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Jheannie Jenly Mia V.

Sabulbero Business Ethics

Grade 12 ABM-Pascal Module 2 Finals

Activity 1

1. Etymologically, philosophy is derived from two Greek words. Philo, which means love, and
Sophia, which means wisdom. It is the science of all things as revealed by their ultimate causes, as
obtained by the application of reason. It aids in our understanding of who we are, why we are here,
and where we are going. Philosophy is a pursuit in which people seek to comprehend fundamental
truths about themselves, the world in which they exist, and their relationships to the world and to
one another.

2. The term ethics is derived from the Greek word ethos, which means "a characteristic way of
acting." Ethics investigates the rational basis for our moral judgments, it examines what's really
morally right or wrong, just or unjust. In a general context, ethics considers human beings and their
interactions with nature and other humans, as well as freedom, responsibility, and justice.

3. Ethics is defined as a set of moral principles that people should adhere to when taking any
activity. In brief, ethics is a set of ethical standards that have been shown to maintain society stable
and wealthy. Philosophy, on the other hand, is a type of academic subject that studies the basics of
nature, reality, and existence. Philosophy, unlike ethics, is not as well defined. People instead
choose to believe in the idea that appears to be the most feasible and rational.

4. Metaphysics – answers the question “What is the nature of reality”

Epistemology – answers the question “What is the nature of knowledge?”
Axiology – answers the question “What is the nature of values?”

5. Business Ethics fall under the branch of Philosophy, Axiology that answers the question “What is
the nature of values?”.

Activity 2

1. I believe it is because he simply desired to live a peaceful life and in accordance with the laws
established by society, as well as to set a good example for everyone in terms of being honest and
remaining optimistic at all times.
2. We must act ethically, set a good example, and motivate others to be honest at all times, even
when others are not. We should also be happy with our jobs or embrace and love what we do so that
it is easy for all of us.
3. The first thing everyone should do in order to teach and train students in being honest and to
behave ethically is to start with ourselves. In order for us to inspire others we should set standards
and discipline ourselves first, be a role model for everyone to witness. We should not just spread
words and values about the things they should and should not do, we must also show and take
actions of our words.

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