Science Lesson Plan - MST - Tiger Part

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Lesson Plan Presentation

LESSON PLAN Subject: Science

Pre-Service Teacher: Theme: Tell me a story

Mahra Alshamsi Topic: Part of The Tiger
Class: grade 1-c Date & Duration: 11-10-2022

Pre-Service Teacher Personal Goals

I am working on:

Lesson Focus
Animal parts

Lesson Outcomes:

Student will be able to:

label tiger parts

Recognize each part work

Know how tiger survive in wild

Links to Prior Learning

- The last lesson student learns about plant parts

21st Century Skills

- Critical thinker (solving problem)
- Communicator (understanding and communicating ideas)
- Collaborator (working with others)
- Creator (producing high quality work)

Key vocabulary
Tail, nails, teeth, stripes, camouflage

Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

- Student might have a difficulty - We will provide model clear picture for the
cut the part words and label tiger with part label.
Resources/equipment needed

- PowerPoint
- Pencil
- Eraser
- Color
- Worksheet
- glow
- Whiteboard
- Marker
- Smartboard
- Computer
- Stickers
- Video


Resources & Introduction
Time Content help students to understand rather than memorize
Play a video about tiger parts
-Should be based on student’s interest.
-It is the information. It is referred to the input.
-Application: Assess to the content martials, videos, PowerPoint, model ,
whiteboard, marker .

Students will: Teacher will:

20 minutes
1- Teacher will start the
- Students will listen lesson by say good
worksheets, morning, and ask how are
with the teacher you?
PowerPoint, and respond to
model, 2- Teacher will remind her
whiteboard, her. student the classroom
marker rules.

3- Teacher is going to play

the video of tiger parts

4- Teacher will tell the

student about the

5- Teacher will ask student

about the video.

6- Teacher will read with her

student the vocabulary.

7- Teacher start explain the

activity for the student.

8- The teacher will distribute

the student to the activity.

Resources & Main activities

Time process: means meaning (sense making) based on their interesting and
higher-level higher thinking.
35 minute
-Application: offer students to work in individuals and discuss with group.

Students will: Teacher will:

- Teacher will give the student the

- Student will material such as sassier, glue,
choose words and worksheet, each student in group
cut them then glue will cut tiger words parts and put
it according to them in correct place.
- Teacher will give student
- Student will work worksheets to cut tiger part and
in the worksheet label them
cut and label.
- Teacher will give each student
- Student will write worksheet to write a tiger part
a word in each
Differentiation activities (Support)

- High level: student will write a word for each part

- Medium level: student will cut words and label them.
- Low level: student will cut tiger part and make the body

Differentiation activities (Stretch)

- High level: student will draw and


- Medium level: student will write a


- Low level: student will match parts

word with part picture.

Resources &
Time Plenary/Conclusion

Students will Teacher will

 be able to answer the
question and write them in  Teacher will ask student to write
their whiteboard. the vocabulary on their


Assessment Teacher will choose

Strategies: checklist to observe
student learning and using
oral questioning.
☐ Observation ☐ Student ☐ Oral questioning ☐ Peer assessment

☐ Quiz ☐ Student ☐ Written work and ☐ Verbal feedback

presentation feedback


After each lesson, we need to write a reflection to reach my strengths and weaknesses. In this
reflection, I will define the lesson and the standards that were achieved during the lesson. I will
describe how the goals were achieved, as well as what the students did. I will analyze the lesson
and what needs to be improved next time. Finally, I will evaluate my lesson.

Today's lesson was about tiger parts the students will be able to label each part to the correct
area, than all my goals for this lesson have been achieved through various activities and different
depending on the level of the students as mentioned in activity theory is the explanation
proposed by cultural historical psychology for brain development. Its roots lie in Vygotsky (1978),
who considers that mental functions develop from the performance of external actions. The
students were very cheerful and engaged with the different activities because they were different
from the daily routine.

At the beginning of the lesson I played a video about tiger, the students watch and listen, after
that they reviewed the plant parts, then the lesson started on how to label the parts, then I asked
my students to write the tiger part on their whiteboards so that I could see which students
achieved the goal The first and those who need help, then the students began to write the
numbers, then they completed the activities according to the students’ levels, and finally they
evaluated the lesson and the work of their colleagues.

I encountered some difficulties in this lesson, some of the students were very active as well as
annoying because they accomplished the work and had fun with the change every time, but next
time I will develop the activities and I will search for movement activities for the students who
need this activity

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