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COURSE PLANNER ACADEMIC SESSION-2021-2022 FOR CompetisHun Crasw Course (c*) LL ‘© Online Recorded Video Lectures ©. Digital Study Material (Practice Sheets/Modules) 0. JEE MAIN (2022) New Pattern Periodic Tests ° 2 Daily LIVE Doubt Support © Course Duration : 10 Weeks Video & Text Solutions (Practice Sheets / Modules) UR Ta ee PF pavsics ies] —HEWSTRY Tc) [MATHEMATICS 1 KINEMATICS 2 NUMANO FRICTION 3 WORK POWER ENERGY 4 CIRCULAR MOTION 5 MODERN AND NUCLEAR PHISH 6 SEMICONDUCTOR 7 BMAD RICPECFOMANCAA UNIT AND MEASUREMENT 9) KTG AND THERMODYNAMICS 10 SIVAEHARMONE MOTION 11 CURRENT ELECTRICITY 12. AATTRASER + AIERWING RET 13 ELECTROSTATICS 44 GRAMITATION 15. ELECTROMAGNETIC FORCE 18 ELECTROMAGNETIC NDUCTION ‘7 GEOMETACAL OPTS 18 CAPADTIANCE 19 RUD MEDHANCS 20 EUSTCMYSCOSTYSLARCE TRIN 21 WAVE OPTICS 22 STRING AND SOUND WAVE 23 CACHE AND HENAN 24 CENTER OF MASS 25 ROTATIONAL BODY DYNAMICS 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 a 1 a 1 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 07-03-28 10-03-22 12.08.22 15-03-22 16-03-22 21-03-22 23.03.22 503-22 26-03-22 30-03-22 1-04-22 04-04-20 06-04-20 9-04-22 10422 15-04-22 16.04.22 21.04.22 22.04.22 04-22 28-04-22 30-04-22 03-05-22 06-05-22 0-05-22 1 Go 2 MOLE CONCEPT 3 HYDROCARBON 4 FeocHaAceBAmL SUN 5. CHEMICAL EQULBRIUM 6 MFROGD conan conPCLND 7 COORDINATION CHEMISTRY 8 HMLOAKNES & ALANS 8 THERMODINAMIOS 0 UOUD SOWTION ‘1 ALCOPOL, PHENOL & ETHERS 2 CHEMICAL KNETIOS ‘9. ATOM STRUCTURE 4 ED CONC S 45 ARSTROCHSTAY 18 NETAUAGY ‘7 BIOMOLECULES 18 DEFROC 49 PLOCK (15-18) 20 SURFACE CHEMISTRY 21, ENWRONVENTAL CHEMISTRY 22 S800 § HYDROGEN 23 NIC EOUUBRLM 24 POONER 25 SOU SIME 25 GASEOUS STATE 2) Palak (13-18) 28 CHEMISTY MEER UF 2, DUNN NUE OT © Total Number of Lectures : 150 (P: 50 | C:50| B: 50) 07-03-22 09.03.22 1.0322 12.03.22 19.03.22 21-03-22 23.03.22 25-08-22 29.03.22 01.04.22 404-22 05.04.22 os-04.22 11-0422 15.04.22 19-04-22 19.04.22 22.08.22 23-04-22 25-04-22 23-08-20 23.94.22 ap.ot-22 03-95-22 05-05-22 08-05-22 07-95-22 03.05.22 10-05-22 4 FOM (TIGONOMETRY INCLUDED! 2 QUADRATIC EQUATION 3) SEQUENCE & SERIES 4 FUNCTION 3 IF 6 ENN WCE SEEN IN) 7 VECTOR AND 30, 8 ENTE WTESATON 9 DB NAE NTEGRATON 10 AHEM RANG SST 11 STRAGHTUNE 12 ORE 18 CONC SECTION “4 TOONTRUN AO OFEBMVELN 15 APPLCATON OF DERMATES 16 BINOMIAL THEOREM 17 DFFROATL ESO 18 WARES 19 COVPLELNIMEER 20) PERMUTATION AND COMBATN 2 PROBABLY 22 SEISAABATIN 23 SOLUTION OF TRRNGLE 24 METHOD OFFFERENTINON © Duration of one lecture: Approx 90 minut: 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 1 2 2 3 2 a 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 7-03-22 09-03-22 ‘103-22 100-22 ‘16-04-22 21-0322 23.0822 8-04-22 30-0422 40422 06-04-22 OB-04-22 ‘0b 15.022 1B 20-22 5.0422 B22 30-0422 03-05-22 06-05-22 B02 10-05-22 12.0522 oT SCA TEE (Main) COC, Mote concept Hydrocarbon FOM, Quadratic equation Sequence Series EE (an) Kinematis, NEM, Fon, Work pomer ene ‘Cisula motion Moders and nels pysies | GOC, Mote ones ydrocarbon Periodic table ial bonding OM, Quadra equation Sequence Seri, Funeion, TE arse. Kinematics NLM, Fiction, Work Power Energy, ‘cule motion, Modern and nuclear physics Semiconductor, EMW, Principle of commurication, ‘Unitand measurement COG, Mole concept, Hydrocarbon, Periodic table, Chemical bonding, Chemica equ, Nitroghea containing compo, Cooination chemistry OM, Quaencouton Segoe Ss, JRE (Main) ‘Kinematics, NLM, Friction, Work Power Energy, ‘Ccule motion, Modern and nuclear physics Semiconductor, EMW, Puncile of commuricaion, ‘Unltand measurement KT and Thermodyaaiics, Simple harmeni motion cument deetnaly 6OC Mote concept Hydrocarbon, Periodic ale, Chemie ending Chemical equim Nizoghen conlilng compound, Cooninaon misty, Haloaines Halesrenes, Termes, Liquid ution FOM, Quadratic equation, Sequence fe Seis, Function ITF, Deernirans, Vector & 3D, Indesit tegration, Def lleraion JE (Man) Kinemati, NLM, Friction, Wath Power Energy, ‘Gaculse motion Meders and races pyc Semiconductor, EMU, Principle al ccmmurcation, Unitand meaniserert, RTC and herodyrarnic, ‘Simple arnons motion curent icra Heat tarsler, Alerting curent Hletentate, Grviion (60C Mote concept, Hydocarben, Pedi ae, ‘Chenucal boing, Chanval equim, [Nicoghen contain compound, Cocrdinaon cet, ‘ioe etlearens, Iressa elton, ‘lccol phenol eis, Chemical kines Atmestucture FOM, Quadratec equation Sequence fe Ses, Funaton ITF Desens Vector 3D, Indes intgoatin, DefleInteration, ‘Mathematical Reasoning Static, ‘Seaight Line, Cede JE (aie) Kinematics NLM, Friction, Work Power Energy, ‘Cctlr motion, Modern and nuclear phys, Semiconductor, EMW, Principe af ecmimurcation, Unitand messirement, TG and thermodynamics ‘Simple harnans motion, curent lect, ‘eat tanser,Alteratingcotent lect, (Gravitation EM, EM .GO¢, Mole concept, Hydrocarbon, Periodic able, Cranial bonding, Chemical gular, Nitroghen “ontanung eompound, Coraintin domly, “alolknes Haloarenen, Thermodynamics guid soltion, Alea! phenol ethers, Chemical Kneis, “Romie suctare Aldehyde, Ketone Carboniiesid, Becsochenity FOM, Quadratic equation, Sequence fe Seis, Function ITF, Determinants Vector &3D, Inert Itgraton,Defnte Iteration, Mathemaveal Reasoning States slg Tine, ‘Cre, ConteSector, UCD. IEE (Main) Kinematics NIM, Friction, Work Power Energy, ‘Chcule motion, Modern and rucleat physics, Semiconductor, EMW, Principe af ecmamurcation, ‘Unitand measirement KT and thermodynamic ‘Simple armen motion, curent lect, ‘eat tanser,Allerating corner, letetats, ‘Gravitation, EME, FN, Gaomatcl opts, id mechanics (COG, Mole concept Hydrocarbon, Periodic table, (Chemical bonding, Chemea gui, Nitoghen conning compoung, Coordination chemistry, alone Hslarene, Theemodynami Ligeia rlation, ‘Aeaholphenal thers Chemis! Kinetics, Atoms nractoe ‘Aldehyde, ketone Carboxylic ack, Fectrochemry, Mieatngy Biomlecues Block FOM, Quadratic equation Sequence Seis, ancien ITF, Deaznisas Vector 3D, Ident integration, Dele Integration, Masheraseal ‘Sts Stag Line Cie Conk Section LCB, ADD, Bil theres JE (Main) Kinematics NLM, Fon, Wok Power Erery, ‘cule motion, Modern and nuclear physics Semiconductor, EMW, Principle of commuricaion, Unitand measurement KTGand thermodynamics, Simple harem moton,curent ect, eat tansfer,Allerating corer lecuestas, “Graialion, EMF, EM, Geomacal optics, ul mechanics, Hasty, scot, ‘Surface terlon, Wave opts COC, Mote concept, Hydrocarbon, Pride able, ‘Chemica bonding Chemical equoiam, Niroghen “onainng compound, Coordination chomsty, ‘alates fe aloarenen, Thermodynamic gui solution Alcohol phenol ethers, Chemical Kneis, ‘Rtomicsuuctre, Aldehyde, Ketone Carboni ald, Elctrochemisty, Mcalurgy, lomoleculs, ‘die block, block Surface chemise, Environmental chemistry, «Block te ydrogen ROM, Quadratic equatlon, Sequence & Series, Function ITF, Delerninans Vector &3D, Idee Inegraton Define Integration, Mathematical Reasoing Stasis, Sle ine Cire Cone Secon, LCD, AOD, Binomlltheores, ‘ilerental equation Mataces EE (an) ‘Kincmatio, NLM, Friction, Wark Powe Brey, ‘Gulu motion Medora and relat pyc Sensconductr EMU, Principle af comma, UUnitand measiserert RTC aed erendyramic, ‘Simple harmonic motion curent cry eat torater Alternating cuenta, “Gravitation, EME, EN Caometel opis, aid mechani, Hasty, aco, Surface ein, ‘Wate opts stig and sound wave, CCaloranatry ahd thermal expansion, center cf mass .G0C, Mole concept Hydrocarbon, Period table, Chel bog Chena cult I egher cot tangcoroucel Cate tion Geert alone Halarenes, Theemodynamic, Ligeia station, ‘Aeahol phen hess Chemis! Knties, Atom strate "Aldekyse, ketone, Carson ac, ectochems Melallngy, Bomelecaen df fBlck pork, eric y/Eorecrmrertal eeessy oie Hydrogen lone gut Payer, Sok FOM, Quadratic equation Sequence & Series, anc 1 Dormant Vecor £90, Indefinite itcgrason Defeat Ingo, Materia Rese Saties Sigh Lie Cie, “Cons Section LOS, AOD, ine theore, ‘Diferoial equation Mates Contpler Nuser, Feros Saban, Probbiy JE (aie) FULLSYLLABUS FULL SYLLABUS.

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