2022 Let Reviewer

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Sacred Heart Avenue, Digos City

College of Education Arts and Sciences



INSTRUCTION. Analyze each question carefully and choose the correct answer. Write the letter on
the space provided before each item.

___ 1. The following are known as the cradles of early science, which one is not?
A. Europe C. Africa
B. Asia D. MesoAmerica
___ 2. Which is not among the Mesoamerican civilizations?
A. Maya C. Inca
B. Hindu D. Aztec
___ 3. The following are the contributions of the Inca civilization, EXCEPT?
A. Irrigation system and techniques for storing water for crops to grow in all types of
B. First suspension bridge
C. Quipu, system of knotted ropes to keep records that only experts can interpret
D. Chocolates
___ 4. Ayurveda (2500 BC), traditional medicine, now alternative medicine as well as 360 days with
12 equal parts of 30 days, Mohenjo-Daro ruler, Trigonometry, Gravity as a force of
attraction, Mathematical analysis are contributions of
A. Egypt C. India
B. China D. Peru
___ 5. The following forms of technology were attributed to the ancient Greeks. Which one is not?
A. Papyrus
B. Shadoof
C. Compound Microscope
D. Antikythera Mechanism
___ 6. From the 16th century through the 19th century, whaling became a highly lucrative deep-sea
industry due to whale oil. What was it used for?
A. Cooking oil
B. Fuel for lighting lamp
C. Manufacturing of food products
D. Food supplement
___ 7. Which of the following technology is made by the Chinese?
A. Gunpowder
B. Spinning Wheel
C. Telescope
D. Engine-powered airplane
___ 8. Which technology was invented by John Logie Baird?
A. Modern Electronic Calculator
B. Heavy Plough
C. Telescope
D. Television
___ 9. The following technologies are Modern Age technologies. Which one is NOT?
A. Computer
B. Petroleum Products
C. Compound Microscope
D. Paper Currency
___ 10. Among the many inventions of the Modern Age, one which became very significant was the
one that addressed communication problems among people. Our modern day mobile phone
was an evolution of the first communication device. Who invented it?
A. Abelardo Aguilar
B. Zacharias Janssen
C. Alexander Bell
D. The Sumerians

___ 11. One of the biggest misconceptions in history is that Galileo Galilei invented the telescope.
He may have been the first person to use it to observe the heavens but it was actually
invented by the ______________.
A. Egyptians
B. Dutch
C. Americans
D. Indians
___ 12. The following are among the discoveries of Galileo using his telescope. Which one is NOT?
A. The craters of the moon
B. The moons of Jupiter
C. The Sunspots
D. The Planet Pluto
___ 13. What technology was invented by the brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright?
A. Engine-powered airplane
B. Kerosene
C. Spinning wheel
D. Jacquard loom
___ 14. The Intellectual Revolutions served as Paradigm Shifts. Which one is not among its
A. These provided enlightenment about the things that were not clear before.
B. These were immediately accepted by the public without resistance.
C. These helped people understand the things that they did not know about.
D. These renewed the minds of people that there were things they believed were not
actually true.
___ 15. What is the Darwinian Revolution all about?
A. It provided the people the knowledge and understanding than there is a Supreme
being called God who have dominion over everything in the universe.
B. It was the key to understanding that the origin and development of living organisms
including humans follow an orderly natural process.
C. It gave people the idea that humans are not the only living things in the universe and
that there are others also living somewhere yet to be found.
D. It served as a catalyst to sway scientific thinking away from age-long views about the
Earth’s position in the universe marking the birth of Modern Astronomy.
___ 16. What is the Freudian Revolution all about?
A. It served as a catalyst to sway scientific thinking away from age-long views about the
Earth’s position in the universe marking the birth of Modern Astronomy..
B. It provided the people the knowledge and understanding than there is a Supreme
being called God who have dominion over everything in the universe.
C. It was the key to understanding human personality as to what is behind human
D. It gave way for people to challenge their own beliefs that technology is not really a
means to an end nor it is a human activity.
___ 17. He believed that the Moon was orbiting on a sphere closest to the Earth, followed by
Mercury, then Venus and then the Sun. The Earth is the center of the universe.
A. Galileo Galilei
B. Ptolemy
C. Nicolaus Copernicus
D. Zacharias Janssen
___ 18. Galileo Galilei was one of the supporters of the Copernican Model of the Universe. Which
observation made him question the Ptolemaic Model?
A. The sun moves in different positions throughout the day.
B. Some objects are also revolving other objects such as moons of Jupiter.
C. The moon can be found in different locations as days change.
D. Galileo actually had no questions about the Ptolemaic model. He just didn't like

___ 19. What is "De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium” or "On The Revolution of Heavenly
A. The poem written by Copernicus to inspire himself to fight for his new model of the
B. The treaty which Ptolemy wrote in details for his explanation how the earth is the
center of the universe.
C. The manifesto which was signed by Galileo withdrawing his support to Copernicus
model of the universe.
D. The book which was published by Copernicus to formally present the sun-centered
___ 20. What was the major factor why the Ptolemaic model of the universe was widely accepted by
the people?
A. The power of the Roman Catholic Church
B. The rule of King Alexander the Great
C. Ptolemy was a brilliant scholar and he is great in persuading.
D. The family of Ptolemy was very influential in their society.
___ 21. The Copernican revolution is most associated to what scientific breakthrough?
A. Creationism - the universe was created by the supreme being God.
B. Geocentrism - the earth is the center of the universe
C. Heliocentrism - the sun is the center of the universe.
D. Industrialism - the social or economic system built on manufacturing industries.
___ 22. What was considered as the greatest problem of the Copernican Model?
A. The sun rises in different directions. You cannot predict where it would rise on a
specific day.
B. Stars would appear to change their position with the respect to the other background
C. The sun sets in different directions. You cannot predict where it would set on a
specific day.
D. None of the above.
___ 23. The three (3) basic laws of planetary motion are?
A. Law of Orbits, Law of Areas, Law of Periods
B. Law of Gravity, Law of Inertia, Law of Octave
C. Law of Areas, Law of Acceleration, Law of Gravity
D. Law of Motion, Law of Gravity, Law of Nature
___ 24. Charles Darwin is known as __________________.
A. The Father of Modern Biology
B. The Father of Genetics
C. The Father of Evolution
D. The Father of Zoology
___ 25. The two books that gave birth to the Darwinian Revolution.
A. 'On The Origin of Species' and 'The Descent of Man'
B. 'On The Origin of Species' and 'Commentariolus'.
C. The Descent of Man and Commentariolus.
D. Epitome and On The Origin of Species
___ 26. How did Charles Darwin came up with his concept of evolution when he visited the
A. There were some species of animals he was familiar of but have different body
B. There were new species of organisms that he did not know existed.
C. He developed new physical features which he previously did not have.
D. He noticed that there organisms have the same physical features regardless of
where they live.
___ 27. It refers to the change in the genetic composition of a population over successive
A. Adaptation
B. Evolution
C. Natural Selection
D. Psychoanalysis

___ 28. It is the process through which populations of living organisms adapt and change.
Individuals in a population are naturally variable, meaning that they are all different in some
ways. Individual organisms possess favorable traits are more likely to survive and reproduce
A. Adaptation
B. EvolutionNatural
C. Natural Selection
D. Psychoanalysis
___ 29. What is 'speciation'?
A. One species gives rise to a new and distinctly different species.
B. One new species is discovered for the first time.
C. Many species behave differently.
D. Species of organisms fail to adapt to the new environment.
___ 30. It is a scientific method of understanding inner and unconscious conflicts embedded within
one’s personality, springing from free associations, dreams and fantasies of the individual.
A. Adaptation
B. Evolution
C. Natural Selection
D. Psychoanalysis
___ 31. Which two fields Darwin contributed significantly?
A. Biology and Chemistry
B. Evolutionary Biology and Philosophy of Science
C. Biology and Philosophy of Science
D. Philosophy of Religion and Philosophy of Science
___ 32. The notion that all humans are destined to exhibit Oedipus and Electra complexes is
attributed to whom?
A. Charles Darwin
B. Nicolaus Copernicus
C. Sigmund Freud
D. None of the above
___ 33. PAGASA, IRRI, NFA, Philippine Nuclear Institute, NAST were created during which
Philippine Adminsitration?
A. Marcos
B. Aquino
C. Magsaysay
D. Duterte
___ 34. The Philippine Space Technology Program was launched and eventually sent microsatellite
Diwata - 2 and Maya-1,2,3, and 4 during which Philippine Adminsitration?
A. Macapagal-Arroyo
B. Benigno Aquino III
C. Magsaysay
D. Duterte
___ 35. The Bureau of Science, National Research Council of the Philippines and Institute of
Science were established during?
A. Pre-colonial Period
B. Spanish Period
C. American Period
D. Estrada Administration
___ 36. “Filipinnovation" and Biofuels Act were the notable contributions of which Philippine
A. Macapagal-Arroyo
B. Corazon Aquino
C. Magsaysay
D. Duterte
___ 37. The "Doctors to the Barrio" Program was launched and the National Program for Gifted
Filipino Children in S&T was created.
A. Marcos
B. Benigno Aquino III
C. Ramos
D. Duterte

___ 38. He established the first known Radioisotope Laboratory in the Philippines?
A. Paulo Campos
B. Gregorio Zara
C. Abelardo Aguilar
D. Dioscoro Umali
___ 39. The dioscovery of the erythromycin antibiotic was attributed to?
A. Paulo Campos
B. Aisa Mijeno
C. Abelardo Aguilar
D. Benito Lumen
___ 40. His method of inducement of flowering of mango trees by spraying them with ethrel and
potassium nitrate was a great help to Filipino mango growers.
A. Ame Garong
B. Gregorio Zara
C. Ramon Barba
D. Rolando dela Cruz
___ 41. Honored for the invention of the video telephone or two-way electronic video communication
A. Dioscoro Umali
B. Gregorio Zara
C. Ramon Barba
D. Rolando dela Cruz
___ 42. Discovered the diet of Ancient Filipinos
A. Ame Garong
B. Gregorio Zara
C. Ramon Barba
D. Rolando dela Cruz
___ 43. It is the belief in unending human ingenuity or at least human ingenuity with no foreseeable
limit supported by people who believe that technology can alleviate all the difficulties and
provide solutions for problems that may come
A. Aristotelianism
B. Heideggerianism
C. Technological Optimism
D. Technological Pessimism
___ 44. The belief that any progress has a price, technological progress creates more problems than
the ones it solves, and technological progress is accompanied by unpredictable effects.
A. Aristotelianism
B. Heideggerianism
C. Technological Optimism
D. Technological Pessimism
___ 45. He authored ‘The Question Concerning Technology’.
A. Aristotle
B. Jacques Ellul
C. Martin Heidegger
D. Sigmund Freud
___ 46. Martin Heidegger believed that there is the danger in technology as humans might interpret
themselves as raw materials and there is a possibility of relying on technologies and
becoming enslaved to them. This statement of Heidegger corresponds to which of his
concerns about technology?
A. Technology is not an instrument
B. Technology is not a product of human activity
C. Technologies are the highest danger
D. None of the above
___ 47. Martin Heidegger believed that technology should be treated as purely instrumental and not
more meaningful than only that. For him, technology is a way to understand the world to
help something to come into being and not see him or herself as the ultimate source of the
reality of what he or she was making.
A. Technology is not an instrument
B. Technology is not a product of human activity
C. Technologies are the highest danger
D. None of the above

___ 48. Martin Heidegger believed that technology might stop us to see ourselves as the beings that
can have deeper interpretations of the world and just have a bit too narrow or shallow
understanding. We might also develop a new understanding of the world by exerting power
over what the world really means.
A. Technology is not an instrument
B. Technology is not a product of human activity
C. Technologies are the highest danger
D. None of the above
___ 49. This is one of the dangers of technology wherein human beings are no longer an open
possibility but rather a fixed identity already. Being fully adapted to the technological world
would no longer make us human beings because of our complete forgetfulness of the real
meaning of Being. We would never appreciate nature anymore.
A. Standing Reserve
B. Enframing
C. Poeisis
D. Meditative Thinking
___ 50. One let’s nature reveal itself without forcing it.
A. Standing Reserve
B. Enframing
C. Poeisis
D. Meditative Thinking
___ 51. Liberate the subconsciousness from the bonds of consciousness
A. Dadaism
B. Surrealism
C. Psychoanalysis
D. Moral Development
___ 52. How can technology be ‘a way of revealing’?
A. Technology can reveal our dark sides as human beings taking power over reality.
B. Technology can reveal different kinds of realities for every human being. We perceive
or try to understand it, not ‘in itself’ anymore, but ‘reality for us.
C. Technology can reveal itself as being forced to come into being rather than being
unconcealed or brought forth.
D. All of the above
___ 53. It means skill, art or craft.
A. Science
B. Technology
C. Society
D. Aesthetics
___ 54. How do neurologists view happiness?
A. A mental or emotional state of well being
B. A pleasant or positive emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy
C. A flood of hormones released in the brain as a reward for behavior that prolongs
D. A cocktail of emotions people experience whenever something good or positive is
___ 55. He believed that human flourishing requires a life with other people. He taught that people
acquire virtues through practice and that a set of concrete virtues could lead a person
toward his natural excellence and happiness.
A. Martin Heidegger
B. Aristotle
C. Friedrich Hölderlin
D. Confucius
___ 56. Which of the following best describes Eudamonia?
A. describes the pinnacle of happiness that is attainable by humans.
B. urges us to question technology and see beyond people's common understanding
C. the experience and understanding of what is correct lead us to truth
D. follows natural order has rhythm / pattern of nature
___ 57. Aristotle work on the philosophical inquiry into the nature of the good life for a human being.
A. Human Flourishing
B. Nichomachean Ethics
C. Aletheia
D. Causa Materialis

___ 58. According to Aristotle, human flourishing arises as a result of different components. Which
one is not identified?
A. Power
B. Wealth
C. Friendship
D. Conscience
___ 59. A type of wisdom or intelligence relevant to practical action. It implies both good judgment
and excellence of character and habits
A. Poesies
B. Hedonism
C. Bushido
D. Phronesis
___ 60. In human flourishing, it refers to the involvement of all those persons in making decisions
that affect them.
A. Global Solidarity
B. Stewardship of Creation
C. Common Good
D. Subsidarity
___ 61. One of the principles of human flourishing which refers to sacrificing self-interest to provide
for the basic human needs of everyone makes the whole community flourish.
A. Promotion of Peace
B. Stewardship of Creation
C. Common Good
D. Subsidarity
___ 62. In human flourishing, it is the duty to care for the Earth as a (God-given) gift is a personal
responsibility for the common good.
A. Promotion of Peace
B. Stewardship of Creation
C. Global Solidarity
D. Preferential Option for the Poor
___ 63. One of the principles of human flourishing which refers to innate personal values or rights
which demands respect for all people, regardless of race, social class, wealth etc.
A. Universal Purpose of Goods
B. Promotion of Peace
C. Global Solidarity
D. Dignity of the Human Person
___ 64. One of the principles of human flourishing which refers to recognizing everyone to have the
right and the duty to take part in the life of a society be it economic, political, cultural,
religious and others.
A. Participation
B. Promotion of Peace
C. Global Solidarity
D. Dignity of the Human Person
___ 65. The following are Eastern conceptions of human flourishing, except?
A. Focus on community-centric
B. Self-sacrificing
C. More focused on the individual
D. Conforms to Confucianism which focuses on the importance of personal ethics and
___ 66. Which of the following conceptions of human flourishing is common in Western parts of the
A. Focus on community-centric
B. Self-sacrificing
C. Eudaimonia
D. Conforms to Confucianism which focuses on the importance of personal ethics and

___ 67. An ethical system, rather than a religious belief system that focuses on community-centric.
includes frugality, righteousness, courage, benevolence, respect, sincerity, honor, loyalty,
and self-control.
A. Confucian System
B. Bushido System
C. Aristotle Poeisis
D. Hedonism
___ 68. The activity in which a person brings something into being that did not exist before.
A. Human flourishing
B. Eudamonia
C. Poeisis
D. Hedonism
___ 69. A term that combines the Greek words for "good" and "spirit" translated as happiness or
human flourishing to describe the ideology.
A. Human Flourishing
B. Eudamonia
C. Aletheia
D. Techne
___ 70. What is Aristotle’s view, virtues are?
A. Acquired through habit
B. Acquired through philosophical reflection
C. A gift from the gods
D. It is innate
___ 71. What is Aristotle’s claims about happiness?
A. A state of mind
B. A feeling or sensation
C. A craft
D. An activity of the soul in accordance with virtue
___ 72. According to Aristotle, the final good is sufficient for a man himself, but also for
A. Parents
B. Children
C. Fellow Citizens
D. All of the above
___ 73. According to Aristotle, the best kind of life is essentially one of?
A. A political activity
B. Maximal pleasure
C. Close friendship
D. Contemplation
___ 74. Aristotle holds that there are four kinds of answers to "why" questions. Which one is due to
the arrangement, shape, or appearance of the thing changing.
A. Causa materialis
B. Causa formalis
C. Causa efficiens
D. Causa finalis
___ 75. Which of the following statements presents how Science, Technology and Human
Flourishing are connected.
A. Every discovery, innovation, and success contributes to our pool of human
B. Human’s perpetual need to locate himself in the world by finding proofs to trace
C. Technology is a human activity we excel in as a result of achieving science.
D. All of the above
___ 76. If the “truth” is the aim of theoretical sciences, then what is the aim of practical sciences?
A. “conscience”
B. “good”
C. “reality”
D. “happiness”

___ 77. The “Allegory of the Cave” is attribute to?

A. Friedrich Nietzsche
B. Immanuel Kant
C. Plato
D. Aristotle
___ 78. Which Philosopher is associated with the following claims about the good life?
“Every human person aspires for an end which is human flourishing or happiness”
A. Friedrich Nietzsche
B. Immanuel Kant
C. Plato
D. Aristotle
___ 79. Which Philosopher is associated with the following claims about the good life?
“To love your fate is to know that everything that has happened in your life; the good, the
bad, and the ugly, has contributed to who you are and what you are doing at this very
A. Friedrich Nietzsche
B. Immanuel Kant
C. Plato
D. Aristotle
___ 80. Which Philosopher is associated with the following claims about the good life? “The
unexamined life is not worth living.”
A. Friedrich Nietzsche
B. Immanuel Kant
C. Plato
D. Aristotle
___ 81. Which Philosopher is associated with the following claims about the good life?
“Man’s preservation and welfare as synonymous with his happiness. Happiness as “the
state of a rational being in the world in the whole of whose existence everything goes
according to his wish and will.”
A. Friedrich Nietzsche
B. Immanuel Kant
C. Plato
D. Aristotle
___ 82. He presented two aspects of reality which are world of matter (changing and impermanent)
and world of forms (real entities).
A. Martin Heidegger
B. Immanuel Kant
C. Plato
D. John Stuart Mill
___ 83. He declared the Greatest Happiness principle by saying that an action is right as far as it
maximizes the attainment of happiness for the greater number of people.
A. Martin Heidegger
B. Immanuel Kant
C. Plato
D. John Stuart Mill
___ 84. Which Philosophy about the “good life” is associated with the following claims: “Espouses
the freedom of man to carve his own destiny and to legislate his own laws, free from the
shackles of a God that monitors and controls.”
A. Hedonism
B. Stoicism
C. Theism
D. Humanism
___ 85. Which Philosophy about the “good life” is associated with the following claims: “The end goal
of life in acquiring pleasure. For them, pleasure has always been the priority; and life is
about obtaining and indulging in pleasure because life is limited.”
A. Materialism
B. Hedonism
C. Stoicism
D. Theism

___ 86. Which Philosophy about the “good life” is associated with the following claims: “The ultimate
basis of happiness is the communication with God. They find meaning of their lives using
God as a fulcrum of their existence.”
A. Materialism
B. Stoicism
C. Theism
D. Humanism
___ 87. Which Philosophy about the “good life” is associated with the following claims: “Only
material entities matter. In terms of human flourishing, matter is what makes us attain
A. Materialism
B. Hedonism
C. Stoicism
D. Theism
___ 88. Which Philosophy about the “good life” is associated with the following claims: “In order to
be happy one must learn to distance oneself and be apathetic.”
A. Materialism
B. Hedonism
C. Stoicism
D. Humanism
___ 89. Which Philosophy about the “good life” is associated with the following claims: “Man holds
the steering wheel as captain of his own ship. The world is a place and space for freely
unearthing the world in seeking for ways on how to improve the lives of inhabitants.”
A. Hedonism
B. Stoicism
C. Theism
D. Humanism
___ 90. Which Philosophy about the “good life” is associated with the following claims: ““Eat, drink,
and be merry for tomorrow we die.”
A. Hedonism
B. Stoicism
C. Theism
D. Humanism
___ 91. In a report of Kantar media, 92% of urban homes and 70% of rural homes owns at least one
television, what does this imply?
A. Almost all Filipinos use television.
B. Filipinos are believed to have this big fascination for television.
C. Filipinos loves to watch television during free time or any time of the day when they
have nothing important to do.
D. All of the above
___ 92. Who created a new system of television by using the cathode ray tube in addition to the
mechanical scanner system?
A. Alexander Graham Bell & Martin Cooper
B. Charles Darwin & Nicolaus Copernicus
C. Paul Gotlieb Nipkow & Charles Babbage
D. Alan Archibald Campblell-Swinton & Boris Rosing
___ 93. Through the years there have been so many forms of technologies that have been created.
Which is one is not considered a "celebrity" in the field of technology?
A. computers
B. mobile phones
C. rice cooker
D. television
___ 94. An actuated mechanism programmable in two or more axes with degree of autonomy,
moving within its environment to perform intended task .
A. Business Processing Outsourcing
B. Mobile Phone Technology
C. Robots
D. The Internet

___ 95. The first mobile phone call ever made was in 1973 by a senior engineer named Martin
Cooper. For what company was he working?
A. Nokia
B. Motorola
C. Condura
D. Apple
___ 96. As of 2019, there are approximately how many mobile phone subscribers in the Philippines?
A. 76 million
B. 104 million
C. 169 million
D. 200 million
___ 97. According to Bill Joy, co-founder of Sun Microsystems, who wrote a provocative article
for Wired magazine entitled “Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us,” what are the three 21st
century technologies have the potential to significantly extend the average human lifespan,
but they are so powerful that in them also lurk grave danger?
A. Mobile phone technology, Social Media and Robotics
B. Internet, Genetic Engineering and Mobile Banking
C. Robotics, Genetic Engineering, Nanotechnology
D. Nanotechnology, Internet, Robotics
___ 98. Online services use artificial intelligence to personalize your experience. Services, like
Amazon or Netflix, “learn” from your previous purchases and the purchases of other users in
order to recommend relevant content for you. This is one of the uses of Artificial Intelligence
A. Email Filtering
B. Speech Recognition
C. Fraud Detection
D. Personalization
___ 99. A time characterized by the proliferation of information and the ability to transfer, share, and
instantly access information that previously would have been difficult to find.
A. Knowledge Industry
B. Information Age
C. Post Industrial Society
D. Digital Age
___ 100. Which of the following is TRUE about the internet and the world wide web?
A. The World Wide Web existed after the Internet
B. The World Wide Web is required by the Internet as a transport mechanism
C. The World Wide Web is a physical networking structure while the internet is a
protocol that uses http
D. The World Wide Web allows multiple computers to communicate while the Internet
allows application to find and access resources
___ 101. This states that people rely on a “sixth sense” to estimate the prevailing climate of opinion?
A. Third-percent effect
B. Uses and Gratification
C. Cultivation theory
D. Spiral of silence hypothesis
___ 102. This is a theoretical claim that we use media only to meet personal needs, especially
psychological needs?
A. Third-percent effect
B. Uses and Gratification
C. Cultivation theory
D. Spiral of silence hypothesis
___ 103. Common among scientists in the physical or natural sciences and many in the social
sciences, this belief states that there is an objective reality that can be discovered and
explained through rigorous scientific research.
A. Postpositivism
B. Postmodernism
C. Positivism
D. Third-person effect

___ 104. In the onset of the internet people could not use it well without knowing exact URL's;
however, this feature made it possible to find specific topics on the web.
A. Search Engine
B. Netscape
C. Web Browser
D. Protocols
___ 105. It was the first web page of the World Wide Web and why?
A. It explained the purpose of email so that people would know how to use it.
B. It was just technical information for the developers in California.
C. It explained the purpose of the World Wide Web because most people knew very
little about it.
D. It explained how to make cookies. They thought it would be a fun, family friendly post.
___ 106. It refers to the disappearance of species at a rate of 1,000 faster than usual.
A. Endangerment of Species
B. Migration
C. Mass Extinction
D. Natural Selection
___ 107. It is the vast variety of life forms in the entire Earth. it encompasses all kinds of life forms,
from the single-celled organisms to the largest multi-celled organisms
A. Speciation
B. Evolution
C. Biodiversity
D. Ecosystem
___ 108. The following are the major threats to biodiversity. Which one is the leading cause of
biodiversity loss?
A. Habitat loss and destruction
B. Pollution and contamination
C. Over-exploitation
D. Global Climate Change
___ 109. The species that is critical to the functioning of the ecosystem in which it lives because it
affects the survival and abundance of many other species in its community.
A. keystone species
B. endangered species
C. unknown species
D. known species
___ 110. Which of the following best explains why genetic diversity is important?
A. A population with more genetic diversity is more likely to survive environmental
changes, a disease outbreak, or the disappearance of a food source.
B. A population with less species diversity is more likely to survive an outbreak of
disease since less species means less chance of disease spread.
C. A population with less species diversity is more likely to survive the competition
among species.
D. A population with less genetic diversity is more likely to survive changes food supply
and demand.
___ 111. The earth's variety of deserts, grasslands, forests, mountains, oceans, lakes, rivers and
wetlands refer to.
A. ecosystem diversity
B. functional diversity
C. species diversity
D. genetic diversity
___ 112. What do we call if the species is a non-native plant/animal introduced accidentally or
intentionally by humans?
A. extinct
B. endangered
C. threatened
D. invasive

___ 113. The following are the levels of bioidiversity. Which one is NOT?
A. population
B. specie
C. ecosystem
D. genetic
___ 114. Who first used the term nanotechnology and in what year?
A. Richard Feynman, 1959
B. Norio Taniguchi, 1974
C. Eric Drexler, 1986
D. Sumio Iijima, 1991
___ 115. The top-down approach to nanomanufacturing is best described as:
A. bulk materials are broken down into smaller and smaller particles
B. nanoparticles are built up an atom/molecule at a time
C. seek to arrange smaller components into more complex assemblies
D. smaller materials are assembled to make bigger products
___ 116. It is the modification of the genes inside germ cells such as sperm or ova.
A. adult stem cells
B. germline gene therapy
C. embryonic stem cells
D. somatic gene therapy
___ 117. It is derived from a four- or five-day-old human embryo that is in the blastocyst phase of
A. adult stem cells
B. germline gene therapy
C. embryonic stem cells
D. somatic gene therapy
___ 118. The first gene therapy was performed in 1990 to treat what health condition?
A. acquired immune deficiency syndrome
B. rheumatoid arthritis
C. leukemia
D. severe combined immunodeficiency
___ 119. This process involves the insertion of DNA into body cells.
A. adult stem cells
B. germline gene therapy
C. embryonic stem cells
D. somatic gene therapy
___ 120. Stem cells that has the potential to divide until it creates an entire, complete organism such
as the embryonic cell are called ________________ while the stem cells that can divide into
most, or all, cell types in an organism, but cannot develop into an entire organism on their
A. multipotent , omnipotent
B. omnipotent , pluripotent
C. totipotent, multipotent
D. totipotent, pluripotent



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