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By :

Andika Pratama Yudha

Student Number: 1801073006




1444H/ 2022”


A. Background of Study

A English language is the foundation of communication and is used to

build relationships with others. People use languages to express their message,

emotion, concepts, and perspectives to others. According to Sapir, language is a

primarily human and non-intuitive way of conveying ideas, sentiments, and

desires via a structure of consciously generated symbols. It is critical to learn a

language. Without language, we are unable to communicate with others and share

knowledge, culture, education, and many other aspects of this world.

English is regarded as an international language. That is, it is used to

interact with individuals from all over the globe. The English language is

generally regarded as the active universal language of the world. From

kindergarten to universities, English has been used as a foreign language

throughout Indonesian formal education. An English teacher is in charge of

teaching four language skills to students: hearing, speaking, having read, and

writing. People use English in all aspects of life, including science and

technology, youth development, business, sports, and other fields. English has

been shown to be a very popular language for individuals to understand in this

present era. English is really a vital language used by people all over the world. It

is possible to say that English is a gateway to wisdom. There are numerous books,

English-language articles, and news sources. As a consequence, people study

English to gain knowledge. English contrasts from Indonesian in the structure,

tenses, and pronunciation, among other things. Meanwhile, students should write

because it is an important part of learning English. Text is one of four

fundamental language learning that imply having a conversation an idea, transmit

a text, and clarifying one's thoughts in writing.

Writing is a form of communication, and it is used all the time. Then,

Deporter and Heracki (2002:179) explain that writing is a whole-brain activity

that employs both the right (emotion) and left (logic) sides of the brain (logic) 1.

Although both the right and left sides of the brain are used in writing, the right

brain side takes center stage because it is where new ideas and emotions emerge.

Writing is an important activity for everyone, especially students, because it helps

They recall what they've been taught. Also, students are the next generation, and

their skills and knowledge will benefit society. The capacity to write is essential

in the global world for educational, career, and personal relationships

(Weigle,2002:1).2 It's why students should hone their writing abilities.

Writing, on the other hand, is a difficult skill to master because it requires

knowledge of grammar, vocab, and basic text structure. Some language learners

experience difficulties while writing. Writing is an English skill that entails

making a hint or relevant data on a format using letters. Furthermore, writing is

LDeporter,eB. and Heracky. M. 2002. Quantum Learning. Bandung: Penerbit Kaifa”
“Weigle, S. C. 2002. Assessing Writing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.”


the practice of conveying someone's thoughts, ideas, and feelings in a written

language. It should also be remembered that writing is the task of expressing

ideas to a reader in a written in a way that the can comprehend. The ability to

write sufficiently in English has a number of advantages. Because the process of

writing attempts to find sources about the topic to be written, writing can sharpen

intelligence and increase insight. Writing can also foster initiative and creativity.

Writing, on the other hand, is a difficult language skill to master. Students

encounter numerous difficulties when writing texts in English. Various issues

arise as a result of low linguistic and nonlinguistic aspects. Writing issues caused

by low linguistic contribution include a lack of English vocabulary words, poor

grammar mastery, difficulty developing written ideas, and an inability to apply

written writing concepts. The non-linguistic aspects are related to a mismatch in

the selection of learning media and learning methods, a lack of environmental

support, a lack of motivation to write, a lack of interest in writing, and an interest

in writing an English text.

There are several different types of cognitive problems, including

punctuation, capitalization, spelling, content, and organization issues. The analyst

focused on investigating students' cognitive problems in this study because,

according to evidence gleaned from a survey with an English teacher, the most

common writing problems in students are the use of hyphens, pronunciation, and

other similar issues.3

NofviYanti, Interview an English Teacher… ibid


Researchers conducted a pre-survey to determine students' writing problems

in response to the writing problem mentioned by students. On August 8, 2022, a pre-
survey was conducted in the eighth grade at Ma'arif 5 Metro Middle School.
Following that, the researcher met with the English teacher in the class to inquire
about the students' previous writing assignments. The following table depicts the
survey results:
Table 1
Pre-survey data results
SMP Ma'arif 5 Metro Station
No Student Name Grade Criteria
1. AAH 72 Complete
2. AW 50 Incomplete
3. ATF 80 Complete
4. DR 50 Incomplete
5. DNA 78 Incomplete
6. DA 75 Complete
7. FNH 50 Incomplete
8. FA 73 Complete
9. HA 65 Incomplete
10. IDS 75 Complete
Total Score 645
Highest 80
Lowest 50
Average 64,5
Source : English teacher archieve, taken on August 08th, 2022

The pre-survey results above are categorized based on KKM (minimum

mastery criteria (MMC)) into 2 categories: complete and incomplete. The MMC in

English class eight grades is 72. The assessment is given based on the consideration


of several indicators in writing, namely the use of correct grammar which includes

tenses and sentence patterns as well as vocabulary development.

The following table depicts the results of the writing skill categorization of
Junior High School Ma'arif 5 Metro eighth grade students:

Table 2

Pre-Survey Results Categorization

Metro Station SMP Ma'arif 5

No. Grade Frequency Percentage Criteria

1. < 72 4 Students 4/10 x100%=40% Incomplete

2. >72 6 Students 6/10 x 100%=60% Complete

Total of student (n) = 10

Table 2

Pre-Survey Results Categorization

According to the table above, 40% of students have less writing skills than

MCC, while 60% have more writing skills than MCC. That is, the proportion of

students who are less than MMC is less than the proportion of students who are more

than MMC. As a result, it is possible to conclude that eighth-grade students at junior

high school Ma' arif 5 Metro have inadequate writing skills.

The results of interview sessions in the pre-survey process, namely: performed

at SMP Ma'arif 5 Students who learn how to write text by having some problems


when making sentences in a paragraph, were used in the pre-survey process.

Difficulties with vocabulary, such as in word class and word trying to make,

collocation, screwed up, wrong mates, and grammar mistakes. They are still unsure

how to construct paragraphs using vocabulary. The students were hesitant to choose

the words to form sentences in order to write a good paragraph. Students, particularly

in word class, do not understand how to construct sentences using words. The

researcher attempted to identify the students' difficulties with writing recount text.

As a result, student problem analysis plays an important role in resolving

students' problems in writing recount texts, determining the causes of students'

difficulties in writing recounts, determining what factors influence student

difficulties, and determining how students can learn and grow in writing recount texts

so that they do not repeat the same mistake in writing recount text. They are the

motivation for the researcher's interest in analyzing the issue of writing the text. The

researchers wanted to know the problem in using the vocabulary created by students

in the grade 8 at SMP Ma'arif 5 Metro in this study.

Following the collection of student ratings, the study visited a few

schoolchildren and received a response from the majority of participants that they are

still experiencing issues, based on the writing to be authored and the writing rules,

which resulted in students receiving an unsatisfactory score.


Based on the above descriptions, the researcher wishes to conduct the study

titled " AN ANALYSIS OF Participants' WRITING PROBLEMS Paragraph FOR 8

Class Junior High MA'ARIF 5 METRO." The purpose of this study is to investigate

the major causes of writing problems encountered by students in the English unit of

SMP Ma'Arif 5 Metro.

B. Research Question

1. What are the most common writing issues that students face?

2. What are the most common cognitive issues in eighth-grade SMP Ma'Arif 5

Metro recount text writing?

C. Objective and Benefits of the Research

1. The study's objective

Based on the problem formulation, the goal of the research is to learn about

and describe:

a.Students' cognitive difficulties when composing a text.

b.The most prevalent cognitive issue in composing a text.

1. The study's advantage

This study is expected to have a strong implications for students,

educators, and future researchers.

a. For the students' benefit

This study was expected to make it easier for students in Grade

Eight Junior High School to understand trying to write recount text.


b. For the Instructor

This study informed the instructor about the most common

cognitive issues that students faced.

c. Regarding the other scientists

Who could conduct the relevant research? This study could be useful to other

researchers who want to conduct a similar study.

D. Prior Reasearch

In this study, the author uses a review of a related researcher from another

thesis as a principle or comparative. The first previous study, Heni Yuni Mustika,

Udin Udin, and Ni Wayan Mira Susanti, was titled " An Examination of Participants'

Text Writing Difficulties: An Example of MA Mutiara Alishlahuddiny Kediri's 11th

Grade Class in Academic Year 2016/2017."The qualitative descriptive study method

is used in the research design. Descriptive-quantitative research is a method that

explains characteristics about the population being studied, and It concentrates on

examining the pupils' struggle to create text from the viewpoints of group,vocabulary,

syntax, and semicolon, in order to categorize their competency in each of those areas4

“Heni Yuni Mustika, Udin Udin, and Ni Wayan Mira Susanti “An Analysis of Students’
Dififfulties in Writing Recount Text: A Case Study at The Eleventh Grade Students of MA Putra
Alishlahuddiny Kediri Academic Year 2016/2017.”


The concept of this is similar to that of Heni Yuni Mustika, Udin Udin, and Ni

Wayan Mira Susanti in the topic and research methods, particularly in research on

recount text. In comparison, Heni Yuni Mustika, Udin Udin, and Ni Wayan Mira

Susanti's study This study was carried out on junior high students, whereas the

previous was done on junir high school..

The second previous study was conducted by Bq in a journal titled " Case

Study of Students' Writing Issues at English Department Mataram University."

Swarni, Rani.5 The study's goal is to look into students in Mataram University's

English Department's Faculty of Teacher Education and Education's noon class

during the academic year 2011/2012. Its study focus on the difficulties that

students encounter while writing their theses, as well as the causes of the those

difficulties. The concept of this research and that of Rani Swarni have similarities

in the topic of writing problems. The differences The study sought to identify the

characteristics that contributed to students' difficulty in writing their theses, as

well as the root causes of their issues, as well as the research approach, which is

descriptive quantitative.

Fitri Purnama, Refnaldi, and Rusdi Noor wrote the third study (2013). The

study's title is An Analysis of Students' Ability and Difficulties in Writing

(Recount Texts at SMPN 29 Padang Grade VIII. This research looked into

students' abilities to write recount texts as well as the difficulties they encountered

“Aljournalpentitledo“Student’spProblemoinlWritinglThesis:lCase StudylatlEnglish
DepartmentlMataramlUniversity” by Bq.lRanilSwarni.”


while doing so. The study's findings indicate that the students can try writing

recount text at an intermediate level. The researcher analyzed the test results

based on writing aspects such as content, organization, vocab, grammar, and

mechanics. Furthermore, the researchers administered a questionnaire to the

students. The students' averages have problems on the mastery.6 The concept of

this research is similar to that of Fitri Purnama, Refnaldi, and Rusdi Noor)in that

the research topic is a(problem in writing a text.)In terms of the methods, these

two studies differ from one another. The goal of descriptive study is to determine

and explain ideas, as well as to analyze data interrelationships.

The method chosen and its focus on the cognitive students ’ difficulties

when writing recount texts distinguishes this studies from past studies.

Researchers investigate the cognitive issues that arise in students when creating

recount texts in this study. Students' cognitive problems include issues with

punctuation, capital requirements, spelling, subject matter, and organization when

writing text.

Based on all the descriptions related to prior research above, it is

concluded that several writer have conducted research on the topic of Problem in


(Fitri Purnama, Refnaldi, and Rusdi Noor.” An Analysis of Students’ Ability and Problems in
Writing Recount Texts at Grade VIII of SMPN 29 Padang”.)




A. The Writing Concept

1.Writing Definition

(Writing has been taught as one of the four linguistic skills of listening,

speech, reading, and writing. It may, however, be used for a variety of applications

and comes in a range of patterns. 7 According to the description. As mentioned

previously, Writing is a useful skill that necessitates the use of symbols to represent

utterances such as hyphens and digits. It is critical to remember that writing is a

process instead of a product. A manuscript is an output that must be recognized and

read. Writing is the act of drawing patterns or lettering on a surface, usually with a

pen or pencil.8 It is an activity that entails grammatically correct and meaningful

arrangement of words, twists of phrase, and paragraphs. Writing is generally defined

as the process of attempting to make or trace a character with a pen or pencil on a text

or other relevant materials. Many people have a short amount of time to write. They

devote more time to listening, talking, and reading. Even though writing is a

(Jeremy Harmer,l Howl tol Teachl Writing,l Longman:Personl Education
Limited, 2004, p. 31.)
(VictorialBull,lOxfordl Learner’slPocketlDictionary,lNewl York:Oxford
Universitylpress,l2003,l4th edition, p. 502.)


measured interaction, it is made up of noise from statement to letter, vocabulary,

grammar forms, and punctuation punctuation.

Composing entails creating the connotation of something We aim to

communicate with you through written materials. Writing is an important learning

tool. Writing is a useful talent. The process of transcribing individuals on a medium is

known as writing..9 Writing, according to Langan, is an useful lesson that anyone can

know and understand with practice. When we start writing, we grant our ideas and

emotions full form before putting them into written form.10)

(Furthermore, writing is a vernacular ability in English, and it is one of the

activities on which students should concentrate in their studies. Writing assignments

give students the opportunity to express themselves, reply to other people's ideas,

narrate and share data, and they are to be able to compile well-organized pieces of

paper. Writing is defined as the ability to express thoughts, emotions, opinions, and

other elements through writing.11)

"Writing is a research to concentrate our mind on serious things, and having to

learn about them,)" Lingdblom says.12 This activity allows a person to solve difficult

problems, master facts, and communicate their thoughts in a way that could be made

in any possible way Writing can be defined as the act of attempting to express
(Jeremyl Harmer,l Thel Practicel ofl Englishl Languagel Teaching,l America:1991,p.54)
(Johnl Langan.l Englishl Skill,l Seventhl Edition,l Newl York:Atlanticl Cape Community
College, 2000,lP.2)
Makassar:UniversitaslMuhammadiyah Makassar,l2008, P.4)
(PeterlLingdblom,lWritinglWithlConfidence,lNewlYork.lHarperlCollins Publsher:1983,


something by the use of a translation. When folks write, there's many two main issues

that frequently arise: "what to write and how to write it." As a result, vernacular

abilities are the capacity to influence the guidelines of regular syntax, whereas

student's language or world experience refers to what the writer knows about the

topic to be written about.

(Because of the multiple areas that must be handled, writing is a challenging

language skill to acquire. Literary and extralinguistic skills are always present when

creating a work. Writing is a form of communication, as well as a prerequisite for

knowledge in any profession. This suggests that writing is an attempt to express

oneself or have something to say through the use of a language system.

According to the aforementioned description, the writer feels that writing

requires more than just speaking; the writer must have a clue, be creative, and usually

think both what to say and how to express it.

2. The Writing Indicators

(There are five writing indicators: content, institution, vocabulary,

grammar, and mechanics.13)

a. (Contents))

(The contents of written form should be clear to viewers so that they

can comprehend the message conveyed and learn stuff from it.

b. Organization

J.lBlHeaton,lWritinglEnglishlLanguagelTest,lNewlYork:1998, p.146


(Writing organization is concerned with how he arranges and

organizes the suggestions or even the rub down in the written form.

c. Vocabulary

(The dictionary is very significant, and the effective use of phrases

should always produce high-quality writing, both technical and specific.

Vocabulary is one of the components of writing.

d. Grammartical

(Correct language and grammatical points are required while writing

explanations and other forms of writing.

e. (Mechanic)

In writing,(there are at least two)mechanics: function and capitalization.

The way to clarify significance is through function. In English, capital letters

must be followed by participles.



Based on the above statement, the author concluded that in order to create

effective indications, the writer should first focus on the five indicators described


3. The Qualities of Good Writing

(Effective writing has several features.14 the following:)

a. (Good writing must demonstrate the author's capability to organize the


b. (The competence to write in such a way that it interests readers and

exhibits a complete grasp of the subject is referred to as good writing.

c. Writing ability represents the capacity of the writer to create in order to

critique and edit the manuscript.

d. (Good writing should demonstrate the editor's ability to apply the

method that best represents the occasion's objective and audience.

Good writing requires exercise and hard labor. The fact that some individuals

are created with it rather than having it bestowed upon a select few should

motivate you: it seems to indicate that writing effectively is not a gift.

“Adhelstein,l Michaell E,l andl Prival,l Jeanl G,l Thel WritingL Commitment,l New York:1980,
P. 124”
B. Writing Process Concept

According to Hedge, "text is a prerequisite for structuring the growth

of information or facts," and the author must choose from a variety of vocab,

grammar rules, and syntax to begin generating a realistic impact and

performances for the material and reader.15

(Hedge also helps with the essay by:)

1. (Being motivated to write.)

2. Assembling ideas

3. Outlining and preparation

4. I'm writing down everything.

5. First draft

6. For rewriting, revising, and replanting

7. Editing and publication planning.16

According to Hedge, seven steps require before writing. Another

theory is that it is the work of Harmer. According to Harmer, the following

writing processes exist:

1. Preparing

Experienced authors plan out their writing. They try to decide what before

they begin to write or type, they will say.

2. Drafting

“AnabelalReislAlves,lprocesslwriting,l(London:lUniversityloflBirmingham,l2008), p.3”
“TricialHedge,lWriting(2ndled),l.(NewlYork:lOxfordlUniversitylPress,l2005) p.40”

A draft is the first draft of a writing.

3. (Editing (mirror image and modification)

After finishing a report, the narrator will mainly go over it to see

where it works and where it doesn't. Perhaps the style of something written is

hazy and perplexing.

4. Final Draft

(Writers generate their final version after editing their draft and

making the adjustments they believe are necessary.17)

Based on the above debate, the researcher came to the conclusion that

creating is a strategy that must be led in order to produce better writing. All

the guidelines described by the Hedge are included in the editing process.

“JeremylHarmer,lThelPracticeloflEnglishlLanguagelTeaching …., p.4”

C. Writing Skill Concept

(In this methodology approach, writing ability is also described as the

capacity to promote and alter clues and then utilize sophisticated reformulating and

layout tactics to lead children to artistry in a confined environment.18 It is

hypothesised that somebody can look for and then generate ideologies, which are then

chosen to apply in text by using proper words and adhering to the established rules.

Writing capacity(is the ability to develop and organize discourse in a coherent and

cohesive)manner by following prescribed patterns.19. In other words, in order to

assess someone's writing ability, we must examine each sentence to see if it is

coherent and cohesive.

According to some experts, writing skills are a person's capability to identify

an idea, create it, and then apply it in text, while actually listening to word choice,

valid grammar use, and the There must be a meaningful and coherent link between

sentences and paragraphs. Because superb narrative is characterized not only by its

concept, but also by the writing standards that the writer must evaluate and adhere to.

“Jyi-yeon”Yi,l “DefininglWritinglAbilitylforlClassroomlWritinglAssessmentlinlHigh
D. Problem Theme in Writing

(The researcher focused on the writing challenges that students confront in

this study. Some students,)as per O'Donnell in Nabeela, were even less involved

with their acting skills, while some have developmental delays, and these aspects

impede students' students ’ writing skills. Almost every class contains students

who use a variety of spelling patterns; their assignment is indecipherable, and

their text does not always create meaning. 20( In other words, students cause the

problem with writing. Some students continue to vigilant with their text and do

not understand how to generate and develop ideas.

Writing problems include morphosyntactic issues, grammar and syntax

issues, rhetorical style issues, and cognitive issues. Linguistic issues such as

grammatical issues, reliability issues, grammar and syntax matters, and diction

issues all help students avoid from posting effectively in English.21(

E. ( Concept of Cognitive Problem in Writing)

According to Pascarella and Terenzini, constructivism is simply the ability

to think, which takes into account problem solving and decision making. These

cognitive abilities are variously referred to as "rational reflection, reflexive

decision, growth of epistemology, and so on."22 In other words, cognitive ability

Students’Writing Problem”, BRAC University,lDhaka,lBangladesh, 2015”
“IbrahimlMuhamedlAlfaki, "UniversitylStudentslWritinglProblems:lDiagnosisland
Remedy".lInternationalljournalloflEnglishllanguagelteaching.lVol .3, no. 3, 2015, p. 44”

refers to the capability to perceive in brain works that can result in acts to do or

demand something. It suggests that cognitive problems appear to be problems

caused by the impact of thinking and acting abilities. In this example, the research

looks into intellectual concerns that have emerged in students. It is not astounding

that writing areas significant demands upon that writer's cognitive abilities

because of the amount of the resources and techniques that it writer must


In other words, there will be a perceptual problem in composing if the

author lacks good cognitive abilities. Students' bipolar inclinations likely to entail

concerns such as grammar, capitalization, font, content, and institution while

creating recount texts. The explanation is that when students make mistakes in

punctuation, exclamation points, word usage, and authority, they are punished

severely, as well as the content of tell stories texts they develop that is

inappropriate or does not stay true to the prerequisites; any of these topics is

classified as mental health impairment.

Depending on some scientists, the authors conclude that writing

difficulties are one of the issues that have a significant impact on student

writing results. Commas, capital letters, syntax, content, and organization are

all examples of cognitive problems encountered while writing.

ResearchlUniversitieslinlthelUnited States”,lJournalloflInternationallStudents,lvol.l5 no. 4, 2015,”

(Belgia:Enschede) , p.15”


F. Textual Concept (

Text, in its broadest sense, refers to anything that has been written down.24

Text, in other words, refers to the structure of a written piece, regardless of

whether it's scientific work, anecdotal evidence, or fiction. A text is a dialectal

component that is spoken or written within a context. 25 The expert divides the text

section in to the two sections: communicated words and a written text The

researcher will concentrate on written material in this investigation.

Wignel and Gerot distinguish 13 types of text:

1. Recount

2. Spoof

3. Review

4. 2. Analytical Display

5. 5. Breaking news

6. Personal Anecdote

7. Procedure

8. Narrative

9. Explanation

10. Exposition of Horticulture

11. Justification

12. Discussion
Ilmu,l2008), p.1”


13. Review

From the data presented above, we can figure out that various sorts of

text are taught in classes and must be handled for pupils to grasp. The

researcher will concentrate on one of the above-mentioned types of writing in

this study, namely recount text

G. Text Recounting Concept

A recount, according to Anderson, is a text that describes mythological

events in chronological order.26 It signifies that a text that recounts events that

occurred in the time before the work was written.(Recount texts, according to

Knapp, are only a set of events that)are sequentially ordered.27 In a nutshell, a A

text is a writing assignment that provides a chronological account and narrates an

event that took place at a given period. Recount text has a generic structure, with

three main portions, just like other text genres. As follows:

1. Orientation: the text's commencement and introduction of its subject. It

provides context regarding who, what, where, and when.

2. Event: It is typically presented in a sequence of sentences that recapitulate the

incidents in the chronological order in which they occurred.

3. Reorientation: It serves as the concluding assertion. It is a sentence that

includes a subjective statement from the author.28

“Anderson,lM.,l&lAndersonlK,lTextlTypeslinlEnglishl(Australia:lMacmillanl2003). P.50”
“Knapp,lP.,l& Watkins, M, Genre, text, grammar: Technologies for teaching and
assessing writing. UNSW Press. 2005. P. 32.”
(Anderson, M., & Anderson K, Text Types in English…, ibid)


The writer must correctly categorize the generic structures when composing

a recount text. If the text's general structure is off, the recount text would be

incorrect. Boardman the linguistic characteristics typically present In a recount:

nouns and pronouns are used to identify the people, animals, or things involved.

1. The events are described using past tense action verbs.

2. The(use of the past tense to identify events that happened within the speaker's

or researcher's period.)

3. To order the events, use connectives and time connectives.

4. The use of place- and time-specific adverbs and adverbial phrases.

5. Adjectives used to characterize nouns.29

Every genre of literature has its own linguistic characteristics, including

recount texts. The recount text has linguistic traits that set it apart from other texts.

According to the expert's perspective stated above, a recount text comprises six

linguistic qualities that students who will be writing a recall text must understand

here's a sample of recount text: 

Sometime I eat late. Until week a go, I got very sick because
of bad meal habit. (Orientation)

When I was in my off day, I played video game from afternoon

to evening. AfterBoardman,
(A.Cynthia, spent hours playing
Writing video game,
to communicate (Newmy stomatch
York: Pearson Education, 2008))

felt pain and my heart was pounding.

I tried to eat but the pain still there. After went to doctor, I realize.



A. Types and Nature of Research

1. Type of Research

(The methods of qualitative research were used in this study.

According to Creswell,)qualitative research is an instructive study in

which you personally assess the proper description in light of the

circumstances or overarching themes that capture the primary knowledge

categories.30 This explains that qualitative data is essentially an

interpretive study that looks at the researcher's personal opinion of the

phenomenon. The quality of interactions, pursuits, occasions, or resources

is investigated in qualitative research. Another purpose of qualitative

research is to gain a thorough grasp of a specific topic, such as the

environment, processes, or even beliefs.31

Creswell claims that a qualitative research study is required to

investigate this issue from the perspective of distant education students.

From an educational approach, one may claim that qualitative research

reveals phenomena.

“John W. Creswell, Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating”
Quantitative and Qualitative Research, 4th ed (United States: Pearson Education, Inc., 2012), 238.”
“Robert C. Bogdandan Biklen Kopp Sari, Qualitative Research for Education
(Inc:Boston”London, 1982)”


According to Creswell, qualitative methodologies enable creativity

and a greater ability to operate inside a framework created by

researchers.32According to Creswell, qualitative research has the following


1. Looking into a problem and fully comprehending a primary


2. A modest role is played by a review of the literature that

confirms the issue.

3. Broadly and broadly defining the goal and the rationale of the

study in perspective of the participant's experiences

4. Gathering information from a small group of people primarily

on their verbal statements in order to understand the opinions of

the participants

5. Are using text analysis to investigate the data for characteristics

and patterns and to comprehend the larger context of the findings.

6. Researchers can produce papers using a flexible structure and

standards, decreases their subjective bias and increases reflexivity.

Ibid, 23.
Ibid, 173


According to the preceding description, the researcher investigation

used descriptive qualitative analysis to explain and interpret the data or the


Following the description provided above, the researcher did an

inquiry using qualitative descriptive analysis to clarify and understand the

data or results by gathering information from SMP Ma 'Arif 5 Metro

students in class eight.

2. Nature of Research

According to the degree of difficulty, this research employs

descriptive qualitative research. Research that aims to explore specific

situations, settings, or other issues and whose findings are disseminated in

the style of a study is referred to as descriptive research. The goal of

descriptive research is to learn more about the phenomenon's current

state.34 The type of study is descriptive qualitative, essentially a

description of setting and occurrences, in keeping with the topic and topic

focus. A methodical, factual, and accurate account of the data and features

of a specific population or circumstance is the goal of descriptive research.

Numeric research generates quantitative data from subjects or observed

“Jon. W. Craswell, Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing among Five
Approaches.2nd edn (California:Sage, 2007), p. 145”


activities in the form of spoken or written words, whereas qualitative

research generates descriptive data from subjects or observed behaviors.

According to the description given above, it may be

determined that qualitative research, which examines a subject's behavior,

social relationships, activities, and other characteristics holistically and

through verbal description in a particular context, can also be viewed as a

research method natural setting. The objective of this qualitative research

is to produce a systematic, factual, and correct description, description, or

picture of the facts, quality, and links between the phenomena examined,

concerning students' mistakes in order to write texts through independent

effort and the causes of them. The impact of pupils' errors in class VIII

SMPN Ma' Arif 5 Metro recount text.

B. Data Source

Data are all pieces of information regarding anything connected to the

study's goals. Facts, numbers, and phrases that are recorded and used as raw

material for data compilation are referred to as data. Data is a piece of

analysis-capable information that is pertinent to the right issue. 35 Based on this

knowledge, research subjects, or a variety of people researched in a study,

“Ahmad Tanzeh, Metodologi Penelitian Praktis (Yogyakarta:Teras, 2014, p. 25”


collect information and then draw conclusions. In this study, primary and

secondary data were employed as a variety of data sources.

1. Primary Data Source

The original content on which the study will be based is the primary

source. On the subject at hand, this is unvarnished witness and proof. This

primary source contains data in its unaltered state; the writer has not

summarized or assessed it. The primary materials for this study included

student preposition records, which were utilized to analyze students'

preposition writing deficits. Additionally, this study's primary source is

the findings from student interviews conducted to identify the issue with

writing ability. The findings of conversations with English teachers

regarding prepositional solutions also served as the basis for this study.

2. Secondary Data Source

Data from sources other than the research subject itself are referred

to as secondary data sources. Secondary data, most often in the form of

publicly available records or report information. Additionally, secondary

data comes from sources like reports, books from the library, and

documents produced as a result of research.36 The term "secondary data

sources" refers to sources of information that are connected and provide

Ibid., 29


additional information. Publications such as books written by others on the

subject, research papers, and reports are examples of these sources.

Secondary data sources are supposed to be used by the author to help

reveal the information needed for the study, completing the image offered

by primary data sources. The researcher uses images, data, and other

sources as secondary data, and they are unquestionably highly beneficial

for data collection.

C. Data Collection Techniques

This study is a field triangulation that was carried out at SMP Ma' Arif

5 Metro to examine the mistakes made by students when writing recount

texts in their individual tasks and the factors that affect students' writing of

recount texts. In this study, the authors employ the following data

collection strategies to verify or finish the evidence of the issue:

1. Interview

A conversation between two people in which they exchange

information or thoughts in order to be distilled into results or meanings

regarding a certain issue is called an interview. In-person interviews often

entail the transmission of data to the interviewer through interactions

between both the participant and the researcher.37 Interviews are intended

to capture the thoughts, feelings, and other information about specific

John W. Creswell, Qualitative inquiry and research design (Vicki Knight, 2007), p. 145


members of the organization. Researchers can gather more information

through interviews, which allows them to better understand the

respondents' language and facial expressions and to explain any

unknowns. Guided free interviews are used by researchers to steer

conversations away from the topic at hand. The interview questions were

developed in advance with the subject to be covered in mind. In this

instance, the researcher inquired about students' difficulties in creating

recount texts for individual assignments and the variables that affected

those difficulties.

2. Observation

By seeing individuals and surroundings at a research site,

observers obtain unstructured, first-hand information. 38 The researcher

collected information regarding student and teacher activities during the

learning process through observation. The researcher took note of their

classroom participation in the learning process. Any scientific inquiry

needs observation as a key component. In the realm of science,

observation encompasses more than merely keeping an eye on the

environment to spark research ideas. This tactic is anticipated to gather

data about the educational process, current facilities, and other topics. The

John W. Creswell, Education Research Planning Conducting and Evaluating
Quantitative and Qualitative Research (England: Pearson Education, 2002), 53.


sole participant in this study who watched the eighth-grade pupils at SMP

Ma'arif 5 Metro was the author.

3. Documentation

Documentation is one of the various processes that accompany an

audit; its main goal is to put all actions and information concerning the

audit in written form. As documentation tools, books, magazines, notes,

internet information, scientific journals, and other source materials will all

be used. The author uses the data technique to gather information about:

SMP Ma'arif 5 Metro's history:

1. Working conditions in the SMP Ma'arif 5 Metro for educators

and government employees.

2. The total number of students registered in SMP Ma'arif 5 Metro.

3. The organizational structure of the Ma'arif 5 Metro SMP.

4. Metro regulation SMP Ma'arif 5

D. Data Validity Assurance Techniques

In qualitative research, triangulation refers to the technique of using

multiple techniques or information sources to gain a comprehensive

understanding of a phenomenon.39 A triangulation tactic was used in this

investigation. As a credibility test, the triangulation methodology compares

Todd. D. Little, The Oxford Handbook of Quantitative Methods (Oxford University Press,
Inc. 2013), p. 354


data from various sources, techniques, and times. maintain the credibility of

academic research findings Triangulation is a method for verifying the

validity of information by examining events from multiple perspectives or

verifying results using multiple sources. In research, technologies

triangulation and reference triangulation were used to assess the veracity of

data during verification. The triangulation methods is used to determine the

reliability of data by comparing it using multiple approaches from the same

source. Data gathered, for example, through interviews and then proved

through documentation or observation. If the three different data believability

verification procedures produce distinct results, the authors consult with

relevant data sources to determine which information is deemed accurate, or

whether all of them correct due to differing points of view. Even as source

triangulation is applied to assess data reliability by comparing data from

multiple sources. As a matter of fact, the data collected is pass with extra data

sources to ensure accuracy.

1. Data Analysis Techniques

Data analysis is critical to assisting scientists in this project. Data

analysis is the technique of reducing data to a more understandable and

presentable form. Data analysis is the process of carefully searching for and

collecting information through interviews, findings, and documentation, then

organizing, synthesizing, and organizing the data into a pattern, deciding what


is significant and what is going to did study, and achieving basic conclusions.

Data is collected continuously from various sources in qualitative research

using various triangulation of data collection procedures. To analyze the data,

the researcher used the Creswell model. Text and image data were sensed as

part of the data analysis method. Creswell clarified the data analysis technique

in the following step:40

1. 1. Gather and organize the data

The data for this study was organized and prepared by the researcher.

This includes optically scanning content, typing up field notes, and organizing

and grouping data into various forms based on information sources.

2. Read Through all the Data

The researcher took the first step in obtaining the general essential

nature of the data and reflecting on its significance by reading all of the

details. What are the participants' general thoughts? What do those concepts

sound like? What is the general consensus on the data's overall depth,

legitimacy, and utility?

3. Coding the Data

The researcher began detailed analysis with a coding process. The

researcher should group the data before coding it to make the coding process
Creswell, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods
Approaches, 185.


easier. The coding method generates a definition for the explanation of the

surroundings or people, as well as classifications or themes.

4. Related Themes and Description

It was used to create a description. The researcher described the

students' self-esteem in their writing performance, which was to be analyzed.

5. Expand on the Themes and Description

During the discussion, the researcher provided examples of

distractions. Because it explains how the explanation and theme would be

depicted in a sample selected at this stage.

6. Interpretation

A final step of the data is to interpret the data or determine its

significance. The researcher will analyse the study's findings after having

completed all of the steps.

The following figure depicts the components of Creswell's analysis


Creswell, 185




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