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Eastern Kentucky University – Energy Education Curriculum Project, Spring 2011

Energy Awareness Survey

1. Many energy scientists and economists believe the world is facing an energy crisis due to a
variety of factors including resource depletion, health issues, environmental impacts, and
international obligations to reduce CO2 emissions. Which of the following statements most
reflects your perspective? (Circle one):
a) Urgent: I participate in and support actions to reduce energy consumption.
b) Important: I support actions to reduce energy consumption.
c) Neutral: I’m not sure it’s important, I would like to know more.
d) Skeptical: This issue is exaggerated; I don’t support actions to reduce energy use.
e) Indifferent: It’s not something I worry about.

2. What is your general attitude toward energy conservation? (Circle one):

a) Very positive – I actively save energy and believe I can make a difference
b) Aware and positive – I think it is important and try to save energy when possible
c) Partly aware – I take some action and occasionally pass on information to others
d) Neutral – I may occasionally try to save energy when I think about it
e) Indifferent – It’s not something I worry about

3. How aware are you of the environmental impact of energy use? (Circle one):
a) Very – I actively follow issues and seek out opportunities to learn more
b) Mostly – I regularly follow news media and sometimes investigate in more detail
c) Aware – I follow current issues and know what the concerns are
d) Somewhat – I am aware of the debate, but am not yet convinced
e) Unaware – I am not aware of the environmental impacts

4. What is your level of awareness of energy costs? (Circle one):

Unaware Somewhat Aware Mostly Very

5. What is your level of awareness of energy waste? (Circle one):

Unaware Somewhat Aware Mostly Very

6. A pound of coal burned to generate a kilowatt of electricity creates how many pounds of
CO2, on average? _____

7. Do you know the current cost of gas? (Circle one):

a) Yes: ______$/gallon b) Maybe: ______$/gallon c) No
8. Do you know the current cost of electricity? (Circle one):
a) Yes: _____¢/kw b) Maybe: _____¢/kw c) No

9. What is a good temperature for a refrigerator, in your opinion: ________ºF

10. What is a good temperature for a freezer, in your opinion: ________ºF

11. What is a good temperature for a water heater, in your opinion: ________ºF

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Eastern Kentucky University – Energy Education Curriculum Project, Spring 2011

12. Which type of light bulb has the lowest lifespan cost for equivalent lumens (light output)?
Halogen Incandescent Compact Florescent LED

13. Which of the following electric devices are in your house:

 Desktop PC  Iron
 Laptop or Notebook PC  Hairdryer
 DVD Player or VCR  Hair Straightener
 Portable vacuum cleaner  Portable heater
 TV  Microwave
 Stereo  Electric oven
 Cell Phone  Food processor
 Cordless Phone  Mixer/blender
 Washing machine  Refrigerator (with freezer)
 Tumble dryer  Freezer (separate from fridge)
 Dishwasher  Air conditioner
 Water Heater  Toaster

14. From the list above, list which 4 electronic devices, in your opinion, are responsible for the
most energy consumption in your home:
a) _______________________ c) _______________________
b) _______________________ d) _______________________

15. How often do you leave lights on in rooms when there’s nobody in the room? Circle one:
Never Occasionally Sometimes Most of the time Always

16. How often do you leave the battery charger of an electronic device plugged in once the
battery is charged? Circle one:
Never Occasionally Sometimes Most of the time Always

17. How often do you leave your computer on when it’s not being used? Circle one:
Never Occasionally Sometimes Most of the time Always

18. How often do you keep your electronic devices on standby (i.e. DVD player, computer
monitor, computer speakers)? Circle one:
Never Occasionally Sometimes Most of the time Always

19. How often do you actively ask people to conserve energy? Circle one:
Never Occasionally Sometimes Most of the time Always

20. How motivated are you to save energy? Circle one:

Not at all Slightly Somewhat Very Extremely

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