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If there are no traffic rules, then the risk of accidents will increase, leading to car-crash-related
injuries and deaths. In addition to accidents, the street, roads, and highways will be more
congested with vehicles and even people jaywalking.
2. If every person is free to do anything he wishes to another, crime rates and mortality rates would
increase in numbers.
3. If there are no law enforcers, then everyone can do everything he wishes to another, which
ultimately leads to chaos and increasing crime rates.
4. If any country has the right to attack or invade another, then there will be wars around the world,
leading to massive destruction of infrastructures and an increased mortality rate.
5. If Ana used her personal tune in singing the national anthem, then the national anthem as a
symbol of Filipino pride and patrimony becomes meaningless. Also, Ana could be arrested for
violating the RA 8491 that requires the anthem to sing in its original melody.
6. If every household in my community does not segregate their garbage, then the risk of air
contamination will arise, leading to respiratory problems for people exposed to it.
7. If I did not finish and pass my requirements in NSTP, I would get an incomplete grade, and
would have to take back the subject in the following semester.
Activity 1
I. 1. 2
2. 2
3. 2
4. 2

II. 1. One of my expectations for this course, NSTP-CSWT, is that we will discuss various issues
that arises in a community and possible solutions to those issues. I also expect that by the end of
the course, I would be equipped with knowledge and practices on how to better serve and
contribute to the well-being of my community.
2. As a student in this course, I will take the subject seriously, exerting effort and time in
understanding the reading materials, as well as incorporating the learnings into my daily
activities, to achieve the required values and competencies.
3. One positive attitude that my family members and other people in my community observed in
me for the past three weeks is my meticulousness when I handle things, meanwhile the
negative attitude is my indifference to the events not related to me.
Activity 2
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10

Activity 3
1. Agree 6. Agree
2. Agree 7. Disagree
3. Agree 8. Agree
4. Agree 9. Disagree
5. Agree 10. Agree

S – eeks guidance from God.
E – ncourages participation from everyone.
R – eaches out people who are in need.
V – italizes the people in meaningful life.
I – ncorporates love, compassion and diligence in the enactment.
C – ontributes to the welfare of the community.
E – levates civic consciousness that leads to social transformation within the community.

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