. weight Ml 5) ‘Wwedvess ) lack of ehorgy Te infertion, tne tugs goductS a Niguid flo thar lungg | cated sptur Severe infeeton leads to ctughing © up with —Spudum ust ood Without Anatwouty Ale altected Person wth sktadiiy tose weygtt and, are lungs alll be din shoyed ond — alveoli break downy yeduet Speen toy gaseesus exchange. Mycobacie a xorg = Tas vedveing «=e production oF avttteedios and disqhle a evitica) = Pot oF He mune guste Bockvia ove Sensitive ae Repevatre and Stop Yepreduating, at yee A patent with active TR ote hus high demperadive Auman enue S Sort 4p olunadve at 4o'c , so te patient is at ot a vist of dy dyin betwee backeug ove inhibited Eventually TB Cauges tat dues date «OF oxygte ow _ te ov Ahough herr damaged lungs. iTwy 8 more uulnenite > oppsrtunrste —nfeckons such as prumonia which wou be de reason Ar ter Treatment and Convo lagnosis TR damage do the =A ded rey wall show a Monge ay apogee gatas and love flick Was mts ive Nwailay ij = Tet ae ottey diseases whith in Stay tivogee mse =x wOyS can suggest dah TRIS PPM a wom a — Exowining awe DNA ot dhe baotena give Hlatively oso vellably vegults, Treatment for antibiotics TBR is Aveaked wath. amntibiottes for movy months . 3) A conctat! oF amtibiotics - 9) months VW) Treatment wlth 2 abttibiotics - anoter 4-7 months Most Pakents will ke completly «Aw of = TR fey 4 worn bud i+ con fake a yeay fp Ig months before all trans of — achve disease have disappeared * Reventon and Convo Dd Smpovng — tiwng —stondards De avid over comadad conditions 9g Preventing wel nourshmond 8) Preventing — and ‘eating the disease Ww cattle 9) Pasteuvung wate: ‘ 8) Pmmunteaton, Reasons fev Weveage . iw vumbey of TR 1 Merevioradting socta) conditions. gwme —aveag. { 2) Swmaigratton and the move mond of ONES ~— between counrbtes | 3) Foreigh aravel 4) Dnceas € Wn wetnaverons drug use 5) Trereasting Peope Whecral with wav | APDs | Dogevelopwont of Wistanca tw uieiotc | | Tannynary Leu cols — itlamma Hon [non specttic responses Fevty Aasponses fo Phagocytosis infection 1 seecife responses Cell retegnition i ~ Ta ability of the body ish Sy how He inoroune, = Te ails of dittaent —sganicrns surface a mom bras . Avtigns = glyropwins —> ghitose 5 - =H & Ae cugay molecules gee Dwrorrewee of Wantifynd self ‘To Mowkfy alle in scueg and davelopmant. a Tdowtsty Potlmngens ard foreign =F Humoral response cet medicated vesponse Gishyguish behween seit ard non cygem works. have differ —amtigent 1 thei Component + = protein’ changed fiom atl do call avd non self organs — fownation dung embryonic ats as nonself is also Import = Nomedt —_guupnttins ae veeggniud by WECs kody - cuimmutoe rownum response ot the Jy» Sony Wh oe ins! es Aotigons pooduted—baedena | viruses body doped on di Mary hwmin vesponses of ake ody even i of lewroryts « —_Leuroeyles responsible Ar mony of mom —spRCHIC . vesponise 4000-000 wac | mm? of blood. formed hy marins- Leugoey ts Sore ature Ih Thymus Granutocy Hs hove grams WW He tytoplasn hich, con be Stared Some -vesponsible Rr non specth'c resrorsg Some ~ responsible for specific ree pomeoy leucocytes —_ agyanulocyses, + gyanulocyses lympho ~ ‘ : lymphocy res mon ocyles ‘ 40-28), As PhS rewhophis eosinophils o-S-1Y, 60-701. gray. feo ws Aevten ramulicy yes Yoled wuctet /ro ——4 specie responses, Leucocyte S Kesrou locutes (Wo lobed —nuctous / cgecific responses ) [> Neutrophils Phagocutes. t Phagocutosts \ mul lobed nuclor 707. of wed +> Eosinophils —P stained by eosin stain Non pectic vesponse aganst * PASS» 1 allavgic reaches and | iwflamma how. Ls Rasophils wo lobed nucleus, product — histamines Yovolued in inflammation » ond allergic veatton, Nonocuies ‘Norges of dhe leucowies - + Con pass frown, the ood te dodle Howe dy fon wnaevo phages + Dmportant Ww specie Weeponses. > Pragocybsis. Lymplaocy ies + ssmall in sizo with & very large nuctous “+ Smeortavt Ww spectdic response “Non speelfic —vesponses, Mon speevtic responses, to iwdechon aves Hiattd =—by body ils breating “down ond releasing, chemials - i Doth mation = Dt Is loraleds eS =O) wolves number of SH 09) e when a disse IS davnaged y ahr wast cts and ber vilase be slamine S wake ees blo@d vessels | avdeWolWs ay dala + Miclamins This inevenses local eat ond edness: + The Aocalty —valsed dempering — CdU@S-— AY HeprOdUcHiyy, = of any —pathogeng —im Ne area, «ANctamings make dha calle ving = the walls of abe "WP, seperate —clighetly hus making fle eapillanes Perma y + Plasma leaks out ont of the eapitaMeS sah devtoyy, and — antibodies ‘ + This causes swelling and pat + Andibodtes disable Ho pathogens and tte MOCO bases oy nud pli ls dostw4 — hovn by Phagocytosis Rash is another —comnoman—cynphow - DE Re a type of tlm or Assue darnone im dhe skin Causing» red sreis avd — pateles. 2) Fevers A Reve Ts a Common Carly Mon specific reponse, Moby mR 1S contotd by hyPodbalomus. Ar A Alows so /¥eguiay et cadian Cau hs} hut, Wn 4 pathogen — tnfeets de lady, Ae M4 Wighey body empero-tuve typethaont nee A Wher emp. d ae P ite = Hedy coat Infection yyy 400 8th oe + 2% WM spocige MSP ons & 5 ee ranbe an boty 8 Wiehe, Jemp. gt Paw saSstoe nebo = = Tn 4. bacteria) twheetion ) ake emp erature relatively high until hreatmond ae nteton. Tists Srodily avd remains | \s sucessful or Aho body, cr | ’ \ ‘ \ i — Gr vival wiktotions, the temp. tends ap seike — Cinercases eveeytive when vivuseS break owt of te ails) Avereagse Http. above 40"C ——» denature of Amys —> death x Treverwe iw temp —> too wich of —> loss of Aid —> dahydration sweating ond electrolyte Death 3) Phagstytrals, 7 Phagocytnsis soften associated wih ivflenmaton. _7 Phagorytosis 1s a wee dhat enguits and — digests pathogens using lyessomes. E Jor. Newoplils Granulocyte Com only iwjgsk ao patbogere before ales. _ Wey avd renew = tety lysosomes and once fhe Gneymes are used wp ye call tamer — desboy mon Pathogens . Macrophages —o nonogges Agramulocyres 7 ay. : iz Mn When — Auswasy monoyes berome — macophages Many ate presen} = . More. capalele - : : Mevewal of Abel lysosomes is possible ss ——_— 7s pmoire ) pathogens cane be — destroyed Tae Pass _ of _Chagocytoss 4. Engu MFying, * pathogen 1 OS 0Me enclosing = vesicle Crhag ) pathogen fuses whh — lysosone Digestion of the pathogen Crmagocys canbe sean as pus specially weurbophils) Te cetific response to _ Infection Crravartevistics of de huwan imu system, DT con dictnquish self om —_nonself 2) Ot ts opeclc Cresponds ay ~ specific. dreigh calls) Dt ty aiverse Cem —weeognise 10 million AHterevnt antigens ), 4) BH bas muvologica) memo, wa Lymprotyyes "and + mac phages Gre the tun types. of WRC involwed in the specie mur syste DHren} Kinds of __ ynphooyie Dittond Bids ot rpg 5 Balls & eteoby ais S. £ he Lymphoeyes lama cells B mernory lg T killer -atls . my veleer ails 2 T remery ong B atls ‘ + Proud WwW bone marrow ‘ | » Note = B calls ave tong mM the lymeh alovds and Aveo th the wa) + Mave qldoulay — Yewtprey — protding ov ‘me alll curfach, «= membrane that ave Q Vertical to Ake antibodies —Akey —walll—tartey produce { s dymbodits ve also Known as wimg —alobullins. \ - froundg too Billion «Balls are fund =n an ewbrYO © grows, each with og diterh — rembvane bound, awtoody « + both ot Ase tren dtdes do fom =a clone of ale 5 Qtr Are balay ah nmure gst wth the potential) of Identifytig a wnge of — pornogene - + Weng @ alls bonds te an anhgth ) ditfeand — dypes of B als ove product. @ edtecty calls ———> fown elavd cal clones Plaga alls ————> produ, amtroodlies. &% wemmovy cls ——> ervidd frmnuvolagical — wemony T_ alls + Padued tw Noame movin” + Moture ond become ottive ty Tyrnus gland. + Troe Anctucand’s ok dante) «Teall vecepdors pe T ath omtiggh of aon . lindsay ine : T all veer ea . types of 1 cate ave produced. : sever 7 katy alls - pds —choicals to dstvoy—Hnfected alts. 8) 1 Melee als - Activate ankgens of a = Setveade Phogocyhsis ky opsonlus DT memory als ~ very — tong migke up. MAC (Haipr Wieto compat bi Kity, Plasma allis do eraduct antibodies againcs te pvitulay — pathogen tr “ovel” the chery =WRC Pathoath py fived — caits immunological yremory, Complex proseins MAL display antigens «on te call surface membrane The Humoral = Response Te hmopl —vesponge of tke Wmimuve ayclon —yeacts do! rantighs found outside Ae body alls, Inchuadting, atiggns on pothewenS —guth gy baceia and Aang — Ankgen Peseuting — cls 7 Te hora) TRSPOMCCE nulls in we 4 Coot ghechaa Prducton of gytibodies- i 4 alls but Jsravperted in blood > 7 2 ons > Medea avntinedies . ‘ TF amy anv , Wwe in be L A ttva-ting Balk. jhe hearal vespense T blew Ghetor T__belety activation stage qi & bacon with antigens on Surface J bactotum argued ky ¢ mavophage “we \ Mecophage presents Ale antigens from the aceiam on mayer isto com pariellity, compleas, (ec). betes th antigen - eresenting an CAPC) BAe A wascehage APC binds ha Theleer all. Ove Ae T tell ig activated it divides te Twomey alls ond achive 1 Wlpey ails T helper activetton singe Eun, of pathogen Iiaction — sk acvog hages J} newebophils ee Antigns vail) be conmbintd wlth MC complex: Compleres move ty He gurfatd— ot Aha_ancvoflage coll outer retynbvne. Noerophage + MAIC otein —_tonmplesas dicplayed on its at gufoce CAP) Tatts with spectic — remprovs Bind td gpec ic antigens oh APC Ropaduchion of Tals Some —berornd = acting T hetear cats Soma derome inactive T memory al. T-cells —_y Atte T beter cate —> Trattive hemory — catig hector Hoge Fane % ahs with antigens v Sekic antigens ok He pathogen = will ~= bind tb @ alls 4 B als ergqe Ae pathogen ProyuyshS ——_Meaving, antigens v Waste ownigens ‘bind as WHC prokins «within dhe cll patiggn — NAIC comples ] antigens are —_dicloyed. heave Tiler alls weragrces—ake_antigent on MAC comple oon ae B alls v cyokins Stimulate He & diviclon of B als : v i (ama selection) —Ferrnation oF clos of darttcal as v % eer — alls B rrernnnoy alls % cere alk —becare — plasma ces Yoga alls, «become “antibodies DO bg CUNY eg wha pm of antibody snolecul y da 1 ; pmigen Dive to B all with OM Plenty, wupry) HB cat engulfs he backnu, a by endocytosis cond — emzyweS— beaves, bra | iy don do Weave atige frag wants pane with antigeve 4 ol bets an APC Contgen - ertserting atl.) cytokinase = octivayd = T batpey all with q Wr rey. — for soe divases —wdole popula is watcimated eg: diptteva . Fears, polio) shorpling tough, TB, weasle S (omy in ce courbes ) Ty ofey —twrtvits only vulvarable people ae yaccinated. Mocs vorcination = done ube there isa ceviovs ont Weal. Antibiotics AoibtoWs ove weds that either dichey mmicwworganikins or prevent em from epreduciing Aniidotics ove uctd toot people with = bgctenal Infections, AY moda aut rricicsa | digs vem osere arch mi cheorganions on as by Ae pincipte of cetoetive tort erty - iwtertere wlth eto weta bole function of He pathogen Anibiones S _— con be used do a limited degree te wet duvqe\ ntections Antibiotic action Ditewrnk lasses OF —antbiote Cdiags.) heap) diff Plbeses ie s0M i bol oto? Exay, MAmtibiolic class. Aint wretabel eee - = kK pathunys gacterinetertic Anti metobolides intenuPr os! Noro they —_ block nucleic acd = synAbesis of the cymibests of whal nuients euch og tolie__acid__in_ bate protein synthesis wbribitors interwpt or sean pent dvanseniphov’ and | or ‘van slation! chloromp),, of micibal gts, $? pokin producti | Ic affected Bacrertdal | cell wl ogers prevent format oF cet | becto-actome linking iv qall walls, $0 bactera ave | (eg: penicilling) ° ceded ay Niels C burs tiny cal) wvembrore agents damage tHe | cove papier we pébicliling membrane so wetabsli#s can move out ce pha locporing L or _watey moves in y killing the bactyg | DNA gyrase whitey chop bactenia! Dna] guihclog winding into wings , sb It no lorger fits within te — bacterium trtbiotic Residano We is 0 ty, stort evoluntiono ie Swe behoern Pathogens avd we boop wk dweleeis veo medics gue io at Ales dugg riste_teve_dsobie] fn __anltviote te ont en a 14 Heetwe 1 dle = duigs and theo BAe M0 have dinding 9% pew li Press oF bio elemral 4 onkbeyre me interfere Some nnvtotiows «ole HMO resist le ote ot He © antthtone Eywsive use of antbiotica aceelovate proacs of — dovelopment of resistance . Vang, different ontibtoks = > actlo wermasing — resittonce we \evrases fla cetockon pieccu Ry de eolutas of “beck Te — awltbonany uw 1S grating = what oe Know a5 Supevlug s ey meRsA CMerhicillin —vesistont —staryloccceas —_aurteug) chishdion Dito hess : Slopyleocous __fuvieut is grecent on tle clean _ or _inacal_puscages wihowt causing problems, oo ae ba cevium enters i tor rouse boils er cepHcagrma Colood —_poiscing,) Mony staphylococcus _iwfectons have ecw areata with ethic Aco _vesuty Anis Tnfection con bE tvenked only ah ag des % 0 very emai mummber of —aMtibfotics Reve Chlostyidturn Dithdle MH i on — anaovobic boclevium dourd gall Humbe jn He lore westinos of abou} «= Sof Po puloton. not afected by mang of He fommonty used awtibtotis od produces aatrenly ough — spores. that can Sure AY Yronths outta be humantocdy, This doesns}_ cause any Robt — Sonus® lair numbers ore timid Ley Competition with normal git Slory, ce anions alse wlll be doshoyed, whin bond seen swteonons, Normal 3 Tegent 1 epuiotny walls Waeeetiel TE CeOUCD Foatng fs a vesull je imiemnal—Uinivg ot A ateetingg which wi dontage wang antibtoncs be tallewed ue ® ; dey oe shicly weeassowy 7 my when +B using, antbiotns — 0 A weaker, sue people wndlrstond Hast AY WUE py eoch couse of = antibiotics + By ucng ot dew diferent = antillotes ac possible beep some resowve = Ry yseoomly Ge evenythring alse — fall, Mlecon, Prevention = and ~— fowl) ' oy ee Convo llin AM use hecpital — prackse ttholting aie _ust_ a __ ON of antoiohcs 4 ond wash ond buyne altolol Lased gels 4 teh) we aoe I> ctonice based distatecta: + ome dose hot weovng, Hes % Pull rouse OF aphttoty, vio tog steoved shins A rail —> shony Mo wish watdes + Tsolation oF patients a MCE Visitors, * Mowitonng levels of hospital acquired ntections Forensicsclence and tine af oath Forensic scene? ste pplicattomn = gt ccteme fe ie sedis wnex plained gt is Wpertamt owen we nerd fo dant Investigate an Forenst. sine can ll he Whot they ded of Qe Wheater @ gil ws cgi ted 3. Te ideny ot ate person sho died Brranstc Forms Seite alse Wo when someone dies ges us Ake Aeoly fs Pele us cole enim ince ding, murders + Gredwology con be wed fp ony a otminal w yeease on innea exson fee) ap te evidence is gothoved covre tly» v To steure a prosicution Ceeittmgy by raurder a mo. of facts Is heeded & be vevidhred Who died and whe tilted ston 2. What was. used fs cammit jhe erie 3 Whn de vicim died 4 Where dhe mnurday ook place S why dhe murdoy tok place Cathe mokve of the crime ) Thveetigating Aine of doo When q body ys found nok easy to eehmate the time of fate, Wo the person has been Wad By nore dhan 4shrs beepwreg more dHticu as estimate — hhe of. dertt, Fores , = IC evtdonee ye wally combire * with le evilenae of and ums deral ‘vide 4 rod uce bes. time oe cleat i = “ estimate Ar te Fariors hat athect how Be quickly He body timp. drops . For levels Noda of death » Saviounding — Keaperahere A de val tat Whetly Sa clothed badly oF naked —_ body § ews Cooling Came goon otey a polnt «of tot Ae body of a mammal stots coal tt Paty predic}abla = manner Pon ondlysing, de cooling §— ewe hr bodies undev how conditions i 1s pocsible do estate «chine «of eat, Rigor _ Mortis When Somaont dies te Wort stops Pumping blood and He brain hes AEA. aiutes wien ya are alive 4 brain cells vespin?—getively ard cevolscalty all tre ime, Tle brain cells, do not» tontans much ATP, dab or glytayor. tlertre flay ove of todd vey guitttly by tack of agygen, Arwevey dy wusele alg having ayloge tortie wth aneabgc at dint. Rey dant ye ord mute. Alves ‘berolne sa “widy eanes yagi aa Rigor Moras. linge shes of AIP and respiration — for corertiine ruscta alls. use all gle #1? Permarontiy — comtyacked. Te Ahis AR brow as tgs’ Mohs Stary au, Cath fet Muang ge RBI ater death 4 Boh b alo fn rer TM Bove Wee ot dhe dows dH body ond sprrack bod, tac and ice y prog reeces siradily dy tovger mmuedtas of te Porters —affertag how — guickly * Rigor Moric beans, L frou of ATP beg shred th the ymusetos at tho time of dearth ate level oof Anese. gs level of aahvity bere oath ul Temp. of person Te — protss of * Pecay Gages of sure scion Dorroducton A newly dedd body i¢ tke 0 feshly —eeposed coil or rock drat realy availble abd D) First step of cuceession on a body inves “otonise rs a thy oe orembic —bacteig- “They gon varidly in 4 env OF Me muscles after death . “they Vee gut and repredum —ecly. the emayre S foctic = acted whrcl, or comrftred to arrag brardoon alle by wlasKg 2) By M _DHCELY Joined by seeval Aly speotos ett blows dies Tee secs oF aarerely sensitive Bi te ame of dead te + Tey of atvaced ch mntishue ahd are! — qvound ke mouth and Mose ond also, open» cuts and wounds » “tey MSe ese plaws ley eggs ton. tu moggels vm feeding ord Leaking tan. tley bak — pupsde ond brome on the fpstes dg: dgoper tty fe uch and Huy ad Ws and mak. te soff disave SH body oi gradsainy —. Uqurdity. and adil tes can Feed on Mls dow, too 9 caycus Caeroutng ab [ny of blow Altes. stort Po S wy otto aggals Tae a war Raed ne fy 9nd BER lagu | wasps toy dn gg a gnd as 0 sult colonisers beg, s by S wy Te body Decors disappear moved in. Abese sects have tn + cmtus beds, Hom bees 5 tha 5) Chase Mes, off hie parts . Bg! dhrwing route 9 nas te my ord wiles awd AH towne ot teed on te har writ diy ures ove tet Forensic Fvtomoleay Th — shdy of eceh Wfeloting > ime hos developed — ity We saene thon as fvennie eromelogy Frersic — Entomolog fst 5 tron de delaited —Wiferyetas of Uovofiv ohey —ingeels bot calowies dood ie a trod oy at ga - ie fits vary in DiRerMt — cganhir § “ weith 2 a Vienwental Onditong such os tiny * v a a 4 Nlp estimate Vow | Pe vig Hos found Peon Sig body, fauna cube ay Ot vty ; a * AWis Ba would Mo’ Cie gf Bow body, WI ye a almoss tohaniy 4 MSC eam dad che : SN Horedore a yman of ath: eras blacbties gay, deat, PA ty, body with maades of py 49 TPCR~ Polynetace Chat Reactor, Genome is fre total of all the genetic. © raleval of an oqanithe ey ProkanyOKeS - dhe DNA is present im fle main chwomossine and plasmids. dle nucleus, in He mitechandna, eukorypts - PNA is ln chlovop lasts avd ih. plarts ih Te BWA thot covstitites Ae nan dwomosomes —contist of wean wiMons of bag pats . uwnan ‘i __ Genome coding weds of DNACSuchal DUA). 2% Aso” nan 0s eons : reajonS SS non cody woliink Ctrtens) — 97 Avalysing Ae DNA B wh sequencing — | Gere —_soquancing strands of = DNA or edd] Tris bethod analyses... individual baseg Anat foos Ar a 888 gyng us te pattem of Vpbrbtulay pratttin ne Le eal We vethed tom eyed dey adn ting oganiony | diffrent —spedes of iwtons and ekvns Ih i potiing anes ale ah ey, a \dewily qnatvid uals « & D per : é = sun eat eels oh least ora PICOQIAN gy os ae she epuvatent of —obout 0.000. urna alg wai dy a One Iwwestyation — deve ray de only be oa vey cma) §— DNA Sample available, ‘The PCR adapt fu hora) grass thot A dhe cells. Pee = mates = possible padue » enough dnA te sequeneg a genom or pro duce a PNA — preata fom very anal) racs of biological pee madentl,. te wobec oof Rg, produe sg large sample of DNA by amplification . DNA Frfiling, Mtv ond Sadly Te human More cotains 20 00 4s 25000 gerne Tw thvemecomes at mods of (005 of Millions of bose paw 2% of promes codes fy Protea C eons ) Or wy of NA ig macy of intoneg Lrbvons Tretons oe keehive —ading ‘gions between te genes ! n A atens cite ef Meso eevee S ore CSIRNA) ray Tar iyrs 0 Wed indy fering RNA at —{felwetion svi Orhan pote MENA , drone gre inked ow te came way ag ete gens, eamons re the regtonS ofthe chromosomes thot ave used in DAA poling + WHR che ivtonS hore Ure chord sequaneag of) DNA that ane repord mony ties de drm — lero gadelti#? ond — int salersife hwdved ine 9 ihisekttte —forgichs oft do 100 base sequences’ vepeared , BY sera priate — coustts of og de 6 bases eptabed — § 4p 100 “Hees fle same mint or = micoosatetites appear In dU sare posihvna. on cach — FY of hownplogous — chromosomes. Rowevey Ae no. of repeads «of gach = sak vavwes because ot afferent patterns. wil be inkevited = fom» parents. Since there are hany dierent tnhores — \nwevuus hoot epeadr te probabil | dad any poo Individuals have come pattern og ova SMa dtre ove (dOntrra Avs “Te more closely related «=a individuals ore tans italy Ww ls tok Smilawhps 4s will be appovtse y He NA goths _Recadure DT etronds of nS Bom stmple ae uk Who _Arogrents wal” ealtetion | endonuatoases. Cay tut Wntrore sepa ut they sides of wt ond aos ihe Pe reater > gozvenart intact. re } a mixde of dittererd sre aga, 5 ve bee pate pdt epeationtg — seqnces agora = ) Lint ages, raeie.2- al wl ¥ in ai laced w well MN agdvoGe 7 Abou, won Hagrarts ae Ap peop to PN fonctany baffenteg, golwton wo owt ae froeess tener NA Fragrents ave addad fh a sepevale wel), by a caste idawkhy dle ambrown — Fragments , eynidimbromicle a dye atl dot medliuta nate ee DNA Aragmonts more visible, Eahid yum bromide binds 4 — 4e BNA fag flouvescs Win placed unday hot wave UV CAs ran reveal He band, poien of DNA, Wr an aeetvic current — P0883 through =o oppavadis He DNA rogers move — hulardg 4 poste ~— noche because al Ae Rgodie — howge of ae Phos Phade grup of fe WA bactbone, e me gai &# regimens = move a differnt yates gutting * Aer She ond grange Qe fe ately AR stouveses, Plead © unduy 1 thovd, A Can show, up reverty We tombe tee plate 6 Nght. Te ann Nowese? AM Sehewrhirts tom eters ov Courts to Ws de olgtna | the _ edt 4 Ktatoe ly a method of DNA profiting whith WR samoe of run Cin 5 reek 4 Ay UHHH DHA PORLE CMagerpvint ) roars sinilar to yerieortap sartoth Using DNA erie im Forensic satire DNA poles won be wed tw forerck —cclence. Dn Lorewsie sated te develop a DNA phic th carnival inwechgations we WR) Qe probes de tdentify chart fanclom — repeats 7 se are wl cade tlie regions Ahot ore widely “used ih Np idintiBeahon - More eo mfcro sadells ued’ more aceurodt) te oR prohle will ke. wr (OVE common, micn catetides. present Wh family members, Sabtsheolly He chance of two people, matthing en i cy more” side is so cual thot oi considered +o be wbobe — evidemee © in court 2) in Femina! Aeching : Somehimes dre isa doubts about who ae fothey of te child, nA probing can prove ev disapprove family relationships Te moter oF He childs always almott kmacn x IS poternihy thot hos oe token = pn Ast © thas most Da fet ore do dest paternity Prnettry wskone waked Ni profiling important fy Wrelterco glows. 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