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Radiocommunication Study Groups

Received: xx November2022 Document 5D/xxxx-E

xx December 2022
English only


India (Republic of )



1 Introduction
At 42th Working Party (WP) 5D meeting in October 2022, WP 5D established a Correspondence
Group on usage scenarios for IMT for 2030 and beyond. According to the agreed terms of reference
(5D/temp749(Rev.3)), the correspondence group will work in the period between the 42nd and 43rd
meetings of WP 5D to advance content of Section 3 “Usage scenarios” in the working document
towards preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT.VISION 2030 AND BEYOND].
There was a draft created after CG#1 and the attached is further suggestion on the

2 Proposal
Based on the working document after WP 5D#42 meeting (5D/temp748(Rev.1)), India proposes the
revision as attachment.
According to the scope of CG, the revisions are on “section 3 Usage scenarios of IMT for 2030 and
beyond: communication and beyond communication”, and focused on following points:
 Avoid the overlap of use cases of different usage scenarios
 Suggestion on the proposed usage scenario G and H
 Other editorial revisions

Attachment: 1



Revisions based on Consolidated CG#1 (002) from CG#1 meeting

3 Usage scenarios of IMT for 2030 and beyond: communication

Communication and beyond communication [IND] Communication
and Beyond
[Editor’s note: This is a working title for this Section on usage scenarios]

[Editor’s note: introductory text/preambles to usage scenarios to further reviewed at next WP 5D

#43 meeting.]

IMT for 2030 and beyond is expected to expand and support diverse/various user, application and
technology trends as described in § 2, while providing great prospects towards [socio-economic
digital transformation] and well-being. A usage scenario is a set of use cases enabled by a common
set of capabilities.
(CHN proposal) Usage scenarios of IMT for 2030 and beyond are envisaged to encompass the
enhancements over existing usage scenarios of IMT-2020, i.e. eMBB, URLLC, and mMTC, which
are all communications-based usage scenarios. In addition, IMT for 2030 and beyond will
encompass new usage scenarios that combine communications-based usages with new beyond
communication techniques, including ubiquitous artificial intelligence as well as joint/integrated
sensing and communication. These could be considered as distinguishable components that were
not present in the development of previous IMT technologies. while also expand into broader use
that will require enhanced as well as new capabilities. It is also expected to expand to beyond
communication usage scenarios and encompass significant enhancements as well as new
innovations and paradigms, such as those related to [sensing, artificial intelligence]. In addition to
enhancing the three main usage scenarios of IMT-2020, which are all communications-based usage
scenarios and represent the enhancements over the IMT-2020 usage scenarios, i.e., eMBB, URLLC,
and mMTC, future IMT is envisaged to include new usage scenarios that combine communications-
based usages with new beyond communication techniques. [Examples include ubiquitous artificial
intelligence and computing as well as joint/integrated communication and sensing, which are
described in this section. These could be considered as distinguishable components that were not
present in the development of previous IMT technologies.]
(KOR proposal) Usage scenarios of IMT for 2030 and beyond are envisaged to include
communication-based and beyond communication usage scenarios, which are described in the
following sections. Furthermore, Aa broad variety of capabilities are expected to be tightly coupled
with the intended usage scenarios and the corresponding use cases of IMT for 2030 and beyond.
Usage scenarios of IMT for 2030 and beyond are envisaged to encompass existing usage scenarios
of IMT-2020, while also expand into broader use that will require enhanced as well as new
capabilities. It is also expected to expand to beyond communication usage scenarios and encompass
significant enhancements as well as new innovations and paradigms, such as those related to
[sensing, artificial intelligence]. In addition to enhancing the three main usage scenarios of IMT-
2020, which are all communications-based usage scenarios and represent the enhancements over the
IMT-2020 usage scenarios, i.e., eMBB, URLLC, and mMTC, future IMT is envisaged to include
new usage scenarios that combine communications-based usages with new beyond communication


techniques. [Examples include ubiquitous artificial intelligence and computing as well as

joint/integrated communication and sensing, which are described in this section. These could be
considered as distinguishable components that were not present in the development of previous
IMT technologies.]
A broad variety of capabilities are expected to be tightly coupled with the intended usage scenarios
and the corresponding use cases for IMT for 2030 and beyond
[IND] Usage scenarios of IMT for 2030 and beyond are envisaged to encompass the
enhancements over existing usage scenarios of IMT-2020, i.e. eMBB, URLLC, and mMTC
identified as Enhanced IMT 2020 usage scenarios. In addition, IMT for 2030 and beyond has
identified new usage scenarios that combine these enhanced IMT 2020 usage scenario with
new techniques, including ubiquitous coverage through beyond terrestrial communication
networks, artificial intelligence as well as joint/integrated sensing and communication. These
Beyond IMT 2020 usage scenarios can be considered as distinguishable components that were
not present in IMT 2020. IMT 2030 will be immersive for users, scalable massively, handle
extremely critical and secure communication while extending the reach, AI capability and sensing
with ubiquitous but graded computing where real time data processing is required..

[Editor’s note: For each of these usage scenarios, suggestion is only to reflect representative/main
capabilities and typical use case /application and keep text as concise as possible. For all usage
scenarios it is spotted that multiple capabilities may be needed for mixed usage scenarios.]


[Korea’s note: Discussion for which capability items would be emphasized in the description could
be possible based on the outcome of section 4. Therefore, for the efficient CG discussion, we
suggest to focus on the introduction and use case parts rather than capability-related part. As an
initial way forward, capability-related parts explaining the importance of representative
capabilities for each usage scenario could be moved to section 4 as in M.2083, and discussed
further at the next meeting.]

3.1 Communication-based usage scenariosEnhanced IMT 2020 Usage Scenarios

[Editor’s note: A general description for communication-based usage scenarios could be included
here, if needed.]
Usage scenarios of IMT for 2030 and beyond are envisaged to encompass existing communication-
based usage scenarios of IMT-2020, i.e., eMBB, URLLC, and mMTC, while also expand into
broader use that will require enhanced as well as new capabilities. The Enhnaced IMT 2020
communication-based usage scenarios of IMT for 2030 and beyond include:
Usage scenario A: Immersive Communication

[Editor’s note: This is a working title for usage scenario A.]

[Editor’s note: This usage scenario needs further discussion on whether the scenario is only
targeting the extension of eMBB or a combination of eMBB and URLLC and/or mMTC scenarios.
Also, discussion whether aspects from Scenario D and H are reflected or possible merged into
Scenario A.]

This usage scenario [extends/builds over] the enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) of IMT-2020
and covers use cases which provide immersive communication experience to users, including
[interactions with machine interfaces].
This usage scenario covers a range of environments, including e.g., hotspot, dense urban, rural and
[ultra-high mobility?]etc., which come with various increasing or new requirements/capabilities
compared with those of the existing eMBB. The capabilities to provide higher spectrum efficiency
and consistent service experiences are required to leverage the balance between higher data rate and
increased mobility in various environments.
Example use cases include immersive extended reality (XR) and holographic communications,
remote multi-sensory telepresence, [industrial robot tactile feedback and monitoring]operation.
Supporting mixed traffic of video, audio, and other environment data in a time-synchronized
manner is an integral part of immersive communications, including also stand-alone support of
This usage scenario would also require extremely high data rates in combination with high
reliability and low latency for responsive and accurate interaction with real and virtual objects, as
well as larger system capacity for provisioning a large number of devices simultaneously.

[[Editor’s note: This is a proposal to merge Usage Scenario G” Super mobile broadband” with
Usage Scenario A. The text below needs to be revised and streamlined at the next WP 5D #43

[This usage scenario covers a range of cases, including e.g., hotspot, dense urban, rural and etc.,
which have various increasing or new requirements compared with the existing mobile broadband
scenarios. The capabilities to provide higher spectrum efficiency and consistent service experiences


are required to leverage the balance between higher data rate and increased mobility in various
Usage Scenario B: Extreme/critical CommunicationExtremely Critical Communication

[Editor’s note: The text in this usage scenario needs to be reviewed and revised taken into
consideration discussions in the DG Capability].

This usage scenario extends the Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communication (URLLC) of IMT-
2020 and covers use cases that typically have more stringent requirements, on/of reliability and,
[availability], latency, [and possibly other aspects], where failure in meeting these requirements
could lead to severe consequences for the applications.
Example use cases include smart industry, such as smart manufacturing, [smart energy], smart
logistics etc., with extended and new applications such as full automation and industrial control and
operation, robotics collaboration, drone operation, autonomous driving, remote and autonomous
operation, remote medical surgery, [energy generation], etc.
[Editor’s note: Qualifier for some capabilities needs to be added, if required.]
This usage scenario would require extreme reliability and ultra low latency. In addition, it may
require time-synchronized operation and other capabilities such as precise positioning, [higher data
rate], and increased connection density, depending on the use case, in addition to requiring extreme
reliability, latency, and [availability]. Some of the uses may also involve network enablers beyond
connectivity, such as dependable compute, accurate positioning, or sensing, among others.
Usage Scenario C: Massive Communication
This usage scenario extends massive Machine Type Communications (mMTC) of IMT-2020. It
involves ubiquitous connectivity of massive number of devices or sensors of many types, for a wide
range of environments, with sporadic or simultaneous traffic in daily life.
This usage scenario is expected to enable applications to sense the environment, monitor, track,
measure, control, and allow development of insights from massive number of real-world objects.
Example use cases are expected to include expanded and new applications in smart cities,
transportation, logistics, health, energy, environmental monitoring, agriculture, infrastructure, and
many other areas.
Important capabilities include support of high connection density, wide range of data rates, low
[complexity] and low power consumption, long battery life, [extended coverage], and high security
and reliability.
3.2 Beyond cCommunicationIMT 2020 usage scenarios
[Editor’s note: The text in this section needs to be further reviewed at next WP 5D #43 meeting.]
(CHN proposal) [In addition to the [communication-based/independent] usage scenarios, IMT for
2030 and beyond is also envisaged to include [beyond-communication/dependent] usage scenarios
that build over communication-based usage scenarios to support new use cases with beyond
communication capabilities,. Moreoverand related beyond communication technologies can also be
used to further improve the performance of [communication-based/independent] usage scenarios.]
(KOR proposal) [In addition to the [communication-based/independent] usage scenarios in § 3.1,
IMT for 2030 and beyond is also envisaged to include [beyond- communication/dependent] usage
scenarios that encompass significant enhancements as well as new innovations and paradigms with
new beyond communication techniques such as sensing and artificial intelligence. The beyond


communication usage scenarios would enable new use cases with the beyond communication
capabilities, at the same time, related technologies could also be used to further improve the overall
system performance associated with every communication-based usage scenarios. These could be
considered as distinguishable components that were not present in the development of previous
IMT technologies. The beyond communication usage scenarios of IMT for 2030 and beyond
support use cases with beyond communication capabilities, and related technologies can also be
used to further improve [communication-based/independent] usage scenarios.]
(Ericsson proposal) In addition to the communication-based usage scenarios, IMT for 2030 and
beyond is also envisaged to include beyond-communication usage scenarios representing various
use cases. These usage scenarios will rely on new capabilities as the main enabling technologies,
that the previous IMT-2020 systems did not support, together with existing capabilities or their
(IND) Beyond IMT 2020 usage scenarios look into additional capabilities which were not
considered in IMT-2020 systems.

[Usage Scenario D] [Global and sustainable mobile connectivity and sustainability] // [Global
mobile connectivity and sustainability] // [Usage Scenario D] [Global mobile connectivity and

[Editor’s note for usage scenario D:

There are diverge views on inclusion of this Scenario and suggestions this scenario can be merged
into scenario A: immersive communication.
As well views expressed that sustainability could be considered as enabler and not necessarily as
use case.
In the meeting views expressed on inclusion of coverage and NTN aspects in the text
Other views expressed that this Scenario needs to be retained as it describes use cases and
application that would be needed by IMT-2030 and beyond not necessary covered by Scenario A:
immersive communication where the focus is on capabilities and applications expected to have
higher date rate s and very low latencies, whereas in this scenario emphasise on connectivity with
moderate data rates mobility and basic connectivity. Further discussion and review are needed at
next WP 5D #43 meeting.]
[IND] This usage scenario envisages to provide connectivity above a minimum threshold data rate
to 95% of the human beings independent of the location of the user and intends to deliver it in a
sustainable fashion as envisaged in SDG-9 goal.
[Sustainability requires efficient usage in terms of built-in energy efficiency and consideration for
use of other scarce resources. To reduce the digital divide and realize digital equality globally,
future IMT should Pprovide // [As a solution to bridge the digital divide and realize digital equal
opportunity globally, future IMT would pProvide affordable connectivity and basic/fundamental
broadband services with extended coverage, including remote and sparsely populated areas. It can
also support the rescue and recovery efforts of communication in the event of natural disasters as
disaster-resilient infrastructures. In addition, such connectivity would be provided with sustainable
system design including high energy efficiency that enables future IMT to contribute solving
societal concerns.


Typical use cases could range from low data-rate services such as supporting emergency calls or
navigation guidance, to moderate data-rate services such as basic video conferences for virtual
doctors’ appointmentsinterview or educationremote health and remote education, and some ultra-
high mobility broadband services with ultra-high mobility, e.g., mobile HD video live broadcasting
on airplanes, ships or high-speed rails. It is noted that this includes areas where there is no
connectivity with the existing IMT systems.
Future IMT is expected to support the interconnectivity between the terrestrial networks and non-
terrestrial networks, such as satellites, HIBS and UAV. [Coverage/reachability is the key
capability,]/[While coverage is an important factor that may need to be considered in this scenario,]
while moderate user experienced data rate, latency and high mobility requirements, should also be
supported. Furthermore, it is necessary to consider the sustainability imperatives which is one of the
key imperatives for administrations and for the telecommunication industry, to support ecological,
human, economic and societal needs. IMT-2030 system design needs to be ‘green’ from the very
beginning and consider sustainable environmental aspects
This usage scenario covers a range of cases, including e.g., hotspot, dense urban, rural and etc.,
which have various increasing or new requirements compared with the existing mobile broadband
scenarios. The capabilities to provide higher spectrum efficiency and consistent service experiences
are required to leverage the balance between higher data rate and increased mobility in various
Usage Scenario E: Integrated Artificial Intelligence and Communication/Integrated
Communication and Artificial Intelligence
[Editor’s note: The introductory text for this usage scenario E needs to be further reviewed.]
The need and provision of AI and compute capabilities will impact the network in several ways.
Firstly, it is expected that the network will connect a high number of sensors collecting data for the
training of AI models, which will require communication channels adapted to this. This aspect is a
part of the Massive communication usage scenario. A second major aspect is that networks will be
built in an AI Native way, meaning that they will incorporate ML/AI tools, have extended data
collection capacity, and enable autonomous operation based on intents. These tools can be used to
improve system performance and facilitate operation. Further, it is expected that networks will have
compute-related functionalities available in edge nodes and the ability to move compute tasks
between nodes. This way of designing networks in turn enable the third aspect of new kinds of
services that can be offered to devices and applications; AI aaS, delivering AI tools related to
training, storage, and execution of AI models; and compute offload (a.k.a. Compute aaS), delivering
compute capabilities on demand. These new services can be used in conjunction with the
communication services.

This usage scenario refers to that the IMT system provides new beyond-communication services to
support AI-powered applications in conjunction with the in-devices AI capabilities. It is
characterized by incorporation of AI-Native functionality into future IMT systems and applications
that will leverage local compute offload, distributed and cooperative inference and training and
inference of AI models, by using the nodes and infrastructure of the network in conjunction with the
in-devices AI related capabilities. (CHN proposal) [It is a [dependent] beyond communication
usage scenario integrating with built over the communication-based [usage scenarios] to enable new
use cases with beyond communication capabilities, . at the same time In addition, itthe related
beyond communication technologies can also be used to enhances the overall system performance
associated with every IMT-2030 [Ccommunication based / Independent] usage scenario.] (KOR
proposal) [It is a [dependent] usage scenario integrating with the communication [usage scenarios]
to enable new use cases with beyond communication capabilities, at the same time it enhances the


overall system performance associated with every IMT-2030 [Communication based / Independent]
usage scenario.]

[Editor’s note: Typical use cases used in this usage scenario are overlapping with use cases in
usage scenarios A, B and C. It is necessary to distinguish them.]
With a large number of intelligent nodes in the network, typical applications range from training
and inference for automated driving, to autonomous collaboration between devices with zero-touch
capabilities, creation and prediction with digital twins, and collaborative robots/cobots for
complicated tasks, etc.
A network supporting AI will have high requirements on area capacity and user experienced data
rates, but will also require low latency and high reliability, depending on the type of AI application
to be supported in order to provide relevant information to AI agents. This will require enhanced
network observability on its operations and configuration which can allow the intelligent AI agents
to access such information more accurately and transparently. Besides communication aspect, this
usage scenario would demand a set of new capabilities related to the artificial intelligenceAI and
computing, including the support of data collection, AI model training and inference, and
computing functionalities, etc.dependable compute, distributed learning and inferring function. In
addition, security, [local] data privacy and [AI explainability] is important for this usage scenario.]
At the same time, the Artificial Intelligence [related capability] enhances the overall IMT
performance and use.

[Editor’s note: The text below comes from Usage Scenario H” Versatile integrations and
intelligent customization. It is proposed for next WP 5D #43 meeting to be further discussed for
possible merging with Usage Scenario E.]

[This usage scenario relates to unprecedented automation and customization capabilities to

operators and users alike. An IMT-2030 and beyond network can spread across multiple
heterogenous and distributed public and private cloud platforms from different stakeholders and
will utilize a cloud platform with varying capabilities such as hardware acceleration.
Implementations will achieve a new level of programmability to meet the demands of numerous and
diverse use cases. In this extent, a Usage Scenario to support that degree of customization to the
most granular degree, making each network unique and tailored to its intended deployment need is
required. This usage scenario covers a new level of specialization and simplification that will allow
mobile networks and services to be built almost like Lego sets with each radio access network
(RAN) or core network function comprising a “brick”.]
Usage Scenario F: Joint/Integrated Communication and Sensing / Joint/Integrated sensing
and communication
Joint/Integrated Communication and Sensing refers to the technologies thatThis usage scenario
integrates Ssensing with Ccommunication Ssystems to realize ubiquitous transmission of sensor
data, to utilize wireless communication systems more effectively and facilitate beyond-
communication applications. Sensing-information enabled usage makes use of the communication
system to offer wide area multi-dimensional sensing that provides spatial information about
unconnected as well as connected objects and their movements and surroundings. It is a beyond
communicationIMT 2020 usage scenario built over the communication-based usage scenarios to
enable new use cases with beyond communication capabilities. In addition, the related beyond
communication technologies can also be used to enhance the overall system performance associated
with every communication-based usage scenario.


Information from sensing willcan be used, for example in navigation situations (automotive and
aerial), to recognize posture/gestures, localize, track movements, detect fall (healthcare) and to offer
environments/spatial descriptions to mixed realityXR applications, such as training and interactive
gaming. Smart homes, smart factories, smart cities, and smart highways are other examples of areas
where sensing will add new and vital information that applications can make use of. Integration of
sensors for digitization and programmability of the physical world facilitates real time interaction
between virtual and physical worlds.
(CHN proposal) Besides communication aspect, this usage scenario would demand high-precision
positioning and a set of new capabilities related to the sSensing, including range/velocity/angle
estimation, object detection, localization, imaging, mapping, [information provisioning about
environment,] etc., and [could be] measured in terms of accuracy, resolution, missed detection rate,
etc as the context may be. information needs to guarantee an agreed positioning/range accuracy,
velocity, direction, and sensing resolution. It adds new performance dimensions to the IMT such as
detection probability, Extreme/Ultra high sensing resolution and accuracy in range, precision,
velocity, angles, high-precision positioning, and confidence level, the requirements of which varies
from applications to applications.
(KOR proposal) This usage scenario would require sensing-related capabilities providing Sensing
information needs to guarantee an agreed positioning/range accuracy, velocity, direction, and
sensing resolution. It adds new performance dimensions to the IMT such as high detection
probability, Extreme/Ultra high sensing resolution and accuracy in range,/ precision, velocity,
/angles, high-precision positioning, etc., and confidence level, the requirements of which varies
from applications to applications. .
[IND] This usage scenario would demand three dimensional location precision, object detection,
imaging and would require higher accuracy on three dimensional location, velocity and angle of
[Korea’s note: The following paragraphs are proposed to be added after the end of description of
usage scenario F.]
Use cases which are not foreseen are expected to emerge, and some of the use cases might be
enabled by different set of capabilities inherited from multiple usage scenarios. For future IMT,
flexibility will be necessary to adapt new use cases that come with a wide range of requirements.
Future IMT systems will encompass a large number of different features. Depending on the
circumstances and the different needs in different countries, future IMT systems should be designed
in a highly modular manner so that not all features have to be implemented in all systems.

[Usage Scenario I: Ubiquitous Computing]

[Ubiquitous computing, also referred to as communication and computing convergence, refers to
the trend by which computing services and data services are expected to become an integral
component of the future IMT system. Emerging technology trends include expansion of data
processing from the core towards the device including at the network edge closer to the origination
of information. This trend introduces improvements for real-time responses, low data transport
costs, energy efficiency and privacy protection, as well as scaling out device computing capability
for advanced application computing workloads.]
[IND] This usage scenario is needed to enable real time processing and will require higher amount
of compute capacity, memory etc.

- 10 -

[Editor’s note: Followings figures are contributed to section 3, but not discussed in WP 5D #42.
Further discussion and review are needed at WP 5D #43.]

Thus, as shown in Figure 2, IMT-2030 networks are aimed at overcoming the shortcomings in the
provision of key services of IMT-2020 networks using mBRLLC, mURLLC, extending terrestrial
coverage to the tri-dimensional coverage through uGBBC, and providing new HTC, DOS and MPS
services that will be the main difference and competitive advantage compared to the mobile
communication networks of previous generations.

Expansion of scenarios in IMT-2030 comparing to IMT-2020

[5D/1035 Ericsson] [1479/Ericsson]

The evolution of usage scenarios from IMT-2020 to IMT for 2030 and beyond.

Starting from the three usage scenarios eMBB, URLLC and mMTC of IMT 2020 as shown in
Figure 1, IMT for 2030 and beyond will expand into usage scenarios for Immersive, Critical, and
Massive communications. Adding to these scenarios, the new capabilities beyond communications
related to AI-compute, Sensing-information, and Sustainable-efficiency are added. These are new

- 11 -

dimensions to explore and will enable new usages of radio networks, extending into novel
applications to be supported by IMT for 2030 and beyond.

Usage Scenarios

[5D/1233 TSDSI]
[TSDSI] An alternate representation of the usage scenario from IMT-2020 to IMT-2030.

- 12 -

[5D/1333 CHN]

Usage scenarios expansion from IMT-2020 to IMT for 2030 and beyond

[5D/775 SparkNZ]

A vision for IMT 2030 systems and its underlying use cases [ 4]

[Editor’s note: The following groups the figures and other overviews given after description of the
usage scenarios in the contributions.]

- 13 -

[5D/822 WWRF]
[Figure proposed by WWRF]

Usage scenarios evolution from IMT 2020 to IMT 2030: 4 new usage scenarios envisioned, namely Global
Connectivity, Immersive Connectivity, Intelligent Connectivity and Internet of Senses

[5D/1035 Ericsson]
Six usage scenarios for IMT for 2030 and beyond, extending and expanding those of IMT-2020.

- 14 -

[5D/1209 KOR]

Figure X illustrates usage scenarios of IMT for 2030 and beyond with example use cases and the
overarching pillars.
Usage scenarios of IMT for 2030 and beyond with use cases and overarching pillars

(KOR proposal at CG#1) Figure X illustrates envisioned usage scenarios of IMT for 2030 and

- 15 -

FIGURE X. Usage scenarios of IMT for 2030 and beyond

[5D/1232 Qualcomm]

- 16 -

[Qualcomm note: the following figure is proposed, showing two alternatives, to be added in the
section 4 appropriately.]
Alternative 1

Usage scenarios of IMT for 2030 and beyond

Alternative 2

Usage scenarios of IMT for 2030 and beyond


Usage scenarios are derived from use cases, by grouping and synthesizing the foreseen future use of
IMT, and they can be exemplified with use cases. Each usage scenario is coupled to and thereby
characterized by a set of capabilities that have high relevance for that scenario.

- 17 -

The [Native/Overarching enabler/imperative] are applicable to all the Usage scenarios or are
integrated into the Usage scenarios as a distinguished feature or imperative in IMT-2030 technology
design. It helps improve the KPI values of relevant capabilities associated with every Usage
scenario. These need to be considered from the very beginning of the development of IMT-2030
technology. In addition, a [Native/Overarching enabler/imperative] itself could be
evolved/enhanced independently and be applicable to the Usage scenarios.

[Native/Overarching enabler/imperative] and Usage scenarios of [IMT-2030]

[5D/1329 IND]

- 18 -

[5D/1333 CHN]

Usage scenarios of IMT for 2030 and beyond

- 19 -

[5D/1313 J]

Conceptual figure of IMT for 2030 and beyond


IMT-[2030] usage scenarios build upon those of IMT-2020, and more.

- 20 -

i Immersive communication – Usage scenario
Extremely high data rate applications like Holograms and Digital twins that would
typically target new spectrum bands in the sub-THz range, along with Industrial
applications and mobile broadband evolution use cases will be addressed in this usage
ii Ubiquitous connectivity – Usage scenario
Services targeting 3D global coverage of IMT technologies and extension of IMT
technologies into extremely massive machine type applications will be addressed in this
usage scenario
iii Extreme communication– Usage scenario
Energy efficient, reliable, and low-latency applications and universal connectivity
services will be addressed in this usage scenario
iv Artificial intelligence – Enabler
v Sensing and Communication – Enabler
vi Sustainability – design Imperative

Usage scenarios, Enablers & Imperatives of IMT for 2030 and beyond

- 21 -


Proposed diagram illustrating the six envisaged usage scenarios for IMT for 2030 and beyond that encompass,
enhance, and expand those from IMT-2020.



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