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TAX2 Business and Transfer Taxation
Prelim Project – Concept Map

VAT is added to a product at every VAT on Importation the bringing of

point of the supply chain where goods to the Philippines which
value is added to it. represents bus current domestic

The VAT on importation is

directly computed on the Structure of the VAT on Importation
landed costs or total
purchase costs of SCOPE Import of service Import of goods
importation without any Exempt Exempt Exempt
deduction or tax credit. The VAT on importation applies to
% Tax % Tax -
current purchases or acquisitions by a
VAT Final Withholding VAT VAT on Importation
resident of goods or services from non-
residents. Imports that do not
represent recent purchases of goods or
services are so exempt. Excise tax is an additional imposition to VAT or
percentage tax. Unlike business taxes such as
percentage taxes and VAT on sales or receipts which are
levied at the point of sales, excise tax levied at the point
VAT-Exempt persons are not subject to VAT on Importation.
of production or importation.

VAT-Exempt Persons under the NIRC: Terminologies Meaning

1. International shipping or air transport a. Exempt sales or receipts Exempt to VAT and percentage tax
operator b. Services specifically subject to % tax Subject to a particular percentage tax and is exempt from VAT
c. Vatable sales or receipts Subject to either VAT or 3% percentage tax
2. Agricultural cooperatives
3. Ecozone-locators
TAX2 Business and Transfer Taxation
Prelim Project – Concept Map


Importation refers to the purchase of

goods or services by Philippine
residents from non-resident sellers.

B. Importation by VAT-exempt
A. Importation of exempt goods C. Quasi-importation
Certain goods considered basic necessities
1. International shipping or air 1. Personal and household effects
are not subject to the VAT on importation,
such as: transport operators on their import belonging to residents of the Philippines
1. Agricultural and marine food products in of fuel, goods and supplies returning from abroad and non-resident
their original state 2. Cooperatives of direct farm inputs, citizens coming to resettle in the
2. Fertilizers, seeds, seedlings and fingerlings, machineries and equipment, Philippines
fish, prawn, livestock and poultry feeds, 2. Professional instruments and
including spare parts thereof, to be
including ingredients used in the manufacture
used directly and exclusively in the implements, wearing apparel, domestic
of finished feeds
3. Books and any newspaper, magazine, production and or processing of their animals, and personal household effects
review, or bulletin which appear at regular produce belonging to persons coming to settle in
intervals with fixed prices for subscription and 3. PEZA locators on their import of the Philippines, for their own use and
sale and which is not devoted principally to not for sale, barter or exchange
goods or services
the publication of paid advertisements
4. Passengers or cargo vessels and aircrafts,
including engine, equipment and spare parts
D. Importation which are exempt under special
thereof for domestic or international
transport operations laws and international agreement
TAX2 Business and Transfer Taxation
Prelim Project – Concept Map

Treatment of the VAT on

Continuation… importation and the Withholding
1. If the resident purchaser is a VAT-
registered business, it can claim the
VAT on importation or withholding
BASIC HUMAN FOOD AND RELATED Farm or Fishery Inputs VAT as input VAT creditable against
PRODUCTS its output VAT.
Marine or agricultural inputs intended for the
2. If the resident purchaser is a non-
Agricultural or marine food products in production of marine or agricultural food intended VAT business, the VAT on importation
their original state Import exemption is for human consumption are also VAT-exempt. or final withholding VAT shall be part
limited to agricultural or marine food of the cost of purchase of goods or
products in their original state or those The importation of farm or fishery inputs are services and shall be treated as asset
which undergone simple processing are exempt. Likewise, foods of these inputs are also or expense.
VAT-exempt. 3. If the purchaser is not engaged in
vatable. business, the VAT on importation is
Products intended as maintenance of crops, merely added to the costs of the
Livestock, poultry, marine (RR16-2005) goods imported.
to be considered in "original state, the livestock or poultry and supplemental implements
goods must be in their raw form are also of agricultural or inputs are vatable.

Final Withholding VAT


passenger or cargo vessels and aircrafts,
The following are exempt from the final All other of import of services is subject to
including engine, equipment and spare parts
withholding VAT: final withholding VAT. The final withholding
thereof for domestic or international
VAT is computed as 12% of the contract price
transport operations. a. Purchase of services from non-residents when
the service is rendered abroad Examples of vatable import of services:
To qualify for exemption, the importation 1. Lease or use of properties or property rights owned
b. Purchase of services from non-residents when by non-residents
must be subject to the requirements on
the individual purchaser is not engaged in 2. Services rendered to local insurance companies, with
restriction on (MARINA): respect to reinsurance premiums payable to non-
✓ Passenger or cargo vessels - 15 years business
✓ Tankers- 10 years c. Purchase of services from non-residents by 3. Other services rendered in the Philippines by non-
✓ High speed passenger crafts - 5 years VAT-exempt persons such as ecozone locators residents
TAX2 Business and Transfer Taxation
Prelim Project – Concept Map

1. Businesses normally register initially as non-VAT taxpayers, except when their projected operation is expected to exceed the P3M annual VAT threshold.
2. For Non-VAT registered taxpayer, the evaluation of the magnitude of vatable sales or receipts is done continuously every month over a 12-month period.
The taxpayer remains a non-VAT taxpayer for as long as its 12-month rolling sales or receipts do not exceed the P3M annual VAT threshold.

Vatable Sales or Receipts Other sales of goods, properties,

services or lease of properties,
other than those exempt and Value added tax - if the taxpayer
specifically subject to percentage is a VAT taxpayer
tax are vatable.
3% general percentage tax if the Optional VAT Registration
taxpayer is non-VAT registered
VAT-registered taxpayers are
allowed credit for input VAT while A person who is below the VAT threshold
Timing of VAT registration non-VAT registered taxpayers are may, at his option, register as VAT taxpayer.
4. Persons who are below the threshold but
not allowed to claim input VAT Once made, this option shall be irrevocable
opt to be registered as VAT taxpayer shall credit. for 3 years. For TV or radio franchise
register not later than 10 days before the
1. Persons beginning of the taxable quarter (Ibid).
grantees, the option shall be perpetually
commencing business irrevocable.
with an expectation
to exceed the VAT
threshold within 12 Type of VAT Taxpayers
months shall
2. Persons exceeding the VAT
VAT-registered taxpayer - a taxpayer who
simultaneously 3. Franchise grantees of radio and
register as VAT threshold shall register as VAT television broadcasting, whose gross registered under the VAT system
taxpayer with the taxpayer before the end of the annual receipt for the preceding calendar
registration of their month following the month the year exceeded P10,000,000, shall register VAT-registrable taxpayer - a taxpayer who
new business or trade
threshold is exceeded. as VAT taxpayer within 30 days from the exceeded the VAT threshold but did not yet
with the BIR.
end of the calendar year (RR16-2005). register as a VAT taxpayer


TAX2 Business and Transfer Taxation
Prelim Project – Concept Map

Exempt sales are exempt consumption of

goods or services from domestic sellers.
Exempt sales are not subject to VAT and
percentage tax. and marine food products in
a. Agricultural
their original state
b. Fertilizers, seeds, seedlings and Exempt Sales of Goods, or Exempt Sales of Services
fingerlings, fish, prawn, livestock and Properties
poultry feeds, including ingredients used in
the manufacture of finished feeds 1. Sales of goods to senior citizens
1. School
c. Books, newspapers or magazines and persons with disability
2. Employees
d. Medicines prescribed for diabetes and 2. Sales of exempt goods 3. Agricultural Contract growers
hypertension 3. Sales of goods by cooperatives and milers
e. Passenger or cargo vessels and aircrafts
4. Sales of residential properties 4. Residential Leasing
5. Export sales by non-VAT persons 5. Cooperative services
1. Sale of real properties utilized for low-cost
6. Treaty-exempt sales of goods 6. Hospital
2. Sale of real properties utilized for socialized 7. Home owner’s association or
7. Tax-free exchange of property
housing condominium corporation
8. Sale of gold to the Bangko Sentral 8. Lease passenger or Cargo
3. Sale of residential lot valued at P1,919,500
and below and other residential dwelling ng Pilipinas (BSP) vessels and aircrafts, including
valued at P3,199,200 and below engine, equipment and spare
Other Exempt Sales of Goods and Services parts thereof for domestic or
1. Sales of goods or services taxed by special laws international transportation
a. Sales of goods or services by Ecozone locators
b. Sale of amusement service by theaters and cinemas
These are subject to tax by special laws and are not subject to national 9. Treaty-exempt services
business taxes such as VAT or percentage tax. 10. Regional area headquarters
2. Sales by persons not engaged in businesses 11. International carriers
The sale goods, real properties or services by persons not engaged in business
12. Printers or publishers
is not subject to business taxes.
3. Sale of assets held for use 13. Senior Citizen and person with
Senior Citizen is legally mandated to be given The sale of assets held for use such as supplies and items of property, plant disability
and equipment such as: land and building, machineries, office furniture and
20% discount on the sales of these goods fixture, and office equipment is normally exempt from business tax. For VAT-
above. registered taxpayers, however, the sale of these ordinary assets is considered
"incidental transactions" subject to VAT.
TAX2 Business and Transfer Taxation
Prelim Project – Concept Map

Percentage Tax is a national tax measured by
Taxpayers are
a certain percentage of the gross selling or
gross value in money of goods sold those who did not
exceed the VAT
threshold and who
did not register.
1. Banks and non-bank financial intermediaries
2. International carriers on their transport of cargoes, excess
baggage and mails only (RA 10378)
3. Common carriers on their transport of passengers by land
and keepers
4. Certain amusement places
5. Brokers in effecting sales of stocks through the Philippine
Stock Exchange and corporations or shareholders on initial
public offerings
6. Certain franchise grantees
7. Life insurance companies and agents of foreign insurance
8. Telephone companies on overseas communication
9. Jai-alai and cockpit operators on winnings


"Banks" refers to entities engaged in the lending of funds obtained in
the form of deposits. (RA 8791, The General Banking Law of 2000)
"Banks" includes commercial banks, savings banks, mortgage banks,
development banks rural banks, stocks and savings associations,
branches and agencies of foreign banks (RA 337, The General Act).
TAX2 Business and Transfer Taxation
Prelim Project – Concept Map


International carriers doing business in the
Philippines shall pay a tax equivalent to 3% of
their quarterly gross receipts derived from the
transport of cargoes, baggage, or mails from
Note on domestic carriers: Two types of international carriers: the Philippines to another country.
a) International air carriers
Domestic sea or air carriers with international
b) International shipping carriers
operation are vatable on their outgoing
shipment of passengers, excess baggage,
cargoes or mails. They are actually subject to a
zero-rated VAT on such shipment.

Note that other operators of amusement places such as bowling

alleys, golf courses, and billiard halls are vatable. Cinemas and
theaters are not subject to this national amusement tax because it
is exclusively subject to local amusement tax.

Places of boxing exhibitions 10%

Places of professional basketball 15%
Cockpits, cabarets, night or day 18%
clubs Exempt receipts on professional boxing
Jai-alai and race tracks 30% The gross receipts from professional boxing are exempt
from percentage tax under the following conditions:
1. World or Oriental Championship
2. At least one of the contenders is a Filipino citizen
3. The promoter is a Filipino citizen or a corporation 60% of
which is owned by Filipino citizen
TAX2 Business and Transfer Taxation
Prelim Project – Concept Map
Primary offering = Primary shares outstanding shares after IPO
Tax on the Shares of Stock Sold or Exchanged through an Initial
Public Offering (IPO)
Secondary offering = Secondary shares outstanding shares before
The sale, barter, exchange or other disposition through initial
public offering of shares of stocks in a closely held corporation is
subject to the following tax rates based on the gross selling price
or gross value in money in proportion to the shares sold, bartered
or exchanged or otherwise disposed:

Generally, franchises are vatable. Exceptionally however, there are
only two types of franchises that are specifically subject to
percentage taxes under the NIRC:

Vatable Franchises
a. Electricity - electric generation or transmission and distribution
by electric cooperatives are vatable
b. Telecommunication Telecom companies are vatable, except on
their - receipts from outgoing messages since these are subject to
the 10% overseas communication tax. Taxation of other receipts of life insurance business
C. Transportation - Transport companies are vatable, except 1. Renewal or re-insurance fee, re-instatement fee and penalties -
receipts of common carriers by land on their transport of these are considered incidental to or connected to insurance policy
passengers since these are subject to the 3% common carriers’ tax. contracts and are akin to premium; hence, subject to the 2%%
d. Private franchises premiums tax.
2. Management fees, rental income, or other income from unrelated
services- these are vatable.
3. Investment income - If investment income is realized from the
investment of premiums earned, it is exempt.
TAX2 Business and Transfer Taxation
Prelim Project – Concept Map


The imposable percentage tax on taxable sales or receipts,
other than from services or transactions specifically subject to
percentage tax, of non-VAT registered persons is 3%.


The percentage tax does not cover:
1. VAT taxpayers
2. Self-employed and or professionals who
opted to the 8% income tax
3. Cooperatives

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