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‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

‫شكر وعرفان‬
‫للمهندس أنور مؤسس األكاديمية واألستاذة فاطم ولكل المختبرين‬
‫بخصوص المواد العلمية المعروضة في قناة التجميعات‪ ،‬انا ال أحلل وال أبيح أي سطو او تعدي عليها‬
‫يحصل من قبل شخص ما وسيكون محاسبا أمام للا في يوم ال ينفع فيه مال وال جاه وال بنون في حال‬
‫استخدامها من غير استئذان في مؤلفات خاصة وأغراض مادية‪ ،‬أو شخصية كدورات تعليمية‪ ،‬أو مقابل‬
‫مبلغ مالي او بيعها بطرق مختلفة أو التسويق لدورات بأخذ التجميعات وعرضها كأنها من جهدهم‬
‫وشكرا للمشرفين والمشرفات الذين يخدمون بدون مقابل ولجميع من يساعد‬
‫معلومات ومالحظات مهمة (اقرأوا وركزوا)‬
‫االختبار من ‪ 3‬أقسام وهي بالترتيب التالي‪:‬‬
‫استماع ‪20‬سؤال ‪ /‬قراءة ‪ 40‬سؤال ‪ /‬قرامر و تحليل كتابي ‪ 40‬سؤال‬
‫الزم نذاكر كل الملف‪ ،‬من أوله آلخره‪ ،‬كل شيء مهم‪ ،‬هي نماذج وتختلف من شخص آلخر‬
‫بعض النماذج وبعض األسئلة غير محلولة‬
‫انتظر منكم تساعدوني في حلها بعد االختبار‬
‫موقع للتدريب‬

‫اختر أحد العناوين وبعدها انتقل لصفحة الصوت واألسئلة‬

‫التدريب مهم‪ ،‬ولكن التجميعات هذه أهم ألنها تفيدك في االختبار بشكل مباشر من خالل التعرف على‬
‫طريقة السؤال وزيادة المفردات في نفس مواضيع االختبار‬
‫اإلجابة الصحيحة تحتها خط‬

‫ال يوجد صوتيات لهذا الملف ‪ /‬سؤال و جواب فقط‬

‫‪Free STEP Academy‬‬ ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات ‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

1 ‫النموذج‬
Recording 1

1. What important point does the lecturer make about Coca Cola company?
A- It sells bottles and cans.
B- It makes other products.
C- It has excellent advertising.

2. How many years has Coca Cola been the Olympic sponsor?
A- 70
B- 80
C- 90

3. In what year did Coca Cola company start making its drink in cans?
A- 1894
B- 1928
C- 1955

Recording 2
4. What does the lecturer think about the retirement age?
A- It's suitable.
B- It's too low.
C- It's too high.

5. What does the lecturer think is the reason that older people work?
A- to support their families.
B- to train new employees.
C- to travel around the world.

6. What does the lecturer think is the reason that businesses hire older workers?
A- to train younger employees.
B- to make their lives easier.
C- to save money.

Recording 3
7. When will the students have a test?
A- on Wednesday
B- next Monday
C- next week

Free STEP Academy ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

8. How many units must the students study for the test?
A- 2
B- 5
C- 6

Recording 4
9. What does the lecturer think about presentations?
A- They are easy to do.
B- They can be very boring.
C- They can make people anxious.

Recording 5
10. What does the professor give as an example of legal issues?
A- The timing must be ideal.
B- The need for a distributor.
C- Foreign employees require work visas.

11. Why does the professor mention difficulties with foreign partners?
A- to give an example of financial difficulties.
B- to suggest the need for risk management.
C- to show misunderstandings.

12. According to the professor, what is the most important thing about the risk assessment?
A- learning about risks.
B- the final decision
C- when it happens

Recording 6
13. What does the lecturer think is most important in the spread of invasive species?
A- people's actions.
B- the species itself.
C- number of predators.

14. What is the main idea in the lecture?

A- Invasive species can spread quickly.
B- Invasive species harm the environment.
C- Invasive species are plants and animals.

15. What does the lecturer think is most important about invasive species?
A- its effect on its new habitat.
B- where it comes from.
C- how it spreads.

Free STEP Academy ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

Recording 7
16.What is the lecturer's attitude towards the amount of beef Americans eat now?
A- They should stop.
B- They should increase it.
C- They eat a small amount.

17. What is the main idea in the lecture?

A- health in America
B- changes in eating habits
C- the American beef industry

Recording 8

18. What is the main idea of the lecture?

A- different reasons for being vegetarian.
B- importance of rice and lentils in diet.
C- health benefits of being vegetarian

19. What is the main reason people have a vegetarian lifestyle in India?
A- They want good health.
B- They are very poor.
C- Because of their religion.

Recording 9

20. What is the topic of the lecture?

A- hunting sharks
B- protecting sharks
C- facts about sharks

Free STEP Academy ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

2 ‫النموذج‬
Recording 1

1. What important point does the lecturer make about the food athletes eat?
A It consists of meat.
B It gives them power.
C It can be harmful.

2. Who employs the chefs to cook the meals for the athletes?
A The sports clubs.
B The diet experts.
C The athletes themselves

3. How many kinds of sports does the lecturer mention?

A 1.
B 2.
C 3.

Recording 2

4. What pages should the students read for next class?

A 33-45.
B 46-49.
C 55-68.

5. When will the students have their test?

A Monday.
B Tuesday.
C Thursday.

6. When must the students hand in their projects?

A Monday.
B Tuesday.
C Thursday.

Recording 3

7. What important point do the speakers mention about experts?

A They find it difficulty simplifying topics.
B They know a lot of technical language.
C They learn new topics fast.
Free STEP Academy ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

8. How should the students answer the questions?

A alone.
B in Pairs.
C in groups.

9. Which page should the students read for questions?

A Page 5.
B Page 10.
C Page 100.

Recording 4

10. What information proves SAD is seasonal?

A It's common in the spring.
B It happens in dark months.
C It's worse in winter.

11. What part of the lecture did the student NOT understand?
A Why objects in motion cannot stop.
B The meaning of motion.
C The Law of Inertia.

Recording 5

12. What is the main idea of the lecture?

A Different reasons for being vegetarian.
B Importance of rice and lentils in diet.
C Health benefits of being vegetarian.

13. What is the main reason people have a vegetarian lifestyle in India?
A They want good health.
B They are very poor.
C Because of their religion.

Recording 6

14. What information supports the lecturer's opinion?

A The moon is younger than Earth.
B The moon is smaller than Earth.
C The moon goes round Earth.

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‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

15. What information supports the lecturer's opinion?

A The moon is heavier than earth.
B A very large object struck Earth.
C Moon rock and Earth rock are similar.

16. What information about the crash between Earth and the object is most important?
A Earth was very young.
B The object was large.
C It was in space.

Recording 7

17. What is the main idea of the lecture?

A the shell method of product portfolio analysis.
B the BCG method.
C the importance of product portfolio analysis.

18. What information about the investment portfolio does the professor think is important?
A making more money.
B balanced group of stocks.
C products that show promise.

Recording 8

19. What is the main idea of the lecture?

A People eat fewer hamburgers.
B People still eat too much fast food.
C People eat less food these days.

20. What information about the professor's son's fast food eating habit is important?
A It is typical.
B It is above average.
C It is acceptable.

Free STEP Academy ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

3 ‫النموذج‬
Recording 1
1. What important point does one of the students mention?
A. Computers are effective.
B. Schedules are important
C. Humans AREN'T happy.

2. What should the students start writing?

A. an essay about time management
B. a story about time management
C. a time management schedule

Recording 2

3. What important point does the teacher mention about the internet?
A. It was invented in 1983.
B. It uses wireless technology.
C. It connects computers worldwide.

4. What pages should the students read in chapter 8?

A. 129-133
B. 120-130
C. 133-138

5. When will the students meet for their next class?

A. Monday
B. Tuesday
C. Thursday

Recording 3

6. What does the professor think about airline businesses?

A. They should be monopolies.
B. They should fly to many countries.
C. A country should have more than one.

7. What does the professor think about the topic of the lecture?
A. It is difficult.
B. It is different.
C. It is interesting.
Free STEP Academy ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

8. What does the lecturer think is the most important part of the marketing mix?
A. customers
B. product
C. price

9. What does the lecturer think about advertising?

A. Advertising is NOT important.
B. Advertising is the same as marketing.
C. Advertising is one part of marketing.

Recording 4

10. What is the main idea of the lecture?

A. The Earth's magnetic fields
B. A Swedish scientific study
C. How birds find their way

11. What part of the lecture did the student NOT understand?
A. how the protein helps the birds
B. the name of the protein
C. how birds fly

Recording 5

12. What will the lecture be about?

A. five Ps of leadership
B. personal attributes
C. finding good leaders

13. What is the main idea in the lecture?

A. Technology helps improve service.
B. Tracking customers raises privacy issues.
C. Some phone applications are less reliable.

14. What part of the lecture did the student NOT understand?
A. Phone applications
B. Improved service
C. Privacy issues

Free STEP Academy ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

Recording 6

15. What is the most important idea from the lecture?

A. We are harming the environment.
B. Solar panels are expensive.
C. We should start using renewable energy.

16. How does the lecturer feel about solar panel use?
A. It is far from certain.
B. It is the best solution.
C. It provides quick benefits.

17. What is the lecture sure of?

A. The government grants are effective
B. More people need to know about the issue
C. Some solar panels have been installed

Recording 7

18. What is the main idea of the lecture?

A. Water often increases in price.
B. Higher costs often mean higher prices.
C. Fewer goods often mean higher prices.

Recording 8

19. What information about the coffee and donut is most important?
A. Their price went up.
B. They only cost 22 Riyals.
C. They are favorite products.

20. What will the lecture be about?

A. spending more on public transport
B. the number of cars on the road
C. growing environmental awareness

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‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

4 ‫النموذج‬
Recording 1
1. When does the customer want to travel?
A- next month
B- next week
C- Thursday
D- Tuesday

2. What type of tickets did the customer buy?

A- an economy ticket
B- a couple of tickets
C- a one-way ticket
D- a round-trip ticket

3. The customer actually booked a seat for ……

A- Wednesday
B- Thursday
C- Tuesday
D- Monday
Recording 2

4. Which type of book did Asmaa want to borrow from Hannah?

A- Economics
B- Chemistry
C- Sociology
D- Biology

5. The chapter they had covered in class was ……

A- 2
B- 3
C- 25
D- 26
Recording 3

7. The cost of the special offer was ……

A- 55 Riyals
B- 60 Riyals
C- 65 Riyals
D- 75 Riyals
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‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

8. The pizzas and soda are most likely to be ……

A- shared with friends at Jack's Pizza Place.
B- eaten by the customer at Jack's Pizza Place.
C- delivered in one hour from Jack's Pizza Place.
D- ready to pick up in one hour from Jack's Pizza Place.

Recording 4

9. Where might you hear this?

A- a school
B- an office
C- a hospital
D- a barbershop

10. We can understand that ……

A- Mrs. Mona will be back eventually
B- Mrs. Mona will NOT be coming back
C- Miss. Khadiga will be back eventually
D- Miss. Khadiga will NOT be coming back

11. What does Mrs. Mona ask the listeners to do first?

A- to read the first paragraph
B- to be able to come back
D- to open their books

12. Mona says: «I just got some wonderful news that blew me away». She means that she felt
A- nervous
B- excited
C- worried
D- sad
Recording 5

13. Abdullah said: «Don't hold out on me». What does he mean?
A- Tell me the story later.
B- Hold my books for me.
C- Don't hold your breath.
D- Tell me the news now.

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‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

Recording 6
14. What is Mona's new problem?
A- She has to make a choice.
B- She DOESN'T like her choices.
C- She likes her choices.
D- She DOESN'T have a choice.
Recording 7

15. When was Ammar waiting for Faisal?

A- last year
B- last month
C- last week
D- last night

16. Faisal probably fainted because ……

A- he had eaten and drunk too much.
B- he had NOT eaten or drunk enough.
C- he was working too hard.
D- he WASN'T working hard enough.
Recording 8

17. Mohammad believes that the new system should do all of the following EXCEPT ……
A- drive students crazy
B- save time for students
C- show which classes are available
D- free students from standing in line

18. What advice does Mohammad give to Ahmed?

A- Try the computer system one more time.
B- Go to his next class and try again.
C- Try to get help from the tech support office.
D- Go to the registration office and stand in line.

Recording 9

19. Why does Khalid go to speak with Mr. Abdullah?

A- He thinks the topics of the class are boring.
B- He is having difficulty choosing a topic.
C- He wants to change to a different class.
D- He has finished his research paper.

Free STEP Academy ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

20. The topic must be ……

A- related to the student's major
B- discussed in class
C- interesting
D- excellent

5 ‫النموذج‬
Recording 1

1. In what subject does Salah have an examination?

A- geology
B- psychology
C- biology
D- chemistry
Recording 2

2. The man want to ……………….

A- to buy something
B- to find a place
C- to have a rest

3. How should the man travel?

A- by bus
B- by taxi
C- by train
D- on foot

4. What is TRUE about the woman?

A- She works in the Museum.
B- She helps the man.
C- She is angry.
D- She is lost.
Recording 3

5. The term sandwich gets its name from the fourth Earl of Sandwich, Lord Montague because he
A- invented burgers
B- was a skilled cook
C- liked to eat meat between bread
D- loved to eat cheese and vegetables
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‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

Recording 4

6. What does Ben do now?

A- He's a sales manager.
B- He's a hotel manager.
C- He's a high school teacher.
D- He's a middle school teacher.

7. How does Tom feel about his job?

A- It is easy and routine.
B- It is demanding but boring.
C- It is demanding but interesting.
D- It is challenging and low paying.
Recording 5

8. Ali …………go to Jeddah.

A- should NOT
B- Can NOT
C- must
D- might
Recording 6

9. What can we understand about the clinic?

a) It is very expensive.
b) It is very busy in the evening.
c) It is very busy in the morning.
d) It is not accepting new patients.

10. How does the caller feel about the time of his appointment?
A- excited
B- nervous
C- surprised
D- disappointed
Recording 7

11. What does the woman want to do?

A- go out
B- watch TV
C- make dinner
D- stay at home

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‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

12.Which sentence is closest in meaning to the statement you heard?

A- Mona will arrive on time.
B- Mona is not going to work.
C- Mona expects to arrive at 8:50.
D- Mona expects to arrive at 8:15.

Recording 8

13. The octopus can squeeze into tight spaces because it………
a) uses its beak to pry open tight spaces
b) has a flexible internal skeleton
c) is behaviorally flexible
d) has NO internal or external skeleton

14. All octopuses are venomous but…………..

A- Only the blue-ringed octopus has been known to kill humans.
B- There have been NO known deaths in recent years.
C- there have only been 300 reported deaths
D- NONE are deadly to human beings

Recording 9

15. Why does Mr. Taylor want to rent a place to live?

A- Because he will NOT be staying there for more than two years.
B- Because his wife doesn’t want to talk to the agent
C- Because he doesn’t want to live with his family
D- Because he can’t afford to buy a house

16. Mr. Taylor wants a house because an apartment……………

A- Is too far from the university
B- Is NOT available in the area.
C- Does Not have a garden
D- Offers less privacy

17. What is Mr. Taylor's job?

A- a university teacher
B- a school teacher
C- a gardener
D- an estate agent

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‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

Recording 10

18. Examples of supplies that are good for the environment are?
A- packed food with secure lids
B- reusable cups and dishes
C- throwaway containers
D- foil and plastic Wrap

19.Where should prepared food be kept until it is time to leave the house?
A- in a cooler
B- in secure lids
C- in the refrigerator
D- in reusable utensils
Recording 12

20.What language is Adam trying to learn?

A- Arabic
B- Japanese
C- Cantonese
D- Mandarin

6 ‫النموذج‬
1. What does the lecturer think about sugar?
A- That it is unhealthy for children.
B- That it causes cancer directly.
C- That it is bad in large amounts.

2. What does the lecturer say about diseases of modern life?

A They affect men and women equally.
B- They have various causes.
C- They are difficult to treat.

3. What important point do the speakers mention about the housing situation in New Zealand?
A- People fill out applications.
B- Most people rent homes.
C- People are unhappy.
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‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

‫محادثة بين طالبين يتكلموا عن مهمة أعطاهم الدكتور‬

4. When are the projects due?

A- in two weeks.
B- next Tuesday.
C- after the exam.

5. What main point does the lecturer make about national identity?
A- People like to celebrate it.
B- It can depend on location.
C- It is slowly changing.

6. Where does the «Up Helly Aa» festival take place?

A- in Norway.
B- on the Shetland Islands.
C- around the capital of Scotland.

7. What does the «Up Helly Aa» festival celebrate?

A- Scottish history.
B- Viking history.
C- World history.

8. In which century did the Shetland islands become Scottish?

A- The 8th century.
B- The 9th century.
C- The 15th century.

9. What important point does the lecturer make about new words in English?
A- They describe food.
B- They leave gaps in English.
C- They come from other languages

10. How many English words are borrowed from other languages?
A- only a few.
B- nearly half.
C- more than half.

11. What information did the student want to know about adding words to the English Language?
A- why they are added.
B- how they are added.
C- who adds them.

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‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

12. What does the professor think about newspapers?

A- He likes printed newspapers.
B- Most people read newspapers online.
C- Reading newspapers is a waste of time.

13. What does the professor think about printed newspapers?

A- The Internet is destroying them.
B- Some have existed for centuries.
C- They're popular in Sweden.

14. What will the lecture be about?

A- how to calculate mass.
B- answers to scientific mystery.
C- possible explanations for gravity.

15. What is the main idea in the lecture?

A- Our understanding of the Universe changed.
B- Going faster than light seems impossible.
C- Measuring high speeds is difficult.

16. What information about the project does the student think is the most important?
A- the challenges
B- the result
C- the team

17. Why does the lecturer mention 'cars, homes, and other objects'?
A- To show Starlite is popular.
B- To show Starlite is safe.
C- To show Starlite is useful.

18. What information about Starlite does the lecturer find the most important?
A- It becomes hard.
B- It can resist fire.
C- It is amazing.

19. What is the topic of the lecture?

A- illegal practices.
B- offshore banking.
C- banking practices.

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‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

20. What is the topic of the lecture?

A- stopping Americans hiding money abroad.
B- changes in the American system of law.
C- the way American banks pay taxes.

7 ‫النموذج‬
1. What important point do the speakers mention about software?
A- Software is part of I. T.
B- It's changing business models
C- It's used on personal computers

2. What does the teacher ask the students to do?

A- Write notes about theatres and cinemas
B- Contact various companies
C- Make groups

3. How many minutes does the teacher give them?

A- 4
B- 5
C- 15

4. What important point does the lecturer make about the food athletes eat?
A- It consists of meat
B- It gives them power
C- It can be harmful

5- Who employs the chefs to cook the meals for the athletes?
A- The sports clubs
B- The diet experts
C- The athletes themselves

6. How many kinds of sports does the speaker mention?

A- 1
B- 2
C- 3

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‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

7. What do the diet experts encourage their athletes to do?

A- To eat well
B- To try new foods
C- To eat less food

8. What does the professor think is the reason for differences in SAD symptoms?
A- Different seasons
B- Less light
C- Unknown

9. What information proves SAD is seasonal?

A- it's common in the spring
B- It happens in dark months
C- It's worse in winter

10. What does the professor say about the light box treatment?
A- It's being tested
B- It's reliable
C- It's the only treatment

11. What is the main idea in the lecture?

A- Technology helps improve service
B- Tracking customers raise privacy issues
C- Some phone applications are less reliable

12. What part of the lecture did the student NOT understand?
A- Phone applications
B- Improved service
C- Privacy issues

13. What is the main idea in the lecture?

A- That objects only move in response to a force
B- Newton's three laws of motion
C- How bicycles accelerate

14. What part of the lecture did the student NOT understand?
A- Why objects in motion cannot stop
B- The meaning of motion
C- The Law of Inertia

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‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

15. What is the main idea of the lecture?

A- Different reasons for being vegetarian
B- Importance of rice and lentils in diet
C- Health benefits of being vegetarian

16. What is the main reason people have a vegetarian lifestyle in India?
A- They want good health
B- They are very poor.
C- Because of their religion.

17. What does the speaker think is the most important health benefit of being a vegetarian?
A- Looking younger
B- Feeling happier
C- Being thinner

18. What is the main idea of the lecture?

A- The effects of TV violence
B- Violent TV shows in the 1970s
C- A famous 1970s research study

19. What is the speaker certain about?

A- Violence on TV is a problem
B- Violent TV produces violent people
C- Violent TV has an effect on behavior

20. How does the speaker feel about violent media?

A- It definitely produces violent people
B- It might produce violent people
C- It has NO effect on people

8 ‫النموذج‬
1. This conversation most likely takes place .................
A. in a grocery store
B. in a restaurant
C. in a house
D. on a train

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2. What kind of project is Osama working on?

A. A current events project
B. A business project
C. A family project
D. A history project

3. Most of the participants at a picnic are ....................

A. drivers
B. students
C. friends
D. families

4. Who is the caller talking to?

A. a tourism guide
B. a sales manager
C. a travel attendant
D. a travel agent

5. When will the caller fly?

A. September 13
B. September 30
C. November 13
D. November 30

6. What is the traveler's reservation number?

A. 1066
B. 1606
C. 6601
D. 6610

7. The octopus can squeeze into tight spaces because it ....................

A. uses its beak to pry open tight spaces
B. has NO internal or external skeleton
C. has a flexible internal skeleton
D. is behaviorally flexible

8. All octopuses are venomous but ......................

A. only the blue-ringed octopus has been known to kill humans.
B. there have been NO known deaths in recent years.
C. there have only been 300 reported deaths.
D. NONE are deadly to human beings.

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9. This lecture is most likely to occur in .......................

A. a history class
B. a biology class
C. a chemistry class
D. a geography class

10. What is the second longest river in the world?

A. the Mississippi
B. the Yangtze
C. the Amazon
D. the Nile

11. He is a good language learner because he ........................

A. travelled to many foreign countries
B. lived abroad for many years
C. studies almost all the time
D. likes to talk to people

12. What does he say is the most important thing when learning a language?
A. Studying abroad
B. Travelling to foreign countries
C. Having an interest in learning English
D. Having a host family that only speaks English

13. This announcement would probably be heard in an airport in ........................

A. Doha
B. Bahrain
C. Riyadh
D. Frankfurt

14. What has caused the delay?

A. a mechanical problem
B. a scheduling problem
C. a medical problem
D. a security problem

15. Passengers are asked to board the flight at .......................

A. Gate A6
B. Gate B2
C. the main terminal
D. the security checkpoints

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16. The woman's problem is that she ........................

A. DOESN'T have much time
B. DOESN'T have much money
C. CAN'T decide where to go
D. CAN'T decide how to travel

17. We can conclude that the woman ..........................

A. likes Europe a lot
B. wants to stay at home
C. thinks Europe is costly
D. has NOT travelled often

18. We conclude that the woman and her husband ...................

A. have different tastes
B. are unhappy together
C. DON'T like foreign places
D. spend lots of money on travel

19. The two people talking in the conversation are probably ..........................
A. a receptionist and a university applicant
B. a secretary and a job applicant
C. a banker and a loan applicant
D. a boss and a new employee

20. This conversation probably takes place in a ...................

A. university office
B. conference room
C. business office
D. cafeteria

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9 ‫النموذج‬
1 – Where is Adam going soon?
B) Tokyo
C) America
D) Shanghai.

2 – Bob was born in …............….

A – 1980
B – 1981
C – 1984
D – 1985

3 – The man is looking for a place to ..................

A – get married
B – visit Ramadan
C – stay close to him
D – spend honeymoon

4 – where does this conversation take place?

A – restaurant

5 – what can we understand about Lisa?

A – she is not busy
B – she is single
C – She is married
D – she is worried

6- where is the library?

king Abdelaziz street
‫إجابة فقط من دون سؤال‬

7- eat meat
‫إجابة فقط من دون سؤال‬

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8 what time does Radio Story time usually being?

A) 8:30 a.m.
B) 9:00 a.m.
C) 9:30 a.m.
D) 10:00 a.m.

9 – What kind of story will begin on Radio Story Tim.... Tomorrow?

A) A Turkish mystery.
B) An action adventures.
C) A historical adventure.
D) A Turkish traditional fairytale.

10 – What is the name of the radio station?


11 – Later the speaker will …

A – go home
B – have a nap
C – have a walk
D – go to meeting

12 – How did the woman learn the laptop?

A – Mark taught her
B – Dave taught her
C – The internet
D – The

13 – What should passengers do?

A – travel to Oxford
B – travel to London
C – go to platform 2
D – go to platform 3

14 – What does the speaker mean?

A) Eric did NOT accept the offer.
B) Eric did NOT make an offer.
C) Mr. Carter did NOT make any offer.
D) Mr. Carter did NOT accept the offer.

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15 – What is Tan embarrassed about?

A) He went to the wrong place to meet Steve.
B) He DOESN’T know how to swim.
C) He is taking a swimming class.
D) He has been taking it easy.

16 – Why will they skip Unit 4?

A) The teacher DOESN’T find it …………
B) They will be return to it later.
C) They have completed it already.
D) It is NOT related to the course.

17 – Why does Professor Daniels think fairy tales are taught for children?
A) They teach lessons about right and wrong.
B) They are about magic and adventure.
C) The language is useful.
D) All children like them

18 – When is this program presented?

A) every day at 10:00 a.m.
B) every day at 9:00 p.m.
C) every Tuesday at 9:00 a.m.
D) every Tuesday at 9:00 p.m.

10 ‫النموذج‬
recording 1
1) What kind of operation did Ahmad's mother have?
a) a kidney operation
b) a knee operation
c) a heart operation
d) a minor operation

2) Ahmad's mother had the operation in hospital in

a) the capital
b) the same town
c) the nearby town
d) the military compound
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recording 2
3) Why hasn't Khalid traveled anywhere this summer?
a) because he has been very busy
b) because he doesn’t want to travel
c) because his father hasn’t been free
d) because his father doesn’t like traveling

4) What part of the project is Osama looking for?

a) research information everyone knows
b) pictures from books everyone has seen
c) videos from archives everyone uses
d) pictures and videos NOT everyone has seen

5) What source does Omar suggest?

a) local historians
b) newspapers
c) textbooks
d) YouTube

recording 3

6) Why does Mr. Salem want to rent a place to live?

a) because he will NOT be staying there for more than two years
b) because his wife does NOT want to talk to the agent
c) because he does NOT want to live with his family
d) because he CANNOT afford to buy a house

7) Why DOESN’T Mr. Salem want a flat?

a) A flat is not reasonable.
b) The university has NO flats.
c) A flat is too small for his family.
d) There are NO flats in the Highland are

8) What is Mr. Salem’s job?

a) a university teacher
b) a school teacher
c) a gardener
d) an estate agent

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recording 4

9) The caller's problem is that ................

a) he has a software problem
b) he transferred to a new company
c) he has only had the net for a week
d) his Internet is NOT working properly

10) Which of the following statements is true?

A. Mr. Khalili uses the Internet for pleasure only
B. Mr. Khalili needs the Internet for his work.
C. Mr. Khalili is a satisfied customer.
D. Mr. Khalili is a new customer.

recording 5

11) Who is Mishari going to visit this weekend?

A. his mother's grandparents
B. his father's grandparents
C. his grandmother
D. his grandfather

12) Why hasn’t Leila seen her grandparents for a longtime?

A. She DOESN'T have a car.
B. She DOESN'T have time.
C. They live in another town.
D. They live in another country.

13) Who suggests that grandparents should be respected?

A. Mishari
B. Mishai's teacher
C. Leila
D. Leila’s teacher

recording 6

14) In the conversation, the word focus is closest in meaning to

A. separate
B. concentrate
C. participate
D. delegate

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recording 7
15) Ahmad's example of screening calls was used to explain how to
A. be polite
B. manage time
C. speak on the phone
D. use an answering machine

recording 8

16) This conversation is most likely to take place in

A. a restaurant
B. an airport
C. a mall
D. a café

17) Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The salesperson is NOT familiar with American shoe sizes.
B. The customer does NOT like blue.
C. The salesperson is NOT helpful.
D. The customer is now in the US.

recording 9

18) The number of people diagnosed with diabetes

A. may double in 2025
B. may be 20% in 2025
C. may decrease by 2025
D. may be the same in 2025

19) Raising teacher awareness can

A. save money
B. prevent diabetes
C. target school staff
D. save students’ lives

recording 10
20) Why does Ali call Mohammed?
A. to set up a meeting
B. to set the time for a meeting
C. to find out the time of a meeting
D. to ask Mohammed to come to a meeting

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11 ‫النموذج‬
Recording 1

[1] The man paid by ………………….

A. Debit card
B. Credit card
C. Check
D. Cash

Recording 2

[2] Why did Mrs. Noura go to the dentist?

A. She has made an appointment.
B. Her tooth was hurting very badly.
C. Mr. Ahmed did NOT keep his appointment.
D. Dr. Rashid had no other patients that day.

Recording 3
[3] Last weekend, Mike was………………..
A. At home
B. At work
C. In the desert
D. At school

[4] Mike spent last weekend with ……………

A. People from work
B. A racing team
C. His family
D. His friends

[5] Roger was surprised when he saw Mike because he ……...

A. Had a new for-wheeler
B. Had a broken arm

Recording 4
[6] How did the man know about the job?
A. He heard about it on the radio.
B. He found the advertisement.
C. He saw it in a shop window.
D. He read about E. F. t it in a newspaper.
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[7] What is the last date to submit the application?

A. This Friday
B. Next Friday
C. In one week
D. In two weeks

Recording 5
[8] Which is true about the Moon in French?
A. It’s male.
B. It’s female.
C. It’s two words
D. It’s difficult to pronounce.

[9] What do we understand about the student?

A. He disagrees with the teacher.
B. He was late for class.
C. He translates books.
D. He knows Arabic and English.

Recording 6

[10] They will look at figures for …………

A. The next year
B. The next months
C. The last four months
D. The last two months

[11] The agenda is part of a ……………

A. Sports meeting
B. School meeting
C. Business meeting
D. Government meeting

Recording 7
[12] The conversation takes place in the ……………..
A. morning
B. evening
C. afternoon
D. night

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[13] The customer’s choice for the method of ……………….

A. Cheapest
B. Slowest
C. Latest
D. Quickest

[14] The conversation takes place at ……………

A. Home
B. a post office
C. a supermarket
D. hospital

Recording 8

[15] What is the main problem discussed in the conversation?

A. Will’s work
B. Wills supervisor
C. Will’s family
D. Will’s health

[16] Why Hasn’t Will seen a doctor?

A. He doesn’t have time.
B. He is afraid of something.
C. He doesn’t want to.
D. His family doesn’t want to.

Recording 9
[17] What was the problem the people were talking about
A. The air conditioning is working and the repairman is there
B. The air conditioning is NOT working and the repairman is not there.
C. The air conditioning is NOT working and the repair man is there
D. The air conditioning is working and the repairman is NOT there.

[18] The phrase it’s anyone’s guess is closest in meaning to .......

A. Everyone can be sure when the repairman will come.
B. Only the office can be sure when the repairman will come.
C. No one can be sure when the repairmen will come
D. Anyone can be sure when the repairman will come

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Recording 10

[19] We can understand that Virginia ………………….

A. Has a job
B. Has children
C. goes to the mall often
D. is far from Makah Road

[20] Virginia wants to go Mega to………….

A. get some furniture
B. eat at a restaurant
C. buy a stroller
D. pick up her husband

12 ‫النموذج‬
Recording 1

1. In what subject does Salah have an examination?

A. geology
B. psychology
C. biology
D. chemistry

Recording 2
2. What did the man order?
a) salad
b) burger
c) chicken and soup
d) chicken and potatoes

3. This conversation mostly takes place in …………………

A - a restaurant
B – a house
C – a hospital
D – a school

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Recording 3

4. How much did travelers spend in 1990?

A. 4.2 trillion dollar
B. 3.2 trillion dollars
C. 41.3 million dollars
D. 46.3 million dollars

5. What is the most popular country people go to?

A. France
B. U.S.A
C. Spain
D. China

6. How many people visited the USA in 1996?

a) 43.3 million people
b) 14.6 million people
c) 16.4 million people
d) 46.3 million people

Recording 4

7. Who was at home when the house burned down?

A. Hassan
B. the whole family
C. Nobody
D. many people

Recording 5

8 - Why did Ali call the Sales Employment Office?

a) to have his computer fixed
b) to travel abroad
c) looking for a hotel
d) Looking for a job as a sales manager

9 - In what area does Ali have a degree?

a) Computer programming
b) sales management
c) public relations
d) computer maintenance

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‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

Recording 6

10 - The conversation takes place in the .....................

a) morning
b) afternoon
c) evening
d) night

11 - The customer's choice of delivery is the ........................

a) regular delivery
b) urgent delivery
c) long term delivery
d) The next day delivery

12 - The conversation takes place at ...........................

A. shipment office
B. a hotel
C. a house
D. Abu Dhabi

Recording 7

13 - What does Bader mean?

A. he doesn't have many hands
B. he can help
C. He can't take the suitcase.
D. he doesn't like his colleague

Recording 8

14 - The lecture started at ...............................

A. 10: 30
B. 10:00
C. 9:30
D. 12 :30

Free STEP Academy ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

Recording 9

15 - What does this teacher imply about Abdullah?

A. Abdullah has free time
B. Abdullah will be very busy.
C. Abdullah finished his research
D. Abdullah's hands hurt

Recording 10

16 - What information does the customer know about the book?

A. The publishing year 2008
B. the price of the book
C. the names of the authors
D. the title of the book

Recording 11

17 - Where does this announcement take place?

A. in an airport
B. in a train station
C. in a school
D. on a street

18 - What should the people do?

A. They should change from Platform 2 to Platform 3.
B. They should change from Platform 3 to Platform 2.
C. They should change from Platform 1 to Platform 2.
D. They should change from Platform 2 to Platform 1.

Free STEP Academy ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

13 ‫النموذج‬
Recording 1

a lecture on History
1. What does the lecturer think about the invention of the powder?
It is amazing.
It was improved in Japan.
It is used to hurt people.

2. Why did the Chinese scientists first invent the powder?

as a weapon
for the army
as a medicine
Recording 2
classroom discussion about Computer Science
3. What important point does the teacher mention about the internet?
It was invented in 1983.
It uses wireless technology.
It connects computers worldwide.

4. What pages should the students read in chapter 8?


5. When will the students meet for their next class?


Free STEP Academy ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

Recording 3
6. What important point does the lecturer mention about tea?
It is a vegetable.
It was cultivated in China.
It became a drink later in history.

7. When was tea first used as a drink?

500 years ago
1,500 years ago
6,000 years ago

8. What developed in China after tea became a drink?

A popular tea culture
A lot of new book clubs
Many new tea businesses

9. What is the most popular drink in the world today?


Recording 4
center of mass
10. What important point does the lecturer mention about the center of mass?
It involves stick.
It's important in math
It's in the middle of objects.

Free STEP Academy ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

11. here is the center of mass of a stick?

It's in the middle.
It moves around.
It's in different positions.

12. Where is the center of mass of a standing human?

Where the hands meet
around the heart
around the stomach

Recording 5
a class discussion about psychology
13. What does the teacher think about presentations?
They are easy to do.
They can be very boring.
They can make people anxious.

14. What does the teacher think about telling jokes in presentations?
Jokes are okay anytime.
Telling jokes is a way bad.
Few jokes can be useful.
Recording 6
a classroom lecture
15. What will the lecture be about?
How birds find family member
How birds dance
The meaning of bird behaviors.

Free STEP Academy ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

Recording 7
Business Administration
16. What is the main idea of the lecture?
The shell method of product portfolio analysis
The BCG method
The importance of product portfolio analysis

17. What information about the investment portfolio does the professor think is important?
making more money
balanced group of stocks
products that show promise
Recording 8
18. How does the lecturer support the claim that people are bad at judging themselves?
Over 100 studies
30% of engineers
Engineers at two companies

19. Why does the lecturer mention that engineers put themselves in the top 5%?
Companies need them.
Most engineers AREN'T the best.
People CAN'T assess themselves well.
Recording 9
a classroom lecture
20. What will the lecture be about?
The special talent of Humpback Wales.
The largest member of the whale family.
The difference between two kinds of whales.

Free STEP Academy ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

14 ‫النموذج‬
Recording 1

1. What did the man order?

chicken wings
chicken and bread
potatoes and drink
potatoes and chicken

2. What can be inferred from this conversation?

The two speakers are hungry.
The first speaker is NOT hungry.
The two speakers are NOT hungry.
The second speaker is NOT hungry.

Recording 2

3. What does Hind's father do?

general practitioner

4. What was Ahmad's father's previous specialty?

general practitioner

Recording 3

5. Which of the following is TRUE?

He is paying for the trip.
He has been to Los Angeles.
He is going to Los Angeles next month.
He is going to Los Angeles for one month.

Free STEP Academy ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

6. Which factor is most important for choosing a hotel


Recording 4

7. What will most likely happen next?

A phone call will be made.
A fax will be transmitted.
A letter will be mailed.
An email will be sent.

Recording 5

. When did the conversation take place?

in the morning
at noon
in the afternoon
in the evening

Recording 6

. How does the first speaker feel?


Recording 7

‫الجواب الصح تحته خط‬

‫رجل وزوجته يتشاورون يروحون سنتر المدينة للمطعم وسألها هل بقطار أو تاكسي؟ هل تريدين التاكسي؟ قالت الطرق‬
Free STEP Academy ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

‫باألخير اتفقوا يروحون بالمترو‬

‫ لماذا ذهبوا لـ‬City center‫؟‬

Hotel and food.

‫لماذا ال تفضل الذهاب بالتاكسي؟‬

Heavy traffic.

‫ بداية السؤال الثالث‬... the end

By Metro

Recording 8

What does the lecturer think about students standing up-school?

It is stupid
It is good
It is common

What does the lecturer say about sitting down for short periods?
It is acceptable
It is what we want
It is very unhealthy

Recording 9

What pages should the students read for next class


When will the students have their test?


Free STEP Academy ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬


‫?‪When must the students hand in their projects‬‬


‫النموذج ‪15‬‬
‫الجواب الصح تحته خط‬
‫‪Recording 1‬‬

‫وحده عندها ألم بأسنانها وتبي دواء وأنها ما تقدر تنام من شدة االلم‬
‫)‪(A pharmacist‬وقالها الصيدلي‬
‫؟ )‪ (prescription‬هل عندك وصفة ‪:‬‬
‫قالت‪ :‬ال وموعدي مع الدكتور متأخر جدا‬
‫أين حدثت المحادثة؟‬
‫الصيدلية ‪Pharmacy‬‬
‫ماذا طلبت؟‬
‫وصفة ‪Prescription‬‬
‫ما هو نوع االلم؟‬
‫الم أسنان ‪Toothache‬‬

‫‪Free STEP Academy‬‬ ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات ‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

‫‪Recording 2‬‬

‫محادثة المدير والسكرتير حول غرفة االجتماع‬

‫المحادثة بين من ومن؟‬
‫المدير والسكرتير ‪Director or manager and secretary‬‬

‫؟‪ B‬لماذا اختار الغرفة‬

‫ألنها كبيره ‪The biggest‬‬

‫لماذا طلب منه يحجز غرفه أو لماذا أقام االجتماع؟‬

‫)يناقشون عمل الروبوت( ‪To discuss makes report‬‬

‫‪Recording 3‬‬

‫)‪ (Bakery‬محادثة شخص ضائع بالطريق وضيع مكان المخبز‬

‫طلب منه رجل يدله لكن ما كان يعرف المنطقة وطلب من امرأة‬
‫ودلته على المكان وكان الوصف (تمشي أمام ثم يسار وبعدها تالقي المحل بعد ثاني إشارة‬

‫لماذا الرجل االول ما وصف له الموقع؟‬

‫‪.‬ألنه من خارج المدينة‬

‫أين موقع المبنى؟‬

‫‪On the left.‬‬

‫‪Recording 4‬‬

‫زبون اشترى تلفاز وتعطل في أقل من ‪ 24‬ساعة‪،‬‬

‫وبنته وزوجته غاضبين منه وطلب من المحل يسترجع المبلغ‬
‫ماهي وظيفة الرجل بالمحل؟ المبلغ‬

‫‪Free STEP Academy‬‬ ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات ‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

‫‪Responsible for solving Customer problems‬‬

‫ماذا سيفعل الرجل بالمبلغ؟ أو ماذا صار للرجل؟‬
‫أخذ فلوسه‬

‫‪Recording 5‬‬

‫محادثة الروم سيرفر‪ :‬زبون في فندق يطلب وجبة والطلب يجهز‬

‫خالل نصف ساعة‬
‫؟)‪ (for drinking‬ما هو الطلب الذي طلبه للشرب‬
‫‪Lemon and soda.‬‬
‫كم رقم الغرفة؟‬
‫‪sixty 60‬‬
‫متى يجهز الطلب؟‬
‫دقيقة ‪Thirty minutes 30‬‬

‫‪Recording 6‬‬

‫شخص اسمه خالد يتحدث مع صديقه عن زيارته لدبي وعن عمه‬

‫اللي عايش فيها ويشتغل‬
‫ماذا يشتغل عمه ؟ )‪1‬‬

‫‪ (Lecturer).‬محاضر‬

‫هل هو سعيد في دبي )‪2‬‬

‫‪He is happy but he still thinks of Saudi Arabia or misses Saudi Arabia.‬‬

‫أين ساكن عم خالد؟‬

‫‪In Dubai.‬‬

‫‪Free STEP Academy‬‬ ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات ‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

‫‪Recording 7‬‬

‫زوجين مسافرين زيارة عائلية وأنهم مشتاقين كثير للعائلة‬

‫وسيفاجئون من زيارتهم‪ ،‬وهم بالسيارة سألت زوجها وين مكان‬
‫سأل عن اماكن التذاكر ؟ )‪1‬‬

‫‪In the pocket of the jacket.‬‬

‫ما هو نوع الرحلة ؟ )‪2‬‬

‫‪Family visit.‬‬

‫‪Recording 8‬‬

‫محادثة بين معلم وطالب وكان الطالب يحتاج شرح من‬

‫‪ -‬المعلم عن الدرس ألنهم افهمه وطلب منه المعلم يجيه في مكتبه‬
‫وين راح يلتقى فيه ؟ ‪1 ) 0‬‬


‫ما الذي لم يفهمه الطالب ؟ ) ‪2‬‬

‫‪.‬كل شيء‬

‫الساعة كم بيلتقي فيه ؟ ) ‪3‬‬

‫‪3 p.m.‬‬

‫البرفسور وين يشتغل ؟ ) ‪4‬‬

‫‪Free STEP Academy‬‬ ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات ‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

‫دكتور بالجامعة‬
‫‪Recording 9‬‬

‫واحد يدرس في اليابان وصاحبه سأله‪ :‬كيف الدراسة معك ؟‬

‫قال‪ :‬أنا أواجه صعوبة في فهم اللغة اليابانية وهي لغة صعبة بالذات ‪،‬‬

‫لو رحت طوكيو وبعدين صاحبه سأله سؤال ورد عليه قال أنا درست‬

‫‪.‬في الجامعة رياضيات وكان باللغة الصينية‬

‫ماهي اللغة التي يدرس فيها ؟ ) ‪1‬‬

‫‪ Japanese‬اليابانية‬

‫لما كان بالجامعة وش كان يدرس ؟ ) ‪2‬‬


‫ماهي وظيفته ؟ ) ‪3‬‬

‫‪Lecturer of Mathematics‬‬

‫‪Recording 10‬‬

‫محادثة رحلة الدمام‬

‫متى تصل الرحلة ؟ ) ‪1‬‬

‫‪.‬دقيقة ‪Thirty minutes 30‬‬

‫‪Free STEP Academy‬‬ ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات ‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

‫النموذج ‪16‬‬
‫‪Recording 1‬‬

‫محادثة يقال إنها في (مكتب الجامعة) وواحد يسأل واحدة عن شي‬

‫!ما انتبهت له‪ ،‬وردت عليه أنت متأكد؟‬

‫ما لقيت لك أي ملف قال نعم أنا متأكد‬

‫بعدين اعتذرت منه ألن كل الملفات تلفت االسبوع الماضي‬

‫وطلبت منه يجيب واحد جديد‬

‫المحادثة كانت بين مين ومين ؟ ) ‪1‬‬

‫‪Secretary and university student.‬‬

‫أين المحادثة ؟ ) ‪2‬‬

‫‪.‬مكتب الجامعة ‪University office‬‬

‫‪Recording 2‬‬

‫محادثة مع شخص متقن للغة االنجليزية‬

‫كيف أتقنها ؟ ) ‪1‬‬

‫‪ talking to many people‬التحدث مع كثير من الناس‬

‫ماهي الطريقة االفضل التي اقترحها لتعلم اللغة ؟ ) ‪2‬‬

‫) االستمتاع في التعلم ( ‪We enjoy learning English‬‬

‫‪Free STEP Academy‬‬ ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات ‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

‫‪Recording 3‬‬

‫محادثة محل مالبس رياضية‬

‫مكان المحادثة ؟ ) ‪1‬‬

‫‪Sport shirt‬‬

‫لون التيشرت ؟ ) ‪2‬‬

‫‪ White‬أبيض‬

‫مقاس التيشرت ؟ ) ‪3‬‬


‫‪Recording 4‬‬

‫محادثة بين صديقين واحد منهم انتظر الثاني باألمس وماجاء ولما كلمه‬
‫‪ :‬قال‬
‫كان عندي شغل وتوقعت أخلصه بس ما خلصته وعشان كذا جلست أكمله طوال الليل‬

‫عشان مديري وذكر أنه ما أكل وو‪..‬الخ‬

‫الشخص االول متى انتظر الشخص الثاني ؟ ) ‪1‬‬

‫باألمس ‪Yesterday‬‬

‫لماذا لم يذهب لصاحبه ؟ ) ‪2‬‬

‫‪ he has hard working‬أتوقع‬

‫‪Free STEP Academy‬‬ ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات ‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

‫‪Recording 5‬‬

‫محادثة بين شرطي ومخالف‬

‫ماهي مخالفته ؟ ) ‪1‬‬

‫‪ .‬السرعة ‪Speeding‬‬

‫أين مكان المحادثة ؟ ) ‪2‬‬

‫‪On the side of the road‬‬

‫‪Recording 6‬‬

‫محادثة المعلم اللي اخوه صار له حادث‬

‫واحد اتصل عليه صديقه يقوله ‪ :‬ليش متأخر على الدوام‬

‫لماذا تأخر على الدوام ؟ ) ‪1‬‬

‫‪ accident‬ألن اخوه صار له حادث‬

‫ماذا طلب من المعلم الثاني ؟ ) ‪2‬‬

‫يقول شي لتالميذه‬

‫ما هو تصرف صديقه في حال سأله المدير عن زميله ( ليش تأخر ) ؟ ) ‪3‬‬

‫راح يجيب له عذر قدام المدير‬

‫‪Recording 7‬‬

‫محادثة عن واحد يسأل شخص آخر عن كلية معينة‬

‫أين المحادثة ؟ ) ‪1‬‬

‫‪In or at the university‬‬

‫أين انتقلت الكلية ؟ ) ‪2‬‬

‫انتقل لمكان آخر ‪The building is moved‬‬

‫من الذي يسأل طالب جديد أو زائر ؟ ) ‪3‬‬

‫‪Free STEP Academy‬‬ ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات ‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

‫‪Recording 8‬‬

‫محادثة الكويتية اللي بتسافر لبنان‬

‫ماهي جنسيتها ؟ ) ‪1‬‬


‫وين كانت ذاهبة ؟ ) ‪2‬‬


‫‪Recording 9‬‬

‫محادثة واحد في المطار أو في محطة القطار‬

‫ماذا كان يريد أن يشتري ؟ ) ‪1‬‬

‫‪ Ticket‬تذكرة‬

‫‪ -‬ماذا سيفعل لمن تجي الرحلة ؟ ) ‪2‬‬

‫يأكل سندوتش‬

‫النموذج ‪17‬‬
‫‪Recording 1‬‬

‫محادثة المرأة اللي عملت اعالن‬

‫أين مكان االعالن ؟ ) ‪1‬‬

‫على اليوتيوب‬

‫ما هو أول شيء شرحته ؟ ) ‪2‬‬

‫‪Samsung 6s edge.‬‬

‫‪Free STEP Academy‬‬ ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات ‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

‫‪Recording 2‬‬

‫محادثة أسماء اللي تبي تستعير كتاب صاحبتها‬

‫عشان فاتها درس وصديقتها ذكرتها بالماضي االليم حيث أنها نسيت‬

‫‪ .‬كتابها بالبيت وولد اخوها الصغير قطع من كتابها‬

‫لماذا استعارت الكتاب ؟ ) ‪1‬‬

‫ألن كتابها غير مكتمل‬

‫لماذا خربت الورق ؟ ) ‪2‬‬

‫الن ولد اخوها الصغير أعدمها‬

‫‪Recording 3‬‬

‫أروى كانت تسوي دفتر ذكريات وأتوقع كانت تسوي تعديل‬

‫للصور ويسألها واحد وش تسوي؟‬

‫‪A memory books‬‬

‫ما هو نوع التعديل الذي أجرته على الصورة؟‬


‫‪Recording 4‬‬

‫محادثة سعود يكلم نواف ويبي يتدرب على سواقة السيارة‬

‫‪.‬وقال نواف‪ :‬تعال المحل بكره وأخوي يعلمك السواقة ألني غير موجود‬

‫سعود كلم نواف لماذا؟‬

‫اجابته آخر وحده‬

‫من راح يدربه؟‬

‫‪Nawaf brother's‬‬
‫‪Free STEP Academy‬‬ ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات ‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

‫‪Recording 5‬‬

‫محادثة رجل يحجز رحلة أو أنه داخل الطيارة‬

‫سألته الموظفة‪ :‬هل تريد المقعد عند النافذة أو الممر؟‬

‫‪ The aisle seat‬بجانب الممر‬

‫‪Recording 6‬‬

‫محادثة صارت بعد الطهر وكان فيها موعد (سريعة وعليها سؤالين)‬
‫من المنادي؟ ان ها ومرده الى اين‬

‫‪.‬ممكن يكون قائد الرحلة او سائق الباص‬

‫يسأل عن الوقت؟‬

‫تماما ‪6‬‬

‫‪:‬ويمكن تكون المحادثة تتكلم عن طيار يتحدث ويبلغ عن‬

‫من المتحدث؟‬

‫كم الساعة؟‬

‫؟)‪ (Departure time‬وقت المغادرة‬

‫؟)‪ (Arrival date‬وقت الوصول‬

‫‪Recording 7‬‬
‫محادثة بين شخصين‪ :‬االول يقول ممكن استخدم جوال الثاني يقول كلمة بشكل سريع‬
‫؟ )‪ (Response‬ماهي ردة فعل الشخص الثاني أو ماهي استجابته‬

‫جواله ما في شحن جواله بالبيت‬


‫‪out door‬‬
‫‪Free STEP Academy‬‬ ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات ‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

‫‪Recording 8‬‬

‫ً محادثة بين طالبتين طب ويتكلموا عن قوة العظام وأنها تعتمد في قوتها‬

‫على ؟ )‪) Depend‬العظام تعتمد)‪1‬‬

‫‪A- old‬‬ ‫‪B- Life style‬‬

‫أن العظم ‪...‬؟)‪2‬‬

‫‪.‬أقوى من الفوالذ‬

‫متى تقل قوة العظم ؟)‪3‬‬

‫اذا كبر األنسان بالعمر ‪Age‬‬

‫‪Recording 9‬‬

‫ف اذاعة الراديو‬
‫بداية المحادثة راح يقول‪ :‬نرحب بكم ً ‪:‬ثالثا ‪ 3‬اشخاص ً‬
‫معنا فالن وفالن ونتناقش الكتاب ٌوذكر‬
‫‪.‬اسمه)‪( ..‬وهنا ننتبه اسم الكتاب‬

‫هنا راح يذكر اسم المؤلف فنركز عليه سؤال ‪ ...By‬وراح يقول‬

‫مكان المحادثة ؟)‪1‬‬

‫‪.‬اذاعة الراديو‬

‫سأل عن اسم الكتاب ؟ )‪2‬‬


‫راي الدكتور ف الكتاب ؟ )‪3‬‬

‫‪ life Real‬غير مناسب لألطفال النه ليس عن الحياة الواقعٌة‬

‫‪Free STEP Academy‬‬ ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات ‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

‫‪Recording 10‬‬

‫طالب اسمه زهير أو زاهد كتب مقالة عن أهمية لعب الطالب لكرة‬
‫القدم واألستاذ عبد الرحمن قدم له مالحظات وراح يناقش استاذه انه ما فهم‬

‫‪.‬وما قدر يقرأ شيء‬

‫ماذا نفهم من المحادثة ؟)‪1‬‬

‫حب الكتابة انه يطلب من معلمه مقالة ‪writes Loves‬‬

‫ما هو الشيء الذي ليس من صفات معلمه ؟)‪2‬‬

‫إنه يتقبل رأي طالبه وهذا ليس من صفاته‪ ،‬بل العكس في المحادثة‬

‫قال تقبلها بصدر رحب‬

‫‪It does not accept the opinion of students‬‬

‫النموذج ‪18‬‬
‫‪Recording 1‬‬

‫ً ‪ 4‬اشخاص وقال‬
‫‪..‬سارة ونورة يحبون يتابعون وخالد ما يحب‬

‫ٌمن أكثر شعب يشاهد ؟)‪1‬‬

‫‪ people Egyptian.‬الشعب المصري‬

‫كم ساعه ٌشاهد ؟)‪2‬‬

‫‪Six hours‬‬

‫من هو الذي الٌشاهد مثل المصريين ؟)‪3‬‬


‫‪Free STEP Academy‬‬ ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات ‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

‫‪Recording 2‬‬

‫ً واحد انطعن والسؤال ماهي األداة التي انطعن بها؟‬

‫‪ knife.‬السكين‬

‫‪Recording 3‬‬

‫شخص يتكلم عن هواياته لصديقه؟‬

‫ماه لعبته المفضلة ؟)‪1‬‬

‫وش هواياته ؟ )‪2‬‬

‫‪Recording 4‬‬

‫محادثة واحد كان مشغول وقت الظهيرة‬

‫‪ Friday on‬يوم الجمعة‬

‫‪After noon‬‬

‫‪Recording 5‬‬

‫واحد اتصل على مكتبه يسأل عن كتاب ولم يجده‬

‫لماذا لم يجده ؟)‪1‬‬

‫‪.‬بيعت كلها ‪outsold‬‬

‫أين يمكن يلقاه؟‬

‫‪.‬في فرع آخر ‪In another branch‬‬

‫لماذا البائع لم يدله على الطريق ؟)‪3‬‬

‫‪.‬ألنه كان يعرف ويدل الطريق‬

‫‪Free STEP Academy‬‬ ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات ‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

‫‪Recording 6‬‬

‫في فندق بين عميل وموظف استقبال وسأله عن الخدمات وأٌن يضع‬
‫ً أغراضه؟‬
‫أٌن يضع أغراضه ؟)‪1‬‬

‫‪.‬أتوقع في اللوكر في الريسبشن‬

‫سأله عن الفطور ؟ )‪2‬‬

‫سؤال ناقص يحتاج إجابة أكيدة‬

‫‪Recording 7‬‬

‫‪:‬محادثة عن شخص ما عجبه الفلم وكانوا مجموعة‬

‫‪.‬قال في المحادثة‪ :‬علي عجبه الفلم لكن احمد ما عجبه‬

‫من اللي ما عجبه الفلم ؟)‪1‬‬


‫‪Recording 8‬‬

‫محادثة وحده تقول إنها اخذت باص بدري وإن الكالس تأخرت عليه‬
‫السؤال كان‪ :‬ماذا تقصد بكالمها ؟)‪1‬‬

‫سرعه لكن كتخمين للجواب إنها تعذرت عشان‬

‫هذه المحادثة كانت ٌ‬
‫‪late bus The‬تأخر الباص‬

‫‪Recording 9‬‬

‫محادثة صوتية لموظفة تتكلم سبيكر بسرعه ان المحل‬

‫راح يتقفل بعد دقائق وتطلب منهم يستعجلوا بالشراء‬

‫ما هو المفهوم او المقصود من كالمها؟ سؤال ناقص يحتاج إلجابة أكيدة‬

‫‪Free STEP Academy‬‬ ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات ‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

‫‪Recording 10‬‬

‫شخص يشتغل خدمة عمالء وحوار بينه وبين زبون‬

‫سأله الزبون وجاوبه‬

‫سأل عن وظيفته ؟ ) ‪1‬‬

‫‪Customer Service‬‬

‫ماذا كان يريد الزبون ؟ ) ‪2‬‬

‫‪Recording 11‬‬

‫وحده تتكلم انها بتقفل المكتب وتقول ما في أي شي‬

‫بيشتغل ال االيميل وال أي شي والسبب ظرف عائلي لكن لو عندكم مشاكل‪،‬‬

‫‪.‬راسلونا السبت القادم‬

‫وين المحادثة ؟ ) ‪1‬‬


‫ليش بتقفل المكتب ؟ ) ‪2‬‬

‫‪Family emergency‬‬

‫متى بتفتح المكتب ؟ ) ‪3‬‬

‫‪Next Saturday.‬‬

‫‪Recording 12‬‬

‫‪19. The two people talking in the conversation are probably ....................‬‬
‫‪a receptionist and a university applicant‬‬
‫‪a secretary and a job applicant‬‬
‫‪a banker and a loan applicant‬‬
‫‪a boss and a new employee‬‬

‫‪Free STEP Academy‬‬ ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات ‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

20. This conversation probably takes place in a ..................

university office
conference room
business office

19 ‫النموذج‬

2014 ‫ تتويج ألمانيا الفوز بكأس العالم عام‬:

1/ When was the first international football tournament held under the name of the World Cup?


2/ How many attendees for the 2014 tournament?


3/ How many groups of teams?

4/What is the host country for the 2014 World Cup?


Free STEP Academy ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

‫الملح و انو الشركات الزم توضح كمية الملح على العبوات‬

‫حق الملح شخص بيتكلم عن اهمية انو بينحط على المنتجات عالمة تبين كمية الملح الموجودة وذكر كمثال الوان معينة مثال احمر يكون‬
‫الملح مرتفع واشياء كذا‬

‫‪.‬عليها سؤالين فقط‬

‫?‪1/What is the idea that the lecturer talked about‬‬

‫فائدة الرياضة للعقل وللمسنين‬

‫و عن محاضر يحدد إختبار مادة يوم اإلختبار و الشابتر و في تحديد يوم ثاني بس مدري ليه‬
‫نسيت و المادة تكنولوجيا أظن شيء زي كذا ‪ 4 /‬أسئلة‬
‫كان بيقولهم كالس الثالثاء او االربعاء واحد منهم تكنسل بس ناسية ايت يوم بالزبط‬

‫واالختبار يوم الخميس‬

‫والشابترز كانت من‪5-3‬‬

‫والثاني هو سال الطالب سؤال وكان في رائيين مختلفة وبالسؤال بيقول هل المعلم كان ضدهم او ال ‪ ،‬والجواب انه وافقهم االثنين انه في‬
‫جانب سلبي وايجابي للموضوع‬

‫و عن محاضر يطرح موضوع و رأيه و كيف تقبل رأي الطالب ‪ /‬سؤالين‬

‫‪Free STEP Academy‬‬ ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات ‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

‫و عن كيف يصير الواحد غني و إن الناس تحب تصرف‬


‫‪.‬و سؤالين يطلب الفكرة الرئيسة عن موضوعين‬

‫وواحد مع سؤال ثاني‬

‫النموذج ‪20‬‬

‫‪Record about scales‬‬

‫?‪-When Fahrenheit invented‬‬


‫‪ seventeen‬هذا النطق كذا‬ ‫‪twenty four‬‬


‫?‪-The Celsius inventor was‬‬



‫?‪-The main idea of thermometer‬‬

‫‪Measuring temperature‬‬

‫‪Contains liquid‬‬

‫‪Free STEP Academy‬‬ ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات ‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

-Adding or making jokes in the presentation?

We can use jokes anytime

We can use some jokes

‫في الريكورد هي قالت هيومر‬

(humor joke ‫وهو معنى‬

joke = ‫) نكتة بس عشان ما تتلخبطون لو جاءكم‬

‫ جاني ريكورد عن انهم حولوا السستم حق‬physical therapy ‫ الى‬video games ‫عشان المرضى ما اتذكر االسئلة او االجوبة‬

Record about Vitamins

-Which vitamin is important for fighting disease/ illnesses?

Vitamin C

Vitamin D

Vitamin K

-What is the main idea of the Vitamins?

It is found in vegetables

It’s important for our bodies

Free STEP Academy ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

(Record about stress )

-What is main idea of stress

It can damage our bodies

-What the solution for stress or what can we do?

Avoid stressful situations

Learn how to deal with stress

(Record about thallus ‫)شي مقارب لها يعيش بالبحر‬

-Main idea about thallus?

Why it stuck

Thallus and weather conditions

-What the lecturer believes about thallus?

They separate from each other

The weather affects thallus

Free STEP Academy ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬

‫محادثة الطائرات ((قسم االستماع))‬

‫?‪What is the name of the aircraft manufacturer‬‬

‫‪☑ General Electric‬‬

‫?‪2/How many planes did General Electric buy from Boeing‬‬

‫☑ ‪General Electric's aircraft leasing unit buys 60 Boeing planes‬‬

‫?‪3/What is the name of the first company to sell light aircraft‬‬

‫☑ ‪Dynamic Aviation‬‬

‫كم تقطع الطائرات مسافه بالكيلو مترات؟‪4/‬‬

‫أو ‪1450‬او ‪( 1455‬غير متأكده) ‪1070‬‬

‫االول كان عن سيارات الهايبرد وكانت زي المحاضرة وعليها ‪ 3‬اسئلة واخر سؤال كان يقول وش الشيء الي مافهموه الطالب واتوقع كانت‬
‫اجابته انه ليش مع ذلك باقي الناس يشترون سيارات البنزين‬

‫الثاني كان حن محاضرة وعليها ‪ 3‬اسئلة االول اتوقع كان وش موضوع الدرس او وش المادة وثاني سؤال كان وش الشيء الي طلبه منهم‬
‫االستاذ واتوقع االجابة كانت رفع ايديهم اذا يردون المشاركة شيء زي كذا واخر سوال كان يقول وش الشيء الي طلبه المعلم من الطالب‬
‫وكانت اجابتها اعطاء بعض األمثلة‬

‫‪Free STEP Academy‬‬ ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات ‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫مؤسس األكاديمية المهندس أنور‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬
‫اعداد وترجمة عبدهللا الحساني‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫اشراف األستاذة فاطم‬


‫‪german economy grew 1.5% in 2018‬اقتصاد المانيا ارتفع بنسبة ‪ 1.5‬في ‪1- ،2018‬‬

‫والزيادة في قطاع السيارات كانت ‪ ، ٪ 40‬النقص بالسنين اللي فاتت صار بسبب ان ( الناس صارت اكثر وعي ‪ ،‬ناسية الخيارات الثانية‬
‫وناسية الصح وش)‬

‫والكويز بيكون بشابتر (‪1‬و ‪ ،) 2‬ومعلومة ‪ famous person‬الملكة اليزابيث " عندهم برزنتيشن عن ايش ؟ الجواب شخص مشهور ‪2-‬‬
‫تكلمت عنها الدكتورة بخصوص الملكة اليزابيث الخيارات (عندها اخت اصغر‪ ،‬ميالدها في ابريل‪ ،‬تحب سباقات الطيور) باالستماع ذكرت‬
‫‪ bird racing‬ان الملكة ميالدها في ابريل بس تحتفل فيه في شهر ثاني‪ ،‬وان الملكة تحب الخيول وتحب ال‬

‫‪:‬شخصين اتصلوا على بعض وسألوا عن تقرير المفروض يقدمونه لدكتور جاكسون‪ ،‬االسئلة‬

‫موعد التسليم (يوم الخميس)‬

‫ليش اتصل على صديقه؟ الخيارات‪( :‬عشانه مشغول‪ ،‬عشان يستفسر عن التقرير غالبا الصح ذا‪)… ،‬‬

‫هذي المحادثة اقرب النها تكون بين (طالبين عند دكتور جاكسون‪ ،‬المساعدين لدكتور جاكسون‪ ،‬اثنين يخططون لزيارة الدكتور جاكسون)‬

‫وطالبها عن الديون واعباء اخذ الدين ‪ finance‬محادثة بين دكتوره‬


‫النها ذكرت ان في اشياء ‪ dept is necessary sometimes‬موقف الدكتورة من الديون الجواب االقرب (ان الديون مهمه احيانا) ‪1-‬‬
‫معينة زي الخيول صعب تنشرى بالكاش‬

‫السؤال االول كان عن الشخص اذا اخذ دين اكثر من طاقته راح يتسبب بـ (خسارة اصدقائه‪ ،‬مايقدر يشتري اشياء يبغاها‪2- ) … ،‬‬

‫‪Free STEP Academy‬‬ ‫أحدث واخر التجميعات ‪‬‬ ‫أكاديمية ستيب المجانية‬

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